Replaces izPublic with isPublic
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,24 +45,56 @@ import
@EpoxyModelClass(layout = R.layout.item_room)
abstract class RoomSummaryItem : VectorEpoxyModel<RoomSummaryItem.Holder>() {
@EpoxyAttribute lateinit var typingMessage: String
@EpoxyAttribute lateinit var avatarRenderer: AvatarRenderer
@EpoxyAttribute lateinit var matrixItem: MatrixItem
lateinit var typingMessage: String
@EpoxyAttribute lateinit var lastFormattedEvent: EpoxyCharSequence
@EpoxyAttribute lateinit var lastEventTime: String
@EpoxyAttribute var encryptionTrustLevel: RoomEncryptionTrustLevel? = null
@EpoxyAttribute var userPresence: UserPresence? = null
@EpoxyAttribute var showPresence: Boolean = false
@EpoxyAttribute var izPublic: Boolean = false
@EpoxyAttribute var unreadNotificationCount: Int = 0
@EpoxyAttribute var hasUnreadMessage: Boolean = false
@EpoxyAttribute var hasDraft: Boolean = false
@EpoxyAttribute var showHighlighted: Boolean = false
@EpoxyAttribute var hasFailedSending: Boolean = false
@EpoxyAttribute(EpoxyAttribute.Option.DoNotHash) var itemLongClickListener: View.OnLongClickListener? = null
@EpoxyAttribute(EpoxyAttribute.Option.DoNotHash) var itemClickListener: ClickListener? = null
@EpoxyAttribute var showSelected: Boolean = false
lateinit var avatarRenderer: AvatarRenderer
lateinit var matrixItem: MatrixItem
lateinit var lastFormattedEvent: EpoxyCharSequence
lateinit var lastEventTime: String
var encryptionTrustLevel: RoomEncryptionTrustLevel? = null
var userPresence: UserPresence? = null
var showPresence: Boolean = false
@EpoxyAttribute @JvmField
var isPublic: Boolean = false
var unreadNotificationCount: Int = 0
var hasUnreadMessage: Boolean = false
var hasDraft: Boolean = false
var showHighlighted: Boolean = false
var hasFailedSending: Boolean = false
var itemLongClickListener: View.OnLongClickListener? = null
var itemClickListener: ClickListener? = null
var showSelected: Boolean = false
override fun bind(holder: Holder) {
@ -79,7 +111,7 @@ abstract class RoomSummaryItem : VectorEpoxyModel<RoomSummaryItem.Holder>() {
holder.draftView.isVisible = hasDraft
avatarRenderer.render(matrixItem, holder.avatarImageView)
holder.roomAvatarPublicDecorationImageView.isVisible = izPublic
holder.roomAvatarPublicDecorationImageView.isVisible = isPublic
holder.roomAvatarFailSendingImageView.isVisible = hasFailedSending
renderSelection(holder, showSelected)
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class RoomSummaryItemFactory @Inject constructor(private val displayableEventFor
// We do not display shield in the room list anymore
// .encryptionTrustLevel(roomSummary.roomEncryptionTrustLevel)
Reference in New Issue