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synced 2025-03-11 00:12:07 +00:00
chore: docs for release v1.6.0
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
slug: dockview-1.6.0-release
title: Dockview 1.6.0
tags: [release]
import Link from '@docusaurus/Link';
# Release Notes
Please reference to docs @ [dockview.dev](https://dockview.dev).
If you feel anything is missing or unclear please let me know.
## 🚀 Features
- magnetic dnd controls [#177](https://github.com/mathuo/dockview/pull/177)
- group dnd [#171](https://github.com/mathuo/dockview/pull/171)
- full width tabs [#171](https://github.com/mathuo/dockview/pull/177)
- addPanel improvements
- update parameters via panel.api.updateParameters
- allow dnd on empty groups [#168](https://github.com/mathuo/dockview/pull/168)
## 🛠 Miscs
- Update dependencies including the dev dependencies for dockview and all dependencies for the docs website.
- A variety of internal changes including file name changes
- Improve internal dnd control logic to handle a wider variety of cases
- Various doc enhancements @ [dockview.dev](https://dockview.dev)
## 🔥 Breaking changes
- addEmptyGroup renamed to addGroup
@ -13,7 +13,13 @@ import { ContextMenuDockview } from '@site/src/components/dockview/contextMenu';
import { NestedDockview } from '@site/src/components/dockview/nested';
import { CustomHeadersDockview } from '@site/src/components/dockview/customHeaders';
import { ResizeDockview } from '@site/src/components/dockview/resize';
import { DockviewGroupControl } from '@site/src/components/dockview/groupControl';
import {
} from '@site/src/components/dockview/native';
import Link from '@docusaurus/Link';
import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl';
# Dockview
@ -44,7 +50,7 @@ import { ReactDockview } from 'dockview';
| Property | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| --------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| onReady | (event: SplitviewReadyEvent) => void | No | | |
| components | object | No | | |
| tabComponents | object | Yes | | |
@ -54,6 +60,10 @@ import { ReactDockview } from 'dockview';
| disableAutoResizing | boolean | Yes | false | See <Link to="../basics/#auto-resizing">Auto Resizing</Link> |
| onDidDrop | Event | Yes | false | |
| showDndOverlay | Event | Yes | false | |
| defaultTabComponent | object | Yes | | |
| groupControlComponent | object | Yes | | |
| tabHeight | number | Yes | | |
| singleTabMode | 'fullwidth' \| 'default' | Yes | 'default' | |
## Dockview API
@ -101,13 +111,13 @@ const onReady = (event: DockviewReadyEvent) => {
| | | |
| addPanel | `addPanel(options: AddPanelOptions): IDockviewPanel` | |
| getPanel | `(id: string) \| IDockviewPanel \| undefined` | |
| addEmptyGroup | `(options? AddGroupOptions): void` | |
| addGroup | `(options? AddGroupOptions): void` | |
| closeAllGroups | `(): void` | |
| removeGroup | `(group: GroupPanel): void` | |
| getGroup | `(id: string): GroupPanel \| undefined` | |
| | | |
| getTabHeight | `(): number \| undefined` | |
| setTabHeight | `(hegiht: number \| undefined): void` | |
| setTabHeight | `(height: number \| undefined): void` | |
| updateOptions | `(options:SplitviewComponentUpdateOptions): void` | |
| focus | `(): void` | |
| layout | `(width: number, height:number): void` | <Link to="../basics/#auto-resizing">Auto Resizing</Link> |
@ -126,9 +136,9 @@ const MyComponent = (props: IDockviewPanelProps<{ title: string }>) => {
| Property | Type | Description |
| ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- |
| ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |
| id | `string` | Panel id |
| isFocused | `boolean` | Is panel focsed |
| isFocused | `boolean` | Is panel focused |
| isActive | `boolean` | Is panel active |
| width | `number` | Panel width |
| height | `number` | Panel height |
@ -149,42 +159,115 @@ const MyComponent = (props: IDockviewPanelProps<{ title: string }>) => {
| close | `(): void` | |
| setTitle | `(title: string): void` | |
## Essential Features
### Add Panel
Using the dockview API you can access the `addPanel` method which returns an instance of the created panel.
The minimum method signature is:
const panel = api.addPanel({
id: 'my_unique_panel_id',
component: 'my_component',
where `id` is the unique id of the panel and `component` is the implenentation which
will be used to render the panel. You will have registered this using the `components` prop of the `DockviewReactComponent` component.
