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GitHub issues are for bugs / installation problems / feature requests.
For general support from the community, see StackOverflow.
To make bugs and feature requests more easy to find and organize, we close issues that are deemed
out of scope for GitHub Issues and point people to StackOverflow.
For bugs or installation issues, please provide the following information. The more information you provide, the more easily we will be able to offer help and advice.
Environment info
Operating System:
Installed version of CUDA and cuDNN:
(please attach the output of ls -l /path/to/cuda/lib/libcud*
If installed from binary pip package, provide:
- Which pip package you installed.
- The output from python -c "import tensorflow; print(tensorflow.version)".
If installed from sources, provide the commit hash:
Steps to reproduce
What have you tried?
Logs or other output that would be helpful
(If logs are large, please upload as attachment).