Reuben Morais b85ad3ea74 Refactor into separate scripts
Currently is overloaded with many independent features.
Understanding the code and what will be the result of a training
call requires untangling the entire script. It's also an error
prone UX. This is a first step at separating independent parts
into their own scripts.
2020-12-23 13:06:23 +00:00

165 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable File

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
import sys
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tfv1
from attrdict import AttrDict
from xdg import BaseDirectory as xdg
from ds_ctcdecoder import Alphabet, UTF8Alphabet
from .flags import FLAGS
from .gpu import get_available_gpus
from .logging import log_error, log_warn
from .helpers import parse_file_size
from .augmentations import parse_augmentations
from .io import path_exists_remote
class ConfigSingleton:
_config = None
def __getattr__(self, name):
if not ConfigSingleton._config:
raise RuntimeError("Global configuration not yet initialized.")
if not hasattr(ConfigSingleton._config, name):
raise RuntimeError("Configuration option {} not found in config.".format(name))
return ConfigSingleton._config[name]
Config = ConfigSingleton() # pylint: disable=invalid-name
def initialize_globals():
c = AttrDict()
# Augmentations
c.augmentations = parse_augmentations(FLAGS.augment)
if len(c.augmentations) > 0 and FLAGS.feature_cache and FLAGS.cache_for_epochs == 0:
log_warn('Due to current feature-cache settings the exact same sample augmentations of the first '
'epoch will be repeated on all following epochs. This could lead to unintended over-fitting. '
'You could use --cache_for_epochs <n_epochs> to invalidate the cache after a given number of epochs.')
# Caching
if FLAGS.cache_for_epochs == 1:
log_warn('--cache_for_epochs == 1 is (re-)creating the feature cache on every epoch but will never use it.')
# Read-buffer
FLAGS.read_buffer = parse_file_size(FLAGS.read_buffer)
# Set default dropout rates
if FLAGS.dropout_rate2 < 0:
FLAGS.dropout_rate2 = FLAGS.dropout_rate
if FLAGS.dropout_rate3 < 0:
FLAGS.dropout_rate3 = FLAGS.dropout_rate
if FLAGS.dropout_rate6 < 0:
FLAGS.dropout_rate6 = FLAGS.dropout_rate
# Set default checkpoint dir
if not FLAGS.checkpoint_dir:
FLAGS.checkpoint_dir = xdg.save_data_path(os.path.join('deepspeech', 'checkpoints'))
if FLAGS.load_train not in ['last', 'best', 'init', 'auto']:
FLAGS.load_train = 'auto'
if FLAGS.load_evaluate not in ['last', 'best', 'auto']:
FLAGS.load_evaluate = 'auto'
# Set default summary dir
if not FLAGS.summary_dir:
FLAGS.summary_dir = xdg.save_data_path(os.path.join('deepspeech', 'summaries'))
# Standard session configuration that'll be used for all new sessions.
c.session_config = tfv1.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=FLAGS.log_placement,
# CPU device
c.cpu_device = '/cpu:0'
# Available GPU devices
c.available_devices = get_available_gpus(c.session_config)
# If there is no GPU available, we fall back to CPU based operation
if not c.available_devices:
c.available_devices = [c.cpu_device]
if FLAGS.bytes_output_mode:
c.alphabet = UTF8Alphabet()
c.alphabet = Alphabet(os.path.abspath(FLAGS.alphabet_config_path))
# Geometric Constants
# ===================
# For an explanation of the meaning of the geometric constants, please refer to
# doc/
# Number of MFCC features
c.n_input = 26 # TODO: Determine this programmatically from the sample rate
# The number of frames in the context
c.n_context = 9 # TODO: Determine the optimal value using a validation data set
# Number of units in hidden layers
c.n_hidden = FLAGS.n_hidden
c.n_hidden_1 = c.n_hidden
c.n_hidden_2 = c.n_hidden
c.n_hidden_5 = c.n_hidden
# LSTM cell state dimension
c.n_cell_dim = c.n_hidden
# The number of units in the third layer, which feeds in to the LSTM
c.n_hidden_3 = c.n_cell_dim
# Units in the sixth layer = number of characters in the target language plus one
c.n_hidden_6 = c.alphabet.GetSize() + 1 # +1 for CTC blank label
# Size of audio window in samples
if (FLAGS.feature_win_len * FLAGS.audio_sample_rate) % 1000 != 0:
log_error('--feature_win_len value ({}) in milliseconds ({}) multiplied '
'by --audio_sample_rate value ({}) must be an integer value. Adjust '
'your --feature_win_len value or resample your audio accordingly.'
''.format(FLAGS.feature_win_len, FLAGS.feature_win_len / 1000, FLAGS.audio_sample_rate))
c.audio_window_samples = FLAGS.audio_sample_rate * (FLAGS.feature_win_len / 1000)
# Stride for feature computations in samples
if (FLAGS.feature_win_step * FLAGS.audio_sample_rate) % 1000 != 0:
log_error('--feature_win_step value ({}) in milliseconds ({}) multiplied '
'by --audio_sample_rate value ({}) must be an integer value. Adjust '
'your --feature_win_step value or resample your audio accordingly.'
''.format(FLAGS.feature_win_step, FLAGS.feature_win_step / 1000, FLAGS.audio_sample_rate))
c.audio_step_samples = FLAGS.audio_sample_rate * (FLAGS.feature_win_step / 1000)
if FLAGS.one_shot_infer:
if not path_exists_remote(FLAGS.one_shot_infer):
log_error('Path specified in --one_shot_infer is not a valid file.')
if FLAGS.train_cudnn and FLAGS.load_cudnn:
log_error('Trying to use --train_cudnn, but --load_cudnn '
'was also specified. The --load_cudnn flag is only '
'needed when converting a CuDNN RNN checkpoint to '
'a CPU-capable graph. If your system is capable of '
'using CuDNN RNN, you can just specify the CuDNN RNN '
'checkpoint normally with --save_checkpoint_dir.')
# If separate save and load flags were not specified, default to load and save
# from the same dir.
if not FLAGS.save_checkpoint_dir:
FLAGS.save_checkpoint_dir = FLAGS.checkpoint_dir
if not FLAGS.load_checkpoint_dir:
FLAGS.load_checkpoint_dir = FLAGS.checkpoint_dir
ConfigSingleton._config = c # pylint: disable=protected-access