Move utils folder and fix published text
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const {render} = require("pinski/plugins")
const constants = require("./utils/constants")
const {fetchChannel} = require("./utils/youtube")
const {getUser} = require("./utils/getuser")
const constants = require("../utils/constants")
const {fetchChannel} = require("../utils/youtube")
const {getUser} = require("../utils/getuser")
module.exports = [
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
const {redirect} = require("pinski/plugins")
const db = require("./utils/db")
const constants = require("./utils/constants")
const {getUser} = require("./utils/getuser")
const validate = require("./utils/validate")
const db = require("../utils/db")
const constants = require("../utils/constants")
const {getUser} = require("../utils/getuser")
const validate = require("../utils/validate")
const V = validate.V
const {fetchChannel} = require("./utils/youtube")
const {fetchChannel} = require("../utils/youtube")
module.exports = [
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
const {render, redirect} = require("pinski/plugins")
const db = require("./utils/db")
const {getToken, getUser} = require("./utils/getuser")
const constants = require("./utils/constants")
const validate = require("./utils/validate")
const db = require("../utils/db")
const {getToken, getUser} = require("../utils/getuser")
const constants = require("../utils/constants")
const validate = require("../utils/validate")
const V = validate.V
module.exports = [
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
const {render} = require("pinski/plugins")
const db = require("./utils/db")
const {fetchChannelLatest} = require("./utils/youtube")
const {getUser} = require("./utils/getuser")
const db = require("../utils/db")
const {fetchChannelLatest} = require("../utils/youtube")
const {getUser} = require("../utils/getuser")
const converters = require("../utils/converters")
module.exports = [
@ -22,6 +23,10 @@ module.exports = [
hasSubscriptions = true
const template = Array(subscriptions.length).fill("?").join(", ")
videos = db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM Videos WHERE authorId IN (${template}) ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT 60`).all(subscriptions)
.map(video => {
video.publishedText = converters.timeToPastText(video.published * 1000)
return video
return render(200, "pug/subscriptions.pug", {hasSubscriptions, videos, channels})
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const fetch = require("node-fetch")
const {render} = require("pinski/plugins")
const db = require("./utils/db")
const {getToken, getUser} = require("./utils/getuser")
const db = require("../utils/db")
const {getToken, getUser} = require("../utils/getuser")
const pug = require("pug")
class InstanceError extends Error {
@ -1,596 +0,0 @@
const fetch = require("node-fetch")
const {render} = require("pinski/plugins")
const fs = require("fs").promises
class TTLCache {
constructor(ttl) {
this.backing = new Map()
this.ttl = ttl
set(key, value) {
this.backing.set(key, {time:, value})
return value
clean(key) {
if (this.backing.has(key) && - this.backing.get(key).time > this.ttl) {
has(key) {
return this.backing.has(key)
get(key) {
if (this.has(key)) {
return this.backing.get(key).value
} else {
return null
async getAs(key, callback) {
return this.get(key) || callback().then(value => this.set(key, value))
const videoCache = new TTLCache(Infinity)
const channelCacheTimeout = 4*60*60*1000;
let shareWords = [];
fs.readFile("util/words.txt", "utf8").then(words => {
shareWords = words.split("\n");
const IDLetterIndex = []
.concat(Array(26).fill().map((_, i) => String.fromCharCode(i+65)))
.concat(Array(26).fill().map((_, i) => String.fromCharCode(i+97)))
.concat(Array(10).fill().map((_, i) => i.toString()))
function getShareWords(id) {
if (shareWords.length == 0) {
console.error("Tried to get share words, but they aren't loaded yet!");
return "";
// Convert ID string to binary number string
let binaryString = "";
for (let letter of id) {
