From 50e483d17025de7d467cda9b1b5d15ff5c72de6a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mathuo <>
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2020 21:52:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] code

 .prettierrc                                   |   2 +-
 .vscode/extensions.json                       |  18 +-
 jest.config.js                                |   2 +-
 package.json                                  |   3 +-
 packages/splitview-demo/src/app.tsx           |  18 +-
 packages/splitview-demo/src/index.tsx         |  10 +-
 .../src/layout-grid/application.tsx           |  48 +-
 .../src/layout-grid/customTab.tsx             |   8 +-
 .../src/layout-grid/editorPanel.tsx           |  24 +-
 .../src/layout-grid/reactgrid.tsx             | 222 +++---
 .../src/layout-grid/splitPanel.tsx            |  56 +-
 packages/splitview-demo/webpack.config.js     |   4 +-
 packages/splitview-react/gulpfile.js          |  10 +-
 packages/splitview-react/src/bridge/pane.tsx  |  76 +-
 packages/splitview-react/src/bridge/view.tsx  |  36 +-
 packages/splitview-react/src/index.tsx        |  12 +-
 packages/splitview-react/src/panel/pane.tsx   | 106 +--
 packages/splitview-react/src/panel/view.tsx   |  96 +--
 packages/splitview-react/src/paneview.tsx     | 146 ++--
 packages/splitview-react/src/splitview.tsx    | 114 +--
 packages/splitview/gulpfile.js                |  10 +-
 packages/splitview/src/array.ts               |  38 +-
 packages/splitview/src/async.ts               |   6 +-
 packages/splitview/src/dom.ts                 | 146 ++--
 packages/splitview/src/events.ts              |  60 +-
 packages/splitview/src/functions.ts           |  10 +-
 packages/splitview/src/gridview/branchNode.ts | 154 ++--
 packages/splitview/src/gridview/gridview.ts   | 374 +++++-----
 packages/splitview/src/gridview/leafNode.ts   |  52 +-
 packages/splitview/src/gridview/types.ts      |   6 +-
 .../src/groupview/actions/actionsContainer.ts |  18 +-
 .../src/groupview/droptarget/dataTransfer.ts  |  74 +-
 .../src/groupview/droptarget/droptarget.ts    | 160 ++--
 packages/splitview/src/groupview/events.ts    |  16 +-
 packages/splitview/src/groupview/groupview.ts | 454 ++++++------
 packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/api.ts |  62 +-
 .../src/groupview/panel/content/content.ts    |  50 +-
 .../splitview/src/groupview/panel/panel.ts    |  84 +--
 .../splitview/src/groupview/panel/parts.ts    |  50 +-
 .../splitview/src/groupview/panel/tab/tab.ts  | 128 ++--
 .../splitview/src/groupview/panel/types.ts    |  36 +-
 .../src/groupview/titlebar/tabContainer.ts    | 212 +++---
 packages/splitview/src/index.ts               |  40 +-
 packages/splitview/src/layout/baseGrid.ts     | 173 +++++
 .../splitview/src/layout/componentFactory.ts  |  44 +-
 .../splitview/src/layout/componentGridview.ts | 340 +++------
 .../src/layout/components/debug/debug.ts      |  46 +-
 .../src/layout/components/tab/defaultTab.ts   |  92 +--
 .../layout/components/watermark/watermark.ts  |  84 +--
 packages/splitview/src/layout/deserializer.ts |  22 +-
 packages/splitview/src/layout/index.ts        |   6 +-
 packages/splitview/src/layout/layout.ts       | 690 ++++++++----------
 packages/splitview/src/layout/options.ts      |  99 ++-
 packages/splitview/src/lifecycle.ts           |  30 +-
 packages/splitview/src/math.ts                |  10 +-
 packages/splitview/src/panel/api.ts           | 106 +--
 packages/splitview/src/panel/types.ts         |  16 +-
 packages/splitview/src/paneview/paneview.ts   | 218 +++---
 packages/splitview/src/react/deserializer.ts  |  36 +-
 packages/splitview/src/react/gridview.tsx     |  48 +-
 packages/splitview/src/react/layout.tsx       | 118 +--
 packages/splitview/src/react/react.tsx        |  74 +-
 .../src/react/reactComponentGridView.ts       |  98 +--
 .../splitview/src/react/reactComponentView.ts |  88 +--
 .../splitview/src/react/reactContentPart.ts   |  26 +-
 .../splitview/src/react/reactHeaderPart.ts    |  22 +-
 packages/splitview/src/react/splitview.tsx    |  78 +-
 .../src/splitview/componentSplitview.ts       | 102 +--
 packages/splitview/src/splitview/options.ts   |  36 +-
 packages/splitview/src/splitview/splitview.ts | 568 +++++++-------
 packages/splitview/src/types.ts               |   6 +-
 scripts/build.js                              |  40 +-
 72 files changed, 3276 insertions(+), 3291 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 packages/splitview/src/layout/baseGrid.ts

diff --git a/.prettierrc b/.prettierrc
index e74ed9ff3..f91488470 100644
--- a/.prettierrc
+++ b/.prettierrc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     "trailingComma": "es5",
     "tabWidth": 4,
-    "semi": false,
+    "semi": true,
     "singleQuote": true
diff --git a/.vscode/extensions.json b/.vscode/extensions.json
index 1663a7914..84a7327fe 100644
--- a/.vscode/extensions.json
+++ b/.vscode/extensions.json
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
-	// See to learn about workspace recommendations.
-	// Extension identifier format: ${publisher}.${name}. Example: vscode.csharp
+    // See to learn about workspace recommendations.
+    // Extension identifier format: ${publisher}.${name}. Example: vscode.csharp
-	// List of extensions which should be recommended for users of this workspace.
-	"recommendations": [
-		"esbenp.prettier-vscode"
-	],
-	// List of extensions recommended by VS Code that should not be recommended for users of this workspace.
-	"unwantedRecommendations": [
-	]
\ No newline at end of file
+    // List of extensions which should be recommended for users of this workspace.
+    "recommendations": ["esbenp.prettier-vscode"],
+    // List of extensions recommended by VS Code that should not be recommended for users of this workspace.
+    "unwantedRecommendations": []
diff --git a/jest.config.js b/jest.config.js
index 672aebb23..78bbcde42 100644
--- a/jest.config.js
+++ b/jest.config.js
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ module.exports = {
     setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/src/__tests__/setupTests.ts'],
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index dc11acea6..35a6b14b3 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
     "description": "",
     "main": "index.js",
     "scripts": {
-        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
+        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
+        "format": "prettier --write ."
     "repository": {
         "type": "git",
diff --git a/packages/splitview-demo/src/app.tsx b/packages/splitview-demo/src/app.tsx
index c7c56bfda..9b98ede72 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-demo/src/app.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-demo/src/app.tsx
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
+import * as React from 'react';
 // import { LoadFromConfig } from "./loadFromConfig";
 // import { FromApi } from "./fromApi";
 // import { PaneDemo } from "./pane";
-import { TestGrid } from './layout-grid/reactgrid'
-import { Application } from './layout-grid/application'
+import { TestGrid } from './layout-grid/reactgrid';
+import { Application } from './layout-grid/application';
 const options = [
     // { id: "config", component: LoadFromConfig },
     // { id: "api", component: FromApi },
     // { id: "pane", component: PaneDemo },
     { id: 'grid', component: Application },
 export const App = () => {
-    const [value, setValue] = React.useState<string>(options[0].id)
+    const [value, setValue] = React.useState<string>(options[0].id);
     const onChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) =>
-        setValue(
+        setValue(;
     const Component = React.useMemo(
         () => options.find((o) => === value)?.component,
-    )
+    );
     return (
@@ -48,5 +48,5 @@ export const App = () => {
-    )
+    );
diff --git a/packages/splitview-demo/src/index.tsx b/packages/splitview-demo/src/index.tsx
index 13b51dfd2..9b634b98a 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-demo/src/index.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-demo/src/index.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
-import { App } from './app'
-import './index.scss'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import { App } from './app';
+import './index.scss';
-ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'))
+ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
diff --git a/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/application.tsx b/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/application.tsx
index e0e73e742..954b23ffd 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/application.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/application.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
+import * as React from 'react';
 import {
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@ import {
-} from 'splitview'
-import { TestGrid } from './reactgrid'
+} from 'splitview';
+import { TestGrid } from './reactgrid';
 const rootcomponents: {
-    [index: string]: React.FunctionComponent<IGridviewPanelProps>
+    [index: string]: React.FunctionComponent<IGridviewPanelProps>;
 } = {
     sidebar: (props: IGridviewPanelProps) => {
         return (
             <div style={{ backgroundColor: 'rgb(37,37,38)', height: '100%' }}>
-        )
+        );
     editor: TestGrid,
     panel: () => {
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ const rootcomponents: {
             <div style={{ backgroundColor: 'rgb(30,30,30)', height: '100%' }}>
-        )
+        );
 export const Application = () => {
-    const api = React.useRef<ComponentGridview>()
+    const api = React.useRef<ComponentGridview>();
     const onReady = (event: GridviewReadyEvent) => {
         // event.api.deserialize(rootLayout);
@@ -38,27 +38,27 @@ export const Application = () => {
             id: '1',
             component: 'sidebar',
             snap: true,
-        })
+        });
             id: '2',
             component: 'editor',
             snap: true,
             position: { reference: '1', direction: 'right' },
             priority: LayoutPriority.High,
-        })
+        });
-        api.current = event.api as ComponentGridview
-    }
+        api.current = event.api as ComponentGridview;
+    };
     React.useEffect(() => {
         const callback = (ev: UIEvent) => {
-            const height = window.innerHeight - 20
-            const width = window.innerWidth
+            const height = window.innerHeight - 20;
+            const width = window.innerWidth;
-            api.current?.layout(width, height)
-        }
-        window.addEventListener('resize', callback)
-        callback(undefined)
+            api.current?.layout(width, height);
+        };
+        window.addEventListener('resize', callback);
+        callback(undefined);
             id: '3',
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ export const Application = () => {
             position: { reference: '2', direction: 'below' },
             size: 200,
             snap: true,
-        })
+        });
         return () => {
-            window.removeEventListener('resize', callback)
-        }
-    }, [])
+            window.removeEventListener('resize', callback);
+        };
+    }, []);
     return (
@@ -79,5 +79,5 @@ export const Application = () => {
-    )
+    );
diff --git a/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/customTab.tsx b/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/customTab.tsx
index 5fe43a353..ba6d5667d 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/customTab.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/customTab.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { IPanelProps } from 'splitview'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { IPanelProps } from 'splitview';
 export const CustomTab = (props: IPanelProps) => {
-    return <div>hello</div>
+    return <div>hello</div>;
diff --git a/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/editorPanel.tsx b/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/editorPanel.tsx
index 7635d0c77..006be4b1b 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/editorPanel.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/editorPanel.tsx
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { Api, IPanelProps } from 'splitview'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { Api, IPanelProps } from 'splitview';
 export const Editor = (props: IPanelProps & { layoutApi: Api }) => {
-    const [tabHeight, setTabHeight] = React.useState<number>(0)
+    const [tabHeight, setTabHeight] = React.useState<number>(0);
     React.useEffect(() => {
         if (props.layoutApi) {
-            setTabHeight(props.layoutApi.getTabHeight())
+            setTabHeight(props.layoutApi.getTabHeight());
-    }, [props.layoutApi])
+    }, [props.layoutApi]);
     const onTabHeightChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
-        const value = Number(
+        const value = Number(;
         if (!Number.isNaN(value)) {
-            setTabHeight(value)
+            setTabHeight(value);
-    }
+    };
     const onClick = () => {
-        props.layoutApi.setTabHeight(tabHeight)
-    }
+        props.layoutApi.setTabHeight(tabHeight);
+    };
     return (
@@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ export const Editor = (props: IPanelProps & { layoutApi: Api }) => {
                 <button onClick={onClick}>Apply</button>
-    )
+    );
diff --git a/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/reactgrid.tsx b/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/reactgrid.tsx
index c88f55364..fdbf55a62 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/reactgrid.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/reactgrid.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
+import * as React from 'react';
 import {
@@ -9,33 +9,33 @@ import {
-} from 'splitview'
-import { CustomTab } from './customTab'
-import { Editor } from './editorPanel'
-import { SplitPanel } from './splitPanel'
+} from 'splitview';
+import { CustomTab } from './customTab';
+import { Editor } from './editorPanel';
+import { SplitPanel } from './splitPanel';
 const components = {
     inner_component: (props: IPanelProps) => {
-        const _api = React.useRef<Api>()
-        const [api, setApi] = React.useState<Api>()
+        const _api = React.useRef<Api>();
+        const [api, setApi] = React.useState<Api>();
         const onReady = (event: OnReadyEvent) => {
-            _api.current = event.api
+            _api.current = event.api;
-            const layout = props.api.getStateKey<object>('layout')
+            const layout = props.api.getStateKey<object>('layout');
             if (layout) {
-                event.api.deserialize(layout)
+                event.api.deserialize(layout);
             } else {
                     componentName: 'test_component',
                     id: 'inner-1',
                     title: 'inner-1',
-                })
+                });
                     componentName: 'test_component',
                     id: 'inner-2',
                     title: 'inner-2',
-                })
+                });
                     componentName: 'test_component',
                     id: nextGuid(),
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ const components = {
                         direction: 'within',
                         referencePanel: 'inner-1',
-                })
+                });
                     componentName: 'test_component',
                     id: nextGuid(),
@@ -53,37 +53,37 @@ const components = {
                         direction: 'within',
                         referencePanel: 'inner-2',
-                })
+                });
-            setApi(event.api)
-        }
+            setApi(event.api);
+        };
         React.useEffect(() => {
             const compDis = new CompositeDisposable(
                 props.api.onDidDimensionsChange((event) => {
-                    _api.current?.layout(event.width, event.height)
+                    _api.current?.layout(event.width, event.height);
                 _api.current.onDidLayoutChange((event) => {
                     if (event.kind === GroupChangeKind.LAYOUT_CONFIG_UPDATED) {
-                        props.api.setState('layout', _api.current.toJSON())
+                        props.api.setState('layout', _api.current.toJSON());
-            )
+            );
             return () => {
-                compDis.dispose()
-            }
-        }, [])
+                compDis.dispose();
+            };
+        }, []);
         React.useEffect(() => {
             if (!api) {
-                return
+                return;
             api.onDidLayoutChange((event) => {
                 // on inner grid changes
-            })
-        }, [api])
+            });
+        }, [api]);
         return (
@@ -99,16 +99,16 @@ const components = {
-        )
+        );
     test_component: (props: IPanelProps & { [key: string]: any }) => {
         const [panelState, setPanelState] = React.useState<{
-            isGroupActive: boolean
-            isPanelVisible: boolean
+            isGroupActive: boolean;
+            isPanelVisible: boolean;
             isGroupActive: false,
             isPanelVisible: false,
-        })
+        });
         React.useEffect(() => {
             const disposable = new CompositeDisposable(
@@ -116,31 +116,31 @@ const components = {
                     setPanelState((_) => ({
                         isGroupActive: event.isFocused,
-                    }))
+                    }));
                 props.api.onDidChangeVisibility((x) => {
                     setPanelState((_) => ({
                         isPanelVisible: x.isVisible,
-                    }))
+                    }));
-            )
+            );
             props.api.setClosePanelHook(() => {
                 if (confirm('close?')) {
-                    return Promise.resolve(ClosePanelResult.CLOSE)
+                    return Promise.resolve(ClosePanelResult.CLOSE);
-                return Promise.resolve(ClosePanelResult.DONT_CLOSE)
-            })
+                return Promise.resolve(ClosePanelResult.DONT_CLOSE);
+            });
             return () => {
-                disposable.dispose()
-            }
-        }, [])
+                disposable.dispose();
+            };
+        }, []);
         const onClick = () => {
-            props.api.setState('test_key', 'hello')
-        }
+            props.api.setState('test_key', 'hello');
+        };
         const backgroundColor = React.useMemo(
             () =>
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ const components = {
                     Math.random() * 256
                 )},${Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)})`,
-        )
+        );
         return (
@@ -164,33 +164,33 @@ const components = {
                 <div>{`G:${panelState.isGroupActive} P:${panelState.isPanelVisible}`}</div>
                 <div>{props.text || '-'}</div>
-        )
+        );
     editor: Editor,
     split_panel: SplitPanel,
 const tabComponents = {
     default: CustomTab,
 const nextGuid = (() => {
-    let counter = 0
-    return () => 'panel_' + (counter++).toString()
+    let counter = 0;
+    return () => 'panel_' + (counter++).toString();
 export const TestGrid = (props: IGridviewPanelProps) => {
-    const _api = React.useRef<Api>()
-    const [api, setApi] = React.useState<Api>()
+    const _api = React.useRef<Api>();
+    const [api, setApi] = React.useState<Api>();
     const onReady = (event: OnReadyEvent) => {
-        _api.current = event.api
-        setApi(event.api)
-    }
+        _api.current = event.api;
+        setApi(event.api);
+    };
     React.useEffect(() => {
         if (!api) {
-            return
+            return;
         const panelReference = api.addPanelFromComponent({
@@ -198,24 +198,24 @@ export const TestGrid = (props: IGridviewPanelProps) => {
             id: nextGuid(),
             title: 'Item 1',
             params: { text: 'how low?' },
-        })
+        });
             componentName: 'test_component',
             id: 'item2',
             title: 'Item 2',
-        })
+        });
             componentName: 'split_panel',
             id: nextGuid(),
             title: 'Item 3 with a long title',
-        })
+        });
             componentName: 'test_component',
             id: nextGuid(),
             title: 'Item 3',
             position: { direction: 'below', referencePanel: 'item2' },
             suppressClosable: true,
-        })
+        });
         // setInterval(() => {
         //   panelReference.update({ params: { text: `Tick ${}` } });
@@ -223,38 +223,38 @@ export const TestGrid = (props: IGridviewPanelProps) => {
         // }, 1000);
         api.addDndHandle('text/plain', (ev) => {
-            const { event } = ev
+            const { event } = ev;
             return {
                 id: 'yellow',
                 componentName: 'test_component',
-            }
-        })
+            };
+        });
         api.addDndHandle('Files', (ev) => {
-            const { event } = ev
+            const { event } = ev;
-            ev.event.event.preventDefault()
+            ev.event.event.preventDefault();
             return {
                 title: event.event.dataTransfer.files[0].name,
                 componentName: 'test_component',
-            }
-        })
-    }, [api])
+            };
+        });
+    }, [api]);
     const onAdd = () => {
-        const id = nextGuid()
+        const id = nextGuid();
             componentName: 'test_component',
-        })
-    }
+        });
+    };
     const onAddEmpty = () => {
-        api.addEmptyGroup()
-    }
+        api.addEmptyGroup();
+    };
     React.useEffect(() => {
         // const callback = (ev: UIEvent) => {
@@ -269,68 +269,68 @@ export const TestGrid = (props: IGridviewPanelProps) => {
             minimumWidth: () => _api.current.minimumWidth,
             minimumHeight: () => _api.current.minimumHeight,
-        })
+        });
         const disposable = new CompositeDisposable(
             _api.current.onDidLayoutChange((event) => {
-                console.log(event.kind)
+                console.log(event.kind);
             props.api.onDidDimensionsChange((event) => {
-                const { width, height } = event
-                _api.current.layout(width, height - 20)
+                const { width, height } = event;
+                _api.current.layout(width, height - 20);
-        )
+        );
         return () => {
-            disposable.dispose()
+            disposable.dispose();
             // window.removeEventListener("resize", callback);
-        }
-    }, [])
+        };
+    }, []);
     const onConfig = () => {
-        const data = api.toJSON()
-        const stringData = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)
-        console.log(stringData)
-        localStorage.setItem('layout', stringData)
-    }
+        const data = api.toJSON();
+        const stringData = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4);
+        console.log(stringData);
+        localStorage.setItem('layout', stringData);
+    };
     const onLoad = async () => {
-        const didClose = await api.closeAllGroups()
+        const didClose = await api.closeAllGroups();
         if (!didClose) {
-            return
+            return;
-        const data = localStorage.getItem('layout')
+        const data = localStorage.getItem('layout');
         if (data) {
-            const jsonData = JSON.parse(data)
-            api.deserialize(jsonData)
+            const jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
+            api.deserialize(jsonData);
-    }
+    };
     const onClear = () => {
-        api.closeAllGroups()
-    }
+        api.closeAllGroups();
+    };
     const onNextGroup = () => {
-        api.moveToNext({ includePanel: true })
-    }
+        api.moveToNext({ includePanel: true });
+    };
     const onPreviousGroup = () => {
-        api.moveToPrevious({ includePanel: true })
-    }
+        api.moveToPrevious({ includePanel: true });
+    };
     const onNextPanel = () => {
-        api.activeGroup?.moveToNext()
-    }
+        api.activeGroup?.moveToNext();
+    };
     const onPreviousPanel = () => {
-        api.activeGroup?.moveToPrevious()
-    }
+        api.activeGroup?.moveToPrevious();
+    };
-    const dragRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>()
+    const dragRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>();
     React.useEffect(() => {
         if (!api) {
-            return
+            return;
             { element: dragRef.current, content: 'drag me' },
@@ -338,12 +338,12 @@ export const TestGrid = (props: IGridviewPanelProps) => {
                 id: 'yellow',
                 componentName: 'test_component',
-        )
-    }, [api])
+        );
+    }, [api]);
     const onDragStart = (event: React.DragEvent) => {
-        event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', 'Panel2')
-    }
+        event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', 'Panel2');
+    };
     const onAddEditor = () => {
@@ -351,15 +351,15 @@ export const TestGrid = (props: IGridviewPanelProps) => {
             componentName: 'editor',
             tabComponentName: 'default',
             params: { layoutApi: api },
-        })
-    }
+        });
+    };
     const onTabContextMenu = React.useMemo(
         () => (event: TabContextMenuEvent) => {
-            console.log(event)
+            console.log(event);
-    )
+    );
     return (
@@ -421,5 +421,5 @@ export const TestGrid = (props: IGridviewPanelProps) => {
-    )
+    );
diff --git a/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/splitPanel.tsx b/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/splitPanel.tsx
index d6e864c60..85625a6e5 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/splitPanel.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-demo/src/layout-grid/splitPanel.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
+import * as React from 'react';
 import {
@@ -6,65 +6,65 @@ import {
-} from 'splitview'
-import { SplitViewComponent } from 'splitview'
+} from 'splitview';
+import { SplitViewComponent } from 'splitview';
 const components = {
     default1: (props: ISplitviewPanelProps) => {
-        const [focused, setFocused] = React.useState<boolean>(false)
+        const [focused, setFocused] = React.useState<boolean>(false);
         React.useEffect(() => {
             const disposable = new CompositeDisposable(
                 props.api.onDidFocusChange((event) => {
-                    setFocused(event.isFocused)
+                    setFocused(event.isFocused);
-            )
+            );
             return () => {
-                disposable.dispose()
-            }
-        }, [])
+                disposable.dispose();
+            };
+        }, []);
         return (
                 style={{ height: '100%', width: '100%' }}
             >{`component [isFocused: ${focused}]`}</div>
-        )
+        );
 export const SplitPanel = (props: IPanelProps) => {
-    const api = React.useRef<SplitviewFacade>()
+    const api = React.useRef<SplitviewFacade>();
     React.useEffect(() => {
         const disposable = new CompositeDisposable(
             props.api.onDidDimensionsChange((event) => {
-                api.current?.layout(event.width, event.height - 20)
+                api.current?.layout(event.width, event.height - 20);
             api.current.onChange((event) => {
-                props.api.setState('sview_layout', api.current.toJSON())
+                props.api.setState('sview_layout', api.current.toJSON());
-        )
+        );
         return () => {
-            disposable.dispose()
-        }
-    }, [])
+            disposable.dispose();
+        };
+    }, []);
     const onReady = (event: SplitviewReadyEvent) => {
-        const existingLayout = props.api.getStateKey('sview_layout')
+        const existingLayout = props.api.getStateKey('sview_layout');
         if (existingLayout) {
-            event.api.deserialize(existingLayout)
+            event.api.deserialize(existingLayout);
         } else {
-            event.api.addFromComponent({ id: '1', component: 'default1' })
-            event.api.addFromComponent({ id: '2', component: 'default1' })
+            event.api.addFromComponent({ id: '1', component: 'default1' });
+            event.api.addFromComponent({ id: '2', component: 'default1' });
-        api.current = event.api
-    }
+        api.current = event.api;
+    };
     const onSave = () => {
-        props.api.setState('sview_layout', api.current.toJSON())
-    }
+        props.api.setState('sview_layout', api.current.toJSON());
+    };
     return (
@@ -84,5 +84,5 @@ export const SplitPanel = (props: IPanelProps) => {
-    )
+    );
diff --git a/packages/splitview-demo/webpack.config.js b/packages/splitview-demo/webpack.config.js
index d98b7c6ae..953c83b3c 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-demo/webpack.config.js
+++ b/packages/splitview-demo/webpack.config.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-var path = require('path')
+var path = require('path');
 module.exports = {
     entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/index.tsx'),
@@ -50,4 +50,4 @@ module.exports = {
         contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public'),
         publicPath: '/dist',
diff --git a/packages/splitview-react/gulpfile.js b/packages/splitview-react/gulpfile.js
index 4f324791f..08717da94 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-react/gulpfile.js
+++ b/packages/splitview-react/gulpfile.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-const gulp = require('gulp')
-const buildfile = require('../../scripts/build')
-const package = require('./package')
+const gulp = require('gulp');
+const buildfile = require('../../scripts/build');
+const package = require('./package');{ tsconfig: './', package }){ tsconfig: './', package });
-gulp.task('run', gulp.series(['clean', 'esm', 'sass']))
+gulp.task('run', gulp.series(['clean', 'esm', 'sass']));
diff --git a/packages/splitview-react/src/bridge/pane.tsx b/packages/splitview-react/src/bridge/pane.tsx
index cc1d8507e..77b9e892e 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-react/src/bridge/pane.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-react/src/bridge/pane.tsx
@@ -1,121 +1,121 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { Orientation } from 'splitview'
-import { IViewWithReactComponent } from '../splitview'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { Orientation } from 'splitview';
+import { IViewWithReactComponent } from '../splitview';
 // component view
 export interface IPaneComponentProps extends IViewWithReactComponent {
-    setExpanded(expanded: boolean): void
-    orientation: Orientation
-    size: number
-    orthogonalSize: number
-    userprops?: { [index: string]: any }
+    setExpanded(expanded: boolean): void;
+    orientation: Orientation;
+    size: number;
+    orthogonalSize: number;
+    userprops?: { [index: string]: any };
 export interface IPaneComponentRef {
-    layout: (size: number, orthogonalSize: number) => void
+    layout: (size: number, orthogonalSize: number) => void;
 export type PaneComponent = React.ForwardRefRenderFunction<
 export interface IPaneHeaderComponentProps extends IViewWithReactComponent {
-    setExpanded(expanded: boolean): void
-    isExpanded: boolean
-    userprops?: { [index: string]: any }
+    setExpanded(expanded: boolean): void;
+    isExpanded: boolean;
+    userprops?: { [index: string]: any };
 export type PaneHeaderComponent = React.ForwardRefRenderFunction<
 // component view facade
 export interface IPaneRootProps {
-    component: PaneComponent
-    props: {}
+    component: PaneComponent;
+    props: {};
 export interface IPaneHeaderRootProps {
-    component: PaneHeaderComponent
-    props: {}
+    component: PaneHeaderComponent;
+    props: {};
 export interface IPaneRootRef extends IPaneComponentRef {
-    updateProps: (props: Partial<IPaneComponentProps>) => void
+    updateProps: (props: Partial<IPaneComponentProps>) => void;
 export interface IPaneHeaderRootRef {
-    updateProps: (props: Partial<IPaneHeaderComponentProps>) => void
+    updateProps: (props: Partial<IPaneHeaderComponentProps>) => void;
 export const PaneRoot = React.forwardRef(
     (props: IPaneRootProps, facadeRef: React.Ref<IPaneRootRef>) => {
-        const ref = React.useRef<IPaneComponentRef>()
+        const ref = React.useRef<IPaneComponentRef>();
         const [facadeProps, setFacadeProps] = React.useState<
-        >()
+        >();
             () => {
                 return {
                     updateProps: (props) => {
-                        setFacadeProps((_props) => ({ ..._props, ...props }))
+                        setFacadeProps((_props) => ({ ..._props, ...props }));
                     layout: (size, orthogonalSize) => {
-                        ref.current?.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
+                        ref.current?.layout(size, orthogonalSize);
-                }
+                };
-        )
+        );
         const Component = React.useMemo(
             () => React.forwardRef(props.component),
-        )
+        );
         const _props = React.useMemo(
             () => ({ ...props.props, ...facadeProps, ref }),
             [props.props, facadeProps]
-        )
+        );
-        return React.createElement(Component, _props)
+        return React.createElement(Component, _props);
 export const PaneHeaderRoot = React.forwardRef(
     (props: IPaneHeaderRootProps, facadeRef: React.Ref<IPaneHeaderRootRef>) => {
         const [facadeProps, setFacadeProps] = React.useState<
-        >()
+        >();
             () => {
                 return {
                     updateProps: (props) => {
-                        setFacadeProps((_props) => ({ ..._props, ...props }))
+                        setFacadeProps((_props) => ({ ..._props, ...props }));
-                }
+                };
-        )
+        );
         const Component = React.useMemo(
             () => React.forwardRef(props.component),
-        )
+        );
         const _props = React.useMemo(
             () => ({ ...props.props, ...facadeProps }),
             [props.props, facadeProps]
-        )
+        );
-        return React.createElement(Component, _props)
+        return React.createElement(Component, _props);
diff --git a/packages/splitview-react/src/bridge/view.tsx b/packages/splitview-react/src/bridge/view.tsx
index 92bc010eb..42d5bbc54 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-react/src/bridge/view.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-react/src/bridge/view.tsx
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { IViewWithReactComponent } from '../splitview'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { IViewWithReactComponent } from '../splitview';
 // component view
 export interface IViewComponentProps
     extends Omit<IViewWithReactComponent, 'component'> {
-    userprops?: { [index: string]: any }
+    userprops?: { [index: string]: any };
 export interface IViewComponentRef {
-    layout: (size: number, orthogonalSize: number) => void
+    layout: (size: number, orthogonalSize: number) => void;
 export type ViewComponent = React.ForwardRefRenderFunction<
 // component view facade
 export interface IViewRootProps {
-    component: ViewComponent
-    props: {}
+    component: ViewComponent;
+    props: {};
 export interface IViewRootRef extends IViewComponentRef {
-    updateProps: (props: Partial<IViewComponentProps>) => void
+    updateProps: (props: Partial<IViewComponentProps>) => void;
 export const ViewRoot = React.forwardRef(
     (props: IViewRootProps, facadeRef: React.Ref<IViewRootRef>) => {
-        const ref = React.useRef<IViewComponentRef>()
+        const ref = React.useRef<IViewComponentRef>();
         const [facadeProps, setFacadeProps] = React.useState<
-        >()
+        >();
             () => {
                 return {
                     updateProps: (props) => {
-                        setFacadeProps((_props) => ({ ..._props, ...props }))
+                        setFacadeProps((_props) => ({ ..._props, ...props }));
                     layout: (size, orthogonalSize) => {
-                        ref.current?.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
+                        ref.current?.layout(size, orthogonalSize);
-                }
+                };
-        )
+        );
         const Component = React.useMemo(
             () => React.forwardRef(props.component),
-        )
+        );
         const _props = React.useMemo(
             () => ({ ...props.props, ...facadeProps, ref }),
             [props.props, facadeProps]
-        )
+        );
-        return React.createElement(Component, _props)
+        return React.createElement(Component, _props);
         // return <Component ref={ref} {...props.props} {...facadeProps} />;
diff --git a/packages/splitview-react/src/index.tsx b/packages/splitview-react/src/index.tsx
index 625f37efc..4cdfea424 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-react/src/index.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-react/src/index.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-export * from './splitview'
-export * from './paneview'
-export * from './bridge/view'
-export * from './panel/view'
-export * from './bridge/pane'
-export * from './panel/pane'
+export * from './splitview';
+export * from './paneview';
+export * from './bridge/view';
+export * from './panel/view';
+export * from './bridge/pane';
+export * from './panel/pane';
diff --git a/packages/splitview-react/src/panel/pane.tsx b/packages/splitview-react/src/panel/pane.tsx
index 4d58f9308..8b2db5c04 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-react/src/panel/pane.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-react/src/panel/pane.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
-import { Pane, IDisposable } from 'splitview'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import { Pane, IDisposable } from 'splitview';
 import {
@@ -9,47 +9,47 @@ import {
-} from '../bridge/pane'
-import { IViewWithReactComponent } from '../splitview'
-import { IPaneWithReactComponent } from '../paneview'
+} from '../bridge/pane';
+import { IViewWithReactComponent } from '../splitview';
+import { IPaneWithReactComponent } from '../paneview';
 export class PaneReact extends Pane {
-    public readonly id: string
+    public readonly id: string;
-    private bodyDisposable: IDisposable
-    private headerDisposable: IDisposable
-    private bodyRef: IPaneRootRef
-    private headerRef: IPaneHeaderRootRef
-    private disposable: IDisposable
+    private bodyDisposable: IDisposable;
+    private headerDisposable: IDisposable;
+    private bodyRef: IPaneRootRef;
+    private headerRef: IPaneHeaderRootRef;
+    private disposable: IDisposable;
         private readonly view: IPaneWithReactComponent,
         private readonly bodyComponent: PaneComponent,
         private readonly options: {
-            headerName: string
-            addPortal: (portal: React.ReactPortal) => IDisposable
-            headerComponent?: PaneHeaderComponent
+            headerName: string;
+            addPortal: (portal: React.ReactPortal) => IDisposable;
+            headerComponent?: PaneHeaderComponent;
     ) {
-        super({ isExpanded: view.isExpanded })
-        this.layout = this.layout.bind(this)
-        this.onDidChange = this.onDidChange.bind(this)
-        this.setRef = this.setRef.bind(this)
-        this.setHeaderRef = this.setHeaderRef.bind(this)
-        this.setExpanded = this.setExpanded.bind(this)
+        super({ isExpanded: view.isExpanded });
+        this.layout = this.layout.bind(this);
+        this.onDidChange = this.onDidChange.bind(this);
+        this.setRef = this.setRef.bind(this);
+        this.setHeaderRef = this.setHeaderRef.bind(this);
+        this.setExpanded = this.setExpanded.bind(this);
- =
+ =;
-        this.minimumSize = view.minimumSize
-        this.maximumSize = view.maximumSize
+        this.minimumSize = view.minimumSize;
+        this.maximumSize = view.maximumSize;
-        this.render()
+        this.render();
     public renderBody(element: HTMLElement) {
         if (this.bodyDisposable) {
-            this.bodyDisposable.dispose()
-            this.bodyDisposable = undefined
+            this.bodyDisposable.dispose();
+            this.bodyDisposable = undefined;
         const bodyPortal = ReactDOM.createPortal(
@@ -65,21 +65,21 @@ export class PaneReact extends Pane {
-        )
-        this.bodyDisposable = this.options.addPortal(bodyPortal)
+        );
+        this.bodyDisposable = this.options.addPortal(bodyPortal);
     public renderHeader(element: HTMLElement) {
         if (this.headerDisposable) {
-            this.headerDisposable.dispose()
-            this.disposable?.dispose()
-            this.headerDisposable = undefined
+            this.headerDisposable.dispose();
+            this.disposable?.dispose();
+            this.headerDisposable = undefined;
         if (this.options.headerComponent) {
             this.disposable = this.onDidChangeExpansionState((isExpanded) => {
-                this.headerRef?.updateProps({ isExpanded })
-            })
+                this.headerRef?.updateProps({ isExpanded });
+            });
             const headerPortal = ReactDOM.createPortal(
@@ -94,50 +94,50 @@ export class PaneReact extends Pane {
-            )
-            this.headerDisposable = this.options.addPortal(headerPortal)
+            );
+            this.headerDisposable = this.options.addPortal(headerPortal);
         } else {
-            element.textContent = this.options.headerName
+            element.textContent = this.options.headerName;
             element.onclick = () => {
-                this.setExpanded(!this.isExpanded())
-            }
+                this.setExpanded(!this.isExpanded());
+            };
     public update(view: IViewWithReactComponent) {
-        this.minimumSize = view.minimumSize
-        this.maximumSize = view.maximumSize
+        this.minimumSize = view.minimumSize;
+        this.maximumSize = view.maximumSize;
-        this.render()
+        this.render();
             minimumSize: this.minimumSize,
             maximumSize: this.maximumSize,
-        })
+        });
     public layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number) {
-        super.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
-        this.orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize
-        this.bodyRef?.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
-        this.bodyRef?.updateProps({ size, orthogonalSize })
+        super.layout(size, orthogonalSize);
+        this.orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize;
+        this.bodyRef?.layout(size, orthogonalSize);
+        this.bodyRef?.updateProps({ size, orthogonalSize });
     private setRef(ref: IPaneRootRef) {
-        this.bodyRef = ref
+        this.bodyRef = ref;
     private setHeaderRef(ref: IPaneRootRef) {
-        this.headerRef = ref
+        this.headerRef = ref;
             isExpanded: this.isExpanded(),
             setExpanded: this.setExpanded,
-        })
+        });
     public dispose() {
-        this.bodyDisposable?.dispose()
-        this.headerDisposable?.dispose()
-        this.disposable?.dispose()
+        this.bodyDisposable?.dispose();
+        this.headerDisposable?.dispose();
+        this.disposable?.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview-react/src/panel/view.tsx b/packages/splitview-react/src/panel/view.tsx
index 7c5a6966d..8516b78f1 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-react/src/panel/view.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-react/src/panel/view.tsx
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
-import { IView, Emitter } from 'splitview'
-import { IViewRootRef, ViewComponent, ViewRoot } from '../bridge/view'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import { IView, Emitter } from 'splitview';
+import { IViewRootRef, ViewComponent, ViewRoot } from '../bridge/view';
-import { IViewWithReactComponent } from '../splitview'
+import { IViewWithReactComponent } from '../splitview';
 export class ReactRenderView implements IView {
-    private ref: IViewRootRef
-    private disposable: { dispose: () => void }
+    private ref: IViewRootRef;
+    private disposable: { dispose: () => void };
-    public readonly id: string
-    private readonly component: ViewComponent
-    public readonly props: {}
+    public readonly id: string;
+    private readonly component: ViewComponent;
+    public readonly props: {};
-    public element: HTMLElement
-    public minimumSize: number
-    public maximumSize: number
-    public snapSize: number
-    public size: number
+    public element: HTMLElement;
+    public minimumSize: number;
+    public maximumSize: number;
+    public snapSize: number;
+    public size: number;
-    private readonly _onDidChange = new Emitter<number | undefined>()
-    public readonly onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event
+    private readonly _onDidChange = new Emitter<number | undefined>();
+    public readonly onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event;
-    private _rendered = false
-    private _size: number
-    private _orthogonalSize: number
+    private _rendered = false;
+    private _size: number;
+    private _orthogonalSize: number;
         view: IViewWithReactComponent,
@@ -32,52 +32,52 @@ export class ReactRenderView implements IView {
             portal: React.ReactPortal
         ) => { dispose: () => void }
     ) {
-        this.layout = this.layout.bind(this)
-        this.onDidChange = this.onDidChange.bind(this)
-        this.setRef = this.setRef.bind(this)
+        this.layout = this.layout.bind(this);
+        this.onDidChange = this.onDidChange.bind(this);
+        this.setRef = this.setRef.bind(this);
- =
-        this.component = view.component
-        this.props = view.props
+ =;
+        this.component = view.component;
+        this.props = view.props;
-        this.minimumSize = view.minimumSize
-        this.maximumSize = view.maximumSize
-        this.snapSize = view.snapSize
+        this.minimumSize = view.minimumSize;
+        this.maximumSize = view.maximumSize;
+        this.snapSize = view.snapSize;
-        this.element = document.createElement('div')
- = 'react-attachable-view'
+        this.element = document.createElement('div');
+ = 'react-attachable-view';
     public update(view: IView) {
-        this.minimumSize = view.minimumSize
-        this.maximumSize = view.maximumSize
