mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 07:52:07 +00:00
264 lines
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264 lines
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// @ts-check
// Note: type annotations allow type checking and IDEs autocompletion
const { themes } = require('prism-react-renderer');
const lightCodeTheme = themes.nightOwlLight;
const darkCodeTheme = themes.palenight;
// dracula
// duotoneDark
// duotoneLight
// github
// jettwaveDark
// jettwaveLight
// nightOwl
// nightOwlLight
// oceanicNext
// okaidia
// oneDark
// oneLight
// palenight
// shadesOfPurple
// synthwave84
// ultramin
// vsDark
// vsLight
const path = require('path');
console.log(`isCI: ${process.env.CI}`);
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').Config} */
const config = {
title: 'Dockview',
'A zero dependency layout manager supporting ReactJS and Vanilla TypeScript',
url: 'https://dockview.dev',
baseUrl: process.env.CI ? `/` : '/',
onBrokenLinks: 'throw',
onBrokenMarkdownLinks: 'warn',
favicon: 'img/dockview_logo.ico',
// GitHub pages deployment config.
// If you aren't using GitHub pages, you don't need these.
organizationName: 'mathuo', // Usually your GitHub org/user name.
projectName: 'dockview', // Usually your repo name.
// Even if you don't use internalization, you can use this field to set useful
// metadata like html lang. For example, if your site is Chinese, you may want
// to replace "en" with "zh-Hans".
i18n: {
defaultLocale: 'en',
locales: ['en'],
stylesheets: [
href: 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Material+Symbols+Outlined:opsz,wght,FILL,GRAD@20..48,100..700,0..1,-50..200',
href: 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=IBM+Plex+Sans:ital,wght@0,100;0,200;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;1,100;1,200;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"'
plugins: [
(context, options) => {
return {
name: 'custom-webpack',
configureWebpack: (config, isServer, utils) => {
return {
// externals: ['react', 'react-dom'],
devtool: 'source-map',
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
enforce: 'pre',
use: ['source-map-loader'],
resolve: {
alias: {
react: path.join(
'react-dom': path.join(
presets: [
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').Options} */
docs: {
sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'),
// Please change this to your repo.
// Remove this to remove the "edit this page" links.
// editUrl:
// 'https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/tree/main/packages/create-docusaurus/templates/shared/',
// versions: {
// current: {
// label: `Development 🚧`,
// },
// },
blog: {
// showReadingTime: true,
// Please change this to your repo.
// Remove this to remove the "edit this page" links.
// editUrl:
// 'https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/tree/main/packages/create-docusaurus/templates/shared/',
theme: {
customCss: require.resolve('./src/css/custom.scss'),
gtag: process.env.CI
? {
trackingID: 'G-KXGC1C9ZHC',
: undefined,
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').ThemeConfig} */
metadata: [
name: 'keywords',
content: [
].join(' ,'),
docs: {
sidebar: {
autoCollapseCategories: true,
navbar: {
title: 'Dockview',
logo: {
alt: 'My Site Logo',
src: 'img/dockview_logo.svg',
items: [
type: 'doc',
docId: 'overview/getStarted/installation',
position: 'left',
label: 'Docs',
type: 'docSidebar',
position: 'left',
sidebarId: 'api',
label: 'API',
{ to: '/blog', label: 'Blog', position: 'left' },
{ href: '/templates', target:"_blank", label: 'Examples', position: 'left' },
{ to: '/demo', label: 'Demo', position: 'left' },
href: 'https://github.com/mathuo/dockview',
position: 'right',
className: 'header-github-link',
'aria-label': 'GitHub repository',
footer: {
style: 'dark',
links: [
title: 'Learn',
items: [
label: 'Demo',
to: '/demo',
title: 'Community',
items: [
label: 'Stack Overflow',
href: 'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/dockview',
title: 'More',
items: [
label: 'Blog',
to: '/blog',
label: 'GitHub',
href: 'https://github.com/mathuo/dockview',
copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Dockview, Inc. Built with Docusaurus.`,
prism: {
theme: lightCodeTheme,
darkTheme: darkCodeTheme,
additionalLanguages: ['markdown', 'latex'],
magicComments: [
className: 'theme-code-block-highlighted-line',
line: 'highlight-next-line',
block: {
start: 'highlight-start',
end: 'highlight-end',
className: 'code-block-error-line',
line: 'This will error',
announcementBar: {
id: 'announcementBar', // Increment on change
content: `⭐️ If you like Dockview, give it a star on <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://github.com/mathuo/dockview">GitHub</a>`,
tableOfContents: {
maxHeadingLevel: 5,
module.exports = config;