binaryString += IDLetterIndex.indexOf(letter).toString(2).padStart(6, "0");
binaryString = binaryString.slice(0, 64);
// Convert binary string to words
let words = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
let bitFragment = binaryString.substr(i*11, 11).padEnd(11, "0");
let number = parseInt(bitFragment, 2);
let word = shareWords[number];
return words;
function getIDFromWords(words) {
// Convert words to binary number string
let binaryString = "";
for (let word of words) {
binaryString += shareWords.indexOf(word).toString(2).padStart(11, "0")
binaryString = binaryString.slice(0, 64);
// Convert binary string to ID
let id = "";
for (let i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
let bitFragment = binaryString.substr(i*6, 6).padEnd(6, "0");
let number = parseInt(bitFragment, 2);
id += IDLetterIndex[number];
return id;
function validateShareWords(words) {
if (words.length != 6) throw new Error("Expected 6 words, got "+words.length);
for (let word of words) {
if (!shareWords.includes(word)) throw new Error(word+" is not a valid share word");
function findShareWords(string) {
if (string.includes(" ")) {
return string.toLowerCase().split(" ");
} else {
let words = [];
let currentWord = "";
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
if (string[i] == string[i].toUpperCase()) {
if (currentWord) words.push(currentWord);
currentWord = string[i].toLowerCase();
} else {
currentWord += string[i];
return words;
let channelCache = new Map();
function refreshCache() {
for (let e of channelCache.entries()) {
if ([1].refreshed > channelCacheTimeout) channelCache.delete(e[0]);
function fetchChannel(channelID, ignoreCache) {
let cache = channelCache.get(channelID);
if (cache && !ignoreCache) {
if ( == "Promise") {
//cf.log("Waiting on promise for "+channelID, "info");
return cache;
} else {
//cf.log("Using cache for "+channelID+", expires in "+Math.floor((" minutes", "spam");
return Promise.resolve(;
} else {
//cf.log("Setting new cache for "+channelID, "spam");
let promise = new Promise(resolve => {
let channelType = channelID.startsWith("UC") && channelID.length == 24 ? "channel_id" : "user";
]).then(([body, xml]) => {
let data = JSON.parse(body);
if (data.error) throw new Error("Couldn't refresh "+channelID+": "+data.error);
let feedItems = fxp.parse(xml).feed.entry;
//console.log(feedItems.slice(0, 2))
data.latestVideos.forEach(v => {
|||| =;
let gotDateFromFeed = false;
if (Array.isArray(feedItems)) {
let feedItem = feedItems.find(i => i["yt:videoId"] == v.videoId);
if (feedItem) {
const date = new Date(feedItem.published)
v.published = date.getTime();
v.publishedText = date.toUTCString().split(" ").slice(1, 4).join(" ")
gotDateFromFeed = true;
if (!gotDateFromFeed) v.published = v.published * 1000;
//console.log(data.latestVideos.slice(0, 2))
channelCache.set(channelID, {refreshed:, data: data});
//cf.log("Set new cache for "+channelID, "spam");
}).catch(error => {
cf.log("Error while refreshing "+channelID, "error");
cf.log(error, "error");
channelCache.set(channelID, promise);
return promise;
module.exports = [
route: "/watch", methods: ["GET"], code: async ({url}) => {
const id = url.searchParams.get("v")
const video = await videoCache.getAs(id, () => fetch(`http://localhost:3000/api/v1/videos/${id}`).then(res => res.json()))
return render(200, "pug/video.pug", {video})
route: "/v/(.*)", methods: ["GET"], code: async ({fill}) => {
let id;
let wordsString = fill[0];
wordsString = wordsString.replace(/%20/g, " ")
if (wordsString.length == 11) {
id = wordsString
} else {
let words = findShareWords(wordsString);
try {
} catch (e) {
return [400, e.message];
id = getIDFromWords(words);
return {
statusCode: 301,
contentType: "text/html",
content: "Redirecting...",
headers: {
"Location": "/cloudtube/video/"+id
route: "/cloudtube/video/([\\w-]+)", methods: ["GET"], code: ({req, fill}) => new Promise(resolve => {
rp(`${getInvidiousHost("video")}/api/v1/videos/${fill[0]}`).then(body => {
try {
let data = JSON.parse(body);
let page = pugCache.get("pug/old/cloudtube-video.pug").web()
page = page.replace('"<!-- videoInfo -->"', () => body);