-        this.snapSize = view.snapSize
+        this.minimumSize = view.minimumSize;
+        this.maximumSize = view.maximumSize;
+        this.snapSize = view.snapSize;
             minimumSize: this.minimumSize,
             maximumSize: this.maximumSize,
             snapSize: this.snapSize,
-        })
+        });
     public layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number) {
         if (!this._rendered) {
-            this.attachReactComponent()
-            this._rendered = true
+            this.attachReactComponent();
+            this._rendered = true;
-        this._size = size
-        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize
-        this.ref?.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
+        this._size = size;
+        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize;
+        this.ref?.layout(size, orthogonalSize);
     private attachReactComponent() {
-        const portal = this.createReactElement()
+        const portal = this.createReactElement();
         if (this.disposable) {
-            this.disposable.dispose()
-            this.disposable = undefined
+            this.disposable.dispose();
+            this.disposable = undefined;
-        this.disposable = this.addPortal(portal)
+        this.disposable = this.addPortal(portal);
     private createReactElement() {
@@ -94,15 +94,15 @@ export class ReactRenderView implements IView {
-        )
+        );
     private setRef(ref: IViewRootRef) {
-        this.ref = ref
-        this.ref?.layout(this._size, this._orthogonalSize)
+        this.ref = ref;
+        this.ref?.layout(this._size, this._orthogonalSize);
     public dispose() {
-        this.disposable?.dispose()
+        this.disposable?.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview-react/src/paneview.tsx b/packages/splitview-react/src/paneview.tsx
index c077413eb..cdb8c5668 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-react/src/paneview.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-react/src/paneview.tsx
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { Orientation, IBaseView, PaneView } from 'splitview'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { Orientation, IBaseView, PaneView } from 'splitview';
-import { PaneReact } from './panel/pane'
-import { PaneComponent, PaneHeaderComponent } from './bridge/pane'
+import { PaneReact } from './panel/pane';
+import { PaneComponent, PaneHeaderComponent } from './bridge/pane';
 export interface IPaneWithReactComponent extends IBaseView {
-    id: string
-    headerId: string
-    component: PaneComponent
-    headerComponent: PaneHeaderComponent
-    isExpanded: boolean
-    componentProps: {}
-    headerProps: {}
+    id: string;
+    headerId: string;
+    component: PaneComponent;
+    headerComponent: PaneHeaderComponent;
+    isExpanded: boolean;
+    componentProps: {};
+    headerProps: {};
 export interface IPaneViewReactProps {
-    orientation: Orientation
-    onReady?: (event: PaneViewReadyEvent) => void
-    components?: { [index: string]: PaneComponent }
-    headerComponents?: { [index: string]: PaneHeaderComponent }
-    size: number
-    orthogonalSize: number
-    initialLayout?: PaneViewSerializedConfig
+    orientation: Orientation;
+    onReady?: (event: PaneViewReadyEvent) => void;
+    components?: { [index: string]: PaneComponent };
+    headerComponents?: { [index: string]: PaneHeaderComponent };
+    size: number;
+    orthogonalSize: number;
+    initialLayout?: PaneViewSerializedConfig;
 export interface PaneViewReadyEvent {
-    api: PaneviewApi
+    api: PaneviewApi;
 export interface PaneViewSerializedConfig {
     views: Array<
         Omit<IPaneWithReactComponent, 'component' | 'headerComponent'> & {
-            size?: number
+            size?: number;
-    >
+    >;
 export interface PaneviewApi {
@@ -42,27 +42,27 @@ export interface PaneviewApi {
             'component' | 'headerComponent'
         > & {
-            size?: number
-            index?: number
+            size?: number;
+            index?: number;
-    ) => void
-    moveView: (from: number, to: number) => void
-    toJSON: () => {}
+    ) => void;
+    moveView: (from: number, to: number) => void;
+    toJSON: () => {};
 export interface IPaneViewComponentRef {
-    layout: (size: number, orthogonalSize: number) => void
+    layout: (size: number, orthogonalSize: number) => void;
 export const PaneViewComponent = React.forwardRef(
     (props: IPaneViewReactProps, _ref: React.Ref<IPaneViewComponentRef>) => {
-        const ref = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>()
+        const ref = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>();
         const dimension = React.useRef<{
-            size: number
-            orthogonalSize: number
-        }>()
-        const paneview = React.useRef<PaneView>()
-        const [portals, setPortals] = React.useState<React.ReactPortal[]>([])
+            size: number;
+            orthogonalSize: number;
+        }>();
+        const paneview = React.useRef<PaneView>();
+        const [portals, setPortals] = React.useState<React.ReactPortal[]>([]);
         const createView = React.useCallback(
             (_view: IPaneWithReactComponent) => {
@@ -70,47 +70,47 @@ export const PaneViewComponent = React.forwardRef(
                     headerName: 'header',
                     headerComponent: _view.headerComponent,
                     addPortal: (portal) => {
-                        setPortals((portals) => [...portals, portal])
+                        setPortals((portals) => [...portals, portal]);
                         return {
                             dispose: () => {
                                 setPortals((portals) =>
                                     portals.filter((_) => _ !== portal)
-                                )
+                                );
-                        }
+                        };
-                })
+                });
-        )
+        );
         const hydrate = React.useCallback(() => {
             if (!props.initialLayout || !paneview.current) {
-                return
+                return;
-            const serializedConfig = props.initialLayout
+            const serializedConfig = props.initialLayout;
             serializedConfig.views.forEach((view) => {
-                const component = props.components[]
-                const headerComponent = props.headerComponents[view.headerId]
+                const component = props.components[];
+                const headerComponent = props.headerComponents[view.headerId];
                     createView({ ...view, component, headerComponent }),
-                )
-            })
-            paneview.current.layout(props.size, props.orthogonalSize)
-        }, [props.initialLayout])
+                );
+            });
+            paneview.current.layout(props.size, props.orthogonalSize);
+        }, [props.initialLayout]);
         React.useEffect(() => {
             if (paneview.current && dimension?.current) {
-                )
-                dimension.current = undefined
+                );
+                dimension.current = undefined;
-        }, [paneview.current])
+        }, [paneview.current]);
         // if you put this in a hook it's laggy
         // paneview.current?.layout(props.size, props.orthogonalSize);
@@ -122,20 +122,20 @@ export const PaneViewComponent = React.forwardRef(
                     if (!paneview.current) {
                         // handle the case when layout is called and paneview doesn't exist yet
                         // we cache the values and use them at the first opportunity
-                        dimension.current = { size, orthogonalSize }
+                        dimension.current = { size, orthogonalSize };
-                    paneview.current?.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
+                    paneview.current?.layout(size, orthogonalSize);
-        )
+        );
         React.useEffect(() => {
             paneview.current = new PaneView(ref.current, {
                 orientation: props.orientation,
-            })
+            });
-            hydrate()
+            hydrate();
             if (props.onReady) {
@@ -145,14 +145,14 @@ export const PaneViewComponent = React.forwardRef(
                                 'component' | 'headerComponent'
                             > & {
-                                props?: {}
-                                size?: number
-                                index?: number
+                                props?: {};
+                                size?: number;
+                                index?: number;
                         ) => {
-                            const component = props.components[]
+                            const component = props.components[];
                             const headerComponent =
-                                props.headerComponents[options.headerId]
+                                props.headerComponents[options.headerId];
@@ -161,14 +161,14 @@ export const PaneViewComponent = React.forwardRef(
-                            )
+                            );
-                            )
+                            );
                         moveView: (from: number, to: number) => {
-                            paneview.current.moveView(from, to)
+                            paneview.current.moveView(from, to);
                         toJSON: () => {
                             return {
@@ -188,28 +188,28 @@ export const PaneViewComponent = React.forwardRef(
                                 //     {}
                                 //   )
                                 // ),
-                            }
+                            };
-                })
+                });
-            paneview.current.layout(props.size, props.orthogonalSize)
+            paneview.current.layout(props.size, props.orthogonalSize);
             return () => {
-                paneview.current?.dispose()
-                paneview.current = undefined
-            }
-        }, [])
+                paneview.current?.dispose();
+                paneview.current = undefined;
+            };
+        }, []);
         React.useEffect(() => {
-            paneview.current?.setOrientation(props.orientation)
-        }, [props.orientation])
+            paneview.current?.setOrientation(props.orientation);
+        }, [props.orientation]);
         return (
             <div ref={ref} className="split-view-react-wrapper">
-        )
+        );
diff --git a/packages/splitview-react/src/splitview.tsx b/packages/splitview-react/src/splitview.tsx
index b23c5b848..82b6cfe53 100644
--- a/packages/splitview-react/src/splitview.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview-react/src/splitview.tsx
@@ -1,90 +1,92 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { SplitView, Orientation, IBaseView } from 'splitview'
-import { ReactRenderView } from './panel/view'
-import { ViewComponent } from './bridge/view'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { SplitView, Orientation, IBaseView } from 'splitview';
+import { ReactRenderView } from './panel/view';
+import { ViewComponent } from './bridge/view';
 export interface IViewWithReactComponent extends IBaseView {
-    id: string
-    props?: {}
-    component: ViewComponent
+    id: string;
+    props?: {};
+    component: ViewComponent;
 export interface OnReadyEvent {
-    api: SplitviewApi
+    api: SplitviewApi;
 export interface SerializedConfig {
-    views: Array<Omit<IViewWithReactComponent, 'component'> & { size?: number }>
+    views: Array<
+        Omit<IViewWithReactComponent, 'component'> & { size?: number }
+    >;
 export interface SplitviewApi {
     add: (
         options: Omit<IViewWithReactComponent, 'component'> & {
-            size?: number
-            index?: number
+            size?: number;
+            index?: number;
-    ) => void
-    moveView: (from: number, to: number) => void
-    toJSON: () => {}
+    ) => void;
+    moveView: (from: number, to: number) => void;
+    toJSON: () => {};
 export interface ISplitViewReactProps {
-    orientation: Orientation
-    size: number
-    orthogonalSize: number
-    onReady?: (event: OnReadyEvent) => void
-    components?: { [index: string]: ViewComponent }
-    initialLayout?: SerializedConfig
+    orientation: Orientation;
+    size: number;
+    orthogonalSize: number;
+    onReady?: (event: OnReadyEvent) => void;
+    components?: { [index: string]: ViewComponent };
+    initialLayout?: SerializedConfig;
 export interface ISplitViewComponentRef {
-    layout: (size: number, orthogonalSize: number) => void
+    layout: (size: number, orthogonalSize: number) => void;
 export const SplitViewComponent = React.forwardRef(
     (props: ISplitViewReactProps, ref: React.Ref<ISplitViewComponentRef>) => {
-        const containerRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>()
-        const splitview = React.useRef<SplitView>()
-        const [portals, setPortals] = React.useState<React.ReactPortal[]>([])
+        const containerRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>();
+        const splitview = React.useRef<SplitView>();
+        const [portals, setPortals] = React.useState<React.ReactPortal[]>([]);
         const hydrate = React.useCallback(() => {
             if (!props.initialLayout || !splitview.current) {
-                return
+                return;
-            const serializedConfig = props.initialLayout
+            const serializedConfig = props.initialLayout;
             serializedConfig.views.forEach((view) => {
-                const component = props.components[]
+                const component = props.components[];
                     createView({ ...view, component }),
-                )
-            })
-            splitview.current.layout(props.size, props.orthogonalSize)
-        }, [props.initialLayout])
+                );
+            });
+            splitview.current.layout(props.size, props.orthogonalSize);
+        }, [props.initialLayout]);
         React.useEffect(() => {
-            splitview.current?.setOrientation(props.orientation)
-            splitview.current?.layout(props.size, props.orthogonalSize)
-        }, [props.orientation])
+            splitview.current?.setOrientation(props.orientation);
+            splitview.current?.layout(props.size, props.orthogonalSize);
+        }, [props.orientation]);
             () => ({
                 layout: (size, orthogonalSize) => {
-                    splitview.current?.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
+                    splitview.current?.layout(size, orthogonalSize);
-        )
+        );
         React.useEffect(() => {
             splitview.current = new SplitView(containerRef.current, {
                 orientation: props.orientation,
-            })
+            });
-            hydrate()
+            hydrate();
             if (props.onReady) {
@@ -94,24 +96,24 @@ export const SplitViewComponent = React.forwardRef(
                             > & {
-                                props?: {}
-                                size?: number
-                                index?: number
+                                props?: {};
+                                size?: number;
+                                index?: number;
                         ) => {
-                            const component = props.components[]
+                            const component = props.components[];
                                 createView({ ...options, component }),
-                            )
+                            );
-                            )
+                            );
                         moveView: (from: number, to: number) => {
-                            splitview.current.moveView(from, to)
+                            splitview.current.moveView(from, to);
                         toJSON: () => {
                             return {
@@ -132,37 +134,37 @@ export const SplitViewComponent = React.forwardRef(
-                            }
+                            };
-                })
+                });
-            splitview.current.layout(props.size, props.orthogonalSize)
+            splitview.current.layout(props.size, props.orthogonalSize);
             return () => {
-                splitview.current.dispose()
-            }
-        }, [])
+                splitview.current.dispose();
+            };
+        }, []);
         const createView = React.useCallback(
             (view: IViewWithReactComponent) =>
                 new ReactRenderView(view, (portal) => {
-                    setPortals((portals) => [...portals, portal])
+                    setPortals((portals) => [...portals, portal]);
                     return {
                         dispose: () =>
                             void setPortals((portals) =>
                                 portals.filter((_) => _ !== portal)
-                    }
+                    };
-        )
+        );
         return (
             <div ref={containerRef} className="split-view-container-react">
-        )
+        );
diff --git a/packages/splitview/gulpfile.js b/packages/splitview/gulpfile.js
index f92abcc44..c0c0ab352 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/gulpfile.js
+++ b/packages/splitview/gulpfile.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-const gulp = require('gulp')
-const buildfile = require('../../scripts/build')
-const package = require('./package')
+const gulp = require('gulp');
+const buildfile = require('../../scripts/build');
+const package = require('./package');{ tsconfig: './', package }){ tsconfig: './', package });
-gulp.task('run', gulp.series(['esm', 'sass']))
+gulp.task('run', gulp.series(['esm', 'sass']));
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/array.ts b/packages/splitview/src/array.ts
index f457a429e..5039c439d 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/array.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/array.ts
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
 export function tail<T>(arr: T[]): [T[], T] {
     if (arr.length === 0) {
-        throw new Error('Invalid tail call')
+        throw new Error('Invalid tail call');
-    return [arr.slice(0, arr.length - 1), arr[arr.length - 1]]
+    return [arr.slice(0, arr.length - 1), arr[arr.length - 1]];
 export function last<T>(arr: T[]): T {
-    return arr.length > 0 ? arr[arr.length - 1] : undefined
+    return arr.length > 0 ? arr[arr.length - 1] : undefined;
 export function sequenceEquals<T>(arr1: T[], arr2: T[]) {
     if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) {
-        return false
+        return false;
     for (let i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
         if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) {
-            return false
+            return false;
-    return true
+    return true;
  * Pushes an element to the start of the array, if found.
 export function pushToStart<T>(arr: T[], value: T): void {
-    const index = arr.indexOf(value)
+    const index = arr.indexOf(value);
     if (index > -1) {
-        arr.splice(index, 1)
-        arr.unshift(value)
+        arr.splice(index, 1);
+        arr.unshift(value);
@@ -39,31 +39,31 @@ export function pushToStart<T>(arr: T[], value: T): void {
  * Pushes an element to the end of the array, if found.
 export function pushToEnd<T>(arr: T[], value: T): void {
-    const index = arr.indexOf(value)
+    const index = arr.indexOf(value);
     if (index > -1) {
-        arr.splice(index, 1)
-        arr.push(value)
+        arr.splice(index, 1);
+        arr.push(value);
 export const range = (from: number, to: number = undefined) => {
-    const result: number[] = []
+    const result: number[] = [];
     if (to === undefined) {
-        to = from
-        from = 0
+        to = from;
+        from = 0;
     if (from <= to) {
         for (let i = from; i < to; i++) {
-            result.push(i)
+            result.push(i);
     } else {
         for (let i = from; i > to; i--) {
-            result.push(i)
+            result.push(i);
-    return result
+    return result;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/async.ts b/packages/splitview/src/async.ts
index 1593755ee..3943765b9 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/async.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/async.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 export function timeoutPromise(timeout: number): Promise<void> {
     return new Promise((resolve) => {
         setTimeout(() => {
-            resolve()
-        }, timeout)
-    })
+            resolve();
+        }, timeout);
+    });
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/dom.ts b/packages/splitview/src/dom.ts
index a55da2c24..7be391114 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/dom.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/dom.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-import { Event, Emitter, addDisposableListener } from './events'
-import { IDisposable, CompositeDisposable } from './lifecycle'
+import { Event, Emitter, addDisposableListener } from './events';
+import { IDisposable, CompositeDisposable } from './lifecycle';
 export function getDomNodePagePosition(domNode: HTMLElement) {
-    const bb = domNode.getBoundingClientRect()
+    const bb = domNode.getBoundingClientRect();
     return {
         left: bb.left + window.scrollX,
         top: + window.scrollY,
         width: bb.width,
         height: bb.height,
-    }
+    };
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ export const scrollIntoView = (
     element: HTMLElement,
     container: HTMLElement
 ) => {
-    const { inView, breachPoint } = isElementInView(element, container, true)
+    const { inView, breachPoint } = isElementInView(element, container, true);
     if (!inView) {
-        const adder = -container.offsetTop
-        const isUp = breachPoint === 'top'
+        const adder = -container.offsetTop;
+        const isUp = breachPoint === 'top';
             top: isUp
                 ? adder + element.offsetTop
@@ -30,108 +30,108 @@ export const scrollIntoView = (
                   element.offsetTop -
                   container.clientHeight +
-        })
+        });
 export const isElementInView = (
     element: HTMLElement,
     container: HTMLElement,
     fullyInView: boolean
 ): { inView: boolean; breachPoint?: 'top' | 'bottom' } => {
-    const containerOfftsetTop = container.offsetTop
-    const containerTop = containerOfftsetTop + container.scrollTop
+    const containerOfftsetTop = container.offsetTop;
+    const containerTop = containerOfftsetTop + container.scrollTop;
     const containerBottom =
-        containerTop + container.getBoundingClientRect().height
-    const elementTop = element.offsetTop
-    const elementBottom = elementTop + element.getBoundingClientRect().height
+        containerTop + container.getBoundingClientRect().height;
+    const elementTop = element.offsetTop;
+    const elementBottom = elementTop + element.getBoundingClientRect().height;
     const isAbove = fullyInView
         ? containerTop >= elementTop
-        : elementTop > containerBottom
+        : elementTop > containerBottom;
     const isBelow = fullyInView
         ? containerBottom <= elementBottom
-        : elementBottom < containerTop
+        : elementBottom < containerTop;
     if (isAbove) {
-        return { inView: false, breachPoint: 'top' }
+        return { inView: false, breachPoint: 'top' };
     if (isBelow) {
-        return { inView: false, breachPoint: 'bottom' }
+        return { inView: false, breachPoint: 'bottom' };
-    return { inView: true }
+    return { inView: true };
 export function isHTMLElement(o: any): o is HTMLElement {
     if (typeof HTMLElement === 'object') {
-        return o instanceof HTMLElement
+        return o instanceof HTMLElement;
     return (
         o &&
         typeof o === 'object' &&
         o.nodeType === 1 &&
         typeof o.nodeName === 'string'
-    )
+    );
 export const isInTree = (element: HTMLElement, className: string) => {
-    let _element = element
+    let _element = element;
     while (_element) {
         if (_element.classList.contains(className)) {
-            return true
+            return true;
-        _element = _element.parentElement
+        _element = _element.parentElement;
-    return false
+    return false;
 export const removeClasses = (element: HTMLElement, ...classes: string[]) => {
     for (const classname of classes) {
         if (element.classList.contains(classname)) {
-            element.classList.remove(classname)
+            element.classList.remove(classname);
 export const addClasses = (element: HTMLElement, ...classes: string[]) => {
     for (const classname of classes) {
         if (!element.classList.contains(classname)) {
-            element.classList.add(classname)
+            element.classList.add(classname);
 export const toggleClass = (
     element: HTMLElement,
     className: string,
     isToggled: boolean
 ) => {
-    const hasClass = element.classList.contains(className)
+    const hasClass = element.classList.contains(className);
     if (isToggled && !hasClass) {
-        element.classList.add(className)
+        element.classList.add(className);
     if (!isToggled && hasClass) {
-        element.classList.remove(className)
+        element.classList.remove(className);
 export function firstIndex<T>(
     array: T[] | ReadonlyArray<T>,
     fn: (item: T) => boolean
 ): number {
     for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
-        const element = array[i]
+        const element = array[i];
         if (fn(element)) {
-            return i
+            return i;
-    return -1
+    return -1;
 export function isAncestor(
@@ -140,93 +140,93 @@ export function isAncestor(
 ): boolean {
     while (testChild) {
         if (testChild === testAncestor) {
-            return true
+            return true;
-        testChild = testChild.parentNode
+        testChild = testChild.parentNode;
-    return false
+    return false;
 export interface IFocusTracker extends IDisposable {
-    onDidFocus: Event<void>
-    onDidBlur: Event<void>
-    refreshState?(): void
+    onDidFocus: Event<void>;
+    onDidBlur: Event<void>;
+    refreshState?(): void;
 export function trackFocus(element: HTMLElement | Window): IFocusTracker {
-    return new FocusTracker(element)
+    return new FocusTracker(element);
  * Track focus on an element. Ensure tabIndex is set when an HTMLElement is not focusable by default
 class FocusTracker extends CompositeDisposable implements IFocusTracker {
-    private readonly _onDidFocus = new Emitter<void>()
-    public readonly onDidFocus: Event<void> = this._onDidFocus.event
+    private readonly _onDidFocus = new Emitter<void>();
+    public readonly onDidFocus: Event<void> = this._onDidFocus.event;
-    private readonly _onDidBlur = new Emitter<void>()
-    public readonly onDidBlur: Event<void> = this._onDidBlur.event
+    private readonly _onDidBlur = new Emitter<void>();
+    public readonly onDidBlur: Event<void> = this._onDidBlur.event;
-    private _refreshStateHandler: () => void
+    private _refreshStateHandler: () => void;
     constructor(element: HTMLElement | Window) {
-        super()
+        super();
-        let hasFocus = isAncestor(document.activeElement, <HTMLElement>element)
-        let loosingFocus = false
+        let hasFocus = isAncestor(document.activeElement, <HTMLElement>element);
+        let loosingFocus = false;
         const onFocus = () => {
-            loosingFocus = false
+            loosingFocus = false;
             if (!hasFocus) {
-                hasFocus = true
+                hasFocus = true;
+      ;
-        }
+        };
         const onBlur = () => {
             if (hasFocus) {
-                loosingFocus = true
+                loosingFocus = true;
                 window.setTimeout(() => {
                     if (loosingFocus) {
-                        loosingFocus = false
-                        hasFocus = false
+                        loosingFocus = false;
+                        hasFocus = false;
+              ;
-                }, 0)
+                }, 0);
-        }
+        };
         this._refreshStateHandler = () => {
             let currentNodeHasFocus = isAncestor(
-            )
+            );
             if (currentNodeHasFocus !== hasFocus) {
                 if (hasFocus) {
-                    onBlur()
+                    onBlur();
                 } else {
-                    onFocus()
+                    onFocus();
-        }
+        };
             addDisposableListener(element, 'focus', onFocus, true)
-        )
+        );
             addDisposableListener(element, 'blur', onBlur, true)
-        )
+        );
     refreshState() {
-        this._refreshStateHandler()
+        this._refreshStateHandler();
     public dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
-        this._onDidBlur.dispose()
-        this._onDidFocus.dispose()
+        this._onDidBlur.dispose();
+        this._onDidFocus.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/events.ts b/packages/splitview/src/events.ts
index 886d6a7ae..e61765c4a 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/events.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/events.ts
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-import { IDisposable } from './lifecycle'
+import { IDisposable } from './lifecycle';
 export interface Event<T> {
-    (listener: (e: T) => any): IDisposable
+    (listener: (e: T) => any): IDisposable;
 export interface EmitterOptions {
-    emitLastValue?: boolean
+    emitLastValue?: boolean;
 export namespace Event {
     export const any = <T>(...children: Event<T>[]): Event<T> => {
         return (listener: (e: T) => void) => {
-            const disposables = => child(listener))
+            const disposables = => child(listener));
             return {
                 dispose: () => {
                     disposables.forEach((d) => {
-                        d.dispose()
-                    })
+                        d.dispose();
+                    });
-            }
-        }
-    }
+            };
+        };
+    };
 // dumb event emitter with better typings than nodes event emitter
 export class Emitter<T> implements IDisposable {
-    private _event: Event<T>
+    private _event: Event<T>;
-    private _last: T
-    private _listeners: Array<(e: T) => any> = []
-    private _disposed: boolean = false
+    private _last: T;
+    private _listeners: Array<(e: T) => any> = [];
+    private _disposed: boolean = false;
     constructor(private readonly options?: EmitterOptions) {}
@@ -39,38 +39,38 @@ export class Emitter<T> implements IDisposable {
         if (!this._event) {
             this._event = (listener: (e: T) => void): IDisposable => {
                 if (this.options?.emitLastValue && this._last !== undefined) {
-                    listener(this._last)
+                    listener(this._last);
-                this._listeners.push(listener)
+                this._listeners.push(listener);
                 return {
                     dispose: () => {
-                        const index = this._listeners.indexOf(listener)
+                        const index = this._listeners.indexOf(listener);
                         if (index > -1) {
-                            this._listeners.splice(index, 1)
+                            this._listeners.splice(index, 1);
-                }
-            }
+                };
+            };
-        return this._event
+        return this._event;
     public fire(e: T) {
-        this._last = e
+        this._last = e;
         this._listeners.forEach((listener) => {
-            listener(e)
-        })
+            listener(e);
+        });
     public dispose() {
-        this._listeners = []
-        this._disposed = true
+        this._listeners = [];
+        this._disposed = true;
-export type EventHandler = HTMLElement | HTMLDocument | Window
+export type EventHandler = HTMLElement | HTMLDocument | Window;
 export const addDisposableListener = <K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(
     element: EventHandler,
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ export const addDisposableListener = <K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(
     listener: (this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any,
     options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
 ): IDisposable => {
-    element.addEventListener(type, listener, options)
+    element.addEventListener(type, listener, options);
     return {
         dispose: () => {
-            element.removeEventListener(type, listener)
+            element.removeEventListener(type, listener);
-    }
+    };
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/functions.ts b/packages/splitview/src/functions.ts
index cb4b6ea97..e2ff5a953 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/functions.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/functions.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 export function debounce<T extends Function>(cb: T, wait: number) {
-    let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout
+    let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout;
     const callable = (...args: any) => {
-        clearTimeout(timeout)
-        timeout = setTimeout(() => cb(...args), wait)
-    }
-    return <T>(<any>callable)
+        clearTimeout(timeout);
+        timeout = setTimeout(() => cb(...args), wait);
+    };
+    return <T>(<any>callable);
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/gridview/branchNode.ts b/packages/splitview/src/gridview/branchNode.ts
index 9bb25e2eb..5e11effbd 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/gridview/branchNode.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/gridview/branchNode.ts
@@ -4,106 +4,106 @@ import {
-} from '../splitview/splitview'
-import { Emitter, Event } from '../events'
-import { INodeDescriptor } from './gridview'
-import { Node } from './types'
-import { CompositeDisposable, IDisposable, Disposable } from '../lifecycle'
+} from '../splitview/splitview';
+import { Emitter, Event } from '../events';
+import { INodeDescriptor } from './gridview';
+import { Node } from './types';
+import { CompositeDisposable, IDisposable, Disposable } from '../lifecycle';
 export class BranchNode extends CompositeDisposable implements IView {
-    readonly element: HTMLElement
-    private splitview: SplitView
-    private _orthogonalSize: number
-    private _size: number
-    public readonly children: Node[] = []
+    readonly element: HTMLElement;
+    private splitview: SplitView;
+    private _orthogonalSize: number;
+    private _size: number;
+    public readonly children: Node[] = [];
-    private readonly _onDidChange = new Emitter<number | undefined>()
-    readonly onDidChange: Event<number | undefined> = this._onDidChange.event
+    private readonly _onDidChange = new Emitter<number | undefined>();
+    readonly onDidChange: Event<number | undefined> = this._onDidChange.event;
     get width(): number {
         return this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? this.size
-            : this.orthogonalSize
+            : this.orthogonalSize;
     get height(): number {
         return this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? this.orthogonalSize
-            : this.size
+            : this.size;
     get minimumSize(): number {
         return this.children.length === 0
             ? 0
-            : Math.max( => c.minimumOrthogonalSize))
+            : Math.max( => c.minimumOrthogonalSize));
     get maximumSize(): number {
-        return Math.min( => c.maximumOrthogonalSize))
+        return Math.min( => c.maximumOrthogonalSize));
     get minimumOrthogonalSize(): number {
-        return this.splitview.minimumSize
+        return this.splitview.minimumSize;
     get maximumOrthogonalSize(): number {
-        return this.splitview.maximumSize
+        return this.splitview.maximumSize;
     get orthogonalSize() {
-        return this._orthogonalSize
+        return this._orthogonalSize;
     get size() {
-        return this._size
+        return this._size;
     get minimumWidth(): number {
         return this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? this.minimumOrthogonalSize
-            : this.minimumSize
+            : this.minimumSize;
     get snapSize() {
-        return undefined
+        return undefined;
     get minimumHeight(): number {
         return this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? this.minimumSize
-            : this.minimumOrthogonalSize
+            : this.minimumOrthogonalSize;
     get maximumWidth(): number {
         return this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? this.maximumOrthogonalSize
-            : this.maximumSize
+            : this.maximumSize;
     get maximumHeight(): number {
         return this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? this.maximumSize
-            : this.maximumOrthogonalSize
+            : this.maximumOrthogonalSize;
     get priority(): LayoutPriority {
         if (this.children.length === 0) {
-            return LayoutPriority.Normal
+            return LayoutPriority.Normal;
         const priorities = =>
             typeof c.priority === 'undefined'
                 ? LayoutPriority.Normal
                 : c.priority
-        )
+        );
         if (priorities.some((p) => p === LayoutPriority.High)) {
-            return LayoutPriority.High
+            return LayoutPriority.High;
         } else if (priorities.some((p) => p === LayoutPriority.Low)) {
-            return LayoutPriority.Low
+            return LayoutPriority.Low;
-        return LayoutPriority.Normal
+        return LayoutPriority.Normal;
@@ -114,133 +114,133 @@ export class BranchNode extends CompositeDisposable implements IView {
         childDescriptors?: INodeDescriptor[]
     ) {
-        super()
-        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize
-        this._size = size
-        this.element = document.createElement('div')
-        this.element.className = 'branch-node'
+        super();
+        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize;
+        this._size = size;
+        this.element = document.createElement('div');
+        this.element.className = 'branch-node';
         if (!childDescriptors) {
             this.splitview = new SplitView(this.element, {
                 orientation: this.orientation,
-            })
-            this.splitview.layout(this.size, this.orthogonalSize)
+            });
+            this.splitview.layout(this.size, this.orthogonalSize);
         } else {
             const descriptor = {
                 views: => {
                     return {
                         view: childDescriptor.node,
                         size: childDescriptor.node.size,
-                    }
+                    };
                 size: this.orthogonalSize,
-            }
+            };
-            this.children = => c.node)
+            this.children = => c.node);
             this.splitview = new SplitView(this.element, {
                 orientation: this.orientation,
-            })
+            });
             this.splitview.onDidSashEnd(() => {
+      ;
-        )
+        );
     moveChild(from: number, to: number): void {
         if (from === to) {
-            return
+            return;
         if (from < 0 || from >= this.children.length) {
-            throw new Error('Invalid from index')
+            throw new Error('Invalid from index');
         if (from < to) {
-            to--
+            to--;
-        this.splitview.moveView(from, to)
+        this.splitview.moveView(from, to);
-        const child = this._removeChild(from)
-        this._addChild(child, to)
+        const child = this._removeChild(from);
+        this._addChild(child, to);
     getChildSize(index: number): number {
         if (index < 0 || index >= this.children.length) {
-            throw new Error('Invalid index')
+            throw new Error('Invalid index');
-        return this.splitview.getViewSize(index)
+        return this.splitview.getViewSize(index);
     resizeChild(index: number, size: number): void {
         if (index < 0 || index >= this.children.length) {
-            throw new Error('Invalid index')
+            throw new Error('Invalid index');
-        this.splitview.resizeView(index, size)
+        this.splitview.resizeView(index, size);
     public layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number) {
-        this._size = orthogonalSize
-        this._orthogonalSize = size
+        this._size = orthogonalSize;
+        this._orthogonalSize = size;
-        this.splitview.layout(this.size, this.orthogonalSize)
+        this.splitview.layout(this.size, this.orthogonalSize);
     public addChild(node: Node, size: number | Sizing, index: number): void {
         if (index < 0 || index > this.children.length) {
-            throw new Error('Invalid index')
+            throw new Error('Invalid index');
-        this.splitview.addView(node, size, index)
-        this._addChild(node, index)
+        this.splitview.addView(node, size, index);
+        this._addChild(node, index);
     public removeChild(index: number, sizing?: Sizing) {
         if (index < 0 || index >= this.children.length) {
-            throw new Error('Invalid index')
+            throw new Error('Invalid index');
-        this.splitview.removeView(index, sizing)
-        this._removeChild(index)
+        this.splitview.removeView(index, sizing);
+        this._removeChild(index);
     private _addChild(node: Node, index: number): void {
-        this.children.splice(index, 0, node)
-        this.setupChildrenEvents()
+        this.children.splice(index, 0, node);
+        this.setupChildrenEvents();
     private _removeChild(index: number): Node {
-        const first = index === 0
-        const last = index === this.children.length - 1
-        const [child] = this.children.splice(index, 1)
-        this.setupChildrenEvents()
+        const first = index === 0;
+        const last = index === this.children.length - 1;
+        const [child] = this.children.splice(index, 1);
+        this.setupChildrenEvents();
-        return child
+        return child;
-    private _childrenDisposable: IDisposable = Disposable.NONE
+    private _childrenDisposable: IDisposable = Disposable.NONE;
     private setupChildrenEvents() {
-        this._childrenDisposable.dispose()
+        this._childrenDisposable.dispose();
         this._childrenDisposable = Event.any(
    => c.onDidChange)
         )((e) => {
-        })
+  ;
+        });
     public dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
-        this._childrenDisposable.dispose()
-        this.splitview.dispose()
-        this.children.forEach((child) => child.dispose())
+        super.dispose();
+        this._childrenDisposable.dispose();
+        this.splitview.dispose();
+        this.children.forEach((child) => child.dispose());
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/gridview/gridview.ts b/packages/splitview/src/gridview/gridview.ts
index 98e25c8cb..1bdafeae9 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/gridview/gridview.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/gridview/gridview.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-import { LayoutPriority, Orientation, Sizing } from '../splitview/splitview'
-import { Position } from '../groupview/droptarget/droptarget'
-import { tail } from '../array'
-import { LeafNode } from './leafNode'
-import { BranchNode } from './branchNode'
-import { Node } from './types'
-import { Emitter, Event } from '../events'
-import { IDisposable } from '../lifecycle'
+import { LayoutPriority, Orientation, Sizing } from '../splitview/splitview';
+import { Position } from '../groupview/droptarget/droptarget';
+import { tail } from '../array';
+import { LeafNode } from './leafNode';
+import { BranchNode } from './branchNode';
+import { Node } from './types';
+import { Emitter, Event } from '../events';
+import { IDisposable } from '../lifecycle';
 function flipNode<T extends Node>(
     node: T,
@@ -18,57 +18,59 @@ function flipNode<T extends Node>(
-        )
+        );
-        let totalSize = 0
+        let totalSize = 0;
         for (let i = node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-            const child = node.children[i]
+            const child = node.children[i];
             const childSize =
-                child instanceof BranchNode ? child.orthogonalSize : child.size
+                child instanceof BranchNode ? child.orthogonalSize : child.size;
             let newSize =
-                node.size === 0 ? 0 : Math.round((size * childSize) / node.size)
-            totalSize += newSize
+                node.size === 0
+                    ? 0
+                    : Math.round((size * childSize) / node.size);
+            totalSize += newSize;
             // The last view to add should adjust to rounding errors
             if (i === 0) {
-                newSize += size - totalSize
+                newSize += size - totalSize;
                 flipNode(child, orthogonalSize, newSize),
-            )
+            );
-        return result as T
+        return result as T;
     } else {
         return new LeafNode(
             (node as LeafNode).view,
-        ) as T
+        ) as T;
 export function indexInParent(element: HTMLElement): number {
-    const parentElement = element.parentElement
+    const parentElement = element.parentElement;
     if (!parentElement) {
-        throw new Error('Invalid grid element')
+        throw new Error('Invalid grid element');
-    let el = parentElement.firstElementChild
-    let index = 0
+    let el = parentElement.firstElementChild;
+    let index = 0;
     while (el !== element && el !== parentElement.lastElementChild && el) {
-        el = el.nextElementSibling
-        index++
+        el = el.nextElementSibling;
+        index++;
-    return index
+    return index;
@@ -78,19 +80,19 @@ export function indexInParent(element: HTMLElement): number {
  * This will break as soon as DOM structures of the Splitview or Gridview change.
 export function getGridLocation(element: HTMLElement): number[] {
-    const parentElement = element.parentElement
+    const parentElement = element.parentElement;
     if (!parentElement) {
-        throw new Error('Invalid grid element')
+        throw new Error('Invalid grid element');
     if (/\bgrid-view\b/.test(parentElement.className)) {
-        return []
+        return [];
-    const index = indexInParent(parentElement)
-    const ancestor = parentElement.parentElement!.parentElement!.parentElement!
