Peng Sun 4da1ccb9ff Patch to enable r2.0 ROCm non-xla support
The goal for this PR is to patch Tensorflow r2.0 release, so it would fully enable ROCm
non-xla path support.

Most of the PRs been cherry-picked in this patch have already been upstreamed in the
upstream master branch.

The following were all the related commits been cherry-picked:

Commits on Aug 20, 2019
deven-amd and sunway513
adding/updating ROCm support in the ci_build scripts
deven-amd and sunway513
updating Dockerfile.rocm to pick a specific version of the rocm libra… …
deven-amd and sunway513
adding a script for testing the ROCm Community Supported Build

Commits on Aug 22, 2019
deven-amd and sunway513
Resolve merge conflicts for PR #31393
deven-amd and sunway513
The following PR/commit breaks the --config=rocm build …
deven-amd and sunway513
updating testcases to work correctly with ROCm
jeffdaily and sunway513
improve concurrency between compute and nccl streams …
whchung and sunway513
[ROCm] enable roll op on ROCm.
whchung and sunway513
[ROCm] enable InTopK op on ROCm.
deven-amd and sunway513
updating with information on ROCm Community Supported Builds

Commits on Aug 25, 2019
houtoms and sunway513
fixed potential rocm breaks from use_padded_io
deven-amd and sunway513
adding no_rocm tag on unit-tests that check features that are current… …
deven-amd and sunway513
Adding ROCm support for reduction ops
Fix ROCm path build error in rocm_dnn.h

Commits on Aug 27, 2019
fixing test failures by skipping parts that functionality not yet sup… …
Merge pull request #616 from ROCmSoftwarePlatform/r2.0-rocm-upstream-… …
Add no_rocm tag to //tensorflow/python:stateful_random_ops_test_gpu

Commits on Sep 04, 2019
Merge branch 'r2.0-rocm-upstream' of… …

Commits on Sep 06, 2019
deven-amd and sunway513
adding ROCm support in the build_pip_package script
2019-09-16 14:34:04 -05:00

12 KiB


TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. The graph nodes represent mathematical operations, while the graph edges represent the multidimensional data arrays (tensors) that flow between them. This flexible architecture enables you to deploy computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in a desktop, server, or mobile device without rewriting code. TensorFlow also includes TensorBoard, a data visualization toolkit.

TensorFlow was originally developed by researchers and engineers working on the Google Brain team within Google's Machine Intelligence Research organization for the purposes of conducting machine learning and deep neural networks research. The system is general enough to be applicable in a wide variety of other domains, as well.

TensorFlow provides stable Python and C APIs as well as non-guaranteed backwards compatible API's for C++, Go, Java, JavaScript, and Swift.

Keep up to date with release announcements and security updates by subscribing to


To install the current release for CPU-only:

pip install tensorflow

Use the GPU package for CUDA-enabled GPU cards:

pip install tensorflow-gpu

See Installing TensorFlow for detailed instructions, and how to build from source.

People who are a little more adventurous can also try our nightly binaries:

Nightly pip packages * We are pleased to announce that TensorFlow now offers nightly pip packages under the tf-nightly and tf-nightly-gpu project on PyPi. Simply run pip install tf-nightly or pip install tf-nightly-gpu in a clean environment to install the nightly TensorFlow build. We support CPU and GPU packages on Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Try your first TensorFlow program

$ python
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> tf.enable_eager_execution()
>>> tf.add(1, 2).numpy()
>>> hello = tf.constant('Hello, TensorFlow!')
>>> hello.numpy()
'Hello, TensorFlow!'

Learn more examples about how to do specific tasks in TensorFlow at the tutorials page of

Contribution guidelines

If you want to contribute to TensorFlow, be sure to review the contribution guidelines. This project adheres to TensorFlow's code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.

We use GitHub issues for tracking requests and bugs, please see TensorFlow Discuss for general questions and discussion, and please direct specific questions to Stack Overflow.

The TensorFlow project strives to abide by generally accepted best practices in open-source software development:

CII Best Practices Contributor Covenant

Continuous build status

Official Builds

Build Type Status Artifacts
Linux CPU Status pypi
Linux GPU Status pypi
Linux XLA Status TBA
MacOS Status pypi
Windows CPU Status pypi
Windows GPU Status pypi
Android Status Download
Raspberry Pi 0 and 1 Status Status Py2 Py3
Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Status Status Py2 Py3

Community Supported Builds

Build Type Status Artifacts
Linux AMD ROCm GPU Nightly Build Status Nightly
Linux AMD ROCm GPU Stable Release Build Status Release
Linux s390x Nightly Build Status Nightly
Linux s390x CPU Stable Release Build Status Release
Linux ppc64le CPU Nightly Build Status Nightly
Linux ppc64le CPU Stable Release Build Status Release
Linux ppc64le GPU Nightly Build Status Nightly
Linux ppc64le GPU Stable Release Build Status Release
Linux CPU with Intel® MKL-DNN Nightly Build Status Nightly
Linux CPU with Intel® MKL-DNN
Supports Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6
Build Status 1.13.1 pypi
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7.6 CPU & GPU
Python 2.7, 3.6
Build Status 1.13.1 pypi

For more information

Learn more about the TensorFlow community at the community page of for a few ways to participate.


Apache License 2.0