Make olives squishable in the press
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
extends KinematicBody2D
export var speed = 200 # How fast the player will move (pixels/sec).
var screen_size # Size of the game window.
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ func _physics_process(_delta):
$InteractionArea.rotation = direction.angle()
func _process(_delta):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("interact"):
@ -53,3 +52,34 @@ func _process(_delta):
if body.is_in_group("interactable"):
var press_area_press = null
func on_press_area_entered(press: Node2D):
press_area_press = press
if press.crushing_needed():
func on_press_area_exited(press: Node2D):
press_area_press = null
var is_crush_jumping = false
func _crush_jump():
if is_crush_jumping:
is_crush_jumping = true
$Tween.interpolate_property($AnimatedSprite, "position:y", 0, -72, 0.3, Tween.TRANS_QUAD, Tween.EASE_OUT)
$Tween.interpolate_property($AnimatedSprite, "position:y", -72, 0, 0.3, Tween.TRANS_QUAD, Tween.EASE_IN, 0.3)
func _on_Tween_tween_all_completed():
if is_crush_jumping:
is_crush_jumping = false
if press_area_press != null:
if press_area_press.crushing_needed():
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ animations = [ {
radius = 23.0217
[node name="Player" type="KinematicBody2D"]
position = Vector2( 0, -14 )
collision_layer = 9
script = ExtResource( 2 )
__meta__ = {
"_edit_horizontal_guides_": [ -111.0 ]
@ -41,3 +43,7 @@ collision_mask = 2
polygon = PoolVector2Array( 0, -21, 20, -8, 20, 12, 0, 24, 0, 35, 52, 21, 52, -20, 0, -32 )
[node name="PlayerAttachmentManager" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )]
[node name="Tween" type="Tween" parent="."]
[connection signal="tween_all_completed" from="Tween" to="." method="_on_Tween_tween_all_completed"]
@ -20,17 +20,20 @@ tile_set = ExtResource( 1 )
format = 1
tile_data = PoolIntArray( 262145, 5, 0, 262146, 1, 0, 262147, 1, 0, 262148, 1, 0, 262149, 1, 0, 262150, 2, 0, 262151, 3, 0, 262152, 1, 0, 262153, 1, 0, 262154, 1, 0, 262155, 1, 0, 262156, 1, 0, 262157, 1, 0, 262158, 6, 0, 327681, 4, 0, 327694, 7, 0, 393217, 4, 0, 393226, 4, 0, 393227, 1, 0, 393228, 9, 0, 393229, 1, 0, 393230, 7, 0, 458753, 4, 0, 458762, 4, 0, 458766, 7, 0, 524289, 3, 0, 524290, 1, 0, 524291, 2, 0, 524292, 3, 0, 524293, 1, 0, 524294, 1, 0, 524295, 1, 0, 524296, 1, 0, 524297, 1, 0, 524298, 1, 0, 524299, 1, 0, 524300, 1, 0, 524301, 1, 0, 524302, 2, 0 )
[node name="Press" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 5 )]
position = Vector2( 120, 257 )
[node name="YSort" type="YSort" parent="."]
z_index = 5
[node name="Player" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 2 )]
[node name="Press" parent="YSort" instance=ExtResource( 5 )]
position = Vector2( 247, 391 )
[node name="Player" parent="YSort" instance=ExtResource( 2 )]
position = Vector2( 486, 154 )
[node name="Node2D" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )]
[node name="Node2D" parent="YSort" instance=ExtResource( 3 )]
position = Vector2( 701, 189 )
[node name="Node2D2" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )]
[node name="Node2D2" parent="YSort" instance=ExtResource( 3 )]
position = Vector2( 135, 190 )
[node name="Node2D3" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 4 )]
[node name="Node2D3" parent="YSort" instance=ExtResource( 4 )]
position = Vector2( 542, 475 )
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ interact={
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
extends StaticBody2D
var olives_in_crusher = 0
var crushed_olives_in_reserve = 0
var oil_level_in_bottle = 0
const FRESH_OLIVE_SPRITE = preload("res://items/olive.png")
var fresh_olive_sprites = []
var crushed_olive_sprites = []
const OLIVE_OIL_W = 32
# 4 - 37
const OLIVE_OIL_HEIGHTS = [0, 14, 25, 48]
var bottles = []
func _ready():
bottles = [$BottleOliveoil, $BottleOliveoil2, $BottleOliveoil3, $BottleOliveoil4, $BottleOliveoil5, $BottleOliveoil6]
for bottle in bottles:
bottle.visible = false
# The current animation finished, do something if there's something to be done
func _next_step():
if $Tween.is_active():