-    return [...getGridLocation(ancestor), index]
+    const index = indexInParent(parentElement);
+    const ancestor = parentElement.parentElement!.parentElement!.parentElement!;
+    return [...getGridLocation(ancestor), index];
 export function getRelativeLocation(
@@ -98,30 +100,30 @@ export function getRelativeLocation(
     location: number[],
     direction: Position
 ): number[] {
-    const orientation = getLocationOrientation(rootOrientation, location)
-    const directionOrientation = getDirectionOrientation(direction)
+    const orientation = getLocationOrientation(rootOrientation, location);
+    const directionOrientation = getDirectionOrientation(direction);
     if (orientation === directionOrientation) {
-        let [rest, index] = tail(location)
+        let [rest, index] = tail(location);
         if (direction === Position.Right || direction === Position.Bottom) {
-            index += 1
+            index += 1;
-        return [, index]
+        return [, index];
     } else {
         const index =
             direction === Position.Right || direction === Position.Bottom
                 ? 1
-                : 0
-        return [...location, index]
+                : 0;
+        return [...location, index];
 export function getDirectionOrientation(direction: Position): Orientation {
     return direction === Position.Top || direction === Position.Bottom
         ? Orientation.VERTICAL
-        : Orientation.HORIZONTAL
+        : Orientation.HORIZONTAL;
 export function getLocationOrientation(
@@ -130,88 +132,88 @@ export function getLocationOrientation(
 ): Orientation {
     return location.length % 2 === 0
         ? orthogonal(rootOrientation)
-        : rootOrientation
+        : rootOrientation;
 export interface IGridView {
-    readonly element: HTMLElement
-    readonly minimumWidth: number
-    readonly maximumWidth: number
-    readonly minimumHeight: number
-    readonly maximumHeight: number
-    readonly priority?: LayoutPriority
-    layout(width: number, height: number, top: number, left: number): void
-    toJSON?(): object
-    fromJSON?(json: object): void
-    snap?: boolean
+    readonly element: HTMLElement;
+    readonly minimumWidth: number;
+    readonly maximumWidth: number;
+    readonly minimumHeight: number;
+    readonly maximumHeight: number;
+    readonly priority?: LayoutPriority;
+    layout(width: number, height: number, top: number, left: number): void;
+    toJSON?(): object;
+    fromJSON?(json: object): void;
+    snap?: boolean;
 const orthogonal = (orientation: Orientation) =>
     orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
         ? Orientation.VERTICAL
-        : Orientation.HORIZONTAL
+        : Orientation.HORIZONTAL;
 const serializeLeafNode = (node: LeafNode) => {
     const size =
         node.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? node.size
-            : node.orthogonalSize
+            : node.orthogonalSize;
     return {
         size: node.size,
         data: node.view.toJSON ? node.view.toJSON() : {},
         type: 'leaf',
-    }
+    };
 const serializeBranchNode = (node: BranchNode) => {
     const size =
         node.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? node.size
-            : node.orthogonalSize
+            : node.orthogonalSize;
     return {
         orientation: node.orientation,
         data: => {
             if (child instanceof LeafNode) {
-                return serializeLeafNode(child)
+                return serializeLeafNode(child);
-            return serializeBranchNode(child as BranchNode)
+            return serializeBranchNode(child as BranchNode);
         type: 'branch',
-    }
+    };
 export interface ISerializedLeafNode {
-    type: 'leaf'
-    data: any
-    size: number
-    visible?: boolean
+    type: 'leaf';
+    data: any;
+    size: number;
+    visible?: boolean;
 export interface ISerializedBranchNode {
-    type: 'branch'
-    data: ISerializedNode[]
-    size: number
+    type: 'branch';
+    data: ISerializedNode[];
+    size: number;
-export type ISerializedNode = ISerializedLeafNode | ISerializedBranchNode
+export type ISerializedNode = ISerializedLeafNode | ISerializedBranchNode;
 export interface INodeDescriptor {
-    node: Node
-    visible?: boolean
+    node: Node;
+    visible?: boolean;
 export interface IViewDeserializer {
-    fromJSON: (data: {}) => IGridView
+    fromJSON: (data: {}) => IGridView;
 export class Gridview {
-    private _root: BranchNode
-    public readonly element: HTMLElement
+    private _root: BranchNode;
+    public readonly element: HTMLElement;
-    private readonly _onDidChange = new Emitter<number | undefined>()
-    readonly onDidChange: Event<number | undefined> = this._onDidChange.event
+    private readonly _onDidChange = new Emitter<number | undefined>();
+    readonly onDidChange: Event<number | undefined> = this._onDidChange.event;
     public serialize() {
         return {
@@ -219,34 +221,34 @@ export class Gridview {
             height: this.height,
             width: this.width,
             orientation: this.orientation,
-        }
+        };
     public dispose() {
-        this.root.dispose()
+        this.root.dispose();
     public clear() {
-        this.root.dispose()
+        this.root.dispose();
         this.root = new BranchNode(
-        )
+        );
     public deserialize(json: any, deserializer: IViewDeserializer) {
-        const orientation = json.orientation
-        const height = json.height
+        const orientation = json.orientation;
+        const height = json.height;
-        this.orientation = orientation
+        this.orientation = orientation;
             json.root as ISerializedBranchNode,
-        )
+        );
     private _deserialize(
@@ -260,7 +262,7 @@ export class Gridview {
-        ) as BranchNode
+        ) as BranchNode;
     private _deserializeNode(
@@ -269,9 +271,9 @@ export class Gridview {
         deserializer: IViewDeserializer,
         orthogonalSize: number
     ): Node {
-        let result: Node
+        let result: Node;
         if (node.type === 'branch') {
-            const serializedChildren = as ISerializedNode[]
+            const serializedChildren = as ISerializedNode[];
             const children = => {
                 return {
                     node: this._deserializeNode(
@@ -280,8 +282,8 @@ export class Gridview {
-                } as INodeDescriptor
-            })
+                } as INodeDescriptor;
+            });
             result = new BranchNode(
@@ -289,276 +291,280 @@ export class Gridview {
-            )
+            );
         } else {
             result = new LeafNode(
-            )
+            );
-        return result
+        return result;
     public get orientation() {
-        return this.root.orientation
+        return this.root.orientation;
     public set orientation(orientation: Orientation) {
         if (this._root.orientation === orientation) {
-            return
+            return;
-        const { size, orthogonalSize } = this._root
-        this.root = flipNode(this._root, orthogonalSize, size)
-        this.root.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
+        const { size, orthogonalSize } = this._root;
+        this.root = flipNode(this._root, orthogonalSize, size);
+        this.root.layout(size, orthogonalSize);
     private get root(): BranchNode {
-        return this._root
+        return this._root;
-    private disposable: IDisposable
+    private disposable: IDisposable;
     private set root(root: BranchNode) {
-        const oldRoot = this._root
+        const oldRoot = this._root;
         if (oldRoot) {
-            this.disposable?.dispose()
-            oldRoot.dispose()
-            this.element.removeChild(oldRoot.element)
+            this.disposable?.dispose();
+            oldRoot.dispose();
+            this.element.removeChild(oldRoot.element);
-        this._root = root
+        this._root = root;
         this.disposable = this._root.onDidChange((e) => {
-        })
-        this.element.appendChild(root.element)
+  ;
+        });
+        this.element.appendChild(root.element);
     public next(location: number[]) {
-        return this.progmaticSelect(location)
+        return this.progmaticSelect(location);
     public preivous(location: number[]) {
-        return this.progmaticSelect(location, true)
+        return this.progmaticSelect(location, true);
     private progmaticSelect(location: number[], reverse = false) {
-        const [rest, index] = tail(location)
-        const [path, node] = this.getNode(location)
+        const [rest, index] = tail(location);
+        const [path, node] = this.getNode(location);
         if (!(node instanceof LeafNode)) {
-            throw new Error('invalid location')
+            throw new Error('invalid location');
         const findLeaf = (node: Node, last: boolean): LeafNode => {
             if (node instanceof LeafNode) {
-                return node
+                return node;
             if (node instanceof BranchNode) {
                 return findLeaf(
                     node.children[last ? node.children.length - 1 : 0],
-                )
+                );
-            throw new Error('invalid node')
-        }
+            throw new Error('invalid node');
+        };
         for (let i = path.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
-            const n = path[i]
-            const l = location[i] || 0
+            const n = path[i];
+            const l = location[i] || 0;
             const canProgressInCurrentLevel = reverse
                 ? l - 1 > -1
-                : l + 1 < n.children.length
+                : l + 1 < n.children.length;
             if (canProgressInCurrentLevel) {
-                return findLeaf(n.children[reverse ? l - 1 : l + 1], reverse)
+                return findLeaf(n.children[reverse ? l - 1 : l + 1], reverse);
-        return findLeaf(this.root, reverse)
+        return findLeaf(this.root, reverse);
     get width(): number {
-        return this.root.width
+        return this.root.width;
     get height(): number {
-        return this.root.height
+        return this.root.height;
     get minimumWidth(): number {
-        return this.root.minimumWidth
+        return this.root.minimumWidth;
     get minimumHeight(): number {
-        return this.root.minimumHeight
+        return this.root.minimumHeight;
     get maximumWidth(): number {
-        return this.root.maximumHeight
+        return this.root.maximumHeight;
     get maximumHeight(): number {
-        return this.root.maximumHeight
+        return this.root.maximumHeight;
     constructor(readonly proportionalLayout: boolean) {
-        this.element = document.createElement('div')
-        this.element.className = 'grid-view'
+        this.element = document.createElement('div');
+        this.element.className = 'grid-view';
         this.root = new BranchNode(
-        )
+        );
-        this.element.appendChild(this.root.element)
+        this.element.appendChild(this.root.element);
     public moveView(parentLocation: number[], from: number, to: number): void {
-        const [, parent] = this.getNode(parentLocation)
+        const [, parent] = this.getNode(parentLocation);
         if (!(parent instanceof BranchNode)) {
-            throw new Error('Invalid location')
+            throw new Error('Invalid location');
-        parent.moveChild(from, to)
+        parent.moveChild(from, to);
     public addView(view: IGridView, size: number | Sizing, location: number[]) {
-        const [rest, index] = tail(location)
+        const [rest, index] = tail(location);
-        const [pathToParent, parent] = this.getNode(rest)
+        const [pathToParent, parent] = this.getNode(rest);
         if (parent instanceof BranchNode) {
             const node = new LeafNode(
-            )
-            parent.addChild(node, size, index)
+            );
+            parent.addChild(node, size, index);
         } else {
-            const [grandParent, ..._] = [...pathToParent].reverse()
-            const [parentIndex, ...__] = [].reverse()
+            const [grandParent, ..._] = [...pathToParent].reverse();
+            const [parentIndex, ...__] = [].reverse();
-            let newSiblingSize: number | Sizing = 0
+            let newSiblingSize: number | Sizing = 0;
-            grandParent.removeChild(parentIndex)
+            grandParent.removeChild(parentIndex);
             const newParent = new BranchNode(
-            )
-            grandParent.addChild(newParent, parent.size, parentIndex)
+            );
+            grandParent.addChild(newParent, parent.size, parentIndex);
             const newSibling = new LeafNode(
-            )
-            newParent.addChild(newSibling, newSiblingSize, 0)
+            );
+            newParent.addChild(newSibling, newSiblingSize, 0);
             if (typeof size !== 'number' && size.type === 'split') {
-                size = { type: 'split', index: 0 }
+                size = { type: 'split', index: 0 };
             const node = new LeafNode(
-            )
-            newParent.addChild(node, size, index)
+            );
+            newParent.addChild(node, size, index);
     public remove(view: IGridView, sizing?: Sizing) {
-        const location = getGridLocation(view.element)
-        return this.removeView(location, sizing)
+        const location = getGridLocation(view.element);
+        return this.removeView(location, sizing);
     removeView(location: number[], sizing?: Sizing): IGridView {
-        const [rest, index] = tail(location)
-        const [pathToParent, parent] = this.getNode(rest)
+        const [rest, index] = tail(location);
+        const [pathToParent, parent] = this.getNode(rest);
         if (!(parent instanceof BranchNode)) {
-            throw new Error('Invalid location')
+            throw new Error('Invalid location');
-        const node = parent.children[index]
+        const node = parent.children[index];
         if (!(node instanceof LeafNode)) {
-            throw new Error('Invalid location')
+            throw new Error('Invalid location');
-        parent.removeChild(index, sizing)
+        parent.removeChild(index, sizing);
         if (parent.children.length === 0) {
-            throw new Error('Invalid grid state')
+            throw new Error('Invalid grid state');
         if (parent.children.length > 1) {
-            return node.view
+            return node.view;
         if (pathToParent.length === 0) {
             // parent is root
-            const sibling = parent.children[0]
+            const sibling = parent.children[0];
             if (sibling instanceof LeafNode) {
-                return node.view
+                return node.view;
             // we must promote sibling to be the new root
-            parent.removeChild(0, sizing)
-            this.root = sibling
-            return node.view
+            parent.removeChild(0, sizing);
+            this.root = sibling;
+            return node.view;
-        const [grandParent, ..._] = [...pathToParent].reverse()
-        const [parentIndex, ...__] = [].reverse()
+        const [grandParent, ..._] = [...pathToParent].reverse();
+        const [parentIndex, ...__] = [].reverse();
-        const sibling = parent.children[0]
-        parent.removeChild(0, sizing)
+        const sibling = parent.children[0];
+        parent.removeChild(0, sizing);
         const sizes =, i) =>
-        )
-        grandParent.removeChild(parentIndex, sizing)
+        );
+        grandParent.removeChild(parentIndex, sizing);
         if (sibling instanceof BranchNode) {
-            sizes.splice(parentIndex, 1, => c.size))
+            sizes.splice(
+                parentIndex,
+                1,
+       => c.size)
+            );
             for (let i = 0; i < sibling.children.length; i++) {
-                const child = sibling.children[i]
-                grandParent.addChild(child, child.size, parentIndex + i)
+                const child = sibling.children[i];
+                grandParent.addChild(child, child.size, parentIndex + i);
         } else {
             const newSibling = new LeafNode(
-            )
+            );
-            )
+            );
         for (let i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
-            grandParent.resizeChild(i, sizes[i])
+            grandParent.resizeChild(i, sizes[i]);
-        return node.view
+        return node.view;
     public layout(width: number, height: number) {
         const [size, orthogonalSize] =
             this.root.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
                 ? [height, width]
-                : [width, height]
-        this.root.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
+                : [width, height];
+        this.root.layout(size, orthogonalSize);
     private getNode(
@@ -567,22 +573,22 @@ export class Gridview {
         path: BranchNode[] = []
     ): [BranchNode[], Node] {
         if (location.length === 0) {
-            return [path, node]
+            return [path, node];
         if (!(node instanceof BranchNode)) {
-            throw new Error('Invalid location')
+            throw new Error('Invalid location');
-        const [index,] = location
+        const [index,] = location;
         if (index < 0 || index >= node.children.length) {
-            throw new Error('Invalid location')
+            throw new Error('Invalid location');
-        const child = node.children[index]
-        path.push(node)
+        const child = node.children[index];
+        path.push(node);
-        return this.getNode(rest, child, path)
+        return this.getNode(rest, child, path);
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/gridview/leafNode.ts b/packages/splitview/src/gridview/leafNode.ts
index af2a384ae..86f859ac9 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/gridview/leafNode.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/gridview/leafNode.ts
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
-import { IView, LayoutPriority, Orientation } from '../splitview/splitview'
-import { Emitter, Event } from '../events'
-import { IGridView } from './gridview'
+import { IView, LayoutPriority, Orientation } from '../splitview/splitview';
+import { Emitter, Event } from '../events';
+import { IGridView } from './gridview';
 export class LeafNode implements IView {
-    private readonly _onDidChange = new Emitter<number | undefined>()
-    readonly onDidChange: Event<number | undefined> = this._onDidChange.event
-    private _size: number
-    private _orthogonalSize: number
+    private readonly _onDidChange = new Emitter<number | undefined>();
+    readonly onDidChange: Event<number | undefined> = this._onDidChange.event;
+    private _size: number;
+    private _orthogonalSize: number;
     public dispose() {}
     private get minimumWidth(): number {
-        return this.view.minimumWidth
+        return this.view.minimumWidth;
     private get maximumWidth(): number {
-        return this.view.maximumWidth
+        return this.view.maximumWidth;
     private get minimumHeight(): number {
-        return this.view.minimumHeight
+        return this.view.minimumHeight;
     private get maximumHeight(): number {
-        return this.view.maximumHeight
+        return this.view.maximumHeight;
     get priority(): LayoutPriority | undefined {
-        return this.view.priority
+        return this.view.priority;
     get snapSize() {
-        return this.view.snap ? this.minimumSize / 2 : undefined
+        return this.view.snap ? this.minimumSize / 2 : undefined;
     get minimumSize(): number {
         return this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? this.minimumHeight
-            : this.minimumWidth
+            : this.minimumWidth;
     get maximumSize(): number {
         return this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? this.maximumHeight
-            : this.maximumWidth
+            : this.maximumWidth;
     get minimumOrthogonalSize(): number {
         return this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? this.minimumWidth
-            : this.minimumHeight
+            : this.minimumHeight;
     get maximumOrthogonalSize(): number {
         return this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? this.maximumWidth
-            : this.maximumHeight
+            : this.maximumHeight;
     get orthogonalSize() {
-        return this._orthogonalSize
+        return this._orthogonalSize;
     get size() {
-        return this._size
+        return this._size;
     get element() {
-        return this.view.element
+        return this.view.element;
@@ -76,19 +76,19 @@ export class LeafNode implements IView {
         orthogonalSize: number,
         size: number = 0
     ) {
-        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize
-        this._size = size
+        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize;
+        this._size = size;
     public layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number) {
-        this._size = size
-        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize
+        this._size = size;
+        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize;
         const [width, height] =
             this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
                 ? [orthogonalSize, size]
-                : [size, orthogonalSize]
+                : [size, orthogonalSize];
-        this.view.layout(width, height, 0, 0)
+        this.view.layout(width, height, 0, 0);
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/gridview/types.ts b/packages/splitview/src/gridview/types.ts
index e493b5d80..2af426f17 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/gridview/types.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/gridview/types.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { BranchNode } from './branchNode'
-import { LeafNode } from './leafNode'
+import { BranchNode } from './branchNode';
+import { LeafNode } from './leafNode';
-export type Node = BranchNode | LeafNode
+export type Node = BranchNode | LeafNode;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/actions/actionsContainer.ts b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/actions/actionsContainer.ts
index 87a5c7539..cc91c2c07 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/actions/actionsContainer.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/actions/actionsContainer.ts
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 export class ActionContainer {
-    private _element: HTMLElement
-    private _list: HTMLElement
+    private _element: HTMLElement;
+    private _list: HTMLElement;
     get element() {
-        return this._element
+        return this._element;
     constructor() {
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
-        this._element.className = 'actions-bar'
+        this._element = document.createElement('div');
+        this._element.className = 'actions-bar';
-        this._list = document.createElement('ul')
-        this._list.className = 'actions-container'
+        this._list = document.createElement('ul');
+        this._list.className = 'actions-container';
-        this._element.appendChild(this._list)
+        this._element.appendChild(this._list);
     public add(element: HTMLElement) {
-        this._list.appendChild(element)
+        this._list.appendChild(element);
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/droptarget/dataTransfer.ts b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/droptarget/dataTransfer.ts
index 0a81520b3..84c4e62e6 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/droptarget/dataTransfer.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/droptarget/dataTransfer.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-import { PanelOptions } from '../../layout/options'
+import { PanelOptions } from '../../layout/options';
-export const DATA_KEY = 'splitview/transfer'
+export const DATA_KEY = 'splitview/transfer';
 export const isPanelTransferEvent = (event: DragEvent) => {
-    return event.dataTransfer.types.includes(DATA_KEY)
+    return event.dataTransfer.types.includes(DATA_KEY);
 export enum DragType {
     ITEM = 'group_drag',
@@ -12,113 +12,113 @@ export enum DragType {
 export interface DragItem {
-    itemId: string
-    groupId: string
+    itemId: string;
+    groupId: string;
 export interface ExternalDragItem extends PanelOptions {}
-export type DataObject = DragItem | ExternalDragItem
+export type DataObject = DragItem | ExternalDragItem;
  * Determine whether this data belong to that of an event that was started by
  * dragging a tab component
 export const isTabDragEvent = (data: any): data is DragItem => {
-    return data.type === DragType.ITEM
+    return data.type === DragType.ITEM;
  * Determine whether this data belong to that of an event that was started by
  * a custom drag-enable component
 export const isCustomDragEvent = (data: any): data is ExternalDragItem => {
-    return data.type === DragType.EXTERNAL
+    return data.type === DragType.EXTERNAL;
 export const extractData = (event: DragEvent): DataObject => {
-    const data = JSON.parse(event.dataTransfer.getData(DATA_KEY))
+    const data = JSON.parse(event.dataTransfer.getData(DATA_KEY));
     if (!data) {
-        console.warn(`[dragEvent] ${DATA_KEY} data is missing`)
+        console.warn(`[dragEvent] ${DATA_KEY} data is missing`);
     if (typeof data.type !== 'string') {
-        console.warn(`[dragEvent] invalid type ${data.type}`)
+        console.warn(`[dragEvent] invalid type ${data.type}`);
-    return data
+    return data;
 class DataTransfer {
-    private map = new Map<string, string>()
+    private map = new Map<string, string>();
     public setData(format: string, data: string) {
-, data)
+, data);
     public getData(format: string) {
-        const data =
-        return data
+        const data =;
+        return data;
     public has(format: string) {
-        return
+        return;
     public removeData(format: string) {
-        const data = this.getData(format)
-        return data
+        const data = this.getData(format);
+        return data;
     get size() {
-        return
+        return;
-export const DataTransferSingleton = new DataTransfer()
+export const DataTransferSingleton = new DataTransfer();
  * A singleton to store transfer data during drag & drop operations that are only valid within the application.
 export class LocalSelectionTransfer<T> {
-    private static readonly INSTANCE = new LocalSelectionTransfer()
+    private static readonly INSTANCE = new LocalSelectionTransfer();
-    private data?: T[]
-    private proto?: T
+    private data?: T[];
+    private proto?: T;
     private constructor() {
         // protect against external instantiation
     static getInstance<T>(): LocalSelectionTransfer<T> {
-        return LocalSelectionTransfer.INSTANCE as LocalSelectionTransfer<T>
+        return LocalSelectionTransfer.INSTANCE as LocalSelectionTransfer<T>;
     hasData(proto: T): boolean {
-        return proto && proto === this.proto
+        return proto && proto === this.proto;
     clearData(proto: T): void {
         if (this.hasData(proto)) {
-            this.proto = undefined
-   = undefined
+            this.proto = undefined;
+   = undefined;
     getData(proto: T): T[] | undefined {
         if (this.hasData(proto)) {
-            return
+            return;
-        return undefined
+        return undefined;
     setData(data: T[], proto: T): void {
         if (proto) {
-   = data
-            this.proto = proto
+   = data;
+            this.proto = proto;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/droptarget/droptarget.ts b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/droptarget/droptarget.ts
index 3f53779f6..1e353a41a 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/droptarget/droptarget.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/droptarget/droptarget.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { Emitter, Event } from '../../events'
-import { DataTransferSingleton } from './dataTransfer'
+import { Emitter, Event } from '../../events';
+import { DataTransferSingleton } from './dataTransfer';
 export enum Position {
     Top = 'Top',
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ export enum Position {
 export interface DroptargetEvent {
-    position: Position
-    event: DragEvent
+    position: Position;
+    event: DragEvent;
-const HAS_PROCESSED_KEY = '__drop_target_processed__'
+const HAS_PROCESSED_KEY = '__drop_target_processed__';
 export const hasProcessed = (event: DragEvent) =>
-    !!(event as any)[HAS_PROCESSED_KEY]
+    !!(event as any)[HAS_PROCESSED_KEY];
 // tagging events as processed is better than calling .stopPropagation() which is the root of all evil
 const setEventAsProcessed = (event: DragEvent) => {
-    event[HAS_PROCESSED_KEY] = true
+    event[HAS_PROCESSED_KEY] = true;
 const toggleClassName = (
     element: HTMLElement,
@@ -30,36 +30,36 @@ const toggleClassName = (
     addOrRemove: boolean
 ) => {
     if (addOrRemove && !element.classList.contains(className)) {
-        element.classList.add(className)
+        element.classList.add(className);
     } else if (!addOrRemove && element.classList.contains(className)) {
-        element.classList.remove(className)
+        element.classList.remove(className);
 export class Droptarget {
-    private target: HTMLElement
-    private overlay: HTMLElement
-    private state: Position | undefined
+    private target: HTMLElement;
+    private overlay: HTMLElement;
+    private state: Position | undefined;
-    private readonly _onDidChange = new Emitter<DroptargetEvent>()
-    readonly onDidChange: Event<DroptargetEvent> = this._onDidChange.event
+    private readonly _onDidChange = new Emitter<DroptargetEvent>();
+    readonly onDidChange: Event<DroptargetEvent> = this._onDidChange.event;
         private element: HTMLElement,
         private options: {
-            isDisabled: () => boolean
-            isDirectional: boolean
-            id: string
-            enableExternalDragEvents?: boolean
+            isDisabled: () => boolean;
+            isDirectional: boolean;
+            id: string;
+            enableExternalDragEvents?: boolean;
     ) {
-        this.element.addEventListener('dragenter', this.onDragEnter)
+        this.element.addEventListener('dragenter', this.onDragEnter);
     public dispose() {
-        this._onDidChange.dispose()
-        this.removeDropTarget()
-        this.element.removeEventListener('dragenter', this.onDragEnter)
+        this._onDidChange.dispose();
+        this.removeDropTarget();
+        this.element.removeEventListener('dragenter', this.onDragEnter);
     private onDragEnter = (event: DragEvent) => {
@@ -67,104 +67,104 @@ export class Droptarget {
             !this.options.enableExternalDragEvents &&
         ) {
-            console.debug('[droptarget] invalid event')
-            return
+            console.debug('[droptarget] invalid event');
+            return;
         if (this.options.isDisabled()) {
-            return
+            return;
-        event.preventDefault()
+        event.preventDefault();
         if (! {
-            console.debug('[droptarget] created')
-   = document.createElement('div')
-   = 'drop-target-dropzone'
-            this.overlay = document.createElement('div')
-            this.overlay.className = 'drop-target-selection'
+            console.debug('[droptarget] created');
+   = document.createElement('div');
+   = 'drop-target-dropzone';
+            this.overlay = document.createElement('div');
+            this.overlay.className = 'drop-target-selection';
-  'dragover', this.onDragOver)
-  'dragleave', this.onDragLeave)
-  'drop', this.onDrop)
+  'dragover', this.onDragOver);
+  'dragleave', this.onDragLeave);
+  'drop', this.onDrop);
+  ;
-            this.element.classList.add('drop-target')
-            this.element.append(
+            this.element.classList.add('drop-target');
+            this.element.append(;
-    }
+    };
     private onDrop = (event: DragEvent) => {
         if (
             !this.options.enableExternalDragEvents &&
         ) {
-            console.debug('[dragtarget] invalid')
-            return
+            console.debug('[dragtarget] invalid');
+            return;
-        console.debug('[dragtarget] drop')
-        this.removeDropTarget()
+        console.debug('[dragtarget] drop');
+        this.removeDropTarget();
         if (!hasProcessed(event)) {
-  { position: this.state, event })
+  { position: this.state, event });
         } else {
-            console.debug('[dragtarget] already processed')
+            console.debug('[dragtarget] already processed');
-        this.state = undefined
+        this.state = undefined;
-        setEventAsProcessed(event)
-    }
+        setEventAsProcessed(event);
+    };
     private onDragOver = (event: DragEvent) => {
-        event.preventDefault()
+        event.preventDefault();
         if (!this.options.isDirectional) {
-            return
+            return;
-        const width =
-        const height =
-        const x = event.offsetX
-        const y = event.offsetY
-        const xp = (100 * x) / width
-        const yp = (100 * y) / height
+        const width =;
+        const height =;
+        const x = event.offsetX;
+        const y = event.offsetY;
+        const xp = (100 * x) / width;
+        const yp = (100 * y) / height;
-        const isRight = xp > 80
-        const isLeft = xp < 20
-        const isTop = !isRight && !isLeft && yp < 20
-        const isBottom = !isRight && !isLeft && yp > 80
+        const isRight = xp > 80;
+        const isLeft = xp < 20;
+        const isTop = !isRight && !isLeft && yp < 20;
+        const isBottom = !isRight && !isLeft && yp > 80;
-        toggleClassName(this.overlay, 'right', isRight)
-        toggleClassName(this.overlay, 'left', isLeft)
-        toggleClassName(this.overlay, 'top', isTop)
-        toggleClassName(this.overlay, 'bottom', isBottom)
+        toggleClassName(this.overlay, 'right', isRight);
+        toggleClassName(this.overlay, 'left', isLeft);
+        toggleClassName(this.overlay, 'top', isTop);
+        toggleClassName(this.overlay, 'bottom', isBottom);
         if (isRight) {
-            this.state = Position.Right
+            this.state = Position.Right;
         } else if (isLeft) {
-            this.state = Position.Left
+            this.state = Position.Left;
         } else if (isTop) {
-            this.state = Position.Top
+            this.state = Position.Top;
         } else if (isBottom) {
-            this.state = Position.Bottom
+            this.state = Position.Bottom;
         } else {
-            this.state = Position.Center
+            this.state = Position.Center;
-    }
+    };
     private onDragLeave = (event: DragEvent) => {
-        console.debug('[droptarget] leave')
-        this.removeDropTarget()
-    }
+        console.debug('[droptarget] leave');
+        this.removeDropTarget();
+    };
     private removeDropTarget() {
         if ( {
-  'dragover', this.onDragOver)
-  'dragleave', this.onDragLeave)
-  'drop', this.onDrop)
-            this.element.removeChild(
-   = undefined
-            this.element.classList.remove('drop-target')
+  'dragover', this.onDragOver);
+  'dragleave', this.onDragLeave);
+  'drop', this.onDrop);
+            this.element.removeChild(;
+   = undefined;
+            this.element.classList.remove('drop-target');
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/events.ts b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/events.ts
index dbb5c4cd6..c86ff77cd 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/events.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/events.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-import { DroptargetEvent } from './droptarget/droptarget'
-import { IGroupPanel } from './panel/types'
+import { DroptargetEvent } from './droptarget/droptarget';
+import { IGroupPanel } from './panel/types';
 export interface TabDropEvent {
-    event: DroptargetEvent
-    index?: number
+    event: DroptargetEvent;
+    index?: number;
 export enum MouseEventKind {
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ export enum MouseEventKind {
 export interface LayoutMouseEvent {
-    kind: MouseEventKind
-    event: MouseEvent
-    panel?: IGroupPanel
-    tab?: boolean
+    kind: MouseEventKind;
+    event: MouseEvent;
+    panel?: IGroupPanel;
+    tab?: boolean;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/groupview.ts b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/groupview.ts
index 74031aabd..fce1a5407 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/groupview.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/groupview.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-import { IDisposable, CompositeDisposable, Disposable } from '../lifecycle'
-import { ITabContainer, TabContainer } from './titlebar/tabContainer'
-import { IContentContainer, ContentContainer } from './panel/content/content'
-import { IGridView } from '../gridview/gridview'
-import { Position, Droptarget, DroptargetEvent } from './droptarget/droptarget'
-import { Event, Emitter, addDisposableListener } from '../events'
-import { IGroupAccessor, Layout } from '../layout'
-import { toggleClass } from '../dom'
-import { ClosePanelResult, WatermarkPart } from './panel/parts'
-import { IGroupPanel } from './panel/types'
-import { timeoutPromise } from '../async'
+import { IDisposable, CompositeDisposable, Disposable } from '../lifecycle';
+import { ITabContainer, TabContainer } from './titlebar/tabContainer';
+import { IContentContainer, ContentContainer } from './panel/content/content';
+import { Position, Droptarget, DroptargetEvent } from './droptarget/droptarget';
+import { Event, Emitter, addDisposableListener } from '../events';
+import { IComponentGridview, IGroupAccessor, Layout } from '../layout';
+import { toggleClass } from '../dom';
+import { ClosePanelResult, WatermarkPart } from './panel/parts';
+import { IGroupPanel } from './panel/types';
+import { timeoutPromise } from '../async';
 import {
-} from './droptarget/dataTransfer'
+} from './droptarget/dataTransfer';
+import { IBaseGridView } from '../layout/baseGrid';
 export const enum GroupChangeKind {
@@ -39,221 +39,219 @@ export const enum GroupChangeKind {
 export interface IGroupItem {
-    id: string
-    header: { element: HTMLElement }
-    body: { element: HTMLElement }
+    id: string;
+    header: { element: HTMLElement };
+    body: { element: HTMLElement };
 interface GroupMoveEvent {
-    groupId: string
-    itemId: string
-    target: Position
-    index?: number
+    groupId: string;
+    itemId: string;
+    target: Position;
+    index?: number;
 export interface GroupOptions {
-    panels: IGroupPanel[]
-    activePanel?: IGroupPanel
+    panels: IGroupPanel[];
+    activePanel?: IGroupPanel;
 export interface GroupChangeEvent {
-    kind: GroupChangeKind
-    panel?: IGroupPanel
+    kind: GroupChangeKind;
+    panel?: IGroupPanel;
-export interface IGroupview extends IDisposable, IGridView {
-    id: string
-    size: number
-    panels: IGroupPanel[]
-    tabHeight: number
-    setActive: (isActive: boolean) => void
+export interface IGroupview extends IDisposable, IBaseGridView {
+    size: number;
+    panels: IGroupPanel[];
+    tabHeight: number;
     // state
-    isPanelActive: (panel: IGroupPanel) => boolean
-    isActive: boolean
-    activePanel: IGroupPanel
-    indexOf(panel: IGroupPanel): number
+    isPanelActive: (panel: IGroupPanel) => boolean;
+    isActive: boolean;
+    activePanel: IGroupPanel;
+    indexOf(panel: IGroupPanel): number;
     // panel lifecycle
-    openPanel(panel: IGroupPanel, index?: number): void
-    closePanel(panel: IGroupPanel): Promise<boolean>
-    closeAllPanels(): Promise<boolean>
-    containsPanel(panel: IGroupPanel): boolean
-    removePanel: (panelOrId: IGroupPanel | string) => IGroupPanel
+    openPanel(panel: IGroupPanel, index?: number): void;
+    closePanel(panel: IGroupPanel): Promise<boolean>;
+    closeAllPanels(): Promise<boolean>;
+    containsPanel(panel: IGroupPanel): boolean;
+    removePanel: (panelOrId: IGroupPanel | string) => IGroupPanel;
     // events
-    onDidGroupChange: Event<{ kind: GroupChangeKind }>
-    onMove: Event<GroupMoveEvent>
+    onDidGroupChange: Event<{ kind: GroupChangeKind }>;
+    onMove: Event<GroupMoveEvent>;
-    startActiveDrag(panel: IGroupPanel): IDisposable
+    startActiveDrag(panel: IGroupPanel): IDisposable;
-    moveToNext(options?: { panel?: IGroupPanel; suppressRoll?: boolean }): void
+    moveToNext(options?: { panel?: IGroupPanel; suppressRoll?: boolean }): void;
     moveToPrevious(options?: {
-        panel?: IGroupPanel
-        suppressRoll?: boolean
-    }): void
+        panel?: IGroupPanel;
+        suppressRoll?: boolean;
+    }): void;
 export interface GroupDropEvent {
-    event: DragEvent
-    target: Position
-    index?: number
+    event: DragEvent;
+    target: Position;
+    index?: number;
 export class Groupview extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupview {
-    private _element: HTMLElement
+    private _element: HTMLElement;
-    private tabContainer: ITabContainer
-    private contentContainer: IContentContainer
-    private _active: boolean
-    private _activePanel: IGroupPanel
-    private dropTarget: Droptarget
-    private watermark: WatermarkPart
+    private tabContainer: ITabContainer;
+    private contentContainer: IContentContainer;
+    private _active: boolean;
+    private _activePanel: IGroupPanel;
+    private dropTarget: Droptarget;
+    private watermark: WatermarkPart;
-    private _width: number
-    private _height: number
+    private _width: number;
+    private _height: number;
-    private _panels: IGroupPanel[] = []
+    private _panels: IGroupPanel[] = [];
-    private readonly _onMove = new Emitter<GroupMoveEvent>()
-    readonly onMove: Event<GroupMoveEvent> = this._onMove.event
+    private readonly _onMove = new Emitter<GroupMoveEvent>();
+    readonly onMove: Event<GroupMoveEvent> = this._onMove.event;
-    private readonly _onDrop = new Emitter<GroupDropEvent>()
-    readonly onDrop: Event<GroupDropEvent> = this._onDrop.event
+    private readonly _onDrop = new Emitter<GroupDropEvent>();
+    readonly onDrop: Event<GroupDropEvent> = this._onDrop.event;
-    private readonly _onDidGroupChange = new Emitter<GroupChangeEvent>()
+    private readonly _onDidGroupChange = new Emitter<GroupChangeEvent>();
     readonly onDidGroupChange: Event<{ kind: GroupChangeKind }> = this
-        ._onDidGroupChange.event
+        ._onDidGroupChange.event;
     get activePanel() {
-        return this._activePanel
+        return this._activePanel;
     get tabHeight() {
-        return this.tabContainer.height
+        return this.tabContainer.height;
     set tabHeight(height: number) {
-        this.tabContainer.height = height
-        this.layout(this._width, this._height)
+        this.tabContainer.height = height;
+        this.layout(this._width, this._height);
     get isActive() {
-        return this._active
+        return this._active;
     get panels() {
-        return this._panels
+        return this._panels;
     get element() {
-        return this._element
+        return this._element;
     get size() {
-        return this._panels.length
+        return this._panels.length;
     get isEmpty() {
-        return this._panels.length === 0
+        return this._panels.length === 0;
     get minimumHeight() {
-        return 100
+        return 100;
     get maximumHeight() {
-        return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
+        return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
     get minimumWidth() {
-        return 100
+        return 100;
     get maximumWidth() {
-        return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
+        return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
     public indexOf(panel: IGroupPanel) {
-        return this.tabContainer.indexOf(
+        return this.tabContainer.indexOf(;
     public toJSON(): object {
         return {
             views: =>,
             activeView: this._activePanel?.id,
-        }
+        };
     public startActiveDrag(panel: IGroupPanel): IDisposable {
-        const index = this.tabContainer.indexOf(
+        const index = this.tabContainer.indexOf(;
         if (index > -1) {
-            const tab =
-            tab.startDragEvent()
+            const tab =;
+            tab.startDragEvent();
             return {
                 dispose: () => {
-                    tab.stopDragEvent()
+                    tab.stopDragEvent();
-            }
+            };
-        return Disposable.NONE
+        return Disposable.NONE;
     public moveToNext(options?: {
-        panel?: IGroupPanel
-        suppressRoll?: boolean
+        panel?: IGroupPanel;
+        suppressRoll?: boolean;
     }) {
         if (!options) {
-            options = {}
+            options = {};
         if (!options.panel) {
-            options.panel = this.activePanel
+            options.panel = this.activePanel;
-        const index = this.panels.indexOf(options.panel)
+        const index = this.panels.indexOf(options.panel);
-        let normalizedIndex: number = undefined
