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# phototrie (and other helper scripts)
Phototrie is a minimalistic application for quickly sorting through your
This repository also includes `batchrename` and `datename`, two commands useful
for organising photographs.
## Usage
### phototrie
Run `phototrie JPG` in a directory where you have unsorted `JPG` photos.
`CR2` photos in the same directory, or in a `CR2/` subdirectory,
with the same name will also be processed.
Wait a short while for thumbnails to be generated. Once this has completed,
a window will pop up, showing your photos.
Press `B` to mark a photo as *bad*, `G` for *good* and `P` for *pristine*
(future versions may allow custom names).
Phototrie will move them into directories with those labels as you go along.
### datename
`datename photo1.jpg photo2.jpg` (etc)
e.g. `datename *.JPG` to process all JPG files in a directory.
This will rename photos to have their date (as stored in EXIF) as their name.
`CR2` photos in the same directory, or in a `CR2/` subdirectory,
with the same name will also be processed.
Once you are ready to apply the changes for real, pass `--apply` (or `-y`).
**datename requires `exiftool` to be installed.**
### batchrename
`batchrename <regex> <replacement> photo1.jpg photo2.jpg` (etc)
e.g. `batchrename .JPG$ .jpg *.JPG`
Once you are ready to apply the changes for real, pass `--apply` (or `-y`).
## Installation
You will probably need to install (on Debian/Ubuntu):
`apt install python3-dev python3-pip python3-tk python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk`
Then you can use:
`pip3 install --user phototrie`
(or, install from this repository: `pip3 install --user git+`)