if self._add_label_and_lid():
if self._new_bottle():
if not $FillingBottle.visible:
if self._spray_bottle():
func _reset_bottle():
$FillingBottle.visible = true
$FillingBottle/BottleOliveoilLid.visible = false
$FillingBottle/BottleOliveoilLabel.visible = false
func _add_label_and_lid():
if $FillingBottle/BottleOliveoilLid.visible or oil_level_in_bottle < 3:
return false
$FillingBottle/BottleOliveoilLid.visible = true
$FillingBottle/BottleOliveoilLid.modulate.a = 0
$FillingBottle/BottleOliveoilLabel.visible = true
$FillingBottle/BottleOliveoilLabel.modulate.a = 0
$Tween.interpolate_property($FillingBottle/BottleOliveoilLid, "modulate:a", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, Tween.TRANS_QUAD, Tween.EASE_IN_OUT)
$Tween.interpolate_property($FillingBottle/BottleOliveoilLabel, "modulate:a", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, Tween.TRANS_QUAD, Tween.EASE_IN_OUT, 0.5)
return true
func _new_bottle():
if oil_level_in_bottle < 3:
return false
var any_free_bottles = false
for bottle in bottles:
if not bottle.visible:
any_free_bottles = true
if not any_free_bottles:
return true
oil_level_in_bottle = 0
var positions_in_chain = [
var time_to_slide = rand_range(1.5, 2.5)
for pos in positions_in_chain:
print("PIC ", pos.x)
var carrying_on = true
for i in range(6):
var next_src_pos = positions_in_chain[i]
var bottle_to_affect = bottles[i]
if not bottle_to_affect.visible:
if not carrying_on:
carrying_on = false
bottle_to_affect.set_deferred("visible", true)
var old_x = bottle_to_affect.position.x
bottle_to_affect.position.x = next_src_pos.x
$Tween.interpolate_property(bottle_to_affect, "position:y", next_src_pos.y, bottle_to_affect.position.y, 0.6, Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_IN)
$Tween.interpolate_property(bottle_to_affect, "position:x", next_src_pos.x, old_x, time_to_slide, Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_IN, 0.6)
bottle_to_affect.position.y = next_src_pos.y
$FillingBottle.visible = false
return true
func _set_oil_height(new_h: float):
new_h = round(new_h)
$FillingBottle/BottleOliveoilOil.region_rect = Rect2(0, 48 - new_h, 32, new_h)
$FillingBottle/BottleOliveoilOil.offset.y = - new_h
func _spray_bottle():
if crushed_olives_in_reserve < 1 or oil_level_in_bottle >= 3:
return false
crushed_olives_in_reserve -= 1
var old_oil_h = OLIVE_OIL_HEIGHTS[oil_level_in_bottle]
oil_level_in_bottle += 1
var new_oil_h = OLIVE_OIL_HEIGHTS[oil_level_in_bottle]
$Tween.interpolate_method(self, "_set_oil_height", old_oil_h, new_oil_h, 1.0, Tween.TRANS_QUAD, Tween.EASE_IN_OUT)
return true
func _on_Tween_tween_all_completed():
func _on_CollectionArea_body_entered(body: PhysicsBody2D):
if body.has_method("on_press_area_entered"):
func crushing_needed():
return olives_in_crusher > 0
func crush():
if olives_in_crusher < 1:
olives_in_crusher -= 1
crushed_olives_in_reserve += 1
var olive_sprite = fresh_olive_sprites.pop_back()
# give it a 'squished' effect
olive_sprite.scale = Vector2(rand_range(1.5, 2.5), rand_range(0.15, 0.45))
# make it a bit more yellowy
olive_sprite.modulate = Color(0.5, 1.0, 1.0)
func add_fresh_olives(num: int):
olives_in_crusher += num
var dist = rand_range(10, 52)
var offs = rand_range(0, 2 * PI)
for i in range(num):
var angle = PI * i * (2.0 / num) + offs
var new_olive_sprite =
new_olive_sprite.texture = FRESH_OLIVE_SPRITE
new_olive_sprite.position = Vector2(0, -52) + Vector2(dist, 0).rotated(angle)
func _on_CollectionArea_body_exited(body):
if body.has_method("on_press_area_exited"):
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=10 format=2]
[gd_scene load_steps=11 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://items/bottle_oliveoil.png" type="Texture" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://items/bottle_oliveoil_bottle.png" type="Texture" id=2]
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
[ext_resource path="res://scenery/facilities/press_back.png" type="Texture" id=5]
[ext_resource path="res://items/bottle_oliveoil_oil.png" type="Texture" id=6]
[ext_resource path="res://items/bottle_oliveoil_lid.png" type="Texture" id=7]