+        let normalizedIndex: number = undefined;
         if (index < this.panels.length - 1) {
-            normalizedIndex = index + 1
+            normalizedIndex = index + 1;
         } else if (!options.suppressRoll) {
-            normalizedIndex = 0
+            normalizedIndex = 0;
         if (normalizedIndex === undefined) {
-            return
+            return;
-        this.openPanel(this.panels[normalizedIndex])
+        this.openPanel(this.panels[normalizedIndex]);
     public moveToPrevious(options?: {
-        panel?: IGroupPanel
-        suppressRoll?: boolean
+        panel?: IGroupPanel;
+        suppressRoll?: boolean;
     }) {
         if (!options) {
-            options = {}
+            options = {};
         if (!options.panel) {
-            options.panel = this.activePanel
+            options.panel = this.activePanel;
-        const index = this.panels.indexOf(options.panel)
+        const index = this.panels.indexOf(options.panel);
-        let normalizedIndex: number = undefined
+        let normalizedIndex: number = undefined;
         if (index > 0) {
-            normalizedIndex = index - 1
+            normalizedIndex = index - 1;
         } else if (!options.suppressRoll) {
-            normalizedIndex = this.panels.length - 1
+            normalizedIndex = this.panels.length - 1;
         if (normalizedIndex === undefined) {
-            return
+            return;
-        this.openPanel(this.panels[normalizedIndex])
+        this.openPanel(this.panels[normalizedIndex]);
     public containsPanel(panel: IGroupPanel) {
-        return this.panels.includes(panel)
+        return this.panels.includes(panel);
@@ -261,16 +259,16 @@ export class Groupview extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupview {
         public id: string,
         private options?: GroupOptions
     ) {
-        super()
+        super();
-        this.addDisposables(this._onMove, this._onDidGroupChange, this._onDrop)
+        this.addDisposables(this._onMove, this._onDidGroupChange, this._onDrop);
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
-        this._element.className = 'groupview'
-        this._element.tabIndex = -1
+        this._element = document.createElement('div');
+        this._element.className = 'groupview';
+        this._element.tabIndex = -1;
-        this.tabContainer = new TabContainer(this.accessor, this)
-        this.contentContainer = new ContentContainer()
+        this.tabContainer = new TabContainer(this.accessor, this);
+        this.contentContainer = new ContentContainer();
         this.dropTarget = new Droptarget(this.contentContainer.element, {
             isDirectional: true,
@@ -279,16 +277,16 @@ export class Groupview extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupview {
                 return (
                     this._panels.length === 1 &&
-                )
+                );
             enableExternalDragEvents: this.accessor.options
-        })
+        });
-        )
+        );
@@ -297,7 +295,7 @@ export class Groupview extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupview {
                 this.handleDropEvent(event.event, event.index)
             this.contentContainer.onDidFocus(() => {
-                this.accessor.doSetGroupActive(this)
+                this.accessor.doSetGroupActive(this);
             this.dropTarget.onDidChange((event) => {
                 // if we've center dropped on ourself then ignore
@@ -305,97 +303,99 @@ export class Groupview extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupview {
                     event.position === Position.Center &&
                 ) {
-                    return
+                    return;
-                this.handleDropEvent(event)
+                this.handleDropEvent(event);
-        )
+        );
         if (options?.panels) {
             options.panels.forEach((panel) => {
-                this.openPanel(panel)
-            })
+                this.openPanel(panel);
+            });
         if (options?.activePanel) {
-            this.openPanel(options?.activePanel)
+            this.openPanel(options?.activePanel);
-        this.updateContainer()
+        this.updateContainer();
     public openPanel(panel: IGroupPanel, index: number = this.panels.length) {
         if (this._activePanel === panel) {
-            this.accessor.doSetGroupActive(this)
-            return
+            this.accessor.doSetGroupActive(this);
+            return;
-        this.doAddPanel(panel, index)
+        this.doAddPanel(panel, index);
-        this.tabContainer.openPanel(panel, index)
-        this.contentContainer.openPanel(panel.content.element)
+        this.tabContainer.openPanel(panel, index);
+        this.contentContainer.openPanel(panel.content.element);
-        this.doSetActivePanel(panel)
-        this.accessor.doSetGroupActive(this)
+        this.doSetActivePanel(panel);
+        this.accessor.doSetGroupActive(this);
-        this.updateContainer()
+        this.updateContainer();
     public removePanel(groupItemOrId: IGroupPanel | string): IGroupPanel {
         const id =
-            typeof groupItemOrId === 'string' ? groupItemOrId :
+            typeof groupItemOrId === 'string'
+                ? groupItemOrId
+                :;
-        const panel = this._panels.find((panel) => === id)
+        const panel = this._panels.find((panel) => === id);
         if (!panel) {
-            throw new Error('invalid operation')
+            throw new Error('invalid operation');
-        return this._removePanel(panel)
+        return this._removePanel(panel);
     public async closeAllPanels() {
-        const index = this.panels.indexOf(this._activePanel)
+        const index = this.panels.indexOf(this._activePanel);
         if (index > -1) {
             if (this.panels.indexOf(this._activePanel) < 0) {
-                console.warn('active panel not tracked')
+                console.warn('active panel not tracked');
             const canClose =
                 !this._activePanel.close ||
-                (await this._activePanel.close()) === ClosePanelResult.CLOSE
+                (await this._activePanel.close()) === ClosePanelResult.CLOSE;
             if (!canClose) {
-                return false
+                return false;
         for (let i = 0; i < this.panels.length; i++) {
             if (i === index) {
-                continue
+                continue;
-            const panel = this.panels[i]
-            this.openPanel(panel)
+            const panel = this.panels[i];
+            this.openPanel(panel);
             if (panel.close) {
-                await timeoutPromise(0)
+                await timeoutPromise(0);
                 const canClose =
-                    (await panel.close()) === ClosePanelResult.CLOSE
+                    (await panel.close()) === ClosePanelResult.CLOSE;
                 if (!canClose) {
-                    return false
+                    return false;
         if (this.panels.length > 0) {
             // take a copy since we will be edting the array as we iterate through
-            const arrPanelCpy = [...this.panels]
-            await Promise.all( => this.doClose(p)))
+            const arrPanelCpy = [...this.panels];
+            await Promise.all( => this.doClose(p)));
         } else {
-            this.accessor.removeGroup(this)
+            this.accessor.removeGroup(this);
-        return true
+        return true;
     public closePanel = async (panel: IGroupPanel) => {
@@ -403,159 +403,163 @@ export class Groupview extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupview {
             panel.close &&
             (await panel.close()) === ClosePanelResult.DONT_CLOSE
         ) {
-            return false
+            return false;
-        this.doClose(panel)
-        return true
-    }
+        this.doClose(panel);
+        return true;
+    };
     private doClose(panel: IGroupPanel) {
-        this._removePanel(panel)
-        ;(this.accessor as Layout).unregisterPanel(panel)
+        this._removePanel(panel);
+        (this.accessor as Layout).unregisterPanel(panel);
-        panel.dispose()
+        panel.dispose();
         if (this.panels.length === 0) {
-            this.accessor.removeGroup(this)
+            this.accessor.removeGroup(this);
     public isPanelActive(panel: IGroupPanel) {
-        return this._activePanel === panel
+        return this._activePanel === panel;
     public setActive(isActive: boolean) {
         if (this._active === isActive) {
-            return
+            return;
-        this._active = isActive
+        this._active = isActive;
-        toggleClass(this.element, 'active-group', isActive)
-        toggleClass(this.element, 'inactive-group', !isActive)
+        toggleClass(this.element, 'active-group', isActive);
+        toggleClass(this.element, 'inactive-group', !isActive);
-        this.tabContainer.setActive(this._active)
+        this.tabContainer.setActive(this._active);
         if (!this._activePanel && this.panels.length > 0) {
-            this.doSetActivePanel(this.panels[0])
+            this.doSetActivePanel(this.panels[0]);
-        this.panels.forEach((panel) => panel.setVisible(this._active, this))
+        this.panels.forEach((panel) => panel.setVisible(this._active, this));
         if (this.watermark?.setVisible) {
-            this.watermark.setVisible(this._active, this)
+            this.watermark.setVisible(this._active, this);
         if (isActive) {
-  { kind: GroupChangeKind.GROUP_ACTIVE })
+  { kind: GroupChangeKind.GROUP_ACTIVE });
     public layout(width: number, height: number) {
-        this._width = width
-        this._height = height
+        this._width = width;
+        this._height = height;
         if (this._activePanel?.layout) {
-            this._activePanel.layout(this._width, this._height)
+            this._activePanel.layout(this._width, this._height);
     private _removePanel(panel: IGroupPanel) {
-        const index = this._panels.indexOf(panel)
+        const index = this._panels.indexOf(panel);
-        const isActivePanel = this._activePanel === panel
+        const isActivePanel = this._activePanel === panel;
-        this.doRemovePanel(panel)
+        this.doRemovePanel(panel);
         if (isActivePanel && this.panels.length > 0) {
-            const nextPanel = this.panels[Math.max(0, index - 1)]
-            this.openPanel(nextPanel)
+            const nextPanel = this.panels[Math.max(0, index - 1)];
+            this.openPanel(nextPanel);
         if (this._activePanel && this.panels.length === 0) {
-            this._activePanel = undefined
+            this._activePanel = undefined;
-        this.updateContainer()
-        return panel
+        this.updateContainer();
+        return panel;
     private doRemovePanel(panel: IGroupPanel) {
-        const index = this.panels.indexOf(panel)
+        const index = this.panels.indexOf(panel);
         if (this._activePanel === panel) {
-            this.contentContainer.closePanel()
+            this.contentContainer.closePanel();
-        this.tabContainer.delete(
-        this._panels.splice(index, 1)
+        this.tabContainer.delete(;
+        this._panels.splice(index, 1);
             kind: GroupChangeKind.REMOVE_PANEL,
-        })
+        });
     private doAddPanel(panel: IGroupPanel, index: number) {
-        const existingPanel = this._panels.indexOf(panel)
-        const hasExistingPabel = existingPanel > -1
+        const existingPanel = this._panels.indexOf(panel);
+        const hasExistingPabel = existingPanel > -1;
         if (hasExistingPabel) {
             // TODO - need to ensure ordering hasn't changed and if it has need to re-order this.panels
-            return
+            return;
-        this.panels.splice(index, 0, panel)
+        this.panels.splice(index, 0, panel);
-{ kind: GroupChangeKind.ADD_PANEL })
+{ kind: GroupChangeKind.ADD_PANEL });
     private doSetActivePanel(panel: IGroupPanel) {
-        this._activePanel = panel
-        this.tabContainer.setActivePanel(panel)
-        panel.layout(this._width, this._height)
-{ kind: GroupChangeKind.PANEL_ACTIVE })
+        this._activePanel = panel;
+        this.tabContainer.setActivePanel(panel);
+        panel.layout(this._width, this._height);
+{ kind: GroupChangeKind.PANEL_ACTIVE });
     private updateContainer() {
-        toggleClass(this.element, 'empty', this.isEmpty)
+        toggleClass(this.element, 'empty', this.isEmpty);
         if (this.accessor.options.watermarkComponent && !this.watermark) {
-            const WatermarkComponent = this.accessor.options.watermarkComponent
-            this.watermark = new WatermarkComponent()
-            this.watermark.init({ accessor: this.accessor })
+            const WatermarkComponent = this.accessor.options.watermarkComponent;
+            this.watermark = new WatermarkComponent();
+            this.watermark.init({ accessor: this.accessor });
-        this.panels.forEach((panel) => panel.setVisible(this._active, this))
+        this.panels.forEach((panel) => panel.setVisible(this._active, this));
         if (this.isEmpty && !this.watermark?.element.parentNode) {
             addDisposableListener(this.watermark.element, 'click', () => {
                 if (!this._active) {
-                    this.accessor.doSetGroupActive(this)
+                    this.accessor.doSetGroupActive(this);
-            })
+            });
-            this.contentContainer.openPanel(this.watermark.element)
+            this.contentContainer.openPanel(this.watermark.element);
-            this.watermark.setVisible(true, this)
+            this.watermark.setVisible(true, this);
         if (!this.isEmpty && this.watermark.element.parentNode) {
-            this.watermark.dispose()
-            this.watermark = undefined
-            this.contentContainer.closePanel()
+            this.watermark.dispose();
+            this.watermark = undefined;
+            this.contentContainer.closePanel();
     private handleDropEvent(event: DroptargetEvent, index?: number) {
         if (isPanelTransferEvent(event.event)) {
-            this.handlePanelDropEvent(event.event, event.position, index)
-            return
+            this.handlePanelDropEvent(event.event, event.position, index);
+            return;
-{ event: event.event, target: event.position, index })
+            event: event.event,
+            target: event.position,
+            index,
+        });
-        console.debug('[customDropEvent]')
+        console.debug('[customDropEvent]');
     private handlePanelDropEvent(
@@ -563,16 +567,18 @@ export class Groupview extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupview {
         target: Position,
         index?: number
     ) {
-        const dataObject = extractData(event)
+        const dataObject = extractData(event);
         if (isTabDragEvent(dataObject)) {
-            const { groupId, itemId } = dataObject
-            const isSameGroup = === groupId
+            const { groupId, itemId } = dataObject;
+            const isSameGroup = === groupId;
             if (isSameGroup && !target) {
-                const oldIndex = this.tabContainer.indexOf(itemId)
+                const oldIndex = this.tabContainer.indexOf(itemId);
                 if (oldIndex === index) {
-                    console.debug('[tabs] drop indicates no change in position')
-                    return
+                    console.debug(
+                        '[tabs] drop indicates no change in position'
+                    );
+                    return;
@@ -581,14 +587,14 @@ export class Groupview extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupview {
                 groupId: dataObject.groupId,
                 itemId: dataObject.itemId,
-            })
+            });
         if (isCustomDragEvent(dataObject)) {
-            let panel = this.accessor.getPanel(
+            let panel = this.accessor.getPanel(;
             if (!panel) {
-                panel = this.accessor.addPanel(dataObject)
+                panel = this.accessor.addPanel(dataObject);
@@ -596,19 +602,19 @@ export class Groupview extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupview {
-            })
+            });
     public dispose() {
         for (const panel of this.panels) {
-            panel.dispose()
+            panel.dispose();
-        super.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
-        this.dropTarget.dispose()
-        this.tabContainer.dispose()
-        this.contentContainer.dispose()
+        this.dropTarget.dispose();
+        this.tabContainer.dispose();
+        this.contentContainer.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/api.ts b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/api.ts
index 830898cc2..ca10e39fb 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/api.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/api.ts
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-import { IGroupview } from '../groupview'
-import { Emitter, Event } from '../../events'
-import { ClosePanelResult } from './parts'
-import { IGroupPanel } from './types'
-import { IBaseViewApi, BaseViewApi } from '../../panel/api'
+import { IGroupview } from '../groupview';
+import { Emitter, Event } from '../../events';
+import { ClosePanelResult } from './parts';
+import { IGroupPanel } from './types';
+import { IBaseViewApi, BaseViewApi } from '../../panel/api';
 interface ChangeVisibilityEvent {
-    isVisible: boolean
+    isVisible: boolean;
 export interface IGroupPanelApi extends IBaseViewApi {
     // events
-    onDidDirtyChange: Event<boolean>
-    onDidChangeVisibility: Event<ChangeVisibilityEvent>
+    onDidDirtyChange: Event<boolean>;
+    onDidChangeVisibility: Event<ChangeVisibilityEvent>;
     // misc
-    readonly isVisible: boolean
-    group: IGroupview
-    close: () => Promise<boolean>
-    canClose: () => Promise<ClosePanelResult>
-    setClosePanelHook(callback: () => Promise<ClosePanelResult>): void
+    readonly isVisible: boolean;
+    group: IGroupview;
+    close: () => Promise<boolean>;
+    canClose: () => Promise<ClosePanelResult>;
+    setClosePanelHook(callback: () => Promise<ClosePanelResult>): void;
 export class GroupPanelApi extends BaseViewApi implements IGroupPanelApi {
-    private _isVisible: boolean
-    private _group: IGroupview
-    private _closePanelCallback: () => Promise<ClosePanelResult>
+    private _isVisible: boolean;
+    private _group: IGroupview;
+    private _closePanelCallback: () => Promise<ClosePanelResult>;
-    readonly _onDidDirtyChange = new Emitter<boolean>()
-    readonly onDidDirtyChange = this._onDidDirtyChange.event
+    readonly _onDidDirtyChange = new Emitter<boolean>();
+    readonly onDidDirtyChange = this._onDidDirtyChange.event;
     readonly _onDidChangeVisibility = new Emitter<ChangeVisibilityEvent>({
         emitLastValue: true,
-    })
+    });
     readonly onDidChangeVisibility: Event<ChangeVisibilityEvent> = this
-        ._onDidChangeVisibility.event
+        ._onDidChangeVisibility.event;
     get isVisible() {
-        return this._isVisible
+        return this._isVisible;
     get canClose() {
-        return this._closePanelCallback
+        return this._closePanelCallback;
     set group(value: IGroupview) {
-        this._group = value
+        this._group = value;
     get group() {
-        return this._group
+        return this._group;
     constructor(private panel: IGroupPanel, group: IGroupview) {
-        super()
-        this._group = group
+        super();
+        this._group = group;
             this.onDidChangeVisibility((event) => {
-                this._isVisible = event.isVisible
+                this._isVisible = event.isVisible;
-        )
+        );
     public close() {
-        return
+        return;
     public setClosePanelHook(callback: () => Promise<ClosePanelResult>) {
-        this._closePanelCallback = callback
+        this._closePanelCallback = callback;
     public dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/content/content.ts b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/content/content.ts
index cb60b24a6..8662bf4e5 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/content/content.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/content/content.ts
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
-import { CompositeDisposable, IDisposable } from '../../../lifecycle'
-import { Emitter, Event } from '../../../events'
-import { trackFocus } from '../../../dom'
+import { CompositeDisposable, IDisposable } from '../../../lifecycle';
+import { Emitter, Event } from '../../../events';
+import { trackFocus } from '../../../dom';
 export interface IContentContainer extends IDisposable {
-    onDidFocus: Event<void>
-    element: HTMLElement
-    openPanel: (panel: HTMLElement) => void
-    closePanel: () => void
+    onDidFocus: Event<void>;
+    element: HTMLElement;
+    openPanel: (panel: HTMLElement) => void;
+    closePanel: () => void;
 export class ContentContainer
     extends CompositeDisposable
     implements IContentContainer {
-    private _element: HTMLElement
-    private content: HTMLElement
+    private _element: HTMLElement;
+    private content: HTMLElement;
-    private readonly _onDidFocus = new Emitter<void>()
-    readonly onDidFocus: Event<void> = this._onDidFocus.event
+    private readonly _onDidFocus = new Emitter<void>();
+    readonly onDidFocus: Event<void> = this._onDidFocus.event;
     get element() {
-        return this._element
+        return this._element;
     constructor() {
-        super()
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
-        this._element.className = 'content-container'
-        this._element.tabIndex = -1
+        super();
+        this._element = document.createElement('div');
+        this._element.className = 'content-container';
+        this._element.tabIndex = -1;
-        const { onDidBlur, onDidFocus } = trackFocus(this._element)
+        const { onDidBlur, onDidFocus } = trackFocus(this._element);
-        this.addDisposables(onDidFocus(() =>
+        this.addDisposables(onDidFocus(() =>;
     public openPanel(panel: HTMLElement) {
         if (this.content) {
-            this._element.removeChild(this.content)
-            this.content = undefined
+            this._element.removeChild(this.content);
+            this.content = undefined;
-        this.content = panel
-        this._element.appendChild(this.content)
+        this.content = panel;
+        this._element.appendChild(this.content);
     public closePanel() {
         if (this.content) {
-            this._element.removeChild(this.content)
-            this.content = undefined
+            this._element.removeChild(this.content);
+            this.content = undefined;
     public dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/panel.ts b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/panel.ts
index 6b7430f94..89d358f3a 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/panel.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/panel.ts
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-import { IGroupPanel, PanelInitParameters } from './types'
-import { GroupPanelApi } from './api'
-import { Event } from '../../events'
-import { IGroupview, GroupChangeKind } from '../groupview'
-import { MutableDisposable, CompositeDisposable } from '../../lifecycle'
-import { PanelContentPart, PanelHeaderPart, ClosePanelResult } from './parts'
-import { PanelUpdateEvent } from '../../panel/types'
+import { IGroupPanel, PanelInitParameters } from './types';
+import { GroupPanelApi } from './api';
+import { Event } from '../../events';
+import { IGroupview, GroupChangeKind } from '../groupview';
+import { MutableDisposable, CompositeDisposable } from '../../lifecycle';
+import { PanelContentPart, PanelHeaderPart, ClosePanelResult } from './parts';
+import { PanelUpdateEvent } from '../../panel/types';
 export class DefaultPanel extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupPanel {
-    private readonly mutableDisposable = new MutableDisposable()
+    private readonly mutableDisposable = new MutableDisposable();
-    private readonly api: GroupPanelApi
-    private _group: IGroupview
-    private params: PanelInitParameters
+    private readonly api: GroupPanelApi;
+    private _group: IGroupview;
+    private params: PanelInitParameters;
-    readonly onDidStateChange: Event<any>
+    readonly onDidStateChange: Event<any>;
     get group() {
-        return this._group
+        return this._group;
     get header() {
-        return this.headerPart
+        return this.headerPart;
     get content() {
-        return this.contentPart
+        return this.contentPart;
@@ -32,22 +32,22 @@ export class DefaultPanel extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupPanel {
         private readonly headerPart: PanelHeaderPart,
         private readonly contentPart: PanelContentPart
     ) {
-        super()
+        super();
-        this.api = new GroupPanelApi(this, this._group)
-        this.onDidStateChange = this.api.onDidStateChange
+        this.api = new GroupPanelApi(this, this._group);
+        this.onDidStateChange = this.api.onDidStateChange;
     public setDirty(isDirty: boolean) {
     public close(): Promise<ClosePanelResult> {
         if (this.api.canClose) {
-            return this.api.canClose()
+            return this.api.canClose();
-        return Promise.resolve(ClosePanelResult.CLOSE)
+        return Promise.resolve(ClosePanelResult.CLOSE);
     public toJSON(): object {
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ export class DefaultPanel extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupPanel {
             title: this.params.title,
             suppressClosable: this.params.suppressClosable,
             state: this.api.getState(),
-        }
+        };
     public fromJSON(data: object) {
@@ -67,20 +67,20 @@ export class DefaultPanel extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupPanel {
     public update(params: PanelUpdateEvent): void {
-        this.params.params = { ...this.params.params, ...params }
+        this.params.params = { ...this.params.params, ...params };
-        this.contentPart.update(params.params)
+        this.contentPart.update(params.params);
     public init(params: PanelInitParameters): void {
-        this.params = params
-        this.api.setState(this.params.state)
+        this.params = params;
+        this.api.setState(this.params.state);
         if (this.content.init) {
-            this.content.init({ ...params, api: this.api })
+            this.content.init({ ...params, api: this.api });
         if (this.header.init) {
-            this.header.init({ ...params, api: this.api })
+            this.header.init({ ...params, api: this.api });
@@ -93,33 +93,33 @@ export class DefaultPanel extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupPanel {
     public setVisible(isGroupActive: boolean, group: IGroupview) {
-        this._group = group
- = group
+        this._group = group;
+ = group;
         this.mutableDisposable.value = this._group.onDidGroupChange((ev) => {
             if (ev.kind === GroupChangeKind.GROUP_ACTIVE) {
                     isVisible: this._group.isPanelActive(this),
-                })
+                });
-        })
+        });
-{ isFocused: isGroupActive })
+{ isFocused: isGroupActive });{
             isVisible: this._group.isPanelActive(this),
-        })
+        });
         if (this.headerPart.setVisible) {
-            )
+            );
         if (this.contentPart.setVisible) {
-            )
+            );
@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ export class DefaultPanel extends CompositeDisposable implements IGroupPanel {{
             height: height - ( || 0),
-        })
+        });
     public dispose() {
-        this.api.dispose()
-        this.mutableDisposable.dispose()
+        this.api.dispose();
+        this.mutableDisposable.dispose();
-        this.headerPart.dispose()
-        this.contentPart.dispose()
+        this.headerPart.dispose();
+        this.contentPart.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/parts.ts b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/parts.ts
index 95c89ea13..dc3b14a59 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/parts.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/parts.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-import { IDisposable } from '../../lifecycle'
-import { IGroupview } from '../groupview'
-import { IGroupAccessor } from '../../layout'
-import { IGroupPanelApi } from './api'
-import { PanelInitParameters } from './types'
-import { Constructor } from '../../types'
+import { IDisposable } from '../../lifecycle';
+import { IGroupview } from '../groupview';
+import { IGroupAccessor } from '../../layout';
+import { IGroupPanelApi } from './api';
+import { PanelInitParameters } from './types';
+import { Constructor } from '../../types';
 export enum ClosePanelResult {
     CLOSE = 'CLOSE',
@@ -11,40 +11,40 @@ export enum ClosePanelResult {
 interface BasePart extends IDisposable {
-    init?(params: PartInitParameters): void
-    setVisible(isPanelVisible: boolean, isGroupVisible: boolean): void
+    init?(params: PartInitParameters): void;
+    setVisible(isPanelVisible: boolean, isGroupVisible: boolean): void;
 export interface WatermarkPartInitParameters {
-    accessor: IGroupAccessor
+    accessor: IGroupAccessor;
 export interface PartInitParameters extends PanelInitParameters {
-    api: IGroupPanelApi
+    api: IGroupPanelApi;
 export interface PanelHeaderPart extends BasePart {
-    id: string
-    element: HTMLElement
-    layout?(height: string): void
-    toJSON(): {}
+    id: string;
+    element: HTMLElement;
+    layout?(height: string): void;
+    toJSON(): {};
 export interface PanelContentPart extends BasePart {
-    id: string
-    element: HTMLElement
-    layout?(width: number, height: number): void
-    close?(): Promise<ClosePanelResult>
-    focus(): void
-    onHide(): void
-    update(params: {}): void
-    toJSON(): {}
+    id: string;
+    element: HTMLElement;
+    layout?(width: number, height: number): void;
+    close?(): Promise<ClosePanelResult>;
+    focus(): void;
+    onHide(): void;
+    update(params: {}): void;
+    toJSON(): {};
 export interface WatermarkPart extends IDisposable {
-    init?: (params: WatermarkPartInitParameters) => void
-    setVisible?(visible: boolean, group: IGroupview): void
-    element: HTMLElement
+    init?: (params: WatermarkPartInitParameters) => void;
+    setVisible?(visible: boolean, group: IGroupview): void;
+    element: HTMLElement;
 // constructors
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/tab/tab.ts b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/tab/tab.ts
index 05ef4c6b3..d5651628d 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/tab/tab.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/tab/tab.ts
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-import { addDisposableListener, Emitter, Event } from '../../../events'
-import { Droptarget, DroptargetEvent } from '../../droptarget/droptarget'
-import { CompositeDisposable } from '../../../lifecycle'
-import { IGroupview } from '../../groupview'
+import { addDisposableListener, Emitter, Event } from '../../../events';
+import { Droptarget, DroptargetEvent } from '../../droptarget/droptarget';
+import { CompositeDisposable } from '../../../lifecycle';
+import { IGroupview } from '../../groupview';
 import {
-} from '../../droptarget/dataTransfer'
-import { toggleClass } from '../../../dom'
-import { IGroupAccessor } from '../../../layout'
-import { LayoutMouseEvent, MouseEventKind } from '../../events'
+} from '../../droptarget/dataTransfer';
+import { toggleClass } from '../../../dom';
+import { IGroupAccessor } from '../../../layout';
+import { LayoutMouseEvent, MouseEventKind } from '../../events';
 export interface ITab {
-    id: string
-    element: HTMLElement
-    hasActiveDragEvent: boolean
-    setContent: (element: HTMLElement) => void
-    onChanged: Event<LayoutMouseEvent>
-    onDropped: Event<DroptargetEvent>
-    setActive(isActive: boolean): void
-    startDragEvent(): void
-    stopDragEvent(): void
+    id: string;
+    element: HTMLElement;
+    hasActiveDragEvent: boolean;
+    setContent: (element: HTMLElement) => void;
+    onChanged: Event<LayoutMouseEvent>;
+    onDropped: Event<DroptargetEvent>;
+    setActive(isActive: boolean): void;
+    startDragEvent(): void;
+    stopDragEvent(): void;
 export class Tab extends CompositeDisposable implements ITab {
-    private _element: HTMLElement
+    private _element: HTMLElement;
     private dragInPlayDetails: { id?: string; isDragging: boolean } = {
         isDragging: false,
-    }
-    private droptarget: Droptarget
-    private content: HTMLElement
+    };
+    private droptarget: Droptarget;
+    private content: HTMLElement;
-    private readonly _onChanged = new Emitter<LayoutMouseEvent>()
-    readonly onChanged: Event<LayoutMouseEvent> = this._onChanged.event
+    private readonly _onChanged = new Emitter<LayoutMouseEvent>();
+    readonly onChanged: Event<LayoutMouseEvent> = this._onChanged.event;
-    private readonly _onDropped = new Emitter<DroptargetEvent>()
-    readonly onDropped: Event<DroptargetEvent> = this._onDropped.event
+    private readonly _onDropped = new Emitter<DroptargetEvent>();
+    readonly onDropped: Event<DroptargetEvent> = this._onDropped.event;
     public get element() {
-        return this._element
+        return this._element;
     public get hasActiveDragEvent() {
-        return this.dragInPlayDetails?.isDragging
+        return this.dragInPlayDetails?.isDragging;
     public startDragEvent() {
-        this.dragInPlayDetails = { isDragging: true, id: }
+        this.dragInPlayDetails = { isDragging: true, id: };
     public stopDragEvent() {
-        this.dragInPlayDetails = { isDragging: false, id: undefined }
+        this.dragInPlayDetails = { isDragging: false, id: undefined };
@@ -58,73 +58,73 @@ export class Tab extends CompositeDisposable implements ITab {
         private readonly accessor: IGroupAccessor,
         private group: IGroupview
     ) {
-        super()
+        super();
-        this.addDisposables(this._onChanged, this._onDropped)
+        this.addDisposables(this._onChanged, this._onDropped);
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
-        this._element.className = 'tab'
-        this._element.draggable = true
+        this._element = document.createElement('div');
+        this._element.className = 'tab';
+        this._element.draggable = true;
             addDisposableListener(this._element, 'mousedown', (event) => {
                 if (event.defaultPrevented) {
-                    return
+                    return;
-      { kind: MouseEventKind.CLICK, event })
+      { kind: MouseEventKind.CLICK, event });
             addDisposableListener(this._element, 'contextmenu', (event) => {
                     kind: MouseEventKind.CONTEXT_MENU,
-                })
+                });
             addDisposableListener(this._element, 'dragstart', (event) => {
                 this.dragInPlayDetails = {
                     isDragging: true,
-                }
+                };
                 // set up a custom ghost image
-                const dragImage = this._element.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement
+                const dragImage = this._element.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement;
-                const box = this._element.getBoundingClientRect()
+                const box = this._element.getBoundingClientRect();
                 // if the style of the tab is determined by CSS by a parent element that style will lost
                 // therefore we must explicility re-add the style features that we know will be lost
-       = `${box.height}px`
-       = `${box.width}px`
-       = 'absolute'
-                dragImage.classList.add('dragging')
+       = `${box.height}px`;
+       = `${box.width}px`;
+       = 'absolute';
+                dragImage.classList.add('dragging');
-                document.body.appendChild(dragImage)
+                document.body.appendChild(dragImage);
-                )
-                setTimeout(() => document.body.removeChild(dragImage), 0)
+                );
+                setTimeout(() => document.body.removeChild(dragImage), 0);
                 // configure the data-transfer object
                 const data = JSON.stringify({
                     type: DragType.ITEM,
-                })
-                DataTransferSingleton.setData(, data)
+                });
+                DataTransferSingleton.setData(, data);
-                event.dataTransfer.setData(DATA_KEY, data)
-                event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'
+                event.dataTransfer.setData(DATA_KEY, data);
+                event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';
             addDisposableListener(this._element, 'dragend', (ev) => {
                 // drop events fire before dragend so we can remove this safely
-                DataTransferSingleton.removeData(
+                DataTransferSingleton.removeData(;
                 this.dragInPlayDetails = {
                     isDragging: false,
                     id: undefined,
-                }
+                };
-        )
+        );
         this.droptarget = new Droptarget(this._element, {
             isDirectional: false,
@@ -132,30 +132,30 @@ export class Tab extends CompositeDisposable implements ITab {
             enableExternalDragEvents: this.accessor.options
-        })
+        });
             this.droptarget.onDidChange((event) => {
+      ;
-        )
+        );
     public setActive(isActive: boolean) {
-        toggleClass(this.element, 'active-tab', isActive)
-        toggleClass(this.element, 'inactive-tab', !isActive)
+        toggleClass(this.element, 'active-tab', isActive);
+        toggleClass(this.element, 'inactive-tab', !isActive);
     public setContent(element: HTMLElement) {
         if (this.content) {
-            this._element.removeChild(this.content)
+            this._element.removeChild(this.content);
-        this.content = element
-        this._element.appendChild(this.content)
+        this.content = element;
+        this._element.appendChild(this.content);
     public dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
-        this.droptarget.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
+        this.droptarget.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/types.ts b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/types.ts
index c75f90e71..fd23b3dc0 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/types.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/panel/types.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-import { IGroupview } from '../groupview'
-import { IDisposable, ISerializable } from '../../lifecycle'
-import { Event } from '../../events'
-import { PanelHeaderPart, PanelContentPart, ClosePanelResult } from './parts'
-import { InitParameters, IPanel } from '../../panel/types'
+import { IGroupview } from '../groupview';
+import { IDisposable, ISerializable } from '../../lifecycle';
+import { Event } from '../../events';
+import { PanelHeaderPart, PanelContentPart, ClosePanelResult } from './parts';
+import { InitParameters, IPanel } from '../../panel/types';
 // init parameters
 export interface PanelInitParameters extends InitParameters {
-    title: string
-    suppressClosable?: boolean
+    title: string;
+    suppressClosable?: boolean;
 // constructors
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ export interface PanelInitParameters extends InitParameters {
 // panel
 export interface IGroupPanel extends IDisposable, ISerializable, IPanel {
-    id: string
-    header: PanelHeaderPart
-    content: PanelContentPart
-    group: IGroupview
-    focus(): void
-    onHide(): void
-    setVisible(isGroupActive: boolean, group: IGroupview): void
-    setDirty(isDirty: boolean): void
-    close?(): Promise<ClosePanelResult>
-    init?(params: PanelInitParameters & { [index: string]: string }): void
-    onDidStateChange: Event<any>
+    id: string;
+    header: PanelHeaderPart;
+    content: PanelContentPart;
+    group: IGroupview;
+    focus(): void;
+    onHide(): void;
+    setVisible(isGroupActive: boolean, group: IGroupview): void;
+    setDirty(isDirty: boolean): void;
+    close?(): Promise<ClosePanelResult>;
+    init?(params: PanelInitParameters & { [index: string]: string }): void;
+    onDidStateChange: Event<any>;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/titlebar/tabContainer.ts b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/titlebar/tabContainer.ts
index 540f3cdac..f2f903422 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/groupview/titlebar/tabContainer.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/groupview/titlebar/tabContainer.ts
@@ -2,170 +2,170 @@ import {
-} from '../../lifecycle'
-import { addDisposableListener, Emitter, Event } from '../../events'
-import { ITab, Tab } from '../panel/tab/tab'
-import { removeClasses, addClasses, toggleClass } from '../../dom'
-import { hasProcessed, Position } from '../droptarget/droptarget'
-import { TabDropEvent } from '../events'
+} from '../../lifecycle';
+import { addDisposableListener, Emitter, Event } from '../../events';
+import { ITab, Tab } from '../panel/tab/tab';
+import { removeClasses, addClasses, toggleClass } from '../../dom';
+import { hasProcessed, Position } from '../droptarget/droptarget';
+import { TabDropEvent } from '../events';
-import { IGroupview } from '../groupview'
-import { IGroupAccessor } from '../../layout'
-import { last } from '../../array'
-import { DataTransferSingleton } from '../droptarget/dataTransfer'
-import { IGroupPanel } from '../panel/types'
-import { MouseEventKind } from '../events'
+import { IGroupview } from '../groupview';
+import { IGroupAccessor } from '../../layout';
+import { last } from '../../array';
+import { DataTransferSingleton } from '../droptarget/dataTransfer';
+import { IGroupPanel } from '../panel/types';
+import { MouseEventKind } from '../events';
 export interface ITabContainer extends IDisposable {
-    element: HTMLElement
-    visible: boolean
-    height: number
-    hasActiveDragEvent: boolean
-    delete: (id: string) => void
-    indexOf: (tabOrId: ITab | string) => number
-    at: (index: number) => ITab
-    onDropEvent: Event<TabDropEvent>
-    setActive: (isGroupActive: boolean) => void
-    setActivePanel: (panel: IGroupPanel) => void
-    isActive: (tab: ITab) => boolean
-    closePanel: (panel: IGroupPanel) => void
-    openPanel: (panel: IGroupPanel, index?: number) => void
+    element: HTMLElement;
+    visible: boolean;
+    height: number;
+    hasActiveDragEvent: boolean;
+    delete: (id: string) => void;
+    indexOf: (tabOrId: ITab | string) => number;
+    at: (index: number) => ITab;
+    onDropEvent: Event<TabDropEvent>;
+    setActive: (isGroupActive: boolean) => void;
+    setActivePanel: (panel: IGroupPanel) => void;
+    isActive: (tab: ITab) => boolean;
+    closePanel: (panel: IGroupPanel) => void;
+    openPanel: (panel: IGroupPanel, index?: number) => void;
 export class TabContainer extends CompositeDisposable implements ITabContainer {
-    private tabContainer: HTMLElement
-    private _element: HTMLElement
-    private actionContainer: HTMLElement
+    private tabContainer: HTMLElement;
+    private _element: HTMLElement;
+    private actionContainer: HTMLElement;
-    private tabs: IValueDisposable<ITab>[] = []
-    private selectedIndex: number = -1
-    private active: boolean
-    private activePanel: IGroupPanel
+    private tabs: IValueDisposable<ITab>[] = [];
+    private selectedIndex: number = -1;
+    private active: boolean;
+    private activePanel: IGroupPanel;
-    private _visible: boolean = true
-    private _height: number
+    private _visible: boolean = true;
+    private _height: number;
-    private readonly _onDropped = new Emitter<TabDropEvent>()
-    readonly onDropEvent: Event<TabDropEvent> = this._onDropped.event
+    private readonly _onDropped = new Emitter<TabDropEvent>();
+    readonly onDropEvent: Event<TabDropEvent> = this._onDropped.event;
     get visible() {
-        return this._visible
+        return this._visible;
     set visible(value: boolean) {
-        this._visible = value
+        this._visible = value;
-        toggleClass(this.element, 'hidden', !this._visible)
+        toggleClass(this.element, 'hidden', !this._visible);
     get height() {
-        return this._height
+        return this._height;
     set height(value: number) {
-        this._height = value
- = `${this.height}px`
+        this._height = value;
+ = `${this.height}px`;
     public get element() {
-        return this._element
+        return this._element;
     public isActive(tab: ITab) {
         return (
             this.selectedIndex > -1 &&
             this.tabs[this.selectedIndex].value === tab
-        )
+        );
     public get hasActiveDragEvent() {
-        return !!this.tabs.find((tab) => tab.value.hasActiveDragEvent)
+        return !!this.tabs.find((tab) => tab.value.hasActiveDragEvent);
     public at(index: number) {
-        return this.tabs[index]?.value
