Catalin Voss 6640cf2341
Remote training I/O once more (#3437)
* Redo remote I/O changes once more; this time without messing with taskcluster

* Add bin changes

* Fix merge-induced issue?

* For the interleaved case with multiple collections, unpack audio on the fly

To reproduce the previous failure

rm data/smoke_test/ldc93s1.csv
rm data/smoke_test/ldc93s1.sdb
rm -rf /tmp/ldc93s1_cache_sdb_csv
rm -rf /tmp/ckpt_sdb_csv
rm -rf /tmp/train_sdb_csv

./bin/ 109 16000
python -u --noshow_progressbar --noearly_stop --train_files ./data/smoke_test/ldc93s1.sdb,./data/smoke_test/ldc93s1.csv --train_batch_size 1 --feature_cache /tmp/ldc93s1_cache_sdb_csv --dev_files ./data/smoke_test/ldc93s1.sdb,./data/smoke_test/ldc93s1.csv --dev_batch_size 1 --test_files ./data/smoke_test/ldc93s1.sdb,./data/smoke_test/ldc93s1.csv --test_batch_size 1 --n_hidden 100 --epochs 109 --max_to_keep 1 --checkpoint_dir /tmp/ckpt_sdb_csv --learning_rate 0.001 --dropout_rate 0.05 --export_dir /tmp/train_sdb_csv --scorer_path data/smoke_test/pruned_lm.scorer --audio_sample_rate 16000

* Attempt to preserve length information with a wrapper around `map()`… this gets pretty python-y

* Call the right `__next__()`

* Properly implement the rest of the map wrappers here……

* Fix trailing whitespace situation and other linter complaints

* Remove data accidentally checked in

* Fix overlay augmentations

* Wavs must be open in rb mode if we're passing in an external file pointer -- this confused me

* Lint whitespace

* Revert "Fix trailing whitespace situation and other linter complaints"

This reverts commit c3c45397a2f98e9b00d00c18c4ced4fc52475032.