You can optionally provide a `tabComponent` parameters to the `addPanel` method which will render the tab using a custom renderer.
You will have registered this using the `tabComponents` prop of the `DockviewReactComponent` component.
const panel = api.addPanel({
id: 'my_unique_panel_id',
component: 'my_component',
tabComponent: 'my_tab_component',
You can pass properties to the panel using the `params` key.
You can update these properties through the panels `api` object and its `updateParameters` method.
const panel = api.addPanel({
id: 'my_unique_panel_id',
component: 'my_component',
params: {
myCustomKey: 'my_custom_value',
myCustomKey: 'my_custom_value',
myOtherCustomKey: 'my_other_custom_key',
> Note `updateParameters` does not accept partial parameter updates, you should call it with the entire set of parameters
> you want the panel to receive.
Finally `addPanel` accepts a `position` object which tells dockview where to place the panel.
- This object optionally accepts either a `referencePanel` or `referenceGroup` which can be the associated id as a string
or the panel/group object reference.
- This object accepts a `direction` property which dictates where,
relative to the provided reference the new panel will be placed.
> If neither a `referencePanel` or `referenceGroup` then the provided `direction` will be treated as absolute.
> If no `direction` is provided the library will place the new panel in a pre-determined position.
const panel = api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_1',
component: 'default',
const panel2 = api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_2',
component: 'default',
position: {
referencePanel: panel1,
direction: 'right',
## Advanced Features
### Resizing via API
Each Dockview is comprised of a number of groups, each of which have a number of panels.
Logically most people would want to resize a panel but practically this really translates to resizing the group to which the panel belongs.
Each Dockview contains of a number of groups and each group has a number of panels.
Logically a user may want to resize a panel, but this translates to resizing the group which contains that panel.
From the api you can access the panels group object (`props.group`) which exposes it's own api object (`props.groups.api`).
This api is largly similar to the <Link to="./gridview/#gridview-panel-api">Gridview API</Link>.
To resize an individual panel you could create a snippet similar to below.
You can set the size of a panel using `props.api.setSize(...)`.
You can also set the size of the group associated with the panel using `props.api.group.api.setSize(...)` although this isn't recommended
due to the clunky syntax.
const onResizePanel = () => {
// it's mandatory to provide either a height or a width, providing both is optional
height: 100,
width: 200,
// you could also resize the panels group, although not recommended it achieved the same result
height: 100,
width: 200,
const onResizePanel = () => {
width: 100,
Here is a working example of resizing panels via these API methods.
You can see an example invoking both approaches below.
<ResizeDockview />
### Locked group
Locking a group will disable all drop events for this group ensuring a user can not add additional panels to the group.
You can still add groups to a locked panel programatically using the API.
Locking a group will disable all drop events for this group ensuring no additional panels can be added to the group through drop events.
You can still add groups to a locked panel programatically using the API though.
panel.group.locked = true;
@ -192,7 +275,7 @@ panel.group.locked = true;
### Group header
You may wish to hide the header section of a group. This can achieved through setting the `hidden` variable on `panel.group.header`.
You may wish to hide the header section of a group. This can achieved through the `hidden` variable on `panel.group.header`.
panel.group.header.hidden = true;
@ -200,13 +283,11 @@ panel.group.header.hidden = true;
### Custom Tab Headers
You can provide custom renderers for your tab headers.
You can provide custom renderers for your tab headers for maximum customization.
A default implementation of `DockviewDefaultTab` is provided should you only wish to attach minor
changes and events that do not alter the default behaviour, for example to add a custom context menu event
You are also free to define a custom renderer entirely from scratch and not make use of the `DockviewDefaultTab` component.
```tsx title="Attaching a custom context menu event handlers to a custom header"
import { IDockviewPanelHeaderProps, DockviewDefaultTab } from 'dockview';
@ -219,7 +300,8 @@ const MyCustomheader = (props: IDockviewPanelHeaderProps) => {
To use a custom renderer you can must register a collection of tab components
You are also free to define a custom renderer entirely from scratch and not make use of the `DockviewDefaultTab` component.