+        return this.tabs[index]?.value;
     public indexOf(tabOrId: ITab) {
-        const id = typeof tabOrId === 'string' ? tabOrId :
-        return this.tabs.findIndex((tab) => === id)
+        const id = typeof tabOrId === 'string' ? tabOrId :;
+        return this.tabs.findIndex((tab) => === id);
     constructor(private accessor: IGroupAccessor, private group: IGroupview) {
-        super()
+        super();
-        this.addDisposables(this._onDropped)
+        this.addDisposables(this._onDropped);
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
-        this._element.className = 'title-container'
+        this._element = document.createElement('div');
+        this._element.className = 'title-container';
-        this.height = 35
+        this.height = 35;
-        this.actionContainer = document.createElement('div')
-        this.actionContainer.className = 'action-container'
+        this.actionContainer = document.createElement('div');
+        this.actionContainer.className = 'action-container';
-        const list = document.createElement('ul')
-        list.className = 'action-list'
+        const list = document.createElement('ul');
+        list.className = 'action-list';
-        this.tabContainer = document.createElement('div')
-        this.tabContainer.className = 'tab-container'
+        this.tabContainer = document.createElement('div');
+        this.tabContainer.className = 'tab-container';
-        this._element.appendChild(this.tabContainer)
-        this._element.appendChild(this.actionContainer)
+        this._element.appendChild(this.tabContainer);
+        this._element.appendChild(this.actionContainer);
             addDisposableListener(this.tabContainer, 'dragenter', (event) => {
                 if (!DataTransferSingleton.has( {
-                    console.debug('[tabs] invalid drop event')
-                    return
+                    console.debug('[tabs] invalid drop event');
+                    return;
                 if (!last(this.tabs).value.hasActiveDragEvent) {
-                    addClasses(this.tabContainer, 'drag-over-target')
+                    addClasses(this.tabContainer, 'drag-over-target');
             addDisposableListener(this.tabContainer, 'dragover', (event) => {
-                event.preventDefault()
+                event.preventDefault();
             addDisposableListener(this.tabContainer, 'dragleave', (event) => {
-                removeClasses(this.tabContainer, 'drag-over-target')
+                removeClasses(this.tabContainer, 'drag-over-target');
             addDisposableListener(this.tabContainer, 'drop', (event) => {
                 if (!DataTransferSingleton.has( {
-                    console.debug('[tabs] invalid drop event')
-                    return
+                    console.debug('[tabs] invalid drop event');
+                    return;
                 if (hasProcessed(event)) {
-                    console.debug('[tab] drop event already processed')
-                    return
+                    console.debug('[tab] drop event already processed');
+                    return;
-                removeClasses(this.tabContainer, 'drag-over-target')
+                removeClasses(this.tabContainer, 'drag-over-target');
                 const activetab = this.tabs.find(
                     (tab) => tab.value.hasActiveDragEvent
-                )
+                );
                 const ignore = !!(
                     activetab &&
                         .find((x) => activetab.value.element === x)
-                )
+                );
                 if (ignore) {
-                    console.debug('[tabs] ignore event')
-                    return
+                    console.debug('[tabs] ignore event');
+                    return;
                     event: { event, position: Position.Center },
                     index: this.tabs.length - 1,
-                })
+                });
-        )
+        );
     public setActive(isGroupActive: boolean) {
- = isGroupActive
+ = isGroupActive;
     private addTab(
@@ -173,80 +173,80 @@ export class TabContainer extends CompositeDisposable implements ITabContainer {
         index: number = this.tabs.length
     ) {
         if (index < 0 || index > this.tabs.length) {
-            throw new Error('invalid location')
+            throw new Error('invalid location');
-        )
+        );
         this.tabs = [
             ...this.tabs.slice(0, index),
-        ]
+        ];
         if (this.selectedIndex < 0) {
-            this.selectedIndex = index
+            this.selectedIndex = index;
     public delete(id: string) {
-        const index = this.tabs.findIndex((tab) => === id)
+        const index = this.tabs.findIndex((tab) => === id);
-        const tab = this.tabs.splice(index, 1)[0]
+        const tab = this.tabs.splice(index, 1)[0];
-        const { value, disposable } = tab
+        const { value, disposable } = tab;
-        disposable.dispose()
-        value.element.remove()
+        disposable.dispose();
+        value.element.remove();
     public setActivePanel(panel: IGroupPanel) {
         this.tabs.forEach((tab) => {
-            const isActivePanel = ===
-            tab.value.setActive(isActivePanel)
-        })
+            const isActivePanel = ===;
+            tab.value.setActive(isActivePanel);
+        });
     public openPanel(panel: IGroupPanel, index: number = this.tabs.length) {
         if (this.tabs.find((tab) => === {
-            return
+            return;
-        const tab = new Tab(, this.accessor,
-        tab.setContent(panel.header.element)
+        const tab = new Tab(, this.accessor,;
+        tab.setContent(panel.header.element);
         const disposable = CompositeDisposable.from(
             tab.onChanged((event) => {
                 switch (event.kind) {
                     case MouseEventKind.CLICK:
-                        break
+              ;
+                        break;
-                this.accessor.fireMouseEvent({ ...event, panel, tab: true })
+                this.accessor.fireMouseEvent({ ...event, panel, tab: true });
             tab.onDropped((event) => {
-      { event, index: this.indexOf(tab) })
+      { event, index: this.indexOf(tab) });
-        )
+        );
-        const value: IValueDisposable<ITab> = { value: tab, disposable }
+        const value: IValueDisposable<ITab> = { value: tab, disposable };
-        this.addTab(value, index)
-        this.activePanel = panel
+        this.addTab(value, index);
+        this.activePanel = panel;
     public closePanel(panel: IGroupPanel) {
-        this.delete(
+        this.delete(;
     public dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
         this.tabs.forEach((tab) => {
-            tab.disposable.dispose()
-        })
-        this.tabs = []
+            tab.disposable.dispose();
+        });
+        this.tabs = [];
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/index.ts b/packages/splitview/src/index.ts
index 2efa3969d..3ad01c9d8 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/index.ts
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-export * from './splitview/splitview'
-export * from './paneview/paneview'
-export * from './gridview/gridview'
-export * from './groupview/groupview'
-export * from './groupview/panel/content/content'
-export * from './groupview/panel/tab/tab'
-export * from './events'
-export * from './lifecycle'
-export * from './groupview/panel/panel'
-export * from './groupview/panel/api'
-export * from './react/react'
-export * from './groupview/panel/types'
-export * from './groupview/panel/parts'
-export * from './react/layout'
-export * from './react/splitview'
-export * from './react/gridview'
-export * from './react/reactContentPart'
-export * from './react/reactHeaderPart'
-export * from './react/reactComponentGridView'
+export * from './splitview/splitview';
+export * from './paneview/paneview';
+export * from './gridview/gridview';
+export * from './groupview/groupview';
+export * from './groupview/panel/content/content';
+export * from './groupview/panel/tab/tab';
+export * from './events';
+export * from './lifecycle';
+export * from './groupview/panel/panel';
+export * from './groupview/panel/api';
+export * from './react/react';
+export * from './groupview/panel/types';
+export * from './groupview/panel/parts';
+export * from './react/layout';
+export * from './react/splitview';
+export * from './react/gridview';
+export * from './react/reactContentPart';
+export * from './react/reactHeaderPart';
+export * from './react/reactComponentGridView';
-export * from './layout'
+export * from './layout';
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/layout/baseGrid.ts b/packages/splitview/src/layout/baseGrid.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b30271455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/layout/baseGrid.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+import { MovementOptions2 } from '.';
+import { getGridLocation, Gridview, IGridView } from '../gridview/gridview';
+import { CompositeDisposable, IValueDisposable } from '../lifecycle';
+import { sequentialNumberGenerator } from '../math';
+const nextLayoutId = sequentialNumberGenerator();
+export interface BaseGridOptions {
+    readonly proportionalLayout?: boolean;
+export interface IBaseGridView extends IGridView {
+    id: string;
+    setActive(isActive: boolean): void;
+export interface IBaseGrid<T extends IBaseGridView> {
+    readonly element: HTMLElement;
+    readonly id: string;
+    readonly minimumHeight: number;
+    readonly maximumHeight: number;
+    readonly minimumWidth: number;
+    readonly maximumWidth: number;
+    readonly activeGroup: T;
+    readonly size: number;
+    getGroup(id: string): T | undefined;
+export class BaseGrid<T extends IBaseGridView>
+    extends CompositeDisposable
+    implements IBaseGrid<T> {
+    private readonly _id =;
+    protected readonly groups = new Map<string, IValueDisposable<T>>();
+    protected readonly gridview: Gridview;
+    //
+    private resizeTimer: NodeJS.Timer;
+    protected _activeGroup: T;
+    //
+    protected _size: number;
+    protected _orthogonalSize: number;
+    get id() {
+        return this._id;
+    }
+    get element() {
+        return this._element;
+    }
+    get size() {
+        return this.groups.size;
+    }
+    get minimumHeight() {
+        return this.gridview.minimumHeight;
+    }
+    get maximumHeight() {
+        return this.gridview.maximumHeight;
+    }
+    get minimumWidth() {
+        return this.gridview.maximumWidth;
+    }
+    get maximumWidth() {
+        return this.gridview.maximumWidth;
+    }
+    get activeGroup() {
+        return this._activeGroup;
+    }
+    constructor(
+        private readonly _element: HTMLElement,
+        options: BaseGridOptions
+    ) {
+        super();
+        this.gridview = new Gridview(!!options.proportionalLayout);
+        this.element.appendChild(this.gridview.element);
+    }
+    public getGroup(id: string): T | undefined {
+        return this.groups.get(id)?.value;
+    }
+    public doSetGroupActive(group: T) {
+        if (this._activeGroup && this._activeGroup !== group) {
+            this._activeGroup.setActive(false);
+        }
+        group.setActive(true);
+        this._activeGroup = group;
+    }
+    public moveToNext(options?: MovementOptions2) {
+        if (!options) {
+            options = {};
+        }
+        if (! {
+   = this.activeGroup;
+        }
+        const location = getGridLocation(;
+        const next =;
+        this.doSetGroupActive(next as T);
+    }
+    public moveToPrevious(options?: MovementOptions2) {
+        if (!options) {
+            options = {};
+        }
+        if (! {
+   = this.activeGroup;
+        }
+        const location = getGridLocation(;
+        const next = this.gridview.preivous(location)?.view;
+        this.doSetGroupActive(next as T);
+    }
+    public layout(
+        size: number,
+        orthogonalSize: number,
+        forceResize?: boolean
+    ): void {
+        const different =
+            forceResize ||
+            size !== this._size ||
+            orthogonalSize !== this._orthogonalSize;
+        if (!different) {
+            return;
+        }
+ = `${orthogonalSize}px`;
+ = `${size}px`;
+        this._size = size;
+        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize;
+        this.gridview.layout(size, orthogonalSize);
+    }
+    public setAutoResizeToFit(enabled: boolean): void {
+        if (this.resizeTimer) {
+            clearInterval(this.resizeTimer);
+        }
+        if (enabled) {
+            this.resizeTimer = setInterval(() => {
+                this.resizeToFit();
+            }, 500);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Resize the layout to fit the parent container
+     */
+    public resizeToFit(): void {
+        const {
+            width,
+            height,
+        } = this.element.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect();
+        this.layout(width, height);
+    }
+    public dispose(): void {
+        super.dispose();
+        if (this.resizeTimer) {
+            clearInterval(this.resizeTimer);
+            this.resizeTimer = undefined;
+        }
+        this.gridview.dispose();
+    }
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/layout/componentFactory.ts b/packages/splitview/src/layout/componentFactory.ts
index 9822be7f7..f8021065e 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/layout/componentFactory.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/layout/componentFactory.ts
@@ -3,87 +3,87 @@ import {
-} from '../groupview/panel/parts'
-import { FrameworkFactory } from '../types'
-import { DefaultTab } from './components/tab/defaultTab'
+} from '../groupview/panel/parts';
+import { FrameworkFactory } from '../types';
+import { DefaultTab } from './components/tab/defaultTab';
 export function createContentComponent(
     componentName: string | PanelContentPartConstructor | any,
     components: {
-        [componentName: string]: PanelContentPartConstructor
+        [componentName: string]: PanelContentPartConstructor;
     frameworkComponents: {
-        [componentName: string]: any
+        [componentName: string]: any;
     createFrameworkComponent: FrameworkFactory<PanelContentPart>
 ): PanelContentPart {
     const Component =
         typeof componentName === 'string'
             ? components[componentName]
-            : componentName
+            : componentName;
     const FrameworkComponent =
         typeof componentName === 'string'
             ? frameworkComponents[componentName]
-            : componentName
+            : componentName;
     if (Component && FrameworkComponent) {
         throw new Error(
             `cannot register component ${componentName} as both a component and frameworkComponent`
-        )
+        );
     if (FrameworkComponent) {
         if (!createFrameworkComponent) {
             throw new Error(
                 'you must register a frameworkPanelWrapper to use framework components'
-            )
+            );
         const wrappedComponent = createFrameworkComponent.createComponent(
-        )
-        return wrappedComponent
+        );
+        return wrappedComponent;
-    return new Component() as PanelContentPart
+    return new Component() as PanelContentPart;
 export function createTabComponent(
     componentName: string | PanelHeaderPartConstructor | any,
     components: {
-        [componentName: string]: PanelHeaderPartConstructor
+        [componentName: string]: PanelHeaderPartConstructor;
     frameworkComponents: {
-        [componentName: string]: any
+        [componentName: string]: any;
     createFrameworkComponent: FrameworkFactory<PanelHeaderPart>
 ): PanelHeaderPart {
     const Component =
         typeof componentName === 'string'
             ? components[componentName]
-            : componentName
+            : componentName;
     const FrameworkComponent =
         typeof componentName === 'string'
             ? frameworkComponents[componentName]
-            : componentName
+            : componentName;
     if (Component && FrameworkComponent) {
         throw new Error(
             `cannot register component ${componentName} as both a component and frameworkComponent`
-        )
+        );
     if (FrameworkComponent) {
         if (!createFrameworkComponent) {
             throw new Error(
                 'you must register a frameworkPanelWrapper to use framework components'
-            )
+            );
         const wrappedComponent = createFrameworkComponent.createComponent(
-        )
-        return wrappedComponent
+        );
+        return wrappedComponent;
     if (!Component) {
-        return new DefaultTab()
+        return new DefaultTab();
-    return new Component() as PanelHeaderPart
+    return new Component() as PanelHeaderPart;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/layout/componentGridview.ts b/packages/splitview/src/layout/componentGridview.ts
index 399bc1a00..c04991f0e 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/layout/componentGridview.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/layout/componentGridview.ts
@@ -1,165 +1,85 @@
-import { Gridview, getRelativeLocation, IGridView } from '../gridview/gridview'
-import { Position } from '../groupview/droptarget/droptarget'
-import { getGridLocation } from '../gridview/gridview'
-import { tail, sequenceEquals } from '../array'
-import {
-    GroupChangeKind,
-    GroupChangeEvent,
-    GroupDropEvent,
-} from '../groupview/groupview'
-import { CompositeDisposable, Disposable, IValueDisposable } from '../lifecycle'
-import { Event, Emitter } from '../events'
+import { getRelativeLocation, IGridView } from '../gridview/gridview';
+import { Position } from '../groupview/droptarget/droptarget';
+import { getGridLocation } from '../gridview/gridview';
+import { tail, sequenceEquals } from '../array';
+import { GroupChangeKind, GroupChangeEvent } from '../groupview/groupview';
+import { Disposable, IValueDisposable } from '../lifecycle';
+import { Event, Emitter } from '../events';
-import { DebugWidget } from './components/debug/debug'
+import { DebugWidget } from './components/debug/debug';
-import { sequentialNumberGenerator } from '../math'
-import { IPanelDeserializer } from './deserializer'
+import { sequentialNumberGenerator } from '../math';
+import { IPanelDeserializer } from './deserializer';
-import { createComponent } from '../splitview/options'
-import { LayoutPriority, Orientation } from '../splitview/splitview'
+import { createComponent } from '../splitview/options';
+import { LayoutPriority, Orientation } from '../splitview/splitview';
+import { MovementOptions2 } from './options';
+import { GridComponentOptions } from '.';
+import { BaseGrid, IBaseGrid, IBaseGridView } from './baseGrid';
-const nextLayoutId = sequentialNumberGenerator()
+const nextLayoutId = sequentialNumberGenerator();
 export interface AddComponentOptions {
-    component: string
-    params?: { [key: string]: any }
-    id: string
+    component: string;
+    params?: { [key: string]: any };
+    id: string;
     position?: {
-        direction?: 'left' | 'right' | 'above' | 'below' | 'within'
-        reference: string
-    }
-    size?: number
-    priority?: LayoutPriority
-    snap?: boolean
+        direction?: 'left' | 'right' | 'above' | 'below' | 'within';
+        reference: string;
+    };
+    size?: number;
+    priority?: LayoutPriority;
+    snap?: boolean;
-export interface GridComponentOptions {
-    orientation: Orientation
-    components?: {
-        [componentName: string]: IComponentGridview
-    }
-    frameworkComponents?: {
-        [componentName: string]: any
-    }
-    frameworkComponentFactory: any
-    tabHeight?: number
+export interface IComponentGridview extends IBaseGridView {
+    init?: (params: { params: any }) => void;
+    priority?: LayoutPriority;
-export interface IComponentGridview extends IGridView {
-    id: string
-    init: (params: { params: any }) => void
-    priority?: LayoutPriority
-export interface MovementOptions2 {
-    group?: IComponentGridview
-export interface IComponentGridviewLayout {
-    addComponent(options: AddComponentOptions): void
+export interface IComponentGridviewLayout
+    extends IBaseGrid<IComponentGridview> {
+    addComponent(options: AddComponentOptions): void;
 export class ComponentGridview
-    extends CompositeDisposable
+    extends BaseGrid<IComponentGridview>
     implements IComponentGridviewLayout {
-    private readonly _id =
-    private readonly groups = new Map<
-        string,
-        IValueDisposable<IComponentGridview>
-    >()
-    private readonly gridview: Gridview = new Gridview(false)
     // events
-    private readonly _onDidLayoutChange = new Emitter<GroupChangeEvent>()
+    private readonly _onDidLayoutChange = new Emitter<GroupChangeEvent>();
     readonly onDidLayoutChange: Event<GroupChangeEvent> = this
-        ._onDidLayoutChange.event
+        ._onDidLayoutChange.event;
     // everything else
-    private _size: number
-    private _orthogonalSize: number
-    private _activeGroup: IComponentGridview
-    private _deserializer: IPanelDeserializer
-    private resizeTimer: NodeJS.Timer
-    private debugContainer: DebugWidget
+    private _deserializer: IPanelDeserializer;
+    private debugContainer: DebugWidget;
-        private readonly element: HTMLElement,
+        element: HTMLElement,
         public readonly options: GridComponentOptions
     ) {
-        super()
-        this.element.appendChild(this.gridview.element)
+        super(element, { proportionalLayout: true });
         if (!this.options.components) {
-            this.options.components = {}
+            this.options.components = {};
         if (!this.options.frameworkComponents) {
-            this.options.frameworkComponents = {}
+            this.options.frameworkComponents = {};
             this.gridview.onDidChange((e) => {
-      { kind: GroupChangeKind.LAYOUT })
+      { kind: GroupChangeKind.LAYOUT });
-        )
-    }
-    get minimumHeight() {
-        return this.gridview.minimumHeight
-    }
-    get maximumHeight() {
-        return this.gridview.maximumHeight
-    }
-    get minimumWidth() {
-        return this.gridview.maximumWidth
-    }
-    get maximumWidth() {
-        return this.gridview.maximumWidth
-    }
-    get activeGroup() {
-        return this._activeGroup
+        );
     get deserializer() {
-        return this._deserializer
+        return this._deserializer;
     set deserializer(value: IPanelDeserializer) {
-        this._deserializer = value
-    }
-    get id() {
-        return this._id
-    }
-    get size() {
-        return this.groups.size
-    }
-    public moveToNext(options?: MovementOptions2) {
-        if (!options) {
-            options = {}
-        }
-        if (! {
-   = this.activeGroup
-        }
-        const location = getGridLocation(
-        const next = as IComponentGridview
-        this.doSetGroupActive(next)
-    }
-    public moveToPrevious(options?: MovementOptions2) {
-        if (!options) {
-            options = {}
-        }
-        if (! {
-   = this.activeGroup
-        }
-        const location = getGridLocation(
-        const next = this.gridview.preivous(location)
-            ?.view as IComponentGridview
-        this.doSetGroupActive(next)
+        this._deserializer = value;
@@ -168,21 +88,21 @@ export class ComponentGridview
      * @returns A JSON respresentation of the layout
     public toJSON() {
-        const data = this.gridview.serialize()
+        const data = this.gridview.serialize();
-        return { grid: data }
+        return { grid: data };
     public deserialize(data: any) {
-        this.gridview.clear()
-        this.groups.clear()
+        this.gridview.clear();
+        this.groups.clear();
-        this.fromJSON(data, this.deserializer)
-        this.gridview.layout(this._size, this._orthogonalSize)
+        this.fromJSON(data, this.deserializer);
+        this.gridview.layout(this._size, this._orthogonalSize);
     public fromJSON(data: any, deserializer: IPanelDeserializer) {
-        const { grid, panels } = data
+        const { grid, panels } = data;
         // this.gridview.deserialize(
         //   grid,
@@ -195,48 +115,26 @@ export class ComponentGridview
         //     },
         //   })
         // );
-{ kind: GroupChangeKind.NEW_LAYOUT })
-    }
-    public setAutoResizeToFit(enabled: boolean) {
-        if (this.resizeTimer) {
-            clearInterval(this.resizeTimer)
-        }
-        if (enabled) {
-            this.resizeTimer = setInterval(() => {
-                this.resizeToFit()
-            }, 500)
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resize the layout to fit the parent container
-     */
-    public resizeToFit() {
-        const {
-            width,
-            height,
-        } = this.element.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect()
-        this.layout(width, height)
+{ kind: GroupChangeKind.NEW_LAYOUT });
     public addComponent(options: AddComponentOptions) {
-        let relativeLocation: number[] = [0]
+        let relativeLocation: number[] = [0];
         if (options.position?.reference) {
             const referenceGroup = this.groups.get(options.position.reference)
-                .value
+                .value;
-            const target = this.toTarget(options.position.direction)
+            const target = this.toTarget(options.position.direction);
             if (target === Position.Center) {
-                throw new Error(`${target} not supported as an option`)
+                throw new Error(`${target} not supported as an option`);
             } else {
-                const location = getGridLocation(referenceGroup.element)
+                const location = getGridLocation(referenceGroup.element);
                 relativeLocation = getRelativeLocation(
-                )
+                );
@@ -245,28 +143,24 @@ export class ComponentGridview
-        )
-        view.init({ params: {} })
-        view.priority = options.priority
-        view.snap = options.snap
+        );
+        view.init({ params: {} });
+        view.priority = options.priority;
+        view.snap = options.snap;
         this.groups.set(, {
             value: view,
             disposable: Disposable.NONE,
-        })
+        });
-        this.doAddGroup(view, relativeLocation, options.size)
-    }
-    public getGroup(id: string) {
-        return this.groups.get(id)?.value
+        this.doAddGroup(view, relativeLocation, options.size);
     public removeGroup(group: IComponentGridview) {
         if (group === this._activeGroup) {
-            this._activeGroup = undefined
+            this._activeGroup = undefined;
-        this.doRemoveGroup(group)
+        this.doRemoveGroup(group);
     private doAddGroup(
@@ -274,10 +168,10 @@ export class ComponentGridview
         location: number[],
         size?: number
     ) {
-        this.gridview.addView(group, size ?? { type: 'distribute' }, location)
+        this.gridview.addView(group, size ?? { type: 'distribute' }, location);
-{ kind: GroupChangeKind.ADD_GROUP })
-        this.doSetGroupActive(group)
+{ kind: GroupChangeKind.ADD_GROUP });
+        this.doSetGroupActive(group);
     private doRemoveGroup(
@@ -285,94 +179,71 @@ export class ComponentGridview
         options?: { skipActive?: boolean; skipDispose?: boolean }
     ) {
         if (!this.groups.has( {
-            throw new Error('invalid operation')
+            throw new Error('invalid operation');
-        const { disposable } = this.groups.get(
+        const { disposable } = this.groups.get(;
         if (!options?.skipDispose) {
-            disposable.dispose()
-            this.groups.delete(
+            disposable.dispose();
+            this.groups.delete(;
-        const view = this.gridview.remove(group, { type: 'distribute' })
-{ kind: GroupChangeKind.REMOVE_GROUP })
+        const view = this.gridview.remove(group, { type: 'distribute' });
+{ kind: GroupChangeKind.REMOVE_GROUP });
         if (!options?.skipActive && this.groups.size > 0) {
-            this.doSetGroupActive(Array.from(this.groups.values())[0].value)
+            this.doSetGroupActive(Array.from(this.groups.values())[0].value);
-        return view
-    }
-    public doSetGroupActive(group: IComponentGridview) {
-        if (this._activeGroup && this._activeGroup !== group) {
-            // this._activeGroup.setActive(false);
-        }
-        // group.setActive(true);
-        this._activeGroup = group
+        return view;
     public moveGroup(
         referenceGroup: IComponentGridview,
         groupId: string,
-        itemId: string,
         target: Position
     ) {
-        const sourceGroup = groupId ? this.groups.get(groupId).value : undefined
+        const sourceGroup = groupId
+            ? this.groups.get(groupId).value
+            : undefined;
-        const referenceLocation = getGridLocation(referenceGroup.element)
+        const referenceLocation = getGridLocation(referenceGroup.element);
         const targetLocation = getRelativeLocation(
-        )
+        );
-        const [targetParentLocation, to] = tail(targetLocation)
-        const sourceLocation = getGridLocation(sourceGroup.element)
-        const [sourceParentLocation, from] = tail(sourceLocation)
+        const [targetParentLocation, to] = tail(targetLocation);
+        const sourceLocation = getGridLocation(sourceGroup.element);
+        const [sourceParentLocation, from] = tail(sourceLocation);
         if (sequenceEquals(sourceParentLocation, targetParentLocation)) {
             // special case when 'swapping' two views within same grid location
             // if a group has one tab - we are essentially moving the 'group'
             // which is equivalent to swapping two views in this case
-            this.gridview.moveView(sourceParentLocation, from, to)
+            this.gridview.moveView(sourceParentLocation, from, to);
-            return
+            return;
         // source group will become empty so delete the group
         const targetGroup = this.doRemoveGroup(sourceGroup, {
             skipActive: true,
             skipDispose: true,
-        }) as IComponentGridview
+        }) as IComponentGridview;
         // after deleting the group we need to re-evaulate the ref location
-        const updatedReferenceLocation = getGridLocation(referenceGroup.element)
+        const updatedReferenceLocation = getGridLocation(
+            referenceGroup.element
+        );
         const location = getRelativeLocation(
-        )
-        this.doAddGroup(targetGroup, location)
-    }
-    public layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number, force?: boolean) {
-        const different =
-            force ||
-            size !== this._size ||
-            orthogonalSize !== this._orthogonalSize
-        if (!different) {
-            return
-        }
- = `${orthogonalSize}px`
- = `${size}px`
-        this._size = size
-        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize
-        this.gridview.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
+        );
+        this.doAddGroup(targetGroup, location);
     private toTarget(
@@ -380,31 +251,24 @@ export class ComponentGridview
     ) {
         switch (direction) {
             case 'left':
-                return Position.Left
+                return Position.Left;
             case 'right':
-                return Position.Right
+                return Position.Right;
             case 'above':
-                return Position.Top
+                return Position.Top;
             case 'below':
-                return Position.Bottom
+                return Position.Bottom;
             case 'within':
-                return Position.Center
+                return Position.Center;
     public dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
-        this.gridview.dispose()
+        this.debugContainer?.dispose();
-        this.debugContainer?.dispose()
-        if (this.resizeTimer) {
-            clearInterval(this.resizeTimer)
-            this.resizeTimer = undefined
-        }
-        this._onDidLayoutChange.dispose()
+        this._onDidLayoutChange.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/layout/components/debug/debug.ts b/packages/splitview/src/layout/components/debug/debug.ts
index 36f1f89fa..e7f876d74 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/layout/components/debug/debug.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/layout/components/debug/debug.ts
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-import { CompositeDisposable } from '../../../lifecycle'
-import { Layout } from '../../layout'
-import { GroupChangeKind } from '../../../groupview/groupview'
+import { CompositeDisposable } from '../../../lifecycle';
+import { Layout } from '../../layout';
+import { GroupChangeKind } from '../../../groupview/groupview';
 export class DebugWidget extends CompositeDisposable {
-    private _element: HTMLElement
+    private _element: HTMLElement;
     constructor(private layout: Layout) {
-        super()
+        super();
-        let container = document.getElementById('layout-debug-container')
+        let container = document.getElementById('layout-debug-container');
         if (!container) {
-            container = document.createElement('div')
-   = 'layout-debug-container'
-            container.className = 'layout-debug-container'
-            document.body.appendChild(container)
+            container = document.createElement('div');
+   = 'layout-debug-container';
+            container.className = 'layout-debug-container';
+            document.body.appendChild(container);
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
+        this._element = document.createElement('div');
         this._element.innerHTML =
             `<div class='layout-debug-widget'>` +
             `<div class='layout-debug-widget-row'><span>Groups:</span><span id='group-count'>0</span></div>` +
             `<div class='layout-debug-widget-row'><span>Panels:</span><span id='panel-count'>0</span></div>` +
-            `</div>`
+            `</div>`;
-        container.appendChild(this._element)
+        container.appendChild(this._element);
-        const gc = this._element.querySelector('#group-count')
-        const pc = this._element.querySelector('#panel-count')
+        const gc = this._element.querySelector('#group-count');
+        const pc = this._element.querySelector('#panel-count');
         const events = [
-        ]
+        ];
             this.layout.onDidLayoutChange((event) => {
                 if (events.includes(event.kind)) {
-                    gc.textContent = this.layout.size.toString()
-                    pc.textContent = this.layout.totalPanels.toString()
+                    gc.textContent = this.layout.size.toString();
+                    pc.textContent = this.layout.totalPanels.toString();
-        )
+        );
     public dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
-        this._element.remove()
+        this._element.remove();
-        const container = document.getElementById('layout-debug-container')
+        const container = document.getElementById('layout-debug-container');
         if (container && container.children.length === 0) {
-            container.remove()
+            container.remove();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/layout/components/tab/defaultTab.ts b/packages/splitview/src/layout/components/tab/defaultTab.ts
index 9449ce490..5c007caa9 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/layout/components/tab/defaultTab.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/layout/components/tab/defaultTab.ts
@@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
-import { CompositeDisposable, MutableDisposable } from '../../../lifecycle'
+import { CompositeDisposable, MutableDisposable } from '../../../lifecycle';
 import {
-} from '../../../groupview/panel/parts'
-import { addDisposableListener } from '../../../events'
-import { toggleClass } from '../../../dom'
+} from '../../../groupview/panel/parts';
+import { addDisposableListener } from '../../../events';
+import { toggleClass } from '../../../dom';
 export class DefaultTab extends CompositeDisposable implements PanelHeaderPart {
-    private _element: HTMLElement
-    private _isGroupActive: boolean
-    private _isPanelVisible: boolean
+    private _element: HTMLElement;
+    private _isGroupActive: boolean;
+    private _isPanelVisible: boolean;
-    private _content: HTMLElement
-    private _actionContainer: HTMLElement
-    private _list: HTMLElement
-    private action: HTMLElement
+    private _content: HTMLElement;
+    private _actionContainer: HTMLElement;
+    private _list: HTMLElement;
+    private action: HTMLElement;
-    private params: PartInitParameters
+    private params: PartInitParameters;
-    private isDirtyDisposable = new MutableDisposable()
+    private isDirtyDisposable = new MutableDisposable();
     get element() {
-        return this._element
+        return this._element;
     get id() {
-        return '__DEFAULT_TAB__'
+        return '__DEFAULT_TAB__';
     constructor() {
-        super()
+        super();
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
-        this._element.className = 'default-tab'
+        this._element = document.createElement('div');
+        this._element.className = 'default-tab';
-        this._content = document.createElement('div')
-        this._content.className = 'tab-content'
+        this._content = document.createElement('div');
+        this._content.className = 'tab-content';
-        this._actionContainer = document.createElement('div')
-        this._actionContainer.className = 'action-container'
+        this._actionContainer = document.createElement('div');
+        this._actionContainer.className = 'action-container';
-        this._list = document.createElement('ul')
-        this._list.className = 'tab-list'
+        this._list = document.createElement('ul');
+        this._list.className = 'tab-list';
-        this.action = document.createElement('a')
-        this.action.className = 'tab-action'
+        this.action = document.createElement('a');
+        this.action.className = 'tab-action';
-        this._element.appendChild(this._content)
-        this._element.appendChild(this._actionContainer)
-        this._actionContainer.appendChild(this._list)
-        this._list.appendChild(this.action)
+        this._element.appendChild(this._content);
+        this._element.appendChild(this._actionContainer);
+        this._actionContainer.appendChild(this._list);
+        this._list.appendChild(this.action);
             addDisposableListener(this._actionContainer, 'mousedown', (ev) => {
-                ev.preventDefault()
+                ev.preventDefault();
-        )
+        );
-        this.render()
+        this.render();
     public toJSON() {
-        return { id: }
+        return { id: };
     public init(params: PartInitParameters) {
-        this.params = params
-        this._content.textContent = params.title
+        this.params = params;
+        this._content.textContent = params.title;
         this.isDirtyDisposable.value = this.params.api.onDidDirtyChange(
             (event) => {
-                const isDirty = event
-                toggleClass(this.action, 'dirty', isDirty)
+                const isDirty = event;
+                toggleClass(this.action, 'dirty', isDirty);
-        )
+        );
         if (!this.params.suppressClosable) {
             addDisposableListener(this.action, 'click', (ev) => {
-                ev.preventDefault() //
-                this.params.api.close()
-            })
+                ev.preventDefault(); //
+                this.params.api.close();
+            });
         } else {
-            this.action.classList.add('disable-close')
+            this.action.classList.add('disable-close');
     public setVisible(isPanelVisible: boolean, isGroupVisible: boolean) {
-        this._isPanelVisible = isPanelVisible
-        this._isGroupActive = isGroupVisible
+        this._isPanelVisible = isPanelVisible;
+        this._isGroupActive = isGroupVisible;
-        this.render()
+        this.render();
     private render() {
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/layout/components/watermark/watermark.ts b/packages/splitview/src/layout/components/watermark/watermark.ts
index 43d9872f4..e017bd7d5 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/layout/components/watermark/watermark.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/layout/components/watermark/watermark.ts
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
 import {
-} from '../../../groupview/panel/parts'
-import { IGroupAccessor } from '../../layout'
-import { IGroupview } from '../../../groupview/groupview'
-import { ActionContainer } from '../../../groupview/actions/actionsContainer'
-import { addDisposableListener } from '../../../events'
-import { toggleClass } from '../../../dom'
-import { CompositeDisposable } from '../../../lifecycle'
+} from '../../../groupview/panel/parts';
+import { IGroupAccessor } from '../../layout';
+import { IGroupview } from '../../../groupview/groupview';
+import { ActionContainer } from '../../../groupview/actions/actionsContainer';
+import { addDisposableListener } from '../../../events';
+import { toggleClass } from '../../../dom';
+import { CompositeDisposable } from '../../../lifecycle';
 export class Watermark extends CompositeDisposable implements WatermarkPart {
-    private _element: HTMLElement
-    private accessor: IGroupAccessor
+    private _element: HTMLElement;
+    private accessor: IGroupAccessor;
-    private _visible: boolean
-    private _group: IGroupview
+    private _visible: boolean;
+    private _group: IGroupview;
     constructor() {
-        super()
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
-        this._element.className = 'watermark'
+        super();
+        this._element = document.createElement('div');
+        this._element.className = 'watermark';
-        const title = document.createElement('div')
-        title.className = 'watermark-title'
+        const title = document.createElement('div');
+        title.className = 'watermark-title';
-        const emptySpace = document.createElement('span')
- = '1'
+        const emptySpace = document.createElement('span');
+ = '1';
-        const content = document.createElement('div')
-        content.className = 'watermark-content'
+        const content = document.createElement('div');
+        content.className = 'watermark-content';
-        this._element.appendChild(title)
-        this._element.appendChild(content)
+        this._element.appendChild(title);
+        this._element.appendChild(content);
-        const actions = new ActionContainer()
-        title.appendChild(emptySpace)
-        title.appendChild(actions.element)
+        const actions = new ActionContainer();
+        title.appendChild(emptySpace);
+        title.appendChild(actions.element);
-        const closeAnchor = document.createElement('a')
-        closeAnchor.className = 'close-action'
+        const closeAnchor = document.createElement('a');
+        closeAnchor.className = 'close-action';
-        actions.add(closeAnchor)
+        actions.add(closeAnchor);
         addDisposableListener(closeAnchor, 'click', (ev) => {
-            ev.preventDefault() //
-            this.accessor.removeGroup(this._group)
-        })
+            ev.preventDefault(); //
+            this.accessor.removeGroup(this._group);
+        });
     public init(params: WatermarkPartInitParameters) {
-        this.accessor = params.accessor
+        this.accessor = params.accessor;
             this.accessor.onDidLayoutChange((event) => {
-                this.render()
+                this.render();
-        )
+        );
-        this.render()
+        this.render();
     public setVisible(visible: boolean, group: IGroupview): void {
-        this._visible = visible
-        this._group = group
-        this.render()
+        this._visible = visible;
+        this._group = group;
+        this.render();
     get element() {
-        return this._element
+        return this._element;
     private render() {
-        const isOneGroup = this.accessor.size <= 1
-        toggleClass(this.element, 'has-actions', isOneGroup)
+        const isOneGroup = this.accessor.size <= 1;
+        toggleClass(this.element, 'has-actions', isOneGroup);
     public dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/layout/deserializer.ts b/packages/splitview/src/layout/deserializer.ts
index 622b2e9fe..0e7a8b6bf 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/layout/deserializer.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/layout/deserializer.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-import { IGridView, IViewDeserializer } from '../gridview/gridview'
-import { IGroupPanel } from '../groupview/panel/types'
-import { Layout } from './layout'
+import { IGridView, IViewDeserializer } from '../gridview/gridview';
+import { IGroupPanel } from '../groupview/panel/types';
+import { Layout } from './layout';
 export interface IPanelDeserializer {
-    fromJSON(panelData: { [index: string]: any }): IGroupPanel
