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Matthew Ross fbddac7302 Cleanup
2020-04-27 13:39:22 -04:00

258 lines
7.5 KiB

class TbGitHubImport {
var $db;
var $isNew;
var $user;
var $pass;
var $repo;
var $ch;
var $api;
var $projects;
function __construct() {
$this->ch = curl_init();
$this->api = "";
function __destruct() {
print "Closing 'taskboard.sqlite'...";
$this->db->exec('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON');
print " Done.\n";
function import() {
private function openDb() {
print "Opening 'taskboard.sqlite'...";
$this->isNew = !file_exists('taskboard.sqlite');
if ($this->isNew) {
print "\n File not found, creating...";
$this->db = new SQLite3('taskboard.sqlite');
print " Done.\n";
if ($this->isNew) {
print "Creating tables...";
$schema = file_get_contents('schema');
print " Done.\n";
$this->db->exec('PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF');
private function getInfo() {
$this->user = readline("Enter your GitHub user name: ");
$this->pass = readline("Enter your GitHub access token: ");
$this->repo = readline("What repo do you want to export projects from? ");
private function loadData() {
$options = array(
CURLOPT_URL => $this->api . "repos/" . $this->user . "/" . $this->repo . "/projects",
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => "Googlebot/2.1 (+",
CURLOPT_USERPWD => $this->user . ":" . $this->pass,
'Accept: application/vnd.github.inertia-preview+json'
curl_setopt_array($this->ch, $options);
$data = json_decode(curl_exec($this->ch));
$this->projects = [];
foreach ($data as $project) {
$this->projects[$project->id] =
(object)array("id" => $project->id, "name" => $project->name);
print("Found " . count($this->projects) . " project" .
(count($this->projects) === 1 ? "" : "s") . ".\n");
foreach ($this->projects as $project) {
print " Loading Project " . $project->name . "...\n";
$this->api . "projects/" . $project->id . "/columns"
$data = json_decode(curl_exec($this->ch));
$colPos = 1;
foreach ($data as $column) {
print " Loading Column " . $column->name . "...";
$currentColumn = (object)array(
"id" => $column->id, "name" => $column->name, "position" => $colPos
$this->api . "projects/columns/" . $column->id . "/cards"
$cardData = json_decode(curl_exec($this->ch));
$cards = [];
$cardPos = 1;
foreach ($cardData as $card) {
$cards[] = (object)array(
"id" => $card->id,
"title" => "Imported",
"color" => "#ffffe0",
"description" => $card->note,
"position" => $cardPos,
"column_id" => $column->id
$this->projects[$project->id]->columns[$column->id] = $currentColumn;
$this->projects[$project->id]->columns[$column->id]->cards = $cards;
print " Loaded " . ($cardPos - 1) . " cards (tasks).\n";
print " Loaded Project " . $project->name . ".\n";
private function importData() {
foreach ($this->projects as $project) {
print " Importing Project " . $project->name . "...\n";
$exists = $this->db->querySingle('SELECT id FROM board WHERE name = "' .
$project->name . '"');
if (count($exists) === 0) {
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO board (name, is_active) ' .
'VALUES (:name, :is_active)');
$stmt->bindValue(":name", $project->name);
$stmt->bindValue(":is_active", true);
if ($stmt->execute()) {
print " Created board.\n";
if ($this->isNew) {
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO user (username, security_level, ' .
'password_hash) VALUES (:uname, :secLev, :hash)');
$stmt->bindValue(':uname', 'admin');
$stmt->bindValue(':secLev', 1);
$stmt->bindValue(':hash', password_hash('admin', PASSWORD_BCRYPT));
if ($stmt->execute()) {
print " Created default admin user.\n";
$adminId = $this->db->lastInsertRowID();
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO useroption (id, ' .
'new_tasks_at_bottom, show_animations, show_assignee, ' .
'multiple_tasks_per_row, language) VALUES (:id, :new, :anim, ' .
':assign, :mult, :lang)');
$stmt->bindValue(':id', $adminId);
$stmt->bindValue(':new', true);
$stmt->bindValue(':anim', true);
$stmt->bindValue(':assign', true);
$stmt->bindValue(':mult', false);
$stmt->bindValue(':lang', 'en');
$optId = $this->db->lastInsertRowID();
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE user SET user_option_id = ' . $optId .
' WHERE id = ' . $adminId);
$boardId = $this->cleanupExistingTables($project->name);
$users = $this->db->query('SELECT id FROM user WHERE security_level = 1');
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO board_user (user_id, board_id) '.
'VALUES (:user_id, :board_id)');
while ($user = $users->fetchArray()) {
$stmt->bindValue(':user_id', $user['id']);
$stmt->bindValue(':board_id', $boardId);
print " Added admin user(s) to board.\n";
$colCount = 0;
$taskCount = 0;
foreach ($project->columns as $column) {
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO column (name, position, board_id) ' .
'VALUES (:name, :pos, :board_id)');
$stmt->bindValue(':name', $column->name);
$stmt->bindValue(':pos', $column->position);
$stmt->bindValue(':board_id', $boardId);
$colId = $this->db->lastInsertRowID();
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO task (title, description, ' .
'color, position, column_id) VALUES (:title, :description, :color,' .
':pos, :col_id)');
foreach ($column->cards as $card) {
$stmt->bindValue(':title', $card->title);
$stmt->bindValue(':description', $card->description);
$stmt->bindValue(':color', $card->color);
$stmt->bindValue(':pos', $card->position);
$stmt->bindValue(':col_id', $colId);
print " Inserted " . $colCount . " columns, and " . $taskCount . " tasks.\n";
print " Done Importing.\n";
private function cleanupExistingTables($boardName) {
$boardId = $this->db->querySingle('SELECT id FROM board ' .
'WHERE name = "' . $boardName . '"');
$this->db->exec('DELETE FROM board_user WHERE board_id = ' . $boardId);
$columns = $this->db->query('SELECT id FROM column WHERE board_id = ' . $boardId);
if ($columns) {
while ($col = $columns->fetchArray()) {
$this->db->exec('DELETE FROM task WHERE column_id = ' . $col['id']);
$this->db->exec('DELETE FROM column WHERE board_id = ' . $boardId);
return $boardId;
$tb = new TbGitHubImport();