To use a custom renderer you can must register a collection of tab components.
const tabComponents = {
@ -233,7 +315,7 @@ return <DockviewReact tabComponents={tabComponents} ... />;
id: 'panel_1',
component: 'default',
tabComponent: 'myCustomHeader', // <--
tabComponent: 'myCustomHeader', // <-- your registered renderers
title: 'Panel 1',
@ -246,26 +328,35 @@ You can also override the default tab renderer which will be used when no `tabCo
As a simple example the below attachs a custom event handler for the context menu on all tabs as a default tab renderer
The below example uses a custom tab renderer to reigster a popover when the user right clicked on a tab.
This still makes use of the `DockviewDefaultTab` since it's only a minor change.
<CustomHeadersDockview />
### Rendering
### Panel Rendering
Although `DockviewReact` will only add those tabs that are visible to the DOM all associated React Components for each tab including those that
are not initially visible will be created.
This will mean that any hooks in those components will run and if you running expensive operations in the tabs you may end up doing a lot of initial
work for what are hidden tabs.
By default `DockviewReact` only adds to the DOM those panels that are visible,
if a panel is not the active tab and not shown the contents of the hidden panel will be removed from the DOM.
This is the default behaviour to ensure the greatest flexibility for the user but you can create a Higher-Order component wrapping your components that
will ensure the component is only created if the tab is visible as below:
However the React Components associated with each panel are only created once and will always exist for as long as the panel exists, hidden or not.
import { PanelApi } from 'dockview';
> For example this means that any hooks in those components will run whether the panel is visible or not which may lead to excessive background work depending
> on the panels implementation.
This is the default behaviour to ensure the greatest flexibility for the user but through the panels `props.api` you can listen to the visiblity state of the panel
and write additional logic to optimize your application.
For example if you wanted to unmount the React Components when the panel is not visible you could create a Higher-Order-Component that listens to the panels
visiblity state and only renders the panel when visible.
```tsx title="Only rendering the React Component when the panel is visible, otherwise rendering a null React Component"
import { IDockviewPanelProps } from 'dockview';
import * as React from 'react';
function RenderWhenVisible<
T extends { api: Pick<PanelApi, 'isVisible' | 'onDidVisibilityChange'> }
>(component: React.FunctionComponent<T>) {
const HigherOrderComponent = (props: T) => {
function RenderWhenVisible(
component: React.FunctionComponent<IDockviewPanelProps>
) {
const HigherOrderComponent = (props: IDockviewPanelProps) => {
const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState<boolean>(
@ -291,10 +382,10 @@ function RenderWhenVisible<
const component = RenderWhenVisible(MyComponent);
const components = { default: RenderWhenVisible(MyComponent) };
Through toggling the checkbox you can see that when you only render those panels which are visible the underling React component is destroyed when it becomes hidden and re-created when it becomes visible.
Toggling the checkbox you can see that when you only render those panels which are visible the underling React component is destroyed when it becomes hidden and re-created when it becomes visible.
<Checkbox />
@ -310,7 +401,40 @@ Through toggling the checkbox you can see that when you only render those panels
### Drag And Drop
The component exposes some method to help determine whether external drag events should be interacted with or not.
#### Built-in behaviours
Dockview supports a wide variety of built-in Drag and Drop possibilities.
Below are some examples of the operations you can perform.
<img style={{ width: '60%' }} src={useBaseUrl('/img/add_to_tab.svg')} />
> Drag a tab onto another tab to place it inbetween existing tabs.
<img style={{ width: '60%' }} src={useBaseUrl('/img/add_to_empty_space.svg')} />
> Drag a tab to the right of the last tab to place it after the existing tabs.
<img style={{ width: '60%' }} src={useBaseUrl('/img/add_to_group.svg')} />
> Drag a group onto an existing group to merge the two groups.
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-around' }}>
<img style={{ width: '40%' }} src={useBaseUrl('/img/drop_positions.svg')} />
style={{ width: '40%' }}
> Drag into the left/right/top/bottom target zone of a panel to create a new group in the selected direction.
> Drag into the center of a panel to add to that group.
> Drag to the edge of the dockview component to create a new group on the selected edge.
#### Extended behaviours
For interaction with the Drag events directly the component exposes some method to help determine whether external drag events should be interacted with or not.