[ext_resource path="res://scenery/facilities/" type="Script" id=8]
[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=1]
extents = Vector2( 29.5128, 2.79108 )
@ -15,21 +16,26 @@ extents = Vector2( 29.5128, 2.79108 )
extents = Vector2( 104, 10 )
[node name="Press" type="StaticBody2D"]
position = Vector2( 0, -64 )
script = ExtResource( 8 )
[node name="PressB" type="Sprite" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 0, -7 )
z_index = -1
texture = ExtResource( 5 )
centered = false
[node name="PressF" type="Sprite" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 0, -7 )
texture = ExtResource( 3 )
centered = false
[node name="FillingBottle" type="Node2D" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 32, 136 )
position = Vector2( -96.6, 1.7 )
[node name="BottleOliveoilOil" type="Sprite" parent="FillingBottle"]
position = Vector2( -16, 25 )
texture = ExtResource( 6 )
centered = false
offset = Vector2( 0, -48 )
region_enabled = true
region_rect = Rect2( 0, 0, 32, 48 )
@ -43,40 +49,55 @@ texture = ExtResource( 7 )
texture = ExtResource( 4 )
[node name="BottleOliveoil" type="Sprite" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 63, 166 )
position = Vector2( -65.6, 31.7 )
texture = ExtResource( 1 )
[node name="BottleOliveoil2" type="Sprite" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 92, 166 )
position = Vector2( -36.6, 31.7 )
texture = ExtResource( 1 )
[node name="BottleOliveoil3" type="Sprite" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 120, 166 )
position = Vector2( -8.60001, 31.7 )
texture = ExtResource( 1 )
[node name="BottleOliveoil4" type="Sprite" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 147, 166 )
position = Vector2( 18.4, 31.7 )
texture = ExtResource( 1 )
[node name="BottleOliveoil5" type="Sprite" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 174, 166 )
position = Vector2( 45.4, 31.7 )
texture = ExtResource( 1 )
[node name="BottleOliveoil6" type="Sprite" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 201, 166 )
position = Vector2( 72.4, 31.7 )
texture = ExtResource( 1 )
[node name="CollisionPolygon2D" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="."]
position = Vector2( -128.6, -134.3 )
polygon = PoolVector2Array( 208, 27, 160, 7, 106, 7, 60, 24, 60, 48, 84, 32, 120, 26, 158, 26, 190, 39, 208, 56 )
[node name="CollisionPolygon2D2" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="."]
position = Vector2( -128.6, -134.3 )
polygon = PoolVector2Array( 60, 47, 60, 136, 90, 151, 122, 155, 157, 155, 185, 146, 208, 129, 208, 125, 184, 143, 158, 151, 123, 151, 92, 147, 62, 134 )
[node name="CollisionShape2D2" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 230, 134 )
position = Vector2( 101.4, -0.300003 )
rotation = 0.628319
shape = SubResource( 1 )
[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 118, 173 )
position = Vector2( -10.6, 38.7 )
shape = SubResource( 2 )
[node name="Tween" type="Tween" parent="."]
[node name="CollectionArea" type="Area2D" parent="."]
collision_layer = 0
collision_mask = 8
[node name="CollisionPolygon2D" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="CollectionArea"]
polygon = PoolVector2Array( 68, -78, 67, -24, 5, -3, -63, -22, -62, -84, 5, -103 )
[connection signal="tween_all_completed" from="Tween" to="." method="_on_Tween_tween_all_completed"]
[connection signal="body_entered" from="CollectionArea" to="." method="_on_CollectionArea_body_entered"]
[connection signal="body_exited" from="CollectionArea" to="." method="_on_CollectionArea_body_exited"]
@ -30,3 +30,12 @@ func _collect_olive(olive: Area2D, olive_slot: Node2D):
func slot_entry_complete(slot: Node2D):
slot.visible = true
func on_press_area_entered(press: PhysicsBody2D):
var num_olives = 0
for olive in used_slots:
olive.visible = false
num_olives += 1
used_slots = []
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ height = 61.25
[node name="Wheelbarrow" type="KinematicBody2D" groups=["attachable"]]
position = Vector2( 0, -11 )
collision_layer = 3
collision_layer = 11
script = ExtResource( 3 )
[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user