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<p>Zero dependency layout manager supporting tabs, grids and splitviews with ReactJS support written in TypeScript</p>
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Please see the website: https://dockview.dev
Want to inspect the latest deployment? Go to https://unpkg.com/browse/dockview@latest/
## Features
- Simple splitviews, nested splitviews (i.e. gridviews) supporting full layout managment with
dockable and tabular views
- Extensive API support at the component level and view level
- Themable and customizable
- Serialization / deserialization support
- Tabular docking and Drag and Drop support
- Documentation and examples
This project was inspired by many popular IDE editors. Some parts of the core resizable panelling are inspired by code found in the VSCode codebase, [splitview](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/tree/main/src/vs/base/browser/ui/splitview) and [gridview](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/tree/main/src/vs/base/browser/ui/grid).
## Quick start
Dockview has a peer dependency on `react >= 16.8.0` and `react-dom >= 16.8.0`. You can install dockview from [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dockview). Please see the [Getting Started Guide](https://mathuo.github.io/dockview/docs/).
npm install --save dockview
Within your project you must import or reference the stylesheet at `dockview/dist/styles/dockview.css` and attach a theme.
@import '~dockview/dist/styles/dockview.css';
You should also attach a dockview theme to an element containing your components. For example:
<body classname="dockview-theme-dark"></body>