@ -375,3 +499,51 @@ const Component: React.FunctionComponent<IDockviewGroupControlProps> = () => {
return <DockviewReact {...props} groupControlComponent={Component} />;
As a simple example the below uses the `groupControlComponent` to render a small control that indicates whether the group
is active and which panel is active in that group.
const GroupControlComponent = (props: IDockviewGroupControlProps) => {
const isGroupActive = props.isGroupActive;
const activePanel = props.activePanel;
return (
<div className="dockview-groupcontrol-demo">
background: isGroupActive ? 'green' : 'red',
{isGroupActive ? 'Group Active' : 'Group Inactive'}
<span className="dockview-groupcontrol-demo-active-panel">{`activePanel: ${
activePanel?.id || 'null'
<DockviewGroupControl />
### Full width tabs
`DockviewReactComponent` accepts the prop `singleTabMode`. If set `singleTabMode=fullwidth` then when there is only one tab in a group this tab will expand
to the entire width of the group. For example:
> This can be conmbined with <Link to="./dockview/#locked-group">Locked Groups</Link> to create an application that feels more like a Window Manager
> rather than a collection of groups and tabs.
<DockviewReactComponent singleTabMode="fullwidth" {...otherProps} />
<DockviewNative />
### Example
<DockviewNative2 />
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ type FeatureItem = {
const FeatureList: FeatureItem[] = [
title: '',
Svg: require('@site/static/img/dockview_grid_2.svg').default,
Svg: require('@site/static/img/dockview_grid_3.svg').default,
description: (
<div className="feature-banner">
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ export const CustomHeadersDockview = () => {
position: { referencePanel: 'panel_7', direction: 'within' },
return (
@ -209,9 +209,8 @@ const Icon = (props: {
const Button = () => {
const [position, setPosition] = React.useState<
{ x: number; y: number } | undefined
const [position, setPosition] =
React.useState<{ x: number; y: number } | undefined>(undefined);
const close = () => setPosition(undefined);
@ -316,19 +315,19 @@ export const DockviewDemo = () => {
position: { referencePanel: 'panel_7', direction: 'within' },
setInterval(() => {
params: {
params: {
title: Date.now().toString(),
}, 1000);
// setInterval(() => {
// event.api.getPanel('panel_1').update({
// params: {
// params: {
// title: Date.now().toString(),
// },
// },
// });
// }, 1000);
return (
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
.dockview-groupcontrol-demo {
height: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
color: white;
background-color: black;
padding-left: 8px;
.dockview-groupcontrol-demo-group-active {
padding: 0px 8px;
.dockview-groupcontrol-demo-active-panel {
color: yellow;
padding: 0px 8px;
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import {} from '@site/../dockview/dist/cjs/dnd/droptarget';
import {
} from 'dockview';
import * as React from 'react';
import './groupControl.scss';
const components = {
default: (props: IDockviewPanelProps<{ title: string; x?: number }>) => {
return (
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
color: 'white',
height: '100%',
{props.params.x && <span>{` ${props.params.x}`}</span>}
const GroupControlComponent = (props: IDockviewGroupControlProps) => {
const isGroupActive = props.isGroupActive;
const activePanel = props.activePanel;
return (
<div className="dockview-groupcontrol-demo">
background: isGroupActive ? 'green' : 'red',
{isGroupActive ? 'Group Active' : 'Group Inactive'}
<span className="dockview-groupcontrol-demo-active-panel">{`activePanel: ${
activePanel?.id || 'null'
export const DockviewGroupControl = () => {
const onReady = (event: DockviewReadyEvent) => {
const panel1 = event.api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_1',
component: 'default',
tabComponent: 'default',
params: {
title: 'Window 1',
const panel2 = event.api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_2',
component: 'default',
tabComponent: 'default',
params: {
title: 'Window 2',
position: {
direction: 'right',
const panel3 = event.api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_3',
component: 'default',
tabComponent: 'default',
params: {
title: 'Window 3',
position: {
direction: 'below',
return (
height: '500px',
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
.nested-dockview {
position: relative;
::after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
height: 1px;
width: 100%;
background-color: var(--dv-separator-border);
.header-title {
padding: 0px 8px;
.my-custom-tab {
padding: 0px 8px;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
height: 100%;
align-items: center;
background-color: var(--dv-tabs-and-actions-container-background-color);
.my-custom-tab-icon {
font-size: 16px;
&:hover {
border-radius: 2px;
background-color: var(--dv-icon-hover-background-color);
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
import {