let shareWords = getShareWords(fill[0]);
page = page.replace('"<!-- shareWords -->"', () => JSON.stringify(shareWords));
page = page.replace("<title></title>", () => `<title>${data.title} — CloudTube video</title>`);
while (page.includes("")) page = page.replace("", "seekTo");
let metaOGTags =
`<meta property="og:title" content="${data.title.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, """)} — CloudTube video" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:type" content="" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:image" content="${fill[0]}/mqdefault.jpg" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:url" content="https://${}${req.url}" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:description" content="CloudTube is a free, open-source YouTube proxy." />\n`
page = page.replace("<!-- metaOGTags -->", () => metaOGTags);
statusCode: 200,
contentType: "text/html",
content: page
} catch (e) {
resolve([400, "Error parsing data from Invidious"]);
}).catch(err => {
resolve([500, "Error requesting data from Invidious"]);
route: "/cloudtube/channel/([\\w-]+)", methods: ["GET"], code: ({req, fill}) => new Promise(resolve => {
fetchChannel(fill[0]).then(data => {
try {
let page = pugCache.get("pug/old/cloudtube-channel.pug").web()
page = page.replace('"<!-- channelInfo -->"', () => JSON.stringify(data));
page = page.replace("<title></title>", () => `<title>${} — CloudTube channel</title>`);
let metaOGTags =
`<meta property="og:title" content="${, "&").replace(/"/g, """)} — CloudTube channel" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:type" content="" />\n`+
// `<meta property="og:image" content="${data.authorThumbnails[0].url.split("=")[0]}" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:url" content="https://${}${req.url}" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:description" content="CloudTube is a free, open-source YouTube proxy." />\n`
page = page.replace("<!-- metaOGTags -->", () => metaOGTags);
statusCode: 200,
contentType: "text/html",
content: page
} catch (e) {
resolve([400, "Error parsing data from Invidious"]);
}).catch(err => {
resolve([500, "Error requesting data from Invidious"]);
route: "/cloudtube/playlist/([\\w-]+)", methods: ["GET"], code: ({req, fill}) => new Promise(resolve => {
rp(`${getInvidiousHost("playlist")}/api/v1/playlists/${fill[0]}`).then(body => {
try {
let data = JSON.parse(body);
let page = pugCache.get("pug/old/cloudtube-playlist.pug").web()
page = page.replace('"<!-- playlistInfo -->"', () => body);
page = page.replace("<title></title>", () => `<title>${data.title} — CloudTube playlist</title>`);
while (page.includes("")) page = page.replace("", "seekTo");
let metaOGTags =
`<meta property="og:title" content="${data.title.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, """)} — CloudTube playlist" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:type" content="" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:url" content="https://${}${req.url}" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:description" content="CloudTube is a free, open-source YouTube proxy." />\n`
if (data.videos[0]) metaOGTags += `<meta property="og:image" content="${data.videos[0].videoId}/mqdefault.jpg" />\n`;
page = page.replace("<!-- metaOGTags -->", () => metaOGTags);
statusCode: 200,
contentType: "text/html",
content: page
} catch (e) {
resolve([400, "Error parsing data from Invidious"]);
}).catch(err => {
resolve([500, "Error requesting data from Invidious"]);
route: "/cloudtube/search", methods: ["GET"], upload: "json", code: ({req, url}) => new Promise(resolve => {
const params = url.searchParams
console.log("URL:", req.url)
console.log("Headers:", req.headers)
let page = pugCache.get("pug/old/cloudtube-search.pug").web()
if (params.has("q")) { // search terms were entered
let sort_by = params.get("sort_by") || "relevance";
rp(`${getInvidiousHost("search")}/api/v1/search?q=${encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(params.get("q")))}&sort_by=${sort_by}`).then(body => {
try {
// json.parse?