* Fix linter issue but without such an aggressive diff

* Move unpack_maybe into sample_collections

* Use unpack_maybe in place of duplicate lambda

* Fix confusing comment

* Add clarifying comment for on-the-fly unpacking
2020-12-07 13:07:34 +01:00

217 lines
7.4 KiB

import os
import sys
import time
import heapq
import semver
import random
from multiprocessing import Pool
from collections import namedtuple
KILO = 1024
ValueRange = namedtuple('ValueRange', 'start end r')
def parse_file_size(file_size):
file_size = file_size.lower().strip()
if len(file_size) == 0:
return 0
n = int(keep_only_digits(file_size))
if file_size[-1] == 'b':
file_size = file_size[:-1]
e = file_size[-1]
return SIZE_PREFIX_LOOKUP[e] * n if e in SIZE_PREFIX_LOOKUP else n
def keep_only_digits(txt):
return ''.join(filter(str.isdigit, txt))
def secs_to_hours(secs):
hours, remainder = divmod(secs, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
return '%d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, minutes, seconds)
def check_ctcdecoder_version():
ds_version_s = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../VERSION')).read().strip()
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from ds_ctcdecoder import __version__ as decoder_version
except ImportError as e:
if e.msg.find('__version__') > 0:
print("DeepSpeech version ({ds_version}) requires CTC decoder to expose __version__. "
"Please upgrade the ds_ctcdecoder package to version {ds_version}".format(ds_version=ds_version_s))
raise e
rv =, decoder_version)
if rv != 0:
print("DeepSpeech version ({}) and CTC decoder version ({}) do not match. "
"Please ensure matching versions are in use.".format(ds_version_s, decoder_version))
return rv
class Interleaved:
"""Collection that lazily combines sorted collections in an interleaving fashion.
During iteration the next smallest element from all the sorted collections is always picked.
The collections must support iter() and len()."""
def __init__(self, *iterables, key=lambda obj: obj, reverse=False):
self.iterables = iterables
self.key = key
self.reverse = reverse
self.len = sum(map(len, iterables))
def __iter__(self):
return heapq.merge(*self.iterables, key=self.key, reverse=self.reverse)
def __len__(self):
return self.len
class LenMap:
Wrapper around python map() output object that preserves the original collection length
by implementing __len__.
def __init__(self, fn, iterable):
self.length = len(iterable)
except TypeError:
self.length = None
self.mapobj = map(fn, iterable)
def __iter__(self):
self.mapobj = self.mapobj.__iter__()
return self
def __next__(self):
return self.mapobj.__next__()
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.mapobj.__getitem__(key)
def __len__(self):
return self.length
class LimitingPool:
"""Limits unbound ahead-processing of multiprocessing.Pool's imap method
before items get consumed by the iteration caller.
This prevents OOM issues in situations where items represent larger memory allocations."""
def __init__(self, processes=None, initializer=None, initargs=None, process_ahead=None, sleeping_for=0.1):
self.process_ahead = os.cpu_count() if process_ahead is None else process_ahead
self.sleeping_for = sleeping_for
self.processed = 0
self.pool = Pool(processes=processes, initializer=initializer, initargs=initargs)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def _limit(self, it):
for obj in it:
while self.processed >= self.process_ahead:
self.processed += 1
yield obj
def imap(self, fun, it):
for obj in self.pool.imap(fun, self._limit(it)):
self.processed -= 1
yield obj
def terminate(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
class ExceptionBox:
"""Helper class for passing-back and re-raising an exception from inside a TensorFlow dataset generator.
Used in conjunction with `remember_exception`."""
def __init__(self):
self.exception = None
def raise_if_set(self):
if self.exception is not None:
exception = self.exception
self.exception = None
raise exception # pylint: disable = raising-bad-type
def remember_exception(iterable, exception_box=None):
"""Wraps a TensorFlow dataset generator for catching its actual exceptions
that would otherwise just interrupt iteration w/o bubbling up."""
def do_iterate():
yield from iterable()
except StopIteration:
except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable = broad-except
exception_box.exception = ex
return iterable if exception_box is None else do_iterate
def get_value_range(value, target_type):
if isinstance(value, str):
r = target_type(0)
parts = value.split('~')
if len(parts) == 2:
value = parts[0]
r = target_type(parts[1])
elif len(parts) > 2:
raise ValueError('Cannot parse value range')
parts = value.split(':')
if len(parts) == 1:
elif len(parts) > 2:
raise ValueError('Cannot parse value range')
return ValueRange(target_type(parts[0]), target_type(parts[1]), r)
if isinstance(value, tuple):
if len(value) == 2:
return ValueRange(target_type(value[0]), target_type(value[1]), 0)
if len(value) == 3:
return ValueRange(target_type(value[0]), target_type(value[1]), target_type(value[2]))
raise ValueError('Cannot convert to ValueRange: Wrong tuple size')
return ValueRange(target_type(value), target_type(value), 0)
def int_range(value):
return get_value_range(value, int)
def float_range(value):
return get_value_range(value, float)
def pick_value_from_range(value_range, clock=None):
clock = random.random() if clock is None else max(0.0, min(1.0, float(clock)))
value = value_range.start + clock * (value_range.end - value_range.start)
value = random.uniform(value - value_range.r, value + value_range.r)
return round(value) if isinstance(value_range.start, int) else value
def tf_pick_value_from_range(value_range, clock=None, double_precision=False):
import tensorflow as tf # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
clock = (tf.random.stateless_uniform([], seed=(-1, 1), dtype=tf.float64) if clock is None
else tf.maximum(tf.constant(0.0, dtype=tf.float64), tf.minimum(tf.constant(1.0, dtype=tf.float64), clock)))
value = value_range.start + clock * (value_range.end - value_range.start)
value = tf.random.stateless_uniform([],
minval=value - value_range.r,
maxval=value + value_range.r,
seed=(clock * tf.int32.min, clock * tf.int32.max),
if isinstance(value_range.start, int):
return tf.cast(tf.math.round(value), tf.int64 if double_precision else tf.int32)
return tf.cast(value, tf.float64 if double_precision else tf.float32)