} from '@site/../dockview/dist/cjs/dnd/droptarget';
import {
} from 'dockview';
import * as React from 'react';
import './native.scss';
class CustomDndTraget {
private data: any;
static SINGLETON = new CustomDndTraget();
setData<T>(t: T): void {
this.data = t;
getData<T>(): T {
return this.data;
clearData(): void {
this.data = null;
type CustomDescriptor = {
type: 'CUSTOM';
id: string;
function isCustomDescriptor(obj: any): obj is CustomDescriptor {
return (
typeof obj === 'object' && (obj as CustomDescriptor).type === 'CUSTOM'
function convertPositionToDirection(position: Position): Direction {
switch (position) {
case Position.Left:
return 'left';
case Position.Right:
return 'right';
case Position.Bottom:
return 'below';
case Position.Top:
return 'above';
case Position.Center:
return 'within';
const components = {
default: (props: IDockviewPanelProps<{ title: string; x?: number }>) => {
return (
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
color: 'white',
height: '100%',
{props.params.x && <span>{` ${props.params.x}`}</span>}
isolatedApp: (
props: IDockviewPanelProps<{ title: string; x?: number }>
) => {
const onReady = (event: DockviewReadyEvent) => {
const panel1 = event.api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_1',
component: 'default',
params: {
title: 'Tab 1',
const panel2 = event.api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_2',
component: 'default',
params: {
title: 'Tab 2',
const panel3 = event.api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_3',
component: 'default',
params: {
title: 'Tab 3',
return (
const tabComponents = {
default: (props: IDockviewPanelHeaderProps<{ title: string }>) => {
return (
<div className="my-custom-tab">
<span style={{ flexGrow: 1 }} />
<span className="my-custom-tab-icon material-symbols-outlined">
<span className="my-custom-tab-icon material-symbols-outlined">
<span className="my-custom-tab-icon material-symbols-outlined">
export const DockviewNative = () => {
const onReady = (event: DockviewReadyEvent) => {
const panel1 = event.api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_1',
component: 'default',
tabComponent: 'default',
params: {
title: 'Window 1',
panel1.group.locked = true;
const panel2 = event.api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_2',
component: 'default',
tabComponent: 'default',
params: {
title: 'Window 2',
position: {
direction: 'right',
panel2.group.locked = true;
const panel3 = event.api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_3',
component: 'default',
tabComponent: 'default',
params: {
title: 'Window 3',
position: {
direction: 'below',
panel3.group.locked = true;
return (
height: '500px',
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
export const DockviewNative2 = () => {
const onReady = (event: DockviewReadyEvent) => {
const panel1 = event.api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_1',
component: 'isolatedApp',
tabComponent: 'default',
params: {
title: 'Window 1',
panel1.group.locked = true;
const panel2 = event.api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_2',
component: 'isolatedApp',
tabComponent: 'default',
params: {
title: 'Window 2',
position: {
direction: 'right',
panel2.group.locked = true;
const panel3 = event.api.addPanel({
id: 'panel_3',
component: 'isolatedApp',
tabComponent: 'default',
params: {
title: 'Window 3',
position: {
direction: 'below',
panel3.group.locked = true;
return (
height: '500px',
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ const renderVisibleComponentsOnlyAtom = atom<boolean>({
default: false,
function RenderWhenVisible<
T extends { api: Pick<PanelApi, 'isVisible' | 'onDidVisibilityChange'> }
>(component: React.FunctionComponent<T>) {
const HigherOrderComponent = (props: T) => {
function RenderWhenVisible(
component: React.FunctionComponent<IDockviewPanelProps>
) {
const HigherOrderComponent = (props: IDockviewPanelProps) => {
const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState<boolean>(
@ -23,13 +23,24 @@ const Default = (props: IDockviewPanelProps) => {
style={{ width: '100px' }}
onClick={() => {
Resize Group
style={{ width: '100px' }}
onClick={() => {
Resize panel
<div className="resize-control">
@ -42,13 +53,24 @@ const Default = (props: IDockviewPanelProps) => {
style={{ width: '100px' }}
onClick={() => {
Resize Group
style={{ width: '100px' }}
onClick={() => {
Resize Panel
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<svg width="156" height="18" viewBox="0 0 156 18" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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<rect x="127.5" y="14.5" width="4" height="2" stroke="white" stroke-dasharray="0.25 0.25"/>
After (image error) Size: 1.6 KiB |
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
<svg width="156" height="18" viewBox="0 0 156 18" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<rect y="4" width="156" height="14" fill="#1C1C2A"/>
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