+    fromJSON(panelData: { [index: string]: any }): IGroupPanel;
 export class DefaultDeserializer implements IViewDeserializer {
@@ -13,22 +13,22 @@ export class DefaultDeserializer implements IViewDeserializer {
     ) {}
     public fromJSON(data: { [key: string]: any }): IGridView {
-        const children = data.views
-        const active = data.activeView
+        const children = data.views;
+        const active = data.activeView;
-        const panels: IGroupPanel[] = []
+        const panels: IGroupPanel[] = [];
         for (const child of children) {
-            const panel = this.panelDeserializer.createPanel(child)
+            const panel = this.panelDeserializer.createPanel(child);
-            panels.push(panel)
+            panels.push(panel);
         const group = this.layout.createGroup({
             activePanel: panels.find((p) => === active),
-        })
+        });
-        return group
+        return group;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/layout/index.ts b/packages/splitview/src/layout/index.ts
index b718923fd..2d1f210a7 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/layout/index.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/layout/index.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-export * from './layout'
-export * from './componentGridview'
-export * from './options'
+export * from './layout';
+export * from './componentGridview';
+export * from './options';
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/layout/layout.ts b/packages/splitview/src/layout/layout.ts
index 93229470c..ad4902b10 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/layout/layout.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/layout/layout.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import { Gridview, getRelativeLocation } from '../gridview/gridview'
-import { Position } from '../groupview/droptarget/droptarget'
-import { getGridLocation } from '../gridview/gridview'
-import { tail, sequenceEquals } from '../array'
+import { getRelativeLocation } from '../gridview/gridview';
+import { Position } from '../groupview/droptarget/droptarget';
+import { getGridLocation } from '../gridview/gridview';
+import { tail, sequenceEquals } from '../array';
 import {
@@ -9,26 +9,26 @@ import {
-} from '../groupview/groupview'
-import { IGroupPanel } from '../groupview/panel/types'
-import { DefaultPanel } from '../groupview/panel/panel'
+} from '../groupview/groupview';
+import { IGroupPanel } from '../groupview/panel/types';
+import { DefaultPanel } from '../groupview/panel/panel';
 import {
-} from '../lifecycle'
-import { Event, Emitter, addDisposableListener } from '../events'
-import { Watermark } from './components/watermark/watermark'
-import { timeoutPromise } from '../async'
-import { DebugWidget } from './components/debug/debug'
+} from '../lifecycle';
+import { Event, Emitter, addDisposableListener } from '../events';
+import { Watermark } from './components/watermark/watermark';
+import { timeoutPromise } from '../async';
+import { DebugWidget } from './components/debug/debug';
 import {
-} from '../groupview/panel/parts'
-import { debounce } from '../functions'
-import { sequentialNumberGenerator } from '../math'
-import { DefaultDeserializer, IPanelDeserializer } from './deserializer'
-import { createContentComponent, createTabComponent } from './componentFactory'
+} from '../groupview/panel/parts';
+import { debounce } from '../functions';
+import { sequentialNumberGenerator } from '../math';
+import { DefaultDeserializer, IPanelDeserializer } from './deserializer';
+import { createContentComponent, createTabComponent } from './componentFactory';
 import {
@@ -36,269 +36,227 @@ import {
-} from './options'
+} from './options';
 import {
-} from '../groupview/droptarget/dataTransfer'
-import { LayoutMouseEvent, MouseEventKind } from '../groupview/events'
+} from '../groupview/droptarget/dataTransfer';
+import { LayoutMouseEvent, MouseEventKind } from '../groupview/events';
+import { BaseGrid, IBaseGrid } from './baseGrid';
-const nextGroupId = sequentialNumberGenerator()
-const nextLayoutId = sequentialNumberGenerator()
+const nextGroupId = sequentialNumberGenerator();
 export interface PanelReference {
-    update: (event: { params: { [key: string]: any } }) => void
-    remove: () => void
+    update: (event: { params: { [key: string]: any } }) => void;
+    remove: () => void;
 export interface Api {
-    readonly minimumHeight: number
-    readonly maximumHeight: number
-    readonly minimumWidth: number
-    readonly maximumWidth: number
-    layout(width: number, height: number): void
+    readonly minimumHeight: number;
+    readonly maximumHeight: number;
+    readonly minimumWidth: number;
+    readonly maximumWidth: number;
+    layout(width: number, height: number): void;
-    setAutoResizeToFit(enabled: boolean): void
-    resizeToFit(): void
-    setTabHeight(height: number): void
-    getTabHeight(): number
-    size: number
-    totalPanels: number
+    setAutoResizeToFit(enabled: boolean): void;
+    resizeToFit(): void;
+    setTabHeight(height: number): void;
+    getTabHeight(): number;
+    readonly size: number;
+    totalPanels: number;
     // lifecycle
-    addPanelFromComponent(options: AddPanelOptions): PanelReference
-    addEmptyGroup(options?: AddGroupOptions): void
-    closeAllGroups: () => Promise<boolean>
-    toJSON(): object
-    deserialize: (data: object) => void
-    deserializer: IPanelDeserializer
+    addPanelFromComponent(options: AddPanelOptions): PanelReference;
+    addEmptyGroup(options?: AddGroupOptions): void;
+    closeAllGroups: () => Promise<boolean>;
+    toJSON(): object;
+    deserialize: (data: object) => void;
+    deserializer: IPanelDeserializer;
     // events
-    onDidLayoutChange: Event<GroupChangeEvent>
-    onTabInteractionEvent: Event<LayoutMouseEvent>
-    onTabContextMenu: Event<TabContextMenuEvent>
-    moveToNext(options?: MovementOptions): void
-    moveToPrevious(options?: MovementOptions): void
-    activeGroup: IGroupview
+    onDidLayoutChange: Event<GroupChangeEvent>;
+    onTabInteractionEvent: Event<LayoutMouseEvent>;
+    onTabContextMenu: Event<TabContextMenuEvent>;
+    moveToNext(options?: MovementOptions): void;
+    moveToPrevious(options?: MovementOptions): void;
         target: {
-            element: HTMLElement
-            content: string
+            element: HTMLElement;
+            content: string;
         options: (() => PanelOptions) | PanelOptions
-    ): IDisposable
+    ): IDisposable;
         type: string,
         cb: (event: LayoutDropEvent) => PanelOptions
-    ): void
+    ): void;
+    readonly activeGroup: IGroupview;
 export interface IGroupAccessor {
-    id: string
-    getGroup: (id: string) => IGroupview
-    moveGroup(
+    readonly id: string;
+    getGroup: (id: string) => IGroupview;
+    moveGroupOrPanel(
         referenceGroup: IGroupview,
         groupId: string,
         itemId: string,
         target: Position,
         index?: number
-    ): void
-    doSetGroupActive: (group: IGroupview) => void
-    removeGroup: (group: IGroupview) => void
-    size: number
-    totalPanels: number
-    options: LayoutOptions
-    onDidLayoutChange: Event<GroupChangeEvent>
-    activeGroup: IGroupview
+    ): void;
+    doSetGroupActive: (group: IGroupview) => void;
+    removeGroup: (group: IGroupview) => void;
+    readonly size: number;
+    totalPanels: number;
+    options: LayoutOptions;
+    onDidLayoutChange: Event<GroupChangeEvent>;
-    addPanelFromComponent(options: AddPanelOptions): PanelReference
-    addPanel(options: AddPanelOptions): IGroupPanel
+    addPanelFromComponent(options: AddPanelOptions): PanelReference;
+    addPanel(options: AddPanelOptions): IGroupPanel;
-    getPanel: (id: string) => IGroupPanel
-    fireMouseEvent(event: LayoutMouseEvent): void
+    getPanel: (id: string) => IGroupPanel;
+    fireMouseEvent(event: LayoutMouseEvent): void;
-export interface ILayout extends IGroupAccessor, Api {}
+export interface ILayout extends IGroupAccessor, Api, IBaseGrid<IGroupview> {}
 export interface LayoutDropEvent {
-    event: GroupDropEvent
+    event: GroupDropEvent;
-export class Layout extends CompositeDisposable implements ILayout {
-    private readonly _element: HTMLElement
-    private readonly _id =
-    private readonly groups = new Map<string, IValueDisposable<IGroupview>>()
-    private readonly panels = new Map<string, IValueDisposable<IGroupPanel>>()
-    private readonly gridview: Gridview = new Gridview(true)
-    private readonly dirtyPanels = new Set<IGroupPanel>()
+export class Layout extends BaseGrid<IGroupview> implements ILayout {
+    private readonly panels = new Map<string, IValueDisposable<IGroupPanel>>();
+    private readonly dirtyPanels = new Set<IGroupPanel>();
     private readonly debouncedDeque = debounce(
-    )
+    );
     // events
-    private readonly _onDidLayoutChange = new Emitter<GroupChangeEvent>()
+    private readonly _onDidLayoutChange = new Emitter<GroupChangeEvent>();
     readonly onDidLayoutChange: Event<GroupChangeEvent> = this
-        ._onDidLayoutChange.event
-    private readonly _onTabInteractionEvent = new Emitter<LayoutMouseEvent>()
+        ._onDidLayoutChange.event;
+    private readonly _onTabInteractionEvent = new Emitter<LayoutMouseEvent>();
     readonly onTabInteractionEvent: Event<LayoutMouseEvent> = this
-        ._onTabInteractionEvent.event
-    private readonly _onTabContextMenu = new Emitter<TabContextMenuEvent>()
+        ._onTabInteractionEvent.event;
+    private readonly _onTabContextMenu = new Emitter<TabContextMenuEvent>();
     readonly onTabContextMenu: Event<TabContextMenuEvent> = this
-        ._onTabContextMenu.event
+        ._onTabContextMenu.event;
     // everything else
-    private _size: number
-    private _orthogonalSize: number
-    private _activeGroup: IGroupview
-    private _deserializer: IPanelDeserializer
-    private resizeTimer: NodeJS.Timer
-    private debugContainer: DebugWidget
-    private panelState = {}
+    private drag: IDisposable;
+    private _deserializer: IPanelDeserializer;
+    private debugContainer: DebugWidget;
+    private panelState = {};
     private registry = new Map<
         (event: LayoutDropEvent) => PanelOptions
-    >()
+    >();
         type: string,
         cb: (event: LayoutDropEvent) => PanelOptions
     ): void {
-        this.registry.set(type, cb)
+        this.registry.set(type, cb);
-    constructor(public readonly options: LayoutOptions) {
-        super()
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
-        this._element.appendChild(this.gridview.element)
+    constructor(element: HTMLElement, public readonly options: LayoutOptions) {
+        super(element, { proportionalLayout: false });
         if (!this.options.components) {
-            this.options.components = {}
+            this.options.components = {};
         if (!this.options.frameworkComponents) {
-            this.options.frameworkComponents = {}
+            this.options.frameworkComponents = {};
         if (!this.options.frameworkTabComponents) {
-            this.options.frameworkTabComponents = {}
+            this.options.frameworkTabComponents = {};
         if (!this.options.tabComponents) {
-            this.options.tabComponents = {}
+            this.options.tabComponents = {};
         if (!this.options.watermarkComponent) {
-            this.options.watermarkComponent = Watermark
+            this.options.watermarkComponent = Watermark;
             this.gridview.onDidChange((e) => {
-      { kind: GroupChangeKind.LAYOUT })
+      { kind: GroupChangeKind.LAYOUT });
-        )
+        );
-        this.updateContainer()
-    }
-    get minimumHeight() {
-        return this.gridview.minimumHeight
-    }
-    get maximumHeight() {
-        return this.gridview.maximumHeight
-    }
-    get minimumWidth() {
-        return this.gridview.minimumWidth
-    }
-    get maximumWidth() {
-        return this.gridview.maximumWidth
-    }
-    get activeGroup() {
-        return this._activeGroup
+        this.updateContainer();
     get totalPanels() {
-        return this.panels.size
+        return this.panels.size;
     get deserializer() {
-        return this._deserializer
+        return this._deserializer;
     set deserializer(value: IPanelDeserializer) {
-        this._deserializer = value
-    }
-    get id() {
-        return this._id
-    }
-    get size() {
-        return this.groups.size
-    }
-    get element() {
-        return this._element
+        this._deserializer = value;
     public getPanel(id: string): IGroupPanel {
-        return this.panels.get(id)?.value
+        return this.panels.get(id)?.value;
-    private drag: IDisposable
     public createDragTarget(
         target: {
-            element: HTMLElement
-            content: string
+            element: HTMLElement;
+            content: string;
         options: (() => PanelOptions) | PanelOptions
     ): IDisposable {
         const disposables = new CompositeDisposable(
             addDisposableListener(target.element, 'dragstart', (event) => {
                 const panelOptions =
-                    typeof options === 'function' ? options() : options
+                    typeof options === 'function' ? options() : options;
-                const panel = this.panels.get(
+                const panel = this.panels.get(;
                 if (panel) {
-                    this.drag =
+                    this.drag =;
                 const data = JSON.stringify({
                     type: DragType.EXTERNAL,
-                })
+                });
-                DataTransferSingleton.setData(, data)
+                DataTransferSingleton.setData(, data);
-                event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'
+                event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';
-                const dragImage = document.createElement('div')
-                dragImage.textContent = target.content
-                dragImage.classList.add('custom-dragging')
+                const dragImage = document.createElement('div');
+                dragImage.textContent = target.content;
+                dragImage.classList.add('custom-dragging');
-                document.body.appendChild(dragImage)
+                document.body.appendChild(dragImage);
-                )
-                setTimeout(() => document.body.removeChild(dragImage), 0)
+                );
+                setTimeout(() => document.body.removeChild(dragImage), 0);
-                event.dataTransfer.setData(DATA_KEY, data)
+                event.dataTransfer.setData(DATA_KEY, data);
-            addDisposableListener(this._element, 'dragend', (ev) => {
+            addDisposableListener(this.element, 'dragend', (ev) => {
                 // drop events fire before dragend so we can remove this safely
-                DataTransferSingleton.removeData(
-                this.drag?.dispose()
-                this.drag = undefined
+                DataTransferSingleton.removeData(;
+                this.drag?.dispose();
+                this.drag = undefined;
-        )
+        );
-        return disposables
+        return disposables;
     public moveToNext(options?: MovementOptions) {
         if (!options) {
-            options = {}
+            options = {};
         if (! {
-   = this.activeGroup
+   = this.activeGroup;
         if (options.includePanel) {
@@ -306,64 +264,64 @@ export class Layout extends CompositeDisposable implements ILayout {
       [ - 1]
             ) {
-      { suppressRoll: true })
-                return
+      { suppressRoll: true });
+                return;
-        const location = getGridLocation(
-        const next = as IGroupview
-        this.doSetGroupActive(next)
+        const location = getGridLocation(;
+        const next = as IGroupview;
+        this.doSetGroupActive(next);
     public moveToPrevious(options?: MovementOptions) {
         if (!options) {
-            options = {}
+            options = {};
         if (! {
-   = this.activeGroup
+   = this.activeGroup;
         if (options.includePanel) {
             if ( !==[0]) {
-      { suppressRoll: true })
-                return
+      { suppressRoll: true });
+                return;
-        const location = getGridLocation(
-        const next = this.gridview.preivous(location)?.view as IGroupview
-        this.doSetGroupActive(next)
+        const location = getGridLocation(;
+        const next = this.gridview.preivous(location)?.view as IGroupview;
+        this.doSetGroupActive(next);
     public registerPanel(panel: IGroupPanel) {
         if (this.panels.has( {
-            throw new Error(`panel ${} already exists`)
+            throw new Error(`panel ${} already exists`);
         const disposable = new CompositeDisposable(
             panel.onDidStateChange((e) => this.addDirtyPanel(panel))
-        )
+        );
-        this.panels.set(, { value: panel, disposable })
+        this.panels.set(, { value: panel, disposable });
-{ kind: GroupChangeKind.PANEL_CREATED })
+{ kind: GroupChangeKind.PANEL_CREATED });
     public unregisterPanel(panel: IGroupPanel) {
         if (!this.panels.has( {
-            throw new Error(`panel ${} doesn't exist`)
+            throw new Error(`panel ${} doesn't exist`);
         const { disposable, value: unregisteredPanel } = this.panels.get(
-        )
+        );
-        disposable.dispose()
-        unregisteredPanel.dispose()
+        disposable.dispose();
+        unregisteredPanel.dispose();
-        this.panels.delete(
+        this.panels.delete(;
-{ kind: GroupChangeKind.PANEL_DESTROYED })
+{ kind: GroupChangeKind.PANEL_DESTROYED });
@@ -372,138 +330,116 @@ export class Layout extends CompositeDisposable implements ILayout {
      * @returns A JSON respresentation of the layout
     public toJSON() {
-        this.syncConfigs()
+        this.syncConfigs();
-        const data = this.gridview.serialize()
+        const data = this.gridview.serialize();
-        const state = { ...this.panelState }
+        const state = { ...this.panelState };
         const panels = Array.from(this.panels.values()).reduce(
             (collection, panel) => {
                 if (!this.panelState[]) {
-                    collection[] = panel.value.toJSON()
+                    collection[] = panel.value.toJSON();
-                return collection
+                return collection;
-        )
+        );
-        return { grid: data, panels }
+        return { grid: data, panels };
      * Ensure the local copy of the layout state is up-to-date
     private syncConfigs() {
-        const dirtyPanels = Array.from(this.dirtyPanels)
+        const dirtyPanels = Array.from(this.dirtyPanels);
         if (dirtyPanels.length === 0) {
-            console.debug('[layout#syncConfigs] no dirty panels')
+            console.debug('[layout#syncConfigs] no dirty panels');
-        this.dirtyPanels.clear()
+        this.dirtyPanels.clear();
         const partialPanelState = dirtyPanels
             .map((panel) => this.panels.get(
             .filter((_) => !!_)
             .reduce((collection, panel) => {
-                collection[] = panel.value.toJSON()
-                return collection
-            }, {})
+                collection[] = panel.value.toJSON();
+                return collection;
+            }, {});
         this.panelState = {
-        }
+        };
             .filter((p) => this.panels.has(
             .forEach((panel) => {
-                panel.setDirty(false)
+                panel.setDirty(false);
                     kind: GroupChangeKind.PANEL_CLEAN,
-                })
-            })
+                });
+            });
             kind: GroupChangeKind.LAYOUT_CONFIG_UPDATED,
-        })
+        });
     public deserialize(data: any) {
-        this.gridview.clear()
+        this.gridview.clear();
         this.panels.forEach((panel) => {
-            panel.disposable.dispose()
-            panel.value.dispose()
-        })
-        this.panels.clear()
-        this.groups.clear()
+            panel.disposable.dispose();
+            panel.value.dispose();
+        });
+        this.panels.clear();
+        this.groups.clear();
-        this.fromJSON(data, this.deserializer)
-        this.gridview.layout(this._size, this._orthogonalSize)
+        this.fromJSON(data, this.deserializer);
+        this.gridview.layout(this._size, this._orthogonalSize);
     public fromJSON(data: any, deserializer: IPanelDeserializer) {
-        const { grid, panels } = data
+        const { grid, panels } = data;
             new DefaultDeserializer(this, {
                 createPanel: (id) => {
-                    const panelData = panels[id]
-                    const panel = deserializer.fromJSON(panelData)
-                    this.registerPanel(panel)
-                    return panel
+                    const panelData = panels[id];
+                    const panel = deserializer.fromJSON(panelData);
+                    this.registerPanel(panel);
+                    return panel;
-        )
-{ kind: GroupChangeKind.NEW_LAYOUT })
+        );
+{ kind: GroupChangeKind.NEW_LAYOUT });
     public async closeAllGroups() {
         for (const entry of this.groups.entries()) {
-            const [key, group] = entry
+            const [key, group] = entry;
-            const didCloseAll = await group.value.closeAllPanels()
+            const didCloseAll = await group.value.closeAllPanels();
             if (!didCloseAll) {
-                return false
+                return false;
-            await timeoutPromise(0)
+            await timeoutPromise(0);
-        return true
+        return true;
     public setTabHeight(height: number) {
-        this.options.tabHeight = height
+        this.options.tabHeight = height;
         this.groups.forEach((value) => {
-            value.value.tabHeight = height
-        })
+            value.value.tabHeight = height;
+        });
     public getTabHeight() {
-        return this.options.tabHeight
-    }
-    public setAutoResizeToFit(enabled: boolean) {
-        if (this.resizeTimer) {
-            clearInterval(this.resizeTimer)
-        }
-        if (enabled) {
-            this.resizeTimer = setInterval(() => {
-                this.resizeToFit()
-            }, 500)
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resize the layout to fit the parent container
-     */
-    public resizeToFit() {
-        const {
-            width,
-            height,
-        } = this.element.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect()
-        this.layout(width, height)
+        return this.options.tabHeight;
     fireMouseEvent(event: LayoutMouseEvent) {
@@ -514,63 +450,63 @@ export class Layout extends CompositeDisposable implements ILayout {
                         event: event.event,
                         api: this,
                         panel: event.panel,
-                    })
+                    });
-                break
+                break;
     public addPanelFromComponent(options: AddPanelOptions): PanelReference {
-        const panel = this.addPanel(options)
+        const panel = this.addPanel(options);
         if (options.position?.referencePanel) {
             const referencePanel = this.panels.get(
-            ).value
-            const referenceGroup = this.findGroup(referencePanel)
+            ).value;
+            const referenceGroup = this.findGroup(referencePanel);
-            const target = this.toTarget(options.position.direction)
+            const target = this.toTarget(options.position.direction);
             if (target === Position.Center) {
-                referenceGroup.openPanel(panel)
+                referenceGroup.openPanel(panel);
             } else {
-                const location = getGridLocation(referenceGroup.element)
+                const location = getGridLocation(referenceGroup.element);
                 const relativeLocation = getRelativeLocation(
-                )
-                this.addPanelToNewGroup(panel, relativeLocation)
+                );
+                this.addPanelToNewGroup(panel, relativeLocation);
         } else {
-            this.addPanelToNewGroup(panel)
+            this.addPanelToNewGroup(panel);
         return {
             update: (event: { params: { [key: string]: any } }) => {
                 if (panel.update) {
-                    panel.update({ params: event.params })
+                    panel.update({ params: event.params });
             remove: () => {
-                const group = this.findGroup(panel)
-                group.removePanel(panel)
+                const group = this.findGroup(panel);
+                group.removePanel(panel);
-        }
+        };
     public addPanel(options: AddPanelOptions): IGroupPanel {
-        const component = this.createContentComponent(options.componentName)
-        const tabComponent = this.createTabComponent(options.tabComponentName)
+        const component = this.createContentComponent(options.componentName);
+        const tabComponent = this.createTabComponent(options.tabComponentName);
-        const panel = new DefaultPanel(, tabComponent, component)
+        const panel = new DefaultPanel(, tabComponent, component);
             title: options.title ||,
             suppressClosable: options?.suppressClosable,
             params: options?.params || {},
-        })
+        });
-        this.registerPanel(panel)
-        return panel
+        this.registerPanel(panel);
+        return panel;
     private createContentComponent(
@@ -581,7 +517,7 @@ export class Layout extends CompositeDisposable implements ILayout {
-        )
+        );
     private createTabComponent(
@@ -592,67 +528,64 @@ export class Layout extends CompositeDisposable implements ILayout {
-        )
+        );
     public addEmptyGroup(options: AddGroupOptions) {
-        const group = this.createGroup()
+        const group = this.createGroup();
         if (options) {
-            const referencePanel = this.panels.get(options.referencePanel).value
-            const referenceGroup = this.findGroup(referencePanel)
+            const referencePanel = this.panels.get(options.referencePanel)
+                .value;
+            const referenceGroup = this.findGroup(referencePanel);
-            const target = this.toTarget(options.direction)
+            const target = this.toTarget(options.direction);
-            const location = getGridLocation(referenceGroup.element)
+            const location = getGridLocation(referenceGroup.element);
             const relativeLocation = getRelativeLocation(
-            )
-            this.doAddGroup(group, relativeLocation)
+            );
+            this.doAddGroup(group, relativeLocation);
         } else {
-            this.doAddGroup(group)
+            this.doAddGroup(group);
-    public getGroup(id: string) {
-        return this.groups.get(id)?.value
-    }
     public removeGroup(group: IGroupview) {
         if (this.groups.size === 1) {
-            group.panels.forEach((panel) => group.removePanel(panel))
-            this._activeGroup = group
-            return
+            group.panels.forEach((panel) => group.removePanel(panel));
+            this._activeGroup = group;
+            return;
         if (group === this._activeGroup) {
-            this._activeGroup = undefined
+            this._activeGroup = undefined;
-        this.doRemoveGroup(group)
+        this.doRemoveGroup(group);
     private addPanelToNewGroup(panel: IGroupPanel, location: number[] = [0]) {
-        let group: IGroupview
+        let group: IGroupview;
         if (
             this.groups.size === 1 &&
             Array.from(this.groups.values())[0].value.size === 0
         ) {
-            group = Array.from(this.groups.values())[0].value
+            group = Array.from(this.groups.values())[0].value;
         } else {
-            group = this.createGroup()
-            this.doAddGroup(group, location)
+            group = this.createGroup();
+            this.doAddGroup(group, location);
-        group.openPanel(panel)
+        group.openPanel(panel);
     private doAddGroup(group: IGroupview, location: number[] = [0]) {
-        this.gridview.addView(group, { type: 'distribute' }, location)
-{ kind: GroupChangeKind.ADD_GROUP })
-        this.doSetGroupActive(group)
+        this.gridview.addView(group, { type: 'distribute' }, location);
+{ kind: GroupChangeKind.ADD_GROUP });
+        this.doSetGroupActive(group);
     private doRemoveGroup(
@@ -660,187 +593,169 @@ export class Layout extends CompositeDisposable implements ILayout {
         options?: { skipActive?: boolean; skipDispose?: boolean }
     ) {
         if (!this.groups.has( {
-            throw new Error('invalid operation')
+            throw new Error('invalid operation');
-        const { disposable } = this.groups.get(
+        const { disposable } = this.groups.get(;
         if (!options?.skipDispose) {
-            disposable.dispose()
-            this.groups.delete(
+            disposable.dispose();
+            this.groups.delete(;
-        const view = this.gridview.remove(group, { type: 'distribute' })
-{ kind: GroupChangeKind.REMOVE_GROUP })
+        const view = this.gridview.remove(group, { type: 'distribute' });
+{ kind: GroupChangeKind.REMOVE_GROUP });
         if (!options?.skipActive && this.groups.size > 0) {
-            this.doSetGroupActive(Array.from(this.groups.values())[0].value)
+            this.doSetGroupActive(Array.from(this.groups.values())[0].value);
-        return view
+        return view;
-    public doSetGroupActive(group: IGroupview) {
-        if (this._activeGroup && this._activeGroup !== group) {
-            this._activeGroup.setActive(false)
-        }
-        group.setActive(true)
-        this._activeGroup = group
-    }
-    public moveGroup(
+    public moveGroupOrPanel(
         referenceGroup: IGroupview,
         groupId: string,
         itemId: string,
         target: Position,
         index?: number
     ) {
-        const sourceGroup = groupId ? this.groups.get(groupId).value : undefined
+        const sourceGroup = groupId
+            ? this.groups.get(groupId).value
+            : undefined;
         switch (target) {
             case Position.Center:
             case undefined:
                 const groupItem =
                     sourceGroup?.removePanel(itemId) ||
-                    this.panels.get(itemId).value
+                    this.panels.get(itemId).value;
                 if (sourceGroup?.size === 0) {
-                    this.doRemoveGroup(sourceGroup)
+                    this.doRemoveGroup(sourceGroup);
-                referenceGroup.openPanel(groupItem, index)
+                referenceGroup.openPanel(groupItem, index);
-                return
+                return;
-        const referenceLocation = getGridLocation(referenceGroup.element)
+        const referenceLocation = getGridLocation(referenceGroup.element);
         const targetLocation = getRelativeLocation(
-        )
+        );
         if (sourceGroup?.size < 2) {
-            const [targetParentLocation, to] = tail(targetLocation)
-            const sourceLocation = getGridLocation(sourceGroup.element)
-            const [sourceParentLocation, from] = tail(sourceLocation)
+            const [targetParentLocation, to] = tail(targetLocation);
+            const sourceLocation = getGridLocation(sourceGroup.element);
+            const [sourceParentLocation, from] = tail(sourceLocation);
             if (sequenceEquals(sourceParentLocation, targetParentLocation)) {
                 // special case when 'swapping' two views within same grid location
                 // if a group has one tab - we are essentially moving the 'group'
                 // which is equivalent to swapping two views in this case
-                this.gridview.moveView(sourceParentLocation, from, to)
+                this.gridview.moveView(sourceParentLocation, from, to);
-                return
+                return;
             // source group will become empty so delete the group
             const targetGroup = this.doRemoveGroup(sourceGroup, {
                 skipActive: true,
                 skipDispose: true,
-            }) as IGroupview
+            }) as IGroupview;
             // after deleting the group we need to re-evaulate the ref location
             const updatedReferenceLocation = getGridLocation(
-            )
+            );
             const location = getRelativeLocation(
-            )
-            this.doAddGroup(targetGroup, location)
+            );
+            this.doAddGroup(targetGroup, location);
         } else {
             const groupItem =
                 sourceGroup?.removePanel(itemId) ||
-                this.panels.get(itemId).value
+                this.panels.get(itemId).value;
             const dropLocation = getRelativeLocation(
-            )
+            );
-            this.addPanelToNewGroup(groupItem, dropLocation)
+            this.addPanelToNewGroup(groupItem, dropLocation);
     createGroup(options?: GroupOptions) {
-        const group = new Groupview(this,, options)
+        const group = new Groupview(this,, options);
         if (typeof this.options.tabHeight === 'number') {
-            group.tabHeight = this.options.tabHeight
+            group.tabHeight = this.options.tabHeight;
         if (!this.groups.has( {
             const disposable = new CompositeDisposable(
                 group.onMove((event) => {
-                    const { groupId, itemId, target, index } = event
-                    this.moveGroup(group, groupId, itemId, target, index)
+                    const { groupId, itemId, target, index } = event;
+                    this.moveGroupOrPanel(
+                        group,
+                        groupId,
+                        itemId,
+                        target,
+                        index
+                    );
                 group.onDidGroupChange((event) => {
+          ;
                 group.onDrop((event) => {
-                    const dragEvent = event.event
-                    const dataTransfer = dragEvent.dataTransfer
+                    const dragEvent = event.event;
+                    const dataTransfer = dragEvent.dataTransfer;
                     if (dataTransfer.types.length === 0) {
-                        return
+                        return;
                     if (!this.registry.has(dataTransfer.types[0])) {
-                        return
+                        return;
-                    const cb = this.registry.get(dataTransfer.types[0])
+                    const cb = this.registry.get(dataTransfer.types[0]);
-                    const panelOptions = cb({ event })
+                    const panelOptions = cb({ event });
-                    let panel = this.getPanel(
+                    let panel = this.getPanel(;
                     if (!panel) {
-                        panel = this.addPanel(panelOptions)
+                        panel = this.addPanel(panelOptions);
-                    this.moveGroup(
+                    this.moveGroupOrPanel(
-                    )
+                    );
-            )
+            );
-            this.groups.set(, { value: group, disposable })
+            this.groups.set(, { value: group, disposable });
-        return group
-    }
-    public layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number, force?: boolean) {
-        const different =
-            force ||
-            size !== this._size ||
-            orthogonalSize !== this._orthogonalSize
-        if (!different) {
-            return
-        }
- = `${orthogonalSize}px`
- = `${size}px`
-        this._size = size
-        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize
-        this.gridview.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
+        return group;
     private findGroup(panel: IGroupPanel): IGroupview | undefined {
         return Array.from(this.groups.values()).find((group) =>
-        ).value
+        ).value;
     private addDirtyPanel(panel: IGroupPanel) {
-        this.dirtyPanels.add(panel)
-        panel.setDirty(true)
-{ kind: GroupChangeKind.PANEL_DIRTY })
-        this.debouncedDeque()
+        this.dirtyPanels.add(panel);
+        panel.setDirty(true);
+{ kind: GroupChangeKind.PANEL_DIRTY });
+        this.debouncedDeque();
     private toTarget(
@@ -848,41 +763,34 @@ export class Layout extends CompositeDisposable implements ILayout {
     ) {
         switch (direction) {
             case 'left':
-                return Position.Left
+                return Position.Left;
             case 'right':
-                return Position.Right
+                return Position.Right;
             case 'above':
-                return Position.Top
+                return Position.Top;
             case 'below':
-                return Position.Bottom
+                return Position.Bottom;
             case 'within':
-                return Position.Center
+                return Position.Center;
     public dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
-        this.gridview.dispose()
+        this.debugContainer?.dispose();
-        this.debugContainer?.dispose()
-        if (this.resizeTimer) {
-            clearInterval(this.resizeTimer)
-            this.resizeTimer = undefined
-        }
-        this._onDidLayoutChange.dispose()
+        this._onDidLayoutChange.dispose();
     private updateContainer() {
         if (this.options.debug) {
             if (!this.debugContainer) {
-                this.debugContainer = new DebugWidget(this)
+                this.debugContainer = new DebugWidget(this);
             } else {
-                this.debugContainer.dispose()
-                this.debugContainer = undefined
+                this.debugContainer.dispose();
+                this.debugContainer = undefined;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/layout/options.ts b/packages/splitview/src/layout/options.ts
index b9d868718..73ab944ea 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/layout/options.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/layout/options.ts
@@ -1,72 +1,91 @@
-import { IGroupview } from '../groupview/groupview'
+import { IGridView } from '../gridview/gridview';
+import { IGroupview } from '../groupview/groupview';
 import {
-} from '../groupview/panel/parts'
-import { IGroupPanel } from '../groupview/panel/types'
-import { FrameworkFactory } from '../types'
-import { Api } from './layout'
+} from '../groupview/panel/parts';
+import { IGroupPanel } from '../groupview/panel/types';
+import { Orientation } from '../splitview/splitview';
+import { FrameworkFactory } from '../types';
+import { IComponentGridview } from './componentGridview';
+import { Api } from './layout';
 export interface GroupPanelFrameworkComponentFactory {
-    content: FrameworkFactory<PanelContentPart>
-    tab: FrameworkFactory<PanelHeaderPart>
+    content: FrameworkFactory<PanelContentPart>;
+    tab: FrameworkFactory<PanelHeaderPart>;
 export interface TabContextMenuEvent {
-    event: MouseEvent
-    api: Api
-    panel: IGroupPanel
+    event: MouseEvent;
+    api: Api;
+    panel: IGroupPanel;
+export interface GridComponentOptions {
+    orientation: Orientation;
+    components?: {
+        [componentName: string]: IComponentGridview;
+    };
+    frameworkComponents?: {
+        [componentName: string]: any;
+    };
+    frameworkComponentFactory: any;
+    tabHeight?: number;
 export interface LayoutOptions {
     tabComponents?: {
-        [componentName: string]: PanelHeaderPartConstructor
-    }
+        [componentName: string]: PanelHeaderPartConstructor;
+    };
     components?: {
-        [componentName: string]: PanelContentPartConstructor
-    }
+        [componentName: string]: PanelContentPartConstructor;
+    };
     frameworkTabComponents?: {
-        [componentName: string]: any
-    }
+        [componentName: string]: any;
+    };
     frameworkComponents?: {
-        [componentName: string]: any
-    }
-    watermarkComponent?: WatermarkConstructor
-    watermarkFrameworkComponent?: any
-    frameworkComponentFactory: GroupPanelFrameworkComponentFactory
-    tabHeight?: number
-    debug?: boolean
-    enableExternalDragEvents?: boolean
+        [componentName: string]: any;
+    };
+    watermarkComponent?: WatermarkConstructor;
+    watermarkFrameworkComponent?: any;
+    frameworkComponentFactory: GroupPanelFrameworkComponentFactory;
+    tabHeight?: number;
+    debug?: boolean;
+    enableExternalDragEvents?: boolean;
 export interface PanelOptions {
-    componentName: string
-    tabComponentName?: string
-    params?: { [key: string]: any }
-    id: string
-    title?: string
-    suppressClosable?: boolean
+    componentName: string;
+    tabComponentName?: string;
+    params?: { [key: string]: any };
+    id: string;
+    title?: string;
+    suppressClosable?: boolean;
 export interface AddPanelOptions
     extends Omit<PanelOptions, 'componentName' | 'tabComponentName'> {
-    componentName: string | PanelContentPartConstructor
-    tabComponentName?: string | PanelHeaderPartConstructor
+    componentName: string | PanelContentPartConstructor;
+    tabComponentName?: string | PanelHeaderPartConstructor;
     position?: {
-        direction?: 'left' | 'right' | 'above' | 'below' | 'within'
-        referencePanel: string
-    }
+        direction?: 'left' | 'right' | 'above' | 'below' | 'within';
+        referencePanel: string;
+    };
 export interface AddGroupOptions {
-    direction?: 'left' | 'right' | 'above' | 'below'
-    referencePanel: string
+    direction?: 'left' | 'right' | 'above' | 'below';
+    referencePanel: string;
-export interface MovementOptions {
-    group?: IGroupview
-    includePanel?: boolean
+export interface MovementOptions2 {
+    group?: IGridView;
+export interface MovementOptions extends MovementOptions2 {
+    includePanel?: boolean;
+    group?: IGroupview;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/lifecycle.ts b/packages/splitview/src/lifecycle.ts
index 75421274a..8989da7df 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/lifecycle.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/lifecycle.ts
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
 export interface IDisposable {
-    dispose: () => void
+    dispose: () => void;
 export interface IValueDisposable<T> {
-    value: T
-    disposable: IDisposable
+    value: T;
+    disposable: IDisposable;
 export interface ISerializable {
-    toJSON(): object
-    fromJSON(data: object): void
+    toJSON(): object;
+    fromJSON(data: object): void;
 export namespace Disposable {
-    export const NONE: IDisposable = { dispose: () => {} }
+    export const NONE: IDisposable = { dispose: () => {} };
 export class CompositeDisposable {
-    private disposables: IDisposable[]
+    private disposables: IDisposable[];
     public static from(...args: IDisposable[]) {
-        return new CompositeDisposable(...args)
+        return new CompositeDisposable(...args);
     constructor(...args: IDisposable[]) {
-        this.disposables = args
+        this.disposables = args;
     public addDisposables(...args: IDisposable[]) {
-        args?.forEach((arg) => this.disposables.push(arg))
+        args?.forEach((arg) => this.disposables.push(arg));
     public dispose() {
-        this.disposables.forEach((arg) => arg.dispose())
+        this.disposables.forEach((arg) => arg.dispose());
 export class MutableDisposable implements IDisposable {
-    private _disposable: IDisposable
+    private _disposable: IDisposable;
     constructor() {}
     set value(disposable: IDisposable) {
         if (this._disposable) {
-            this._disposable.dispose()
+            this._disposable.dispose();
-        this._disposable = disposable
+        this._disposable = disposable;
     public dispose() {
         if (this._disposable) {
-            this._disposable.dispose()
+            this._disposable.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/math.ts b/packages/splitview/src/math.ts
index 957c23192..10b2be454 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/math.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/math.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 export const clamp = (value: number, min: number, max: number) => {
-    return Math.min(max, Math.max(value, min))
+    return Math.min(max, Math.max(value, min));
 export const sequentialNumberGenerator = () => {
-    let value = 1
-    return { next: () => (value++).toString() }
+    let value = 1;
+    return { next: () => (value++).toString() };
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/panel/api.ts b/packages/splitview/src/panel/api.ts
index d79af4aa1..782c62714 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/panel/api.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/panel/api.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import { PanelDimensionChangeEvent } from './types'
-import { Emitter, Event } from '../events'
-import { CompositeDisposable, IDisposable } from '../lifecycle'
-import { FunctionOrValue } from '../types'
+import { PanelDimensionChangeEvent } from './types';
+import { Emitter, Event } from '../events';
+import { CompositeDisposable, IDisposable } from '../lifecycle';
+import { FunctionOrValue } from '../types';
 // we've tried to do a bit better than the 'any' type.