page = page.replace('"<!-- searchResults -->"', () => body);
page = page.replace("<title></title>", () => `<title>${decodeURIComponent(params.get("q"))} — CloudTube search</title>`);
let metaOGTags =
`<meta property="og:title" content="${decodeURIComponent(params.get("q")).replace(/"/g, '\\"')} — CloudTube search" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:type" content="" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:url" content="https://${}${req.path}" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:description" content="CloudTube is a free, open-source YouTube proxy." />\n`
page = page.replace("<!-- metaOGTags -->", () => metaOGTags);
statusCode: 200,
contentType: "text/html",
content: page
} catch (e) {
resolve([400, "Error parsing data from Invidious"]);
}).catch(err => {
resolve([500, "Error requesting data from Invidious"]);
} else { // no search terms
page = page.replace("<!-- searchResults -->", "");
page = page.replace("<title></title>", `<title>CloudTube search</title>`);
let metaOGTags =
`<meta property="og:title" content="CloudTube search" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:type" content="" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:url" content="https://${}${req.path}" />\n`+
`<meta property="og:description" content="CloudTube is a free, open-source YouTube proxy." />\n`
page = page.replace("<!-- metaOGTags -->", () => metaOGTags);
statusCode: 200,
contentType: "text/html",
content: page
route: "/api/youtube/subscribe", methods: ["POST"], upload: "json", code: async ({data}) => {
if (!data.channelID) return [400, 1];
if (!data.token) return [400, 8];
let userRow = await db.get("SELECT userID FROM AccountTokens WHERE token = ?", data.token);
if (!userRow || userRow.expires <= return [401, 8];
let subscriptions = (await db.all("SELECT channelID FROM AccountSubscriptions WHERE userID = ?", userRow.userID)).map(r => r.channelID);
let nowSubscribed;
if (subscriptions.includes(data.channelID)) {
await"DELETE FROM AccountSubscriptions WHERE userID = ? AND channelID = ?", [userRow.userID, data.channelID]);
nowSubscribed = false;
} else {
await"INSERT INTO AccountSubscriptions VALUES (?, ?)", [userRow.userID, data.channelID]);
nowSubscribed = true;
return [200, {channelID: data.channelID, nowSubscribed}];
route: "/api/youtube/subscriptions", methods: ["POST"], upload: "json", code: async ({data}) => {
let subscriptions;
if (data.token) {
let userRow = await db.get("SELECT userID FROM AccountTokens WHERE token = ?", data.token);
if (!userRow || userRow.expires <= return [401, 8];
subscriptions = (await db.all("SELECT channelID FROM AccountSubscriptions WHERE userID = ?", userRow.userID)).map(r => r.channelID);
} else {
if (data.subscriptions && == "Array" && data.subscriptions.every(i => typeof(i) == "string")) subscriptions = data.subscriptions;
else return [400, 4];
if (data.force) {
for (let channelID of subscriptions) channelCache.delete(channelID);
return [204, ""];
} else {
let videos = [];
let channels = [];
let failedCount = 0
await Promise.all( => fetchChannel(s).then(data => {
if (data) {
videos = videos.concat(data.latestVideos);
channels.push({author:, authorID: data.authorId, authorThumbnails: data.authorThumbnails});
} else {
videos = videos.sort((a, b) => (b.published - a.published))
let limit = 60;
if (data.limit && !isNaN(+data.limit) && (+data.limit > 0)) limit = +data.limit;
videos = videos.slice(0, limit);
channels = channels.sort((a, b) => ( < ? -1 : 1));
return [200, {videos, channels, failedCount}];
route: "/api/youtube/subscriptions/import", methods: ["POST"], upload: "json", code: async ({data}) => {
if (!data) return [400, 3];
if (!typeof(data) == "object") return [400, 5];
if (!data.token) return [401, 8];
let userRow = await db.get("SELECT userID FROM AccountTokens WHERE token = ?", data.token);
