246 lines
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246 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2019 Mycroft AI Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from itertools import cycle
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
from contextlib import suppress
from fitipy import Fitipy
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import LambdaCallback
from os import rename
from os.path import splitext, join, basename
from prettyparse import Usage
from random import random, shuffle
from typing import *
from precise_lite.model import create_model, ModelParams
from precise_lite.network_runner import Listener
from precise_lite.params import pr, save_params
from precise_lite.scripts.base_script import BaseScript
from precise_lite.train_data import TrainData
from precise_lite.util import load_audio, glob_all, save_audio, chunk_audio
class TrainGeneratedScript(BaseScript):
usage = Usage('''
Train a model on infinitely generated batches
:model str
Keras .net model file to load from and write to
:-e --epochs int 100
Number of epochs to train on
:-b --batch-size int 200
Number of samples in each batch
:-t --steps-per-epoch int 100
Number of steps that are considered an epoch
:-c --chunk-size int 2048
Number of audio samples between generating a training sample
:-r --random-data-folder str data/random
Folder with properly encoded wav files of
random audio that should not cause an activation
:-s --sensitivity float 0.2
Weighted loss bias. Higher values decrease increase positives
:-sb --save-best
Only save the model each epoch if its stats improve
:-nv --no-validation
Disable accuracy and validation calculation
to improve speed during training
:-mm --metric-monitor str loss
Metric used to determine when to save
:-em --extra-metrics
Add extra metrics during training
:-p --save-prob float 0.0
Probability of saving audio into debug/ww and debug/nww folders
''') | TrainData.usage
"""A trainer the runs on generated data by overlaying wakewords on background audio"""
def __init__(self, args):
self.audio_buffer = np.zeros(pr.buffer_samples, dtype=float)
self.vals_buffer = np.zeros(pr.buffer_samples, dtype=float)
params = ModelParams(
skip_acc=args.no_validation, extra_metrics=args.extra_metrics,
loss_bias=1.0 - args.sensitivity
self.model = create_model(args.model, params)
self.listener = Listener('', args.chunk_size, runner_cls=lambda x: None)
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(args.model + '.pb', monitor=args.metric_monitor,
epoch_fiti = Fitipy(splitext(args.model)[0] + '.epoch')
self.epoch = epoch_fiti.read().read(0, int)
def on_epoch_end(_a, _b):
self.epoch += 1
epoch_fiti.write().write(self.epoch, str)
self.model_base = splitext(self.args.model)[0]
self.callbacks = [
self.data = TrainData.from_both(args.tags_file, args.tags_folder, args.folder)
pos_files, neg_files = self.data.train_files
self.neg_files_it = iter(cycle(neg_files))
self.pos_files_it = iter(cycle(pos_files))
def layer_with(self, sample: np.ndarray, value: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Create an identical 2d array where the second row is filled with value"""
b = np.full((2, len(sample)), value, dtype=float)
b[0] = sample
return b
def generate_wakeword_pieces(self, volume):
"""Generates chunks of audio that represent the wakeword stream"""
while True:
target = 1 if random() > 0.5 else 0
it = self.pos_files_it if target else self.neg_files_it
sample_file = next(it)
yield self.layer_with(self.normalize_volume_to(load_audio(sample_file), volume), target)
yield self.layer_with(np.zeros(int(pr.sample_rate * (0.5 + 2.0 * random()))), 0)
def chunk_audio_pieces(self, pieces, chunk_size):
"""Convert chunks of audio into a series of equally sized pieces"""
left_over = np.array([])
for piece in pieces:
if left_over.size == 0:
combined = piece
combined = np.concatenate([left_over, piece], axis=-1)
for chunk in chunk_audio(combined.T, chunk_size):
yield chunk.T
left_over = piece[-(len(piece) % chunk_size):]
def calc_volume(self, sample: np.ndarray):
"""Find the RMS of the audio"""
return sqrt(np.mean(np.square(sample)))
def normalize_volume_to(self, sample, volume):
"""Normalize the volume to a certain RMS"""
return volume * sample / self.calc_volume(sample)
def merge(self, a, b, ratio):
"""Perform a weighted sum of a and b. ratio=1.0 means 100% of b and 0% of a"""
return (1.0 - ratio) * a + ratio * b
def max_run_length(x: np.ndarray, val: int):
"""Finds the maximum continuous length of the given value in the sequence"""
if x.size == 0:
return 0
y = np.array(x[1:] != x[:-1])
i = np.append(np.where(y), len(x) - 1)
run_lengths = np.diff(np.append(-1, i))
run_length_values = x[i]
return max([rl for rl, v in zip(run_lengths, run_length_values) if v == val], default=0)
def vectors_from_fn(self, fn: str):
Run through a single background audio file, overlaying with wake words.
Generates (mfccs, target) where mfccs is a series of mfcc values and
target is a single integer classification of the target network output for that chunk
audio = load_audio(fn)
audio_volume = self.calc_volume(audio)
audio_volume *= 0.4 + 0.5 * random()
audio = self.normalize_volume_to(audio, audio_volume)
chunked_bg = chunk_audio(audio, self.args.chunk_size)
chunked_ww = self.chunk_audio_pieces(self.generate_wakeword_pieces(audio_volume), self.args.chunk_size)
for i, (chunk_bg, (chunk_ww, targets)) in enumerate(zip(chunked_bg, chunked_ww)):
chunk = self.merge(chunk_bg, chunk_ww, 0.6)
self.vals_buffer = np.concatenate((self.vals_buffer[len(targets):], targets))
self.audio_buffer = np.concatenate((self.audio_buffer[len(chunk):], chunk))
mfccs = self.listener.update_vectors(chunk)
percent_overlapping = self.max_run_length(self.vals_buffer, 1) / len(self.vals_buffer)
if self.vals_buffer[-1] == 0 and percent_overlapping > 0.8:
target = 1
elif percent_overlapping < 0.5:
target = 0
if random() > 1.0 - self.args.save_prob:
name = splitext(basename(fn))[0]
wav_file = join('debug', 'ww' if target == 1 else 'nww', '{} - {}.wav'.format(name, i))
save_audio(wav_file, self.audio_buffer)
yield mfccs, target
def samples_to_batches(samples: Iterable, batch_size: int):
"""Chunk a series of network inputs and outputs into larger batches"""
it = iter(samples)
while True:
with suppress(StopIteration):
batch_in, batch_out = [], []
for i in range(batch_size):
sample_in, sample_out = next(it)
if not batch_in:
raise StopIteration
yield np.array(batch_in), np.array(batch_out)
def generate_samples(self):
"""Generate training samples (network inputs and outputs)"""
filenames = glob_all(self.args.random_data_folder, '*.wav')
while True:
for fn in filenames:
for x, y in self.vectors_from_fn(fn):
yield x, y
def run(self):
"""Train the model on randomly generated batches"""
_, test_data = self.data.load(train=True, test=True)
self.samples_to_batches(self.generate_samples(), self.args.batch_size),
epochs=self.epoch + self.args.epochs, validation_data=test_data,
callbacks=self.callbacks, initial_epoch=self.epoch
self.model.save(self.args.model + '.h5') # Save with '.h5' file extension to force format
rename(self.args.model + '.h5', self.args.model) # Rename with original
main = TrainGeneratedScript.run_main
if __name__ == '__main__':