 // anything that is serializable JSON should be valid here
@@ -13,74 +13,74 @@ type StateObject =
     | null
     | object
     | StateObject[]
-    | { [key: string]: StateObject }
+    | { [key: string]: StateObject };
 interface State {
-    [key: string]: StateObject
+    [key: string]: StateObject;
 interface ChangeFocusEvent {
-    isFocused: boolean
+    isFocused: boolean;
 interface PanelConstraintChangeEvent {
-    minimumSize?: number | (() => number)
-    maximumSize?: number | (() => number)
+    minimumSize?: number | (() => number);
+    maximumSize?: number | (() => number);
 export interface IBaseViewApi extends IDisposable {
     // events
-    onDidDimensionsChange: Event<PanelDimensionChangeEvent>
-    onDidStateChange: Event<void>
-    onDidFocusChange: Event<ChangeFocusEvent>
+    onDidDimensionsChange: Event<PanelDimensionChangeEvent>;
+    onDidStateChange: Event<void>;
+    onDidFocusChange: Event<ChangeFocusEvent>;
     // state
-    setState(key: string, value: StateObject): void
-    setState(state: State): void
-    getState: () => State
-    getStateKey: <T extends StateObject>(key: string) => T
+    setState(key: string, value: StateObject): void;
+    setState(state: State): void;
+    getState: () => State;
+    getStateKey: <T extends StateObject>(key: string) => T;
-    readonly isFocused: boolean
+    readonly isFocused: boolean;
  * A core api implementation that should be used across all panel-like objects
 export class BaseViewApi extends CompositeDisposable implements IBaseViewApi {
-    private _state: State = {}
-    private _isFocused: boolean
+    private _state: State = {};
+    private _isFocused: boolean;
-    readonly _onDidStateChange = new Emitter<void>()
-    readonly onDidStateChange: Event<void> = this._onDidStateChange.event
+    readonly _onDidStateChange = new Emitter<void>();
+    readonly onDidStateChange: Event<void> = this._onDidStateChange.event;
     readonly _onDidPanelDimensionChange = new Emitter<
         emitLastValue: true,
-    })
-    readonly onDidDimensionsChange = this._onDidPanelDimensionChange.event
+    });
+    readonly onDidDimensionsChange = this._onDidPanelDimensionChange.event;
     readonly _onDidChangeFocus = new Emitter<ChangeFocusEvent>({
         emitLastValue: true,
-    })
+    });
     readonly onDidFocusChange: Event<ChangeFocusEvent> = this._onDidChangeFocus
-        .event
+        .event;
     get isFocused() {
-        return this._isFocused
+        return this._isFocused;
     constructor() {
-        super()
+        super();
             this.onDidFocusChange((event) => {
-                this._isFocused = event.isFocused
+                this._isFocused = event.isFocused;
-        )
+        );
     public setState(
@@ -88,76 +88,76 @@ export class BaseViewApi extends CompositeDisposable implements IBaseViewApi {
         value?: StateObject
     ) {
         if (typeof key === 'object') {
-            this._state = key
+            this._state = key;
         } else {
-            this._state[key] = value
+            this._state[key] = value;
     public getState(): State {
-        return this._state
+        return this._state;
     public getStateKey<T extends StateObject>(key: string): T {
-        return this._state[key] as T
+        return this._state[key] as T;
     public dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
 interface PanelConstraintChangeEvent {
-    minimumSize?: FunctionOrValue<number>
-    maximumSize?: FunctionOrValue<number>
+    minimumSize?: FunctionOrValue<number>;
+    maximumSize?: FunctionOrValue<number>;
 export interface IPanelApi extends IBaseViewApi {
-    onDidConstraintsChange: Event<PanelConstraintChangeEvent>
-    setConstraints(value: PanelConstraintChangeEvent): void
+    onDidConstraintsChange: Event<PanelConstraintChangeEvent>;
+    setConstraints(value: PanelConstraintChangeEvent): void;
 export class PanelApi extends BaseViewApi implements IBaseViewApi {
     readonly _onDidConstraintsChange = new Emitter<PanelConstraintChangeEvent>({
         emitLastValue: true,
-    })
+    });
     readonly onDidConstraintsChange: Event<PanelConstraintChangeEvent> = this
-        ._onDidConstraintsChange.event
+        ._onDidConstraintsChange.event;
     constructor() {
-        super()
+        super();
     public setConstraints(value: PanelConstraintChangeEvent) {
 interface GridConstraintChangeEvent {
-    minimumWidth?: FunctionOrValue<number>
-    minimumHeight?: FunctionOrValue<number>
-    maximumWidth?: FunctionOrValue<number>
-    maximumHeight?: FunctionOrValue<number>
+    minimumWidth?: FunctionOrValue<number>;
+    minimumHeight?: FunctionOrValue<number>;
+    maximumWidth?: FunctionOrValue<number>;
+    maximumHeight?: FunctionOrValue<number>;
 export interface IGridApi extends IBaseViewApi {
-    onDidConstraintsChange: Event<GridConstraintChangeEvent>
-    setConstraints(value: GridConstraintChangeEvent): void
+    onDidConstraintsChange: Event<GridConstraintChangeEvent>;
+    setConstraints(value: GridConstraintChangeEvent): void;
 export class GridApi extends BaseViewApi implements IBaseViewApi {
     readonly _onDidConstraintsChange = new Emitter<GridConstraintChangeEvent>({
         emitLastValue: true,
-    })
+    });
     readonly onDidConstraintsChange: Event<GridConstraintChangeEvent> = this
-        ._onDidConstraintsChange.event
+        ._onDidConstraintsChange.event;
     constructor() {
-        super()
+        super();
     public setConstraints(value: GridConstraintChangeEvent) {
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/panel/types.ts b/packages/splitview/src/panel/types.ts
index 75924f8b8..bf1817786 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/panel/types.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/panel/types.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 export interface InitParameters {
-    params: { [index: string]: any }
-    state?: { [index: string]: any }
+    params: { [index: string]: any };
+    state?: { [index: string]: any };
 export interface PanelUpdateEvent {
-    params: { [index: string]: any }
+    params: { [index: string]: any };
 export interface IPanel {
-    init?(params: InitParameters): void
-    layout?(width: number, height: number): void
-    update?(event: PanelUpdateEvent): void
+    init?(params: InitParameters): void;
+    layout?(width: number, height: number): void;
+    update?(event: PanelUpdateEvent): void;
 export interface PanelDimensionChangeEvent {
-    width: number
-    height: number
+    width: number;
+    height: number;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/paneview/paneview.ts b/packages/splitview/src/paneview/paneview.ts
index 9090abab7..09be0f7dc 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/paneview/paneview.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/paneview/paneview.ts
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
-import { SplitView, IView, Orientation } from '../splitview/splitview'
-import { IDisposable } from '../lifecycle'
-import { Emitter } from '../events'
-import { addClasses, removeClasses } from '../dom'
+import { SplitView, IView, Orientation } from '../splitview/splitview';
+import { IDisposable } from '../lifecycle';
+import { Emitter } from '../events';
+import { addClasses, removeClasses } from '../dom';
 export interface IPaneOptions {
-    minimumBodySize?: number
-    maximumBodySize?: number
-    orientation?: Orientation
-    isExpanded?: boolean
+    minimumBodySize?: number;
+    maximumBodySize?: number;
+    orientation?: Orientation;
+    isExpanded?: boolean;
 export abstract class Pane implements IView {
-    public element: HTMLElement
-    private header: HTMLElement
-    private body: HTMLElement
+    public element: HTMLElement;
+    private header: HTMLElement;
+    private body: HTMLElement;
     private _onDidChangeExpansionState: Emitter<boolean> = new Emitter<
-    >()
-    public onDidChangeExpansionState = this._onDidChangeExpansionState.event
+    >();
+    public onDidChangeExpansionState = this._onDidChangeExpansionState.event;
     private _onDidChange: Emitter<number | undefined> = new Emitter<
         number | undefined
-    >()
-    public onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event
+    >();
+    public onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event;
-    private _minimumBodySize: number
-    private _maximumBodySize: number
+    private _minimumBodySize: number;
+    private _maximumBodySize: number;
-    private _minimumSize: number
-    private _maximumSize: number
-    private _isExpanded: boolean
-    private _orientation: Orientation
-    private _orthogonalSize: number
-    private animationTimer: NodeJS.Timeout
-    private expandedSize: number
-    private headerSize = 22
+    private _minimumSize: number;
+    private _maximumSize: number;
+    private _isExpanded: boolean;
+    private _orientation: Orientation;
+    private _orthogonalSize: number;
+    private animationTimer: NodeJS.Timeout;
+    private expandedSize: number;
+    private headerSize = 22;
     constructor(options: IPaneOptions) {
-        this.element = document.createElement('div')
-        this.element.className = 'pane'
+        this.element = document.createElement('div');
+        this.element.className = 'pane';
         this._minimumBodySize =
             typeof options.minimumBodySize === 'number'
                 ? options.minimumBodySize
-                : 120
+                : 120;
         this._maximumBodySize =
             typeof options.maximumBodySize === 'number'
                 ? options.maximumBodySize
-                : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
+                : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
-        this._isExpanded = options.isExpanded
-        this.orientation = options.orientation
+        this._isExpanded = options.isExpanded;
+        this.orientation = options.orientation;
     public get minimumSize(): number {
-        const headerSize = this.headerSize
-        const expanded = this.isExpanded()
+        const headerSize = this.headerSize;
+        const expanded = this.isExpanded();
         const minimumBodySize = expanded
             ? this._minimumBodySize
             : this._orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? 50
-            : 0
+            : 0;
-        return headerSize + minimumBodySize
+        return headerSize + minimumBodySize;
     public get maximumSize(): number {
-        const headerSize = this.headerSize
-        const expanded = this.isExpanded()
+        const headerSize = this.headerSize;
+        const expanded = this.isExpanded();
         const maximumBodySize = expanded
             ? this._maximumBodySize
             : this._orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
             ? 50
-            : 0
+            : 0;
-        return headerSize + maximumBodySize
+        return headerSize + maximumBodySize;
     public isExpanded() {
-        return this._isExpanded
+        return this._isExpanded;
     public get orientation() {
-        return this._orientation
+        return this._orientation;
     public get orthogonalSize() {
-        return this._orthogonalSize
+        return this._orthogonalSize;
     public set minimumSize(size: number) {
-        this._minimumSize = size
+        this._minimumSize = size;
     public set maximumSize(size: number) {
-        this._maximumSize = size
+        this._maximumSize = size;
     public setExpanded(expanded: boolean) {
-        this._isExpanded = expanded
+        this._isExpanded = expanded;
         if (expanded) {
             if (this.animationTimer) {
-                clearTimeout(this.animationTimer)
+                clearTimeout(this.animationTimer);
-            this.element.appendChild(this.body)
+            this.element.appendChild(this.body);
         } else {
             this.animationTimer = setTimeout(() => {
-                this.body.remove()
-            }, 200)
+                this.body.remove();
+            }, 200);
- ? this.expandedSize : undefined)
+ ? this.expandedSize : undefined);
     public set orientation(orientation: Orientation) {
-        this._orientation = orientation
+        this._orientation = orientation;
     public set orthogonalSize(size: number) {
-        this._orthogonalSize = size
+        this._orthogonalSize = size;
     public layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number) {
         if (this.isExpanded()) {
-            this.expandedSize = size
+            this.expandedSize = size;
     public render() {
-        this.header = document.createElement('div')
-        this.header.className = 'pane-header'
- = `${this.headerSize}px`
- = `${this.headerSize}px`
-        this.element.appendChild(this.header)
-        this.renderHeader(this.header)
+        this.header = document.createElement('div');
+        this.header.className = 'pane-header';
+ = `${this.headerSize}px`;
+ = `${this.headerSize}px`;
+        this.element.appendChild(this.header);
+        this.renderHeader(this.header);
         // this.updateHeader();
-        this.body = document.createElement('div')
-        this.body.className = 'pane-body'
-        this.element.appendChild(this.body)
-        this.renderBody(this.body)
+        this.body = document.createElement('div');
+        this.body.className = 'pane-body';
+        this.element.appendChild(this.body);
+        this.renderBody(this.body);
         // if (!this.isExpanded()) {
         //   this.body.remove();
@@ -174,103 +174,103 @@ export abstract class Pane implements IView {
     //   this._dropBackground = this.styles.dropBackground;
     // }
-    protected abstract renderHeader(container: HTMLElement): void
-    protected abstract renderBody(container: HTMLElement): void
+    protected abstract renderHeader(container: HTMLElement): void;
+    protected abstract renderBody(container: HTMLElement): void;
 interface PaneItem {
-    pane: Pane
-    disposable: IDisposable
+    pane: Pane;
+    disposable: IDisposable;
 export class PaneView implements IDisposable {
-    private element: HTMLElement
-    private splitview: SplitView
-    private paneItems: PaneItem[] = []
-    private _orientation: Orientation
-    private animationTimer: NodeJS.Timeout
-    private orthogonalSize: number
-    private size: number
+    private element: HTMLElement;
+    private splitview: SplitView;
+    private paneItems: PaneItem[] = [];
+    private _orientation: Orientation;
+    private animationTimer: NodeJS.Timeout;
+    private orthogonalSize: number;
+    private size: number;
     constructor(container: HTMLElement, options: { orientation: Orientation }) {
-        this._orientation = options.orientation ?? Orientation.VERTICAL
+        this._orientation = options.orientation ?? Orientation.VERTICAL;
-        this.element = document.createElement('div')
-        this.element.className = 'pane-container'
+        this.element = document.createElement('div');
+        this.element.className = 'pane-container';
-        this.setupAnimation = this.setupAnimation.bind(this)
+        this.setupAnimation = this.setupAnimation.bind(this);
-        container.appendChild(this.element)
+        container.appendChild(this.element);
         this.splitview = new SplitView(this.element, {
             orientation: this._orientation,
-        })
+        });
     public setOrientation(orientation: Orientation) {
-        this._orientation = orientation
+        this._orientation = orientation;
     public addPane(pane: Pane, size?: number, index = this.splitview.length) {
-        const disposable = pane.onDidChangeExpansionState(this.setupAnimation)
+        const disposable = pane.onDidChangeExpansionState(this.setupAnimation);
         const paneItem: PaneItem = {
             disposable: {
                 dispose: () => {
-                    disposable.dispose()
+                    disposable.dispose();
-        }
+        };
-        this.paneItems.splice(index, 0, paneItem)
-        pane.orientation = this._orientation
-        pane.orthogonalSize = this.orthogonalSize
-        this.splitview.addView(pane, size, index)
+        this.paneItems.splice(index, 0, paneItem);
+        pane.orientation = this._orientation;
+        pane.orthogonalSize = this.orthogonalSize;
+        this.splitview.addView(pane, size, index);
     public getPanes() {
-        return this.splitview.getViews() as Pane[]
+        return this.splitview.getViews() as Pane[];
     public removePane(index: number) {
-        this.splitview.removeView(index)
-        const paneItem = this.paneItems.splice(index, 1)[0]
-        paneItem.disposable.dispose()
-        return paneItem
+        this.splitview.removeView(index);
+        const paneItem = this.paneItems.splice(index, 1)[0];
+        paneItem.disposable.dispose();
+        return paneItem;
     public moveView(from: number, to: number) {
-        const view = this.removePane(from)
-        this.addPane(view.pane, to)
+        const view = this.removePane(from);
+        this.addPane(view.pane, to);
     public layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number): void {
-        this.orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize
-        this.size = size
+        this.orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize;
+        this.size = size;
         for (const paneItem of this.paneItems) {
-            paneItem.pane.orthogonalSize = this.orthogonalSize
+            paneItem.pane.orthogonalSize = this.orthogonalSize;
-        this.splitview.layout(this.size, this.orthogonalSize)
+        this.splitview.layout(this.size, this.orthogonalSize);
     private setupAnimation() {
         if (this.animationTimer) {
-            clearTimeout(this.animationTimer)
+            clearTimeout(this.animationTimer);
-        addClasses(this.element, 'animated')
+        addClasses(this.element, 'animated');
         this.animationTimer = setTimeout(() => {
-            this.animationTimer = undefined
-            removeClasses(this.element, 'animated')
-        }, 200)
+            this.animationTimer = undefined;
+            removeClasses(this.element, 'animated');
+        }, 200);
     public dispose() {
         this.paneItems.forEach((paneItem) => {
-            paneItem.disposable.dispose()
-        })
+            paneItem.disposable.dispose();
+        });
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/react/deserializer.ts b/packages/splitview/src/react/deserializer.ts
index 574437bd9..2d083532a 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/react/deserializer.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/react/deserializer.ts
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
-import { IGroupPanel } from '../groupview/panel/types'
-import { Layout } from '../layout/layout'
-import { DefaultPanel } from '../groupview/panel/panel'
-import { PanelContentPart, PanelHeaderPart } from '../groupview/panel/parts'
-import { IPanelDeserializer } from '../layout/deserializer'
+import { IGroupPanel } from '../groupview/panel/types';
+import { Layout } from '../layout/layout';
+import { DefaultPanel } from '../groupview/panel/panel';
+import { PanelContentPart, PanelHeaderPart } from '../groupview/panel/parts';
+import { IPanelDeserializer } from '../layout/deserializer';
 import {
-} from '../layout/componentFactory'
+} from '../layout/componentFactory';
 export class ReactPanelDeserialzier implements IPanelDeserializer {
     constructor(private readonly layout: Layout) {}
     public fromJSON(panelData: { [index: string]: any }): IGroupPanel {
-        const panelId =
-        const content = panelData.content
-        const tab =
-        const props = panelData.props
-        const title = panelData.title
-        const state = panelData.state
-        const suppressClosable = panelData.suppressClosable
+        const panelId =;
+        const content = panelData.content;
+        const tab =;
+        const props = panelData.props;
+        const title = panelData.title;
+        const state = panelData.state;
+        const suppressClosable = panelData.suppressClosable;
         const contentPart = createContentComponent(
-        ) as PanelContentPart
+        ) as PanelContentPart;
         const headerPart = createTabComponent(
-        ) as PanelHeaderPart
+        ) as PanelHeaderPart;
-        const panel = new DefaultPanel(panelId, headerPart, contentPart)
+        const panel = new DefaultPanel(panelId, headerPart, contentPart);
             params: props || {},
             state: state || {},
-        })
+        });
-        return panel
+        return panel;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/react/gridview.tsx b/packages/splitview/src/react/gridview.tsx
index c65debbbc..22936c0b6 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/react/gridview.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/react/gridview.tsx
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
+import * as React from 'react';
 import {
-} from '../layout/componentGridview'
-import { IGridApi } from '../panel/api'
-import { Orientation } from '../splitview/splitview'
-import { ReactComponentGridView } from './reactComponentGridView'
+} from '../layout/componentGridview';
+import { IGridApi } from '../panel/api';
+import { Orientation } from '../splitview/splitview';
+import { ReactComponentGridView } from './reactComponentGridView';
 export interface GridviewReadyEvent {
-    api: IComponentGridviewLayout
+    api: IComponentGridviewLayout;
 export interface IGridviewPanelProps {
-    api: IGridApi
+    api: IGridApi;
 export interface IGridviewComponentProps {
-    orientation: Orientation
-    onReady?: (event: GridviewReadyEvent) => void
+    orientation: Orientation;
+    onReady?: (event: GridviewReadyEvent) => void;
     components: {
-        [index: string]: React.FunctionComponent<IGridviewPanelProps>
-    }
+        [index: string]: React.FunctionComponent<IGridviewPanelProps>;
+    };
 export const GridviewComponent = (props: IGridviewComponentProps) => {
-    const domReference = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>()
-    const gridview = React.useRef<IComponentGridviewLayout>()
-    const [portals, setPortals] = React.useState<React.ReactPortal[]>([])
+    const domReference = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>();
+    const gridview = React.useRef<IComponentGridviewLayout>();
+    const [portals, setPortals] = React.useState<React.ReactPortal[]>([]);
     const addPortal = React.useCallback((p: React.ReactPortal) => {
-        setPortals((portals) => [...portals, p])
+        setPortals((portals) => [...portals, p]);
         return {
             dispose: () => {
                 setPortals((portals) =>
                     portals.filter((portal) => portal !== p)
-                )
+                );
-        }
-    }, [])
+        };
+    }, []);
     React.useEffect(() => {
         gridview.current = new ComponentGridview(domReference.current, {
@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ export const GridviewComponent = (props: IGridviewComponentProps) => {
                 createComponent: (id: string, component: any) => {
                     return new ReactComponentGridView(id, id, component, {
-                    })
+                    });
-        })
+        });
         if (props.onReady) {
-            props.onReady({ api: gridview.current })
+            props.onReady({ api: gridview.current });
-    }, [])
+    }, []);
     return (
@@ -67,5 +67,5 @@ export const GridviewComponent = (props: IGridviewComponentProps) => {
-    )
+    );
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/react/layout.tsx b/packages/splitview/src/react/layout.tsx
index 95c24f0ae..875564234 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/react/layout.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/react/layout.tsx
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { IDisposable } from '../lifecycle'
-import { Layout, Api } from '../layout/layout'
-import { ReactPanelContentPart } from './reactContentPart'
-import { ReactPanelHeaderPart } from './reactHeaderPart'
-import { IPanelProps } from './react'
-import { ReactPanelDeserialzier } from './deserializer'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { IDisposable } from '../lifecycle';
+import { Layout, Api } from '../layout/layout';
+import { ReactPanelContentPart } from './reactContentPart';
+import { ReactPanelHeaderPart } from './reactHeaderPart';
+import { IPanelProps } from './react';
+import { ReactPanelDeserialzier } from './deserializer';
 import {
-} from '../layout/options'
+} from '../layout/options';
 export interface OnReadyEvent {
-    api: Api
+    api: Api;
 export interface ReactLayout {
-    addPortal: (portal: React.ReactPortal) => IDisposable
+    addPortal: (portal: React.ReactPortal) => IDisposable;
 export interface IReactGridProps {
     components?: {
-        [componentName: string]: React.FunctionComponent<IPanelProps>
-    }
+        [componentName: string]: React.FunctionComponent<IPanelProps>;
+    };
     tabComponents?: {
-        [componentName: string]: React.FunctionComponent<IPanelProps>
-    }
-    watermarkComponent?: React.FunctionComponent
-    onReady?: (event: OnReadyEvent) => void
-    autoSizeToFitContainer?: boolean
-    serializedLayout?: {}
+        [componentName: string]: React.FunctionComponent<IPanelProps>;
+    };
+    watermarkComponent?: React.FunctionComponent;
+    onReady?: (event: OnReadyEvent) => void;
+    autoSizeToFitContainer?: boolean;
+    serializedLayout?: {};
     deserializer?: {
         fromJSON: (
             data: any
         ) => {
-            component: React.FunctionComponent<IPanelProps>
-            tabComponent?: React.FunctionComponent<IPanelProps>
-            props?: { [key: string]: any }
-        }
-    }
-    debug?: boolean
-    tabHeight?: number
-    enableExternalDragEvents?: boolean
-    onTabContextMenu?: (event: TabContextMenuEvent) => void
+            component: React.FunctionComponent<IPanelProps>;
+            tabComponent?: React.FunctionComponent<IPanelProps>;
+            props?: { [key: string]: any };
+        };
+    };
+    debug?: boolean;
+    tabHeight?: number;
+    enableExternalDragEvents?: boolean;
+    onTabContextMenu?: (event: TabContextMenuEvent) => void;
 export const ReactGrid = (props: IReactGridProps) => {
-    const domReference = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>()
-    const layoutReference = React.useRef<Layout>()
+    const domReference = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>();
+    const layoutReference = React.useRef<Layout>();
-    const [portals, setPortals] = React.useState<React.ReactPortal[]>([])
+    const [portals, setPortals] = React.useState<React.ReactPortal[]>([]);
     React.useEffect(() => {
         const addPortal = (p: React.ReactPortal) => {
-            setPortals((portals) => [...portals, p])
+            setPortals((portals) => [...portals, p]);
             return {
                 dispose: () => {
                     setPortals((portals) =>
                         portals.filter((portal) => portal !== p)
-                    )
+                    );
-            }
-        }
+            };
+        };
         const factory: GroupPanelFrameworkComponentFactory = {
             content: {
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ export const ReactGrid = (props: IReactGridProps) => {
                 ) => {
                     return new ReactPanelContentPart(id, component, {
-                    })
+                    });
             tab: {
@@ -80,53 +80,57 @@ export const ReactGrid = (props: IReactGridProps) => {
                 ) => {
                     return new ReactPanelHeaderPart(id, component, {
-                    })
+                    });
-        }
+        };
-        const layout = new Layout({
+        const element = document.createElement('div');
+        const layout = new Layout(element, {
             frameworkComponentFactory: factory,
             frameworkComponents: props.components,
             frameworkTabComponents: props.tabComponents,
             tabHeight: props.tabHeight,
             debug: props.debug,
             enableExternalDragEvents: props.enableExternalDragEvents,
-        })
+        });
-        layoutReference.current = layout
-        domReference.current.appendChild(layoutReference.current.element)
+        layoutReference.current = layout;
+        domReference.current.appendChild(layoutReference.current.element);
-        layout.deserializer = new ReactPanelDeserialzier(layout)
+        layout.deserializer = new ReactPanelDeserialzier(layout);
-        layout.resizeToFit()
+        layout.resizeToFit();
         if (props.serializedLayout) {
-            layout.deserialize(props.serializedLayout)
+            layout.deserialize(props.serializedLayout);
         if (props.onReady) {
-            props.onReady({ api: layout })
+            props.onReady({ api: layout });
         return () => {
-            layout.dispose()
-        }
-    }, [])
+            layout.dispose();
+        };
+    }, []);
     React.useEffect(() => {
         const disposable = layoutReference.current.onTabContextMenu((event) => {
-            props.onTabContextMenu(event)
-        })
+            props.onTabContextMenu(event);
+        });
         return () => {
-            disposable.dispose()
-        }
-    }, [props.onTabContextMenu])
+            disposable.dispose();
+        };
+    }, [props.onTabContextMenu]);
     React.useEffect(() => {
-        layoutReference.current.setAutoResizeToFit(props.autoSizeToFitContainer)
-    }, [props.autoSizeToFitContainer])
+        layoutReference.current.setAutoResizeToFit(
+            props.autoSizeToFitContainer
+        );
+    }, [props.autoSizeToFitContainer]);
     return (
@@ -138,5 +142,5 @@ export const ReactGrid = (props: IReactGridProps) => {
-    )
+    );
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/react/react.tsx b/packages/splitview/src/react/react.tsx
index a5f546f44..80b561134 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/react/react.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/react/react.tsx
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
-import { IDisposable } from '../lifecycle'
-import { IGroupPanelApi } from '../groupview/panel/api'
-import { sequentialNumberGenerator } from '../math'
-import { IBaseViewApi } from '../panel/api'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import { IDisposable } from '../lifecycle';
+import { IGroupPanelApi } from '../groupview/panel/api';
+import { sequentialNumberGenerator } from '../math';
+import { IBaseViewApi } from '../panel/api';
 export interface IPanelProps {
-    api: IGroupPanelApi
+    api: IGroupPanelApi;
 interface IPanelWrapperProps {
-    component: React.FunctionComponent<IPanelProps>
-    componentProps: any
+    component: React.FunctionComponent<IPanelProps>;
+    componentProps: any;
 interface IPanelWrapperRef {
-    update: (props: { [key: string]: any }) => void
+    update: (props: { [key: string]: any }) => void;
 const PanelWrapper = React.forwardRef(
     (props: IPanelWrapperProps, ref: React.RefObject<IPanelWrapperRef>) => {
-        const [_, triggerRender] = React.useState<number>()
+        const [_, triggerRender] = React.useState<number>();
         const _props = React.useRef<{ [key: string]: any }>(
-        )
+        );
             () => ({
                 update: (props: { [key: string]: any }) => {
-                    _props.current = { ..._props.current, ...props }
-                    triggerRender(
+                    _props.current = { ..._props.current, ...props };
+                    triggerRender(;
-        )
+        );
         React.useEffect(() => {
-            console.debug('[reactwrapper] component mounted ')
+            console.debug('[reactwrapper] component mounted ');
             return () => {
-                console.debug('[reactwrapper] component unmounted ')
-            }
-        }, [])
+                console.debug('[reactwrapper] component unmounted ');
+            };
+        }, []);
         return React.createElement(
             _props.current as IPanelProps
-        )
+        );
-const counter = sequentialNumberGenerator()
+const counter = sequentialNumberGenerator();
 export class ReactPart implements IDisposable {
-    private componentInstance: IPanelWrapperRef
-    private ref: { portal: React.ReactPortal; disposable: IDisposable }
-    private disposed: boolean
+    private componentInstance: IPanelWrapperRef;
+    private ref: { portal: React.ReactPortal; disposable: IDisposable };
+    private disposed: boolean;
         private readonly parent: HTMLElement,
@@ -64,49 +64,49 @@ export class ReactPart implements IDisposable {
         private readonly component: React.FunctionComponent<{}>,
         private readonly parameters: { [key: string]: any }
     ) {
-        this.createPortal()
+        this.createPortal();
     public update(props: {}) {
         if (this.disposed) {
-            throw new Error('invalid operation')
+            throw new Error('invalid operation');
-        this.componentInstance?.update(props)
+        this.componentInstance?.update(props);
     private createPortal() {
         if (this.disposed) {
-            throw new Error('invalid operation')
+            throw new Error('invalid operation');
         let props = {
             api: this.api,
-        } as any
+        } as any;
         const wrapper = React.createElement(PanelWrapper, {
             component: this.component,
             componentProps: props,
             ref: (element: any) => {
-                this.componentInstance = element
+                this.componentInstance = element;
-        })
+        });
         const portal = ReactDOM.createPortal(
-        )
+        );
         this.ref = {
             disposable: this.addPortal(portal),
-        }
+        };
     public dispose() {
-        this.ref?.disposable?.dispose()
-        this.ref = undefined
-        this.disposed = true
+        this.ref?.disposable?.dispose();
+        this.ref = undefined;
+        this.disposed = true;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/react/reactComponentGridView.ts b/packages/splitview/src/react/reactComponentGridView.ts
index b755d8834..c6123b857 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/react/reactComponentGridView.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/react/reactComponentGridView.ts
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
-import { trackFocus } from '../dom'
-import { Emitter } from '../events'
-import { GridApi } from '../panel/api'
-import { CompositeDisposable } from '../lifecycle'
-import { ReactLayout } from './layout'
-import { ReactPart } from './react'
-import { ISplitviewPanelProps } from './splitview'
-import { PanelUpdateEvent, InitParameters, IPanel } from '../panel/types'
-import { IComponentGridview } from '../layout/componentGridview'
-import { FunctionOrValue } from '../types'
+import { trackFocus } from '../dom';
+import { Emitter } from '../events';
+import { GridApi } from '../panel/api';
+import { CompositeDisposable } from '../lifecycle';
+import { ReactLayout } from './layout';
+import { ReactPart } from './react';
+import { ISplitviewPanelProps } from './splitview';
+import { PanelUpdateEvent, InitParameters, IPanel } from '../panel/types';
+import { IComponentGridview } from '../layout/componentGridview';
+import { FunctionOrValue } from '../types';
 export class ReactComponentGridView
     extends CompositeDisposable
     implements IComponentGridview, IPanel {
-    private _element: HTMLElement
-    private part: ReactPart
-    private params: { params: any }
-    private api: GridApi
+    private _element: HTMLElement;
+    private part: ReactPart;
+    private params: { params: any };
+    private api: GridApi;
     private _onDidChange: Emitter<number | undefined> = new Emitter<
         number | undefined
-    >()
-    public onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event
+    >();
+    public onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event;
     get element() {
-        return this._element
+        return this._element;
-    private _minimumWidth: FunctionOrValue<number> = 200
-    private _minimumHeight: FunctionOrValue<number> = 200
-    private _maximumWidth: FunctionOrValue<number> = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
-    private _maximumHeight: FunctionOrValue<number> = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
+    private _minimumWidth: FunctionOrValue<number> = 200;
+    private _minimumHeight: FunctionOrValue<number> = 200;
+    private _maximumWidth: FunctionOrValue<number> = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
+    private _maximumHeight: FunctionOrValue<number> = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
     get minimumWidth() {
         return typeof this._minimumWidth === 'function'
             ? this._minimumWidth()
-            : this._minimumWidth
+            : this._minimumWidth;
     get minimumHeight() {
         return typeof this._minimumHeight === 'function'
             ? this._minimumHeight()
-            : this._minimumHeight
+            : this._minimumHeight;
     get maximumHeight() {
         return typeof this._maximumHeight === 'function'
             ? this._maximumHeight()
-            : this._maximumHeight
+            : this._maximumHeight;
     get maximumWidth() {
         return typeof this._maximumWidth === 'function'
             ? this._maximumWidth()
-            : this._maximumWidth
+            : this._maximumWidth;
@@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ export class ReactComponentGridView
         private readonly parent: ReactLayout
     ) {
-        super()
-        this.api = new GridApi()
+        super();
+        this.api = new GridApi();
         if (!this.component) {
-            throw new Error('React.FunctionalComponent cannot be undefined')
+            throw new Error('React.FunctionalComponent cannot be undefined');
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
-        this._element.tabIndex = -1
- = 'none'
+        this._element = document.createElement('div');
+        this._element.tabIndex = -1;
+ = 'none';
-        const { onDidFocus, onDidBlur } = trackFocus(this._element)
+        const { onDidFocus, onDidBlur } = trackFocus(this._element);
             this.api.onDidConstraintsChange((event) => {
@@ -78,54 +78,58 @@ export class ReactComponentGridView
                     typeof event.minimumWidth === 'number' ||
                     typeof event.minimumWidth === 'function'
                 ) {
-                    this._minimumWidth = event.minimumWidth
+                    this._minimumWidth = event.minimumWidth;
                 if (
                     typeof event.minimumHeight === 'number' ||
                     typeof event.minimumHeight === 'function'
                 ) {
-                    this._minimumHeight = event.minimumHeight
+                    this._minimumHeight = event.minimumHeight;
                 if (
                     typeof event.maximumWidth === 'number' ||
                     typeof event.maximumWidth === 'function'
                 ) {
-                    this._maximumWidth = event.maximumWidth
+                    this._maximumWidth = event.maximumWidth;
                 if (
                     typeof event.maximumHeight === 'number' ||
                     typeof event.maximumHeight === 'function'
                 ) {
-                    this._maximumHeight = event.maximumHeight
+                    this._maximumHeight = event.maximumHeight;
             onDidFocus(() => {
-      { isFocused: true })
+      { isFocused: true });
             onDidBlur(() => {
-      { isFocused: false })
+      { isFocused: false });
-        )
+        );
+    }
+    setActive(isActive: boolean) {
+        // noop
     layout(width: number, height: number) {
-{ width, height })
+{ width, height });
     init(parameters: InitParameters): void {
-        this.params = parameters
+        this.params = parameters;
         this.part = new ReactPart(
-        )
+        );
     update(params: PanelUpdateEvent) {
-        this.params = { ...this.params.params, ...params }
-        this.part.update(params)
+        this.params = { ...this.params.params, ...params };
+        this.part.update(params);
     toJSON(): object {
@@ -134,11 +138,11 @@ export class ReactComponentGridView
             component: this.componentName,
             props: this.params.params,
             state: this.api.getState(),
-        }
+        };
     dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
-        this.api.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
+        this.api.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/react/reactComponentView.ts b/packages/splitview/src/react/reactComponentView.ts
index 100cf98c3..5ba8858ca 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/react/reactComponentView.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/react/reactComponentView.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-import { trackFocus } from '../dom'
-import { Emitter } from '../events'
-import { PanelApi } from '../panel/api'
-import { PanelDimensionChangeEvent } from '../panel/types'
-import { CompositeDisposable } from '../lifecycle'
-import { IView } from '../splitview/splitview'
-import { ReactLayout } from './layout'
-import { ReactPart } from './react'
-import { ISplitviewPanelProps } from './splitview'
-import { PanelUpdateEvent, InitParameters, IPanel } from '../panel/types'
+import { trackFocus } from '../dom';
+import { Emitter } from '../events';
+import { PanelApi } from '../panel/api';
+import { PanelDimensionChangeEvent } from '../panel/types';
+import { CompositeDisposable } from '../lifecycle';
+import { IView } from '../splitview/splitview';
+import { ReactLayout } from './layout';
+import { ReactPart } from './react';
+import { ISplitviewPanelProps } from './splitview';
+import { PanelUpdateEvent, InitParameters, IPanel } from '../panel/types';
  * A no-thrills implementation of IView that renders a React component
@@ -15,43 +15,43 @@ import { PanelUpdateEvent, InitParameters, IPanel } from '../panel/types'
 export class ReactComponentView
     extends CompositeDisposable
     implements IView, IPanel {
-    private _element: HTMLElement
-    private part: ReactPart
-    private params: { params: any }
-    private api: PanelApi
+    private _element: HTMLElement;
+    private part: ReactPart;
+    private params: { params: any };
+    private api: PanelApi;
     private _onDidChange: Emitter<number | undefined> = new Emitter<
         number | undefined
-    >()
-    public onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event
+    >();
+    public onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event;
     get element() {
-        return this._element
+        return this._element;
-    private _minimumSize: number = 200
-    private _maximumSize: number = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
-    private _snapSize: number
+    private _minimumSize: number = 200;
+    private _maximumSize: number = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
+    private _snapSize: number;
     get minimumSize() {
-        return this._minimumSize
+        return this._minimumSize;
     set minimumSize(value: number) {
-        this._minimumSize = value
+        this._minimumSize = value;
     get snapSize() {
-        return this._snapSize
+        return this._snapSize;
     set snapSize(value: number) {
-        this._snapSize = value
+        this._snapSize = value;
     get maximumSize() {
-        return this._maximumSize
+        return this._maximumSize;
     set maximumSize(value: number) {
-        this._maximumSize = value
+        this._maximumSize = value;
@@ -62,46 +62,46 @@ export class ReactComponentView
         private readonly parent: ReactLayout
     ) {
-        super()
-        this.api = new PanelApi()
+        super();
+        this.api = new PanelApi();
         if (!this.component) {
-            throw new Error('React.FunctionalComponent cannot be undefined')
+            throw new Error('React.FunctionalComponent cannot be undefined');
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
-        this._element.tabIndex = -1
- = 'none'
+        this._element = document.createElement('div');
+        this._element.tabIndex = -1;
+ = 'none';
-        const { onDidFocus, onDidBlur } = trackFocus(this._element)
+        const { onDidFocus, onDidBlur } = trackFocus(this._element);
             onDidFocus(() => {
-      { isFocused: true })
+      { isFocused: true });
             onDidBlur(() => {
-      { isFocused: false })
+      { isFocused: false });
-        )
+        );
     layout(width: number, height: number) {
-{ width, height })
+{ width, height });
     init(parameters: InitParameters): void {
-        this.params = parameters
+        this.params = parameters;
         this.part = new ReactPart(
-        )
+        );
     update(params: PanelUpdateEvent) {
-        this.params = { ...this.params.params, ...params }
-        this.part.update(params)
+        this.params = { ...this.params.params, ...params };
+        this.part.update(params);
     toJSON(): object {
@@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ export class ReactComponentView
             component: this.componentName,
             props: this.params.params,
             state: this.api.getState(),
-        }
+        };
     dispose() {
-        super.dispose()
-        this.api.dispose()
+        super.dispose();
+        this.api.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/react/reactContentPart.ts b/packages/splitview/src/react/reactContentPart.ts
index a3bd0af7a..adb1ccaa0 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/react/reactContentPart.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/react/reactContentPart.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
+import * as React from 'react';
 import {
-} from '../groupview/panel/parts'
-import { ReactPart, IPanelProps } from './react'
-import { ReactLayout } from './layout'
+} from '../groupview/panel/parts';
+import { ReactPart, IPanelProps } from './react';
+import { ReactLayout } from './layout';
 export class ReactPanelContentPart implements PanelContentPart {
-    private _element: HTMLElement
-    private part: ReactPart
+    private _element: HTMLElement;
+    private part: ReactPart;
     get element() {
-        return this._element
+        return this._element;
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export class ReactPanelContentPart implements PanelContentPart {
         private readonly component: React.FunctionComponent<IPanelProps>,
         private readonly parent: ReactLayout
     ) {
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
+        this._element = document.createElement('div');
     public init(parameters: PartInitParameters): void {
@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@ export class ReactPanelContentPart implements PanelContentPart {
-        )
+        );
     public toJSON() {
         return {
-        }
+        };
     public update(params: {}) {
-        this.part.update(params)
+        this.part.update(params);
     public setVisible(isPanelVisible: boolean, isGroupVisible: boolean): void {
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ export class ReactPanelContentPart implements PanelContentPart {
     public layout(width: number, height: number): void {}
     public close(): Promise<ClosePanelResult> {
-        return Promise.resolve(ClosePanelResult.CLOSE)
+        return Promise.resolve(ClosePanelResult.CLOSE);
     public focus(): void {}
     public onHide(): void {}
     public dispose() {
-        this.part?.dispose()
+        this.part?.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/react/reactHeaderPart.ts b/packages/splitview/src/react/reactHeaderPart.ts
index 35194ecbe..756f83af5 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/react/reactHeaderPart.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/react/reactHeaderPart.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { PanelHeaderPart, PartInitParameters } from '../groupview/panel/parts'
-import { ReactPart, IPanelProps } from './react'
-import { ReactLayout } from './layout'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { PanelHeaderPart, PartInitParameters } from '../groupview/panel/parts';
+import { ReactPart, IPanelProps } from './react';
+import { ReactLayout } from './layout';
 export class ReactPanelHeaderPart implements PanelHeaderPart {
-    private _element: HTMLElement
-    private part: ReactPart
+    private _element: HTMLElement;
+    private part: ReactPart;
     get element() {
-        return this._element
+        return this._element;
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export class ReactPanelHeaderPart implements PanelHeaderPart {
         private readonly component: React.FunctionComponent<IPanelProps>,
         private readonly parent: ReactLayout
     ) {
-        this._element = document.createElement('div')
+        this._element = document.createElement('div');
     public init(parameters: PartInitParameters): void {
@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ export class ReactPanelHeaderPart implements PanelHeaderPart {
-        )
+        );
     public toJSON() {
         return {
-        }
+        };
     public layout(height: string) {
@@ -44,6 +44,6 @@ export class ReactPanelHeaderPart implements PanelHeaderPart {
     public dispose() {
-        this.part?.dispose()