if (!userRow || userRow.expires <= return [401, 8];
if (!data.subscriptions) return [400, 4];
if (!data.subscriptions.every(v => typeof(v) == "string")) return [400, 5];
await"DELETE FROM AccountSubscriptions WHERE userID = ?", userRow.userID);
await Promise.all( =>
||||"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO AccountSubscriptions VALUES (?, ?)", [userRow.userID, v])
return [204, ""];
route: "/api/youtube/channels/([\\w-]+)/info", methods: ["GET"], code: ({fill}) => {
return rp(`${getInvidiousHost("channel")}/api/v1/channels/${fill[0]}`).then(body => {
return {
statusCode: 200,
contentType: "application/json",
content: body
}).catch(e => {
return [500, "Unknown request error, check console"]
route: "/api/youtube/alternate/.*", methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req}) => {
return [404, "Please leave me alone. This endpoint has been removed and it's never coming back. Why not try youtube-dl instead?\nIf you own a bot that accesses this endpoint, please send me an email:\nHave a nice day.\n"];
return null
return [400, {error: `/api/youtube/alternate has been removed. The page will be reloaded.<br><img src=/ onerror=setTimeout(window.location.reload.bind(window.location),5000)>`}]
route: "/api/youtube/dash/([\\w-]+)", methods: ["GET"], code: ({fill}) => new Promise(resolve => {
let id = fill[0];
let sentReq = rp({
url: `http://localhost:3000/api/manifest/dash/id/${id}?local=true`,
timeout: 8000
sentReq.catch(err => {
if (err.code == "ETIMEDOUT" || err.code == "ESOCKETTIMEDOUT" || err.code == "ECONNRESET") resolve([502, "Request to Invidious timed out"]);
else {
resolve([500, "Unknown request error, check console"]);
sentReq.then(body => {
let data = fxp.parse(body, {ignoreAttributes: false});
resolve([200, data]);
}).catch(err => {
if (err.code == "ETIMEDOUT" || err.code == "ESOCKETTIMEDOUT" || err.code == "ECONNRESET") resolve([502, "Request to Invidious timed out"]);
else {
resolve([500, "Unknown parse error, check console"]);
route: "/api/youtube/get_endscreen", methods: ["GET"], code: async ({params}) => {
if (!params.v) return [400, 1];
let data = await rp(""+params.v);
data = data.toString();
try {
if (data == `""`) {
return {
statusCode: 204,
content: "",
contentType: "text/html",
headers: {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"}
} else {
let json = JSON.parse(data.slice(data.indexOf("\n")+1));
let promises = [];
for (let e of json.elements.filter(e => == "WEBSITE")) {
for (let thb of e.endscreenElementRenderer.image.thumbnails) {
let promise = rp(thb.url, {encoding: null});
promise.then(image => {
let base64 = image.toString("base64");
thb.url = "data:image/jpeg;base64,"+base64;
await Promise.all(promises);
return {
statusCode: 200,
content: json,
contentType: "application/json",
headers: {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"}
} catch (e) {
return [500, "Couldn't parse endscreen data\n\n"+data];
route: "/api/youtube/video/([\\w-]+)", methods: ["GET"], code: ({fill}) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
ytdl.getInfo(fill[0]).then(info => {
resolve([200, Object.assign(info, {constructor: new Object().constructor})]);
}).catch(err => {
resolve([400, err]);
route: "/api/youtube/channel/(\\S+)", methods: ["GET"], code: ({fill}) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
).then(channelText => {
let channel = JSON.parse(channelText);
let playlistIDs = => i.contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads);
Promise.all( => rp(
))).then(playlistsText => {
let playlists = => JSON.parse(pt));;
let items = [].concat( => p.items))
.map(i => i.contentDetails)
.sort((a, b) => (a.videoPublishedAt > b.videoPublishedAt ? -1 : 1))
.slice(0, 50);
`&id=${ => i.videoId).join(",")}&key=${auth.yt_api_key}`
).then(videosText => {
let videos = JSON.parse(videosText);
videos.items.forEach(v => {
let duration = v.contentDetails.duration.slice(2).replace(/\D/g, ":").slice(0, -1).split(":")
.map((t, i) => {
if (i) t = t.padStart(2, "0");
return t;
if (duration.length == 1) duration.splice(0, 0, "0");
v.duration = duration.join(":");
resolve([200, videos.items]);
}).catch(err => {
resolve([500, "Unexpected promise rejection error. This should not happen. Contact Cadence as soon as possible."]);
console.log("Unexpected promise rejection error!");
route: "/api/youtube/search", methods: ["GET"], code: ({params}) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (!params || !params.q) return resolve([400, "Missing ?q parameter"]);
let searchObject = {
maxResults: +params.maxResults || 20,
key: auth.yt_api_key,
type: "video"
if (params.order) searchObject.order = params.order;
yts(params.q, searchObject, (err, search) => {
if (err) {
resolve([500, "YouTube API error. This should not happen. Contact Cadence as soon as possible."]);
console.log("YouTube API error!");
} else {
|||| =>",")+
).then(videos => {
JSON.parse(videos).items.forEach(v => {
let duration = v.contentDetails.duration.slice(2).replace(/\D/g, ":").slice(0, -1).split(":")
.map((t, i) => {
if (i) t = t.padStart(2, "0");
return t;
if (duration.length == 1) duration.splice(0, 0, "0");
search.find(r => == = duration.join(":");
resolve([200, search]);
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
const Denque = require("denque")
const fetch = require("node-fetch")
const constants = require("../api/utils/constants")
const db = require("../api/utils/db")
const constants = require("../utils/constants")
const db = require("../utils/db")
const prepared = {
video_insert: db.prepare(
+ " ( videoId, title, author, authorId, published, publishedText, viewCountText, descriptionHtml)"
+ " ( videoId, title, author, authorId, published, viewCountText, descriptionHtml)"
+ " (@videoId, @title, @author, @authorId, @published, @publishedText, @viewCountText, @descriptionHtml)"
+ " (@videoId, @title, @author, @authorId, @published, @viewCountText, @descriptionHtml)"
@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ class RefreshQueue {
next() {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
throw new Error("Cannot get next of empty refresh queue")
const item = this.queue.shift()
return item
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const {Pinski} = require("pinski")
const {setInstance} = require("pinski/plugins")
;(async () => {
await require("./api/utils/upgradedb")()
await require("./utils/upgradedb")()
const server = new Pinski({
port: 10412,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
function timeToPastText(timestamp) {
const difference = - timestamp
return [
["year", 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000],
["month", 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000],
["week", 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000],
["day", 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000],
["hour", 60 * 60 * 1000],
["minute", 60 * 1000],
["second", 1 * 1000]
].reduce((acc, [unitName, unitValue]) => {
if (acc) return acc
if (difference > unitValue) {
const number = Math.floor(difference / unitValue)
const pluralUnit = unitName + (number == 1 ? "" : "s")
return `${number} ${pluralUnit} ago`
}, null) || "just now"
module.exports.timeToPastText = timeToPastText
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const sqlite = require("better-sqlite3")
const pj = require("path").join
const fs = require("fs")
const dir = pj(__dirname, "../../db")
const dir = pj(__dirname, "../db")
fs.mkdirSync(pj(dir, "backups"), {recursive: true})
const db = new sqlite(pj(dir, "cloudtube.db"))
module.exports = db
Reference in New Issue
Block a user