+        this.part?.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/react/splitview.tsx b/packages/splitview/src/react/splitview.tsx
index 2bfa1bbe3..fd3fb3794 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/react/splitview.tsx
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/react/splitview.tsx
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { IPanelApi } from '../panel/api'
-import { IDisposable } from '../lifecycle'
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { IPanelApi } from '../panel/api';
+import { IDisposable } from '../lifecycle';
 import {
-} from '../splitview/componentSplitview'
-import { Orientation } from '../splitview/splitview'
-import { ReactComponentView } from './reactComponentView'
+} from '../splitview/componentSplitview';
+import { Orientation } from '../splitview/splitview';
+import { ReactComponentView } from './reactComponentView';
 export interface SplitviewFacade {
     addFromComponent(options: {
-        id: string
-        component: string
-        params?: { [index: string]: any }
-    }): void
-    layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number): void
-    onChange: (cb: (event: { proportions: number[] }) => void) => IDisposable
-    toJSON: () => any
-    deserialize: (data: any) => void
-    minimumSize: number
+        id: string;
+        component: string;
+        params?: { [index: string]: any };
+    }): void;
+    layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number): void;
+    onChange: (cb: (event: { proportions: number[] }) => void) => IDisposable;
+    toJSON: () => any;
+    deserialize: (data: any) => void;
+    minimumSize: number;
 export interface SplitviewReadyEvent {
-    api: IComponentSplitview
+    api: IComponentSplitview;
 export interface ISplitviewPanelProps {
-    api: IPanelApi
+    api: IPanelApi;
 export interface ISplitviewComponentProps {
-    orientation: Orientation
-    onReady?: (event: SplitviewReadyEvent) => void
+    orientation: Orientation;
+    onReady?: (event: SplitviewReadyEvent) => void;
     components: {
-        [index: string]: React.FunctionComponent<ISplitviewPanelProps>
-    }
+        [index: string]: React.FunctionComponent<ISplitviewPanelProps>;
+    };
 export const SplitViewComponent = (props: ISplitviewComponentProps) => {
-    const domReference = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>()
-    const splitpanel = React.useRef<IComponentSplitview>()
-    const [portals, setPortals] = React.useState<React.ReactPortal[]>([])
+    const domReference = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>();
+    const splitpanel = React.useRef<IComponentSplitview>();
+    const [portals, setPortals] = React.useState<React.ReactPortal[]>([]);
     const addPortal = React.useCallback((p: React.ReactPortal) => {
-        setPortals((portals) => [...portals, p])
+        setPortals((portals) => [...portals, p]);
         return {
             dispose: () => {
                 setPortals((portals) =>
                     portals.filter((portal) => portal !== p)
-                )
+                );
-        }
-    }, [])
+        };
+    }, []);
     React.useEffect(() => {
         splitpanel.current = new ComponentSplitview(domReference.current, {
@@ -61,27 +61,27 @@ export const SplitViewComponent = (props: ISplitviewComponentProps) => {
                 createComponent: (id: string, component: any) => {
                     return new ReactComponentView(id, id, component, {
-                    })
+                    });
             proportionalLayout: false,
-        })
+        });
-        const { width, height } = domReference.current.getBoundingClientRect()
+        const { width, height } = domReference.current.getBoundingClientRect();
         const [size, orthogonalSize] =
             props.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
                 ? [width, height]
-                : [height, width]
-        splitpanel.current.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
+                : [height, width];
+        splitpanel.current.layout(size, orthogonalSize);
         if (props.onReady) {
-            props.onReady({ api: splitpanel.current })
+            props.onReady({ api: splitpanel.current });
         return () => {
-            splitpanel.current.dispose()
-        }
-    }, [])
+            splitpanel.current.dispose();
+        };
+    }, []);
     return (
@@ -93,5 +93,5 @@ export const SplitViewComponent = (props: ISplitviewComponentProps) => {
-    )
+    );
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/splitview/componentSplitview.ts b/packages/splitview/src/splitview/componentSplitview.ts
index 25ed3d27d..f6fe2c24e 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/splitview/componentSplitview.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/splitview/componentSplitview.ts
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
-import { IDisposable } from '../lifecycle'
-import { LayoutPriority, Orientation, SplitView } from './splitview'
+import { IDisposable } from '../lifecycle';
+import { LayoutPriority, Orientation, SplitView } from './splitview';
 import {
-} from './options'
+} from './options';
 export interface IComponentSplitview extends IDisposable {
     addFromComponent(options: {
-        id: string
-        component: string
+        id: string;
+        component: string;
         params?: {
-            [index: string]: any
-        }
-        priority?: LayoutPriority
-    }): IDisposable
-    layout(width: number, height: number): void
-    onChange(cb: (event: { proportions: number[] }) => void): IDisposable
-    toJSON(): object
-    deserialize(data: any): void
-    minimumSize: number
+            [index: string]: any;
+        };
+        priority?: LayoutPriority;
+    }): IDisposable;
+    layout(width: number, height: number): void;
+    onChange(cb: (event: { proportions: number[] }) => void): IDisposable;
+    toJSON(): object;
+    deserialize(data: any): void;
+    minimumSize: number;
  * A high-level implementation of splitview that works using 'panels'
 export class ComponentSplitview implements IComponentSplitview {
-    private splitview: SplitView
+    private splitview: SplitView;
         private readonly element: HTMLElement,
         private readonly options: SplitPanelOptions
     ) {
         if (!options.components) {
-            options.components = {}
+            options.components = {};
         if (!options.frameworkComponents) {
-            options.frameworkComponents = {}
+            options.frameworkComponents = {};
-        this.splitview = new SplitView(this.element, options)
+        this.splitview = new SplitView(this.element, options);
     get minimumSize() {
-        return this.splitview.minimumSize
+        return this.splitview.minimumSize;
     addFromComponent(options: {
-        id: string
-        component: string
+        id: string;
+        component: string;
         params?: {
-            [index: string]: any
-        }
-        priority?: LayoutPriority
+            [index: string]: any;
+        };
+        priority?: LayoutPriority;
     }): IDisposable {
         const view = createComponent(
-        )
+        );
-        this.registerView(view)
+        this.registerView(view);
-        this.splitview.addView(view, { type: 'distribute' })
-        view.init({ params: options.params })
-        view.priority = options.priority
+        this.splitview.addView(view, { type: 'distribute' });
+        view.init({ params: options.params });
+        view.priority = options.priority;
         return {
             dispose: () => {
-        }
+        };
     private registerView(view: ISerializableView) {
@@ -82,77 +82,77 @@ export class ComponentSplitview implements IComponentSplitview {
         const [size, orthogonalSize] =
             this.splitview.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
                 ? [width, height]
-                : [height, width]
-        this.splitview.layout(size, orthogonalSize)
+                : [height, width];
+        this.splitview.layout(size, orthogonalSize);
     onChange(cb: (event: { proportions: number[] }) => void): IDisposable {
         return this.splitview.onDidSashEnd(() => {
-            cb({ proportions: this.splitview.proportions })
-        })
+            cb({ proportions: this.splitview.proportions });
+        });
     toJSON(): object {
         const views = this.splitview
             .map((v: ISerializableView, i) => {
-                const size = this.splitview.getViewSize(i)
+                const size = this.splitview.getViewSize(i);
                 return {
                     data: v.toJSON ? v.toJSON() : {},
                     minimumSize: v.minimumSize,
                     maximumSize: v.maximumSize,
                     snapSize: v.snapSize,
-                }
-            })
+                };
+            });
         return {
             size: this.splitview.size,
             orientation: this.splitview.orientation,
-        }
+        };
     deserialize(data: any): void {
-        const { views, orientation, size } = data
+        const { views, orientation, size } = data;
-        this.splitview.dispose()
+        this.splitview.dispose();
         this.splitview = new SplitView(this.element, {
             proportionalLayout: false,
             descriptor: {
                 views: => {
-                    const data =
+                    const data =;
                     const view = createComponent(
-                    )
+                    );
                     if (typeof v.minimumSize === 'number') {
-                        view.minimumSize = v.minimumSize
+                        view.minimumSize = v.minimumSize;
                     if (typeof v.maximumSize === 'number') {
-                        view.maximumSize = v.maximumSize
+                        view.maximumSize = v.maximumSize;
                     if (typeof v.snapSize === 'number') {
-                        view.snapSize = v.snapSize
+                        view.snapSize = v.snapSize;
-                    view.init({ params: v.props })
+                    view.init({ params: v.props });
-                    view.priority = v.priority
+                    view.priority = v.priority;
-                    return { size: v.size, view }
+                    return { size: v.size, view };
-        })
+        });
-        this.splitview.orientation = orientation
+        this.splitview.orientation = orientation;
     public dispose() {
-        this.splitview.dispose()
+        this.splitview.dispose();
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/splitview/options.ts b/packages/splitview/src/splitview/options.ts
index 511116532..8e6d54394 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/splitview/options.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/splitview/options.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-import { IView, ISplitViewOptions } from '../splitview/splitview'
-import { Constructor, FrameworkFactory } from '../types'
+import { IView, ISplitViewOptions } from '../splitview/splitview';
+import { Constructor, FrameworkFactory } from '../types';
 export interface ISerializableView extends IView {
-    toJSON: () => object
-    init: (params: { params: any }) => void
+    toJSON: () => object;
+    init: (params: { params: any }) => void;
 export interface SplitPanelOptions extends ISplitViewOptions {
     components?: {
-        [componentName: string]: ISerializableView
-    }
+        [componentName: string]: ISerializableView;
+    };
     frameworkComponents?: {
-        [componentName: string]: any
-    }
-    frameworkWrapper?: FrameworkFactory<ISerializableView>
+        [componentName: string]: any;
+    };
+    frameworkWrapper?: FrameworkFactory<ISerializableView>;
 export interface ISerializableViewConstructor
@@ -22,37 +22,37 @@ export interface ISerializableViewConstructor
 export function createComponent<T>(
     componentName: string | Constructor<T> | any,
     components: {
-        [componentName: string]: T
+        [componentName: string]: T;
     frameworkComponents: {
-        [componentName: string]: any
+        [componentName: string]: any;
     createFrameworkComponent: (id: string, component: any) => T
 ): T {
     const Component =
         typeof componentName === 'string'
             ? components[componentName]
-            : componentName
+            : componentName;
     const FrameworkComponent =
         typeof componentName === 'string'
             ? frameworkComponents[componentName]
-            : componentName
+            : componentName;
     if (Component && FrameworkComponent) {
         throw new Error(
             `cannot register component ${componentName} as both a component and frameworkComponent`
-        )
+        );
     if (FrameworkComponent) {
         if (!createFrameworkComponent) {
             throw new Error(
                 'you must register a frameworkPanelWrapper to use framework components'
-            )
+            );
         const wrappedComponent = createFrameworkComponent(
-        )
-        return wrappedComponent
+        );
+        return wrappedComponent;
-    return new Component() as T
+    return new Component() as T;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/splitview/splitview.ts b/packages/splitview/src/splitview/splitview.ts
index 5abf1ead5..5510b5338 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/splitview/splitview.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/splitview/splitview.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-import { removeClasses, addClasses, firstIndex, toggleClass } from '../dom'
-import { clamp } from '../math'
-import { Event, Emitter } from '../events'
-import { pushToStart, pushToEnd, range } from '../array'
+import { removeClasses, addClasses, firstIndex, toggleClass } from '../dom';
+import { clamp } from '../math';
+import { Event, Emitter } from '../events';
+import { pushToStart, pushToEnd, range } from '../array';
 export const clampView = (view: IView, size: number) => {
-    const result = clamp(size, view.minimumSize, view.maximumSize)
+    const result = clamp(size, view.minimumSize, view.maximumSize);
     if (typeof view.snapSize !== 'number' || size >= view.minimumSize) {
-        return result
+        return result;
-    const snapSize = Math.min(view.snapSize, view.minimumSize)
-    return size < snapSize ? 0 : view.minimumSize
+    const snapSize = Math.min(view.snapSize, view.minimumSize);
+    return size < snapSize ? 0 : view.minimumSize;
 export enum Orientation {
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ export enum SashState {
 export interface ISplitViewOptions {
-    orientation: Orientation
-    readonly descriptor?: ISplitViewDescriptor
-    proportionalLayout?: boolean
+    orientation: Orientation;
+    readonly descriptor?: ISplitViewDescriptor;
+    proportionalLayout?: boolean;
 export enum LayoutPriority {
     Low = 'low',
@@ -38,148 +38,148 @@ export enum LayoutPriority {
 export interface IBaseView {
-    minimumSize: number
-    maximumSize: number
-    snapSize?: number
-    priority?: LayoutPriority
+    minimumSize: number;
+    maximumSize: number;
+    snapSize?: number;
+    priority?: LayoutPriority;
 export interface IView extends IBaseView {
-    readonly element: HTMLElement | DocumentFragment
-    readonly onDidChange: Event<number | undefined>
-    layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number): void
-    setVisible?(visible: boolean): void
+    readonly element: HTMLElement | DocumentFragment;
+    readonly onDidChange: Event<number | undefined>;
+    layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number): void;
+    setVisible?(visible: boolean): void;
 export interface IViewItem {
-    view: IView
-    size: number
-    container: HTMLElement
-    dispose: () => void
+    view: IView;
+    size: number;
+    container: HTMLElement;
+    dispose: () => void;
 interface ISashItem {
-    container: HTMLElement
-    disposable: () => void
+    container: HTMLElement;
+    disposable: () => void;
-export type DistributeSizing = { type: 'distribute' }
-export type SplitSizing = { type: 'split'; index: number }
-export type Sizing = DistributeSizing | SplitSizing
+export type DistributeSizing = { type: 'distribute' };
+export type SplitSizing = { type: 'split'; index: number };
+export type Sizing = DistributeSizing | SplitSizing;
 export interface ISplitViewDescriptor {
-    size: number
+    size: number;
     views: {
-        visible?: boolean
-        size: number
-        view: IView
-    }[]
+        visible?: boolean;
+        size: number;
+        view: IView;
+    }[];
 export class SplitView {
-    private element: HTMLElement
-    private viewContainer: HTMLElement
-    private sashContainer: HTMLElement
-    private views: IViewItem[] = []
-    private sashes: ISashItem[] = []
-    private _orientation: Orientation
-    private _size: number
-    private _orthogonalSize: number
-    private contentSize: number
-    private _proportions: number[]
-    private proportionalLayout: boolean
+    private element: HTMLElement;
+    private viewContainer: HTMLElement;
+    private sashContainer: HTMLElement;
+    private views: IViewItem[] = [];
+    private sashes: ISashItem[] = [];
+    private _orientation: Orientation;
+    private _size: number;
+    private _orthogonalSize: number;
+    private contentSize: number;
+    private _proportions: number[];
+    private proportionalLayout: boolean;
-    private _onDidSashEnd = new Emitter<any>()
-    public onDidSashEnd = this._onDidSashEnd.event
+    private _onDidSashEnd = new Emitter<any>();
+    public onDidSashEnd = this._onDidSashEnd.event;
     get size() {
-        return this._size
+        return this._size;
     get orthogonalSize() {
-        return this._orthogonalSize
+        return this._orthogonalSize;
     public get length() {
-        return this.views.length
+        return this.views.length;
     public get proportions() {
-        return this._proportions ? [...this._proportions] : undefined
+        return this._proportions ? [...this._proportions] : undefined;
     get orientation() {
-        return this._orientation
+        return this._orientation;
     get minimumSize(): number {
-        return this.views.reduce((r, item) => r + item.view.minimumSize, 0)
+        return this.views.reduce((r, item) => r + item.view.minimumSize, 0);
     get maximumSize(): number {
         return this.length === 0
             ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
-            : this.views.reduce((r, item) => r + item.view.maximumSize, 0)
+            : this.views.reduce((r, item) => r + item.view.maximumSize, 0);
         private readonly container: HTMLElement,
         options: ISplitViewOptions
     ) {
-        this._orientation = options.orientation
-        this.element = this.createContainer()
+        this._orientation = options.orientation;
+        this.element = this.createContainer();
         this.proportionalLayout =
             options.proportionalLayout === undefined
                 ? true
-                : !!options.proportionalLayout
+                : !!options.proportionalLayout;
-        this.viewContainer = this.createViewContainer()
-        this.sashContainer = this.createSashContainer()
+        this.viewContainer = this.createViewContainer();
+        this.sashContainer = this.createSashContainer();
-        this.element.appendChild(this.sashContainer)
-        this.element.appendChild(this.viewContainer)
+        this.element.appendChild(this.sashContainer);
+        this.element.appendChild(this.viewContainer);
-        this.container.appendChild(this.element)
+        this.container.appendChild(this.element);
         // We have an existing set of view, add them now
         if (options.descriptor) {
-            this._size = options.descriptor.size
+            this._size = options.descriptor.size;
             options.descriptor.views.forEach((viewDescriptor, index) => {
-                const sizing = viewDescriptor.size
+                const sizing = viewDescriptor.size;
-                const view = viewDescriptor.view
+                const view = viewDescriptor.view;
                     // true skip layout
-                )
-            })
+                );
+            });
             // Initialize content size and proportions for first layout
-            this.contentSize = this.views.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0)
-            this.saveProportions()
+            this.contentSize = this.views.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0);
+            this.saveProportions();
     getViewSize(index: number): number {
         if (index < 0 || index >= this.views.length) {
-            return -1
+            return -1;
-        return this.views[index].size
+        return this.views[index].size;
     resizeView(index: number, size: number): void {
         if (index < 0 || index >= this.views.length) {
-            return
+            return;
         const indexes =
             // range(this.views.length)
-  , i) => i).filter((i) => i !== index)
+  , i) => i).filter((i) => i !== index);
         // const lowPriorityIndexes = [
         //   ...indexes.filter((i) => this.views[i].priority === LayoutPriority.Low),
         //   index,
@@ -188,48 +188,48 @@ export class SplitView {
         //   (i) => this.views[i].priority === LayoutPriority.High
         // );
-        const item = this.views[index]
-        size = Math.round(size)
+        const item = this.views[index];
+        size = Math.round(size);
         size = clamp(
             Math.min(item.view.maximumSize, this._size)
-        )
+        );
-        item.size = size
+        item.size = size;
             // lowPriorityIndexes, highPriorityIndexes
-            ()
+            ();
     public getViews() {
-        return => x.view)
+        return => x.view);
     private onDidChange(item: IViewItem, size: number | undefined): void {
-        const index = this.views.indexOf(item)
+        const index = this.views.indexOf(item);
         if (index < 0 || index >= this.views.length) {
-            return
+            return;
-        size = typeof size === 'number' ? size : item.size
-        size = clamp(size, item.view.minimumSize, item.view.maximumSize)
+        size = typeof size === 'number' ? size : item.size;
+        size = clamp(size, item.view.minimumSize, item.view.maximumSize);
-        item.size = size
+        item.size = size;
-        const contentSize = this.views.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0)
+        const contentSize = this.views.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0);
             this.views.length - 1,
             this._size - contentSize,
-        )
-        this.distributeEmptySpace()
-        this.layoutViews()
-        this.saveProportions()
+        );
+        this.distributeEmptySpace();
+        this.layoutViews();
+        this.saveProportions();
     public addView(
@@ -238,23 +238,23 @@ export class SplitView {
         index: number = this.views.length,
         skipLayout?: boolean
     ) {
-        const container = document.createElement('div')
-        container.className = 'view'
+        const container = document.createElement('div');
+        container.className = 'view';
-        container.appendChild(view.element)
+        container.appendChild(view.element);
         const disposable = view.onDidChange((size) =>
             this.onDidChange(viewItem, size)
-        )
+        );
-        let viewSize: number
+        let viewSize: number;
         if (typeof size === 'number') {
-            viewSize = size
+            viewSize = size;
         } else if (size.type === 'split') {
-            viewSize = this.getViewSize(size.index) / 2
+            viewSize = this.getViewSize(size.index) / 2;
         } else {
-            viewSize = view.minimumSize
+            viewSize = view.minimumSize;
         const viewItem: IViewItem = {
@@ -262,86 +262,86 @@ export class SplitView {
             size: viewSize,
             dispose: () => {
-                disposable?.dispose()
-                this.viewContainer.removeChild(container)
+                disposable?.dispose();
+                this.viewContainer.removeChild(container);
-        }
+        };
         if (index === this.views.length) {
-            this.viewContainer.appendChild(container)
+            this.viewContainer.appendChild(container);
         } else {
-            )
+            );
-        this.views.splice(index, 0, viewItem)
+        this.views.splice(index, 0, viewItem);
         if (this.views.length > 1) {
             //add sash
-            const sash = document.createElement('div')
-            sash.className = 'sash'
+            const sash = document.createElement('div');
+            sash.className = 'sash';
             const cb = (event: MouseEvent) => {
                 let start =
                     this._orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
                         ? event.clientX
-                        : event.clientY
-                const sizes = => x.size)
+                        : event.clientY;
+                const sizes = => x.size);
                 const index = firstIndex(
                     (s) => s.container === sash
-                )
+                );
                 const mousemove = (event: MouseEvent) => {
                     const current =
                         this._orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
                             ? event.clientX
-                            : event.clientY
-                    const delta = current - start
+                            : event.clientY;
+                    const delta = current - start;
                         // sizes
-                    )
-                    this.distributeEmptySpace()
-                    this.layoutViews()
-                }
+                    );
+                    this.distributeEmptySpace();
+                    this.layoutViews();
+                };
                 const end = () => {
-                    this.saveProportions()
+                    this.saveProportions();
-                    document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mousemove)
-                    document.removeEventListener('mouseup', end)
-                    document.removeEventListener('mouseend', end)
+                    document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mousemove);
+                    document.removeEventListener('mouseup', end);
+                    document.removeEventListener('mouseend', end);
-                }
+          ;
+                };
-                document.addEventListener('mousemove', mousemove)
-                document.addEventListener('mouseup', end)
-                document.addEventListener('mouseend', end)
-            }
+                document.addEventListener('mousemove', mousemove);
+                document.addEventListener('mouseup', end);
+                document.addEventListener('mouseend', end);
+            };
-            sash.addEventListener('mousedown', cb)
+            sash.addEventListener('mousedown', cb);
             const disposable = () => {
-                sash.removeEventListener('mousedown', cb)
-                this.sashContainer.removeChild(sash)
-            }
+                sash.removeEventListener('mousedown', cb);
+                this.sashContainer.removeChild(sash);
+            };
-            const sashItem: ISashItem = { container: sash, disposable }
+            const sashItem: ISashItem = { container: sash, disposable };
-            this.sashContainer.appendChild(sash)
-            this.sashes.push(sashItem)
+            this.sashContainer.appendChild(sash);
+            this.sashes.push(sashItem);
         if (!skipLayout) {
-            this.relayout([index])
+            this.relayout([index]);
         if (
@@ -349,29 +349,29 @@ export class SplitView {
             typeof size !== 'number' &&
             size.type === 'distribute'
         ) {
-            this.distributeViewSizes()
+            this.distributeViewSizes();
     distributeViewSizes(): void {
-        const flexibleViewItems: IViewItem[] = []
-        let flexibleSize = 0
+        const flexibleViewItems: IViewItem[] = [];
+        let flexibleSize = 0;
         for (const item of this.views) {
             if (item.view.maximumSize - item.view.minimumSize > 0) {
-                flexibleViewItems.push(item)
-                flexibleSize += item.size
+                flexibleViewItems.push(item);
+                flexibleSize += item.size;
-        const size = Math.floor(flexibleSize / flexibleViewItems.length)
+        const size = Math.floor(flexibleSize / flexibleViewItems.length);
         for (const item of flexibleViewItems) {
             item.size = clamp(
-            )
+            );
         // const indexes = range(this.viewItems.length);
@@ -385,65 +385,65 @@ export class SplitView {
             // lowPriorityIndexes, highPriorityIndexes
-            ()
+            ();
     public removeView(index: number, sizing?: Sizing): IView {
         // Remove view
-        const viewItem = this.views.splice(index, 1)[0]
-        viewItem.dispose()
+        const viewItem = this.views.splice(index, 1)[0];
+        viewItem.dispose();
         // Remove sash
         if (this.views.length >= 1) {
-            const sashIndex = Math.max(index - 1, 0)
-            const sashItem = this.sashes.splice(sashIndex, 1)[0]
-            sashItem.disposable()
+            const sashIndex = Math.max(index - 1, 0);
+            const sashItem = this.sashes.splice(sashIndex, 1)[0];
+            sashItem.disposable();
-        this.relayout()
-        this.distributeEmptySpace()
+        this.relayout();
+        this.distributeEmptySpace();
         if (sizing && sizing.type === 'distribute') {
-            this.distributeViewSizes()
+            this.distributeViewSizes();
-        return viewItem.view
+        return viewItem.view;
     public moveView(from: number, to: number) {
-        const sizing = this.getViewSize(from)
-        const view = this.removeView(from)
-        this.addView(view, sizing, to)
+        const sizing = this.getViewSize(from);
+        const view = this.removeView(from);
+        this.addView(view, sizing, to);
     set orientation(orientation: Orientation) {
         if (orientation === this._orientation) {
-            return
+            return;
-        this._orientation = orientation
+        this._orientation = orientation;
         const classname =
-            orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'
+            orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';
-        removeClasses(this.viewContainer, 'vertical', 'horizontal')
-        removeClasses(this.sashContainer, 'vertical', 'horizontal')
-        addClasses(this.viewContainer, classname)
-        addClasses(this.sashContainer, classname)
+        removeClasses(this.viewContainer, 'vertical', 'horizontal');
+        removeClasses(this.sashContainer, 'vertical', 'horizontal');
+        addClasses(this.viewContainer, classname);
+        addClasses(this.sashContainer, classname);
     public layout(size: number, orthogonalSize: number) {
-        const previousSize = Math.max(this.size, this.contentSize)
-        this._size = size
-        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize
+        const previousSize = Math.max(this.size, this.contentSize);
+        this._size = size;
+        this._orthogonalSize = orthogonalSize;
         if (!this.proportions) {
-            const indexes = range(this.views.length)
+            const indexes = range(this.views.length);
             const lowPriorityIndexes = indexes.filter(
                 (i) => this.views[i].view.priority === LayoutPriority.Low
-            )
+            );
             const highPriorityIndexes = indexes.filter(
                 (i) => this.views[i].view.priority === LayoutPriority.High
-            )
+            );
                 this.views.length - 1,
@@ -451,27 +451,27 @@ export class SplitView {
-            )
+            );
         } else {
             for (let i = 0; i < this.views.length; i++) {
-                const item = this.views[i]
+                const item = this.views[i];
                 item.size = clampView(
                     Math.round(this._proportions[i] * size)
-                )
+                );
-        this.distributeEmptySpace()
-        this.layoutViews()
+        this.distributeEmptySpace();
+        this.layoutViews();
     private relayout(
         lowPriorityIndexes?: number[],
         highPriorityIndexes?: number[]
     ) {
-        const contentSize = this.views.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0)
+        const contentSize = this.views.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0);
             this.views.length - 1,
@@ -479,133 +479,135 @@ export class SplitView {
-        )
-        this.layoutViews()
-        this.saveProportions()
+        );
+        this.layoutViews();
+        this.saveProportions();
     private distributeEmptySpace() {
-        let contentSize = this.views.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0)
-        let emptyDelta = this._size - contentSize
+        let contentSize = this.views.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0);
+        let emptyDelta = this._size - contentSize;
         for (let i = this.views.length - 1; emptyDelta !== 0 && i >= 0; i--) {
-            const item = this.views[i]
-            const size = clampView(item.view, item.size + emptyDelta)
-            const viewDelta = size - item.size
+            const item = this.views[i];
+            const size = clampView(item.view, item.size + emptyDelta);
+            const viewDelta = size - item.size;
-            emptyDelta -= viewDelta
-            item.size = size
+            emptyDelta -= viewDelta;
+            item.size = size;
     private saveProportions(): void {
         if (this.proportionalLayout && this.contentSize > 0) {
-            this._proportions = => i.size / this.contentSize)
+            this._proportions =
+                (i) => i.size / this.contentSize
+            );
     private layoutViews() {
-        this.contentSize = this.views.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0)
-        let sum = 0
-        let x: number[] = []
+        this.contentSize = this.views.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0);
+        let sum = 0;
+        let x: number[] = [];
-        this.updateSashEnablement()
+        this.updateSashEnablement();
         for (let i = 0; i < this.views.length - 1; i++) {
-            sum += this.views[i].size
-            x.push(sum)
+            sum += this.views[i].size;
+            x.push(sum);
-            const offset = Math.min(Math.max(0, sum - 2), this.size - 4)
+            const offset = Math.min(Math.max(0, sum - 2), this.size - 4);
             if (this._orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
-                this.sashes[i] = `${offset}px`
-                this.sashes[i] = `0px`
+                this.sashes[i] = `${offset}px`;
+                this.sashes[i] = `0px`;
             if (this._orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL) {
-                this.sashes[i] = `0px`
-                this.sashes[i] = `${offset}px`
+                this.sashes[i] = `0px`;
+                this.sashes[i] = `${offset}px`;
         this.views.forEach((view, i) => {
             if (this._orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
-       = `${view.size}px`
-       = i == 0 ? '0px' : `${x[i - 1]}px`
-       = ''
-       = ''
+       = `${view.size}px`;
+       = i == 0 ? '0px' : `${x[i - 1]}px`;
+       = '';
+       = '';
             if (this._orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL) {
-       = `${view.size}px`
-       = i == 0 ? '0px' : `${x[i - 1]}px`
-       = ''
-       = ''
+       = `${view.size}px`;
+       = i == 0 ? '0px' : `${x[i - 1]}px`;
+       = '';
+       = '';
-            view.view.layout(view.size, this._orthogonalSize)
-        })
+            view.view.layout(view.size, this._orthogonalSize);
+        });
     private findFirstSnapIndex(indexes: number[]): number | undefined {
         // visible views first
         for (const index of indexes) {
-            const viewItem = this.views[index]
+            const viewItem = this.views[index];
             // if (!viewItem.visible) {
             // 	continue;
             // }
             if (viewItem.view.snapSize) {
-                return index
+                return index;
-        return undefined
+        return undefined;
     private updateSashEnablement(): void {
-        let previous = false
+        let previous = false;
         const collapsesDown =
             (i) => (previous = i.size - i.view.minimumSize > 0 || previous)
-        )
+        );
-        previous = false
+        previous = false;
         const expandsDown =
             (i) => (previous = i.view.maximumSize - i.size > 0 || previous)
-        )
+        );
-        const reverseViews = [...this.views].reverse()
-        previous = false
+        const reverseViews = [...this.views].reverse();
+        previous = false;
         const collapsesUp = reverseViews
                 (i) => (previous = i.size - i.view.minimumSize > 0 || previous)
-            .reverse()
+            .reverse();
-        previous = false
+        previous = false;
         const expandsUp = reverseViews
                 (i) => (previous = i.view.maximumSize - i.size > 0 || previous)
-            .reverse()
+            .reverse();
-        let position = 0
+        let position = 0;
         for (let index = 0; index < this.sashes.length; index++) {
-            const sash = this.sashes[index]
-            const viewItem = this.views[index]
-            position += viewItem.size
+            const sash = this.sashes[index];
+            const viewItem = this.views[index];
+            position += viewItem.size;
-            const min = !(collapsesDown[index] && expandsUp[index + 1])
-            const max = !(expandsDown[index] && collapsesUp[index + 1])
+            const min = !(collapsesDown[index] && expandsUp[index + 1]);
+            const max = !(expandsDown[index] && collapsesUp[index + 1]);
             if (min && max) {
-                const upIndexes = range(index, -1)
-                const downIndexes = range(index + 1, this.views.length)
-                const snapBeforeIndex = this.findFirstSnapIndex(upIndexes)
-                const snapAfterIndex = this.findFirstSnapIndex(downIndexes)
+                const upIndexes = range(index, -1);
+                const downIndexes = range(index + 1, this.views.length);
+                const snapBeforeIndex = this.findFirstSnapIndex(upIndexes);
+                const snapAfterIndex = this.findFirstSnapIndex(downIndexes);
-                const snappedBefore = false
+                const snappedBefore = false;
                 // typeof snapBeforeIndex === "number" &&
                 // !this.views[snapBeforeIndex].visible;
-                const snappedAfter = false
+                const snappedAfter = false;
                 // typeof snapAfterIndex === "number" &&
                 // !this.views[snapAfterIndex].visible;
@@ -616,7 +618,7 @@ export class SplitView {
                     position > 0
                     //  || this.startSnappingEnabled)
                 ) {
-                    this.updateSash(sash, SashState.MINIMUM)
+                    this.updateSash(sash, SashState.MINIMUM);
                     // sash.state = SashState.Minimum;
                 } else if (
                     snappedAfter &&
@@ -626,30 +628,30 @@ export class SplitView {
                     // || this.endSnappingEnabled)
                 ) {
                     // sash.state = SashState.Maximum;
-                    this.updateSash(sash, SashState.MAXIMUM)
+                    this.updateSash(sash, SashState.MAXIMUM);
                 } else {
                     // sash.state = SashState.Disabled;
-                    this.updateSash(sash, SashState.DISABLED)
+                    this.updateSash(sash, SashState.DISABLED);
             } else if (min && !max) {
                 // sash.state = SashState.Minimum;
-                this.updateSash(sash, SashState.MINIMUM)
+                this.updateSash(sash, SashState.MINIMUM);
             } else if (!min && max) {
                 // sash.state = SashState.Maximum;
-                this.updateSash(sash, SashState.MAXIMUM)
+                this.updateSash(sash, SashState.MAXIMUM);
             } else {
                 // sash.state = SashState.Enabled;
-                this.updateSash(sash, SashState.ENABLED)
+                this.updateSash(sash, SashState.ENABLED);
     private updateSash(sash: ISashItem, state: SashState) {
-        toggleClass(sash.container, 'disabled', state === SashState.DISABLED)
-        toggleClass(sash.container, 'enabled', state === SashState.ENABLED)
-        toggleClass(sash.container, 'maximum', state === SashState.MAXIMUM)
-        toggleClass(sash.container, 'minimum', state === SashState.MINIMUM)
+        toggleClass(sash.container, 'disabled', state === SashState.DISABLED);
+        toggleClass(sash.container, 'enabled', state === SashState.ENABLED);
+        toggleClass(sash.container, 'maximum', state === SashState.MAXIMUM);
+        toggleClass(sash.container, 'minimum', state === SashState.MINIMUM);
     private resize = (
@@ -660,31 +662,31 @@ export class SplitView {
         highPriorityIndexes?: number[]
     ) => {
         if (index < 0 || index > this.views.length) {
-            return
+            return;
-        const upIndexes = range(index, -1)
-        const downIndexes = range(index + 1, this.views.length)
+        const upIndexes = range(index, -1);
+        const downIndexes = range(index + 1, this.views.length);
         if (highPriorityIndexes) {
             for (const index of highPriorityIndexes) {
-                pushToStart(upIndexes, index)
-                pushToStart(downIndexes, index)
+                pushToStart(upIndexes, index);
+                pushToStart(downIndexes, index);
         if (lowPriorityIndexes) {
             for (const index of lowPriorityIndexes) {
-                pushToEnd(upIndexes, index)
-                pushToEnd(downIndexes, index)
+                pushToEnd(upIndexes, index);
+                pushToEnd(downIndexes, index);
-        const upItems = => this.views[i])
-        const upSizes = => sizes[i])
+        const upItems = => this.views[i]);
+        const upSizes = => sizes[i]);
-        const downItems = => this.views[i])
-        const downSizes = => sizes[i])
+        const downItems = => this.views[i]);
+        const downSizes = => sizes[i]);
         const minDeltaUp = upIndexes.reduce(
             (_, i) =>
@@ -694,11 +696,11 @@ export class SplitView {
                     : this.views[i].view.minimumSize) -
-        )
+        );
         const maxDeltaUp = upIndexes.reduce(
             (_, i) => _ + this.views[i].view.maximumSize - sizes[i],
-        )
+        );
         const maxDeltaDown =
             downIndexes.length === 0
@@ -711,73 +713,73 @@ export class SplitView {
                               ? 0
                               : this.views[i].view.minimumSize),
-                  )
+                  );
         const minDeltaDown =
             downIndexes.length === 0
                 ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
                 : downIndexes.reduce(
                       (_, i) => _ + sizes[i] - this.views[i].view.maximumSize,
-                  )
+                  );
-        const minDelta = Math.max(minDeltaUp, minDeltaDown)
-        const maxDelta = Math.min(maxDeltaDown, maxDeltaUp)
+        const minDelta = Math.max(minDeltaUp, minDeltaDown);
+        const maxDelta = Math.min(maxDeltaDown, maxDeltaUp);
-        const tentativeDelta = clamp(delta, minDelta, maxDelta)
-        let actualDelta = 0
+        const tentativeDelta = clamp(delta, minDelta, maxDelta);
+        let actualDelta = 0;
-        let deltaUp = tentativeDelta
+        let deltaUp = tentativeDelta;
         for (let i = 0; i < upItems.length; i++) {
-            const item = upItems[i]
-            const size = clampView(item.view, upSizes[i] + deltaUp)
-            const viewDelta = size - upSizes[i]
+            const item = upItems[i];
+            const size = clampView(item.view, upSizes[i] + deltaUp);
+            const viewDelta = size - upSizes[i];
-            actualDelta += viewDelta
-            deltaUp -= viewDelta
-            item.size = size
+            actualDelta += viewDelta;
+            deltaUp -= viewDelta;
+            item.size = size;
-        let deltaDown = actualDelta
+        let deltaDown = actualDelta;
         for (let i = 0; i < downItems.length; i++) {
-            const item = downItems[i]
-            const size = clampView(item.view, downSizes[i] - deltaDown)
-            const viewDelta = size - downSizes[i]
+            const item = downItems[i];
+            const size = clampView(item.view, downSizes[i] - deltaDown);
+            const viewDelta = size - downSizes[i];
-            deltaDown += viewDelta
-            item.size = size
+            deltaDown += viewDelta;
+            item.size = size;
-    }
+    };
     private createViewContainer() {
-        const element = document.createElement('div')
-        element.className = 'view-container'
-        return element
+        const element = document.createElement('div');
+        element.className = 'view-container';
+        return element;
     private createSashContainer() {
-        const element = document.createElement('div')
-        element.className = 'sash-container'
-        return element
+        const element = document.createElement('div');
+        element.className = 'sash-container';
+        return element;
     private createContainer() {
-        const element = document.createElement('div')
+        const element = document.createElement('div');
         const orientationClassname =
             this._orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
                 ? 'horizontal'
-                : 'vertical'
-        element.className = `split-view-container ${orientationClassname}`
-        return element
+                : 'vertical';
+        element.className = `split-view-container ${orientationClassname}`;
+        return element;
     public dispose() {
-        this.element.remove()
+        this.element.remove();
         for (let i = 0; i < this.element.children.length; i++) {
             if (this.element.children.item[i] === this.element) {
-                this.element.removeChild(this.element)
-                break
+                this.element.removeChild(this.element);
+                break;
diff --git a/packages/splitview/src/types.ts b/packages/splitview/src/types.ts
index ef1e4822d..24c9b9502 100644
--- a/packages/splitview/src/types.ts
+++ b/packages/splitview/src/types.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 export interface Constructor<T> {
-    new (): T
+    new (): T;
 export interface FrameworkFactory<T> {
-    createComponent: (id: string, component: any) => T
+    createComponent: (id: string, component: any) => T;
-export type FunctionOrValue<T> = (() => T) | T
+export type FunctionOrValue<T> = (() => T) | T;
diff --git a/scripts/build.js b/scripts/build.js
index 6028ae760..2a1d12924 100644
--- a/scripts/build.js
+++ b/scripts/build.js
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-const gulp = require('gulp')
-const gulpClean = require('gulp-clean')
-const gulpTypescript = require('gulp-typescript')
-const merge = require('merge2')
-const header = require('gulp-header')
-const gulpSass = require('gulp-sass')
-const concat = require('gulp-concat')
-const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps')
+const gulp = require('gulp');
+const gulpClean = require('gulp-clean');
+const gulpTypescript = require('gulp-typescript');
+const merge = require('merge2');
+const header = require('gulp-header');
+const gulpSass = require('gulp-sass');
+const concat = require('gulp-concat');
+const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
 const headerTemplate = [
@@ -14,25 +14,25 @@ const headerTemplate = [
     ' * @link <%= pkg.homepage %>',
     ' * @licence <%= pkg.licence %>',
     ' */\n',
 const dtsHeaderTemplate = [
     '// Type definitions for <%= %> v <%= pkg.version %>',
     '// Project <%= pkg.homepage %>\n',
 const build = (options) => {
-    const { tsconfig, package } = options
+    const { tsconfig, package } = options;
     gulp.task('clean', () =>
         gulp.src('dist', { read: false, allowEmpty: true }).pipe(gulpClean())
-    )
+    );
     gulp.task('esm', () => {
-        const ts = gulpTypescript.createProject(tsconfig)
+        const ts = gulpTypescript.createProject(tsconfig);
         const tsResult = gulp
             .src(['src/**/*.ts', 'src/**/*.tsx'])
-            .pipe(ts())
+            .pipe(ts());
         return merge([
                 .pipe(header(dtsHeaderTemplate, { pkg: package }))
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ const build = (options) => {
                 .pipe(sourcemaps.write('.', { includeContent: false }))
-        ])
-    })
+        ]);
+    });
     gulp.task('sass', () => {
         return (
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ const build = (options) => {
                 // )
-        )
-    })
+        );
+    });
-module.exports = { build }
+module.exports = { build };