2018-09-24 19:23:44 +02:00

368 lines
11 KiB

#include "util/file_piece.hh"
#include "util/double-conversion/double-conversion.h"
#include "util/exception.hh"
#include "util/file.hh"
#include "util/mmap.hh"
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#include <io.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#include <math.h>
namespace util {
namespace { const uint64_t kPageSize = SizePage(); }
ParseNumberException::ParseNumberException(StringPiece value) throw() {
*this << "Could not parse \"" << value << "\" into a ";
LineIterator &LineIterator::operator++() {
if (!backing_->ReadLineOrEOF(line_, delim_))
backing_ = NULL;
return *this;
FilePiece::FilePiece(const char *name, std::ostream *show_progress, std::size_t min_buffer) :
file_(OpenReadOrThrow(name)), total_size_(SizeFile(file_.get())),
progress_(total_size_, total_size_ == kBadSize ? NULL : show_progress, std::string("Reading ") + name) {
Initialize(name, show_progress, min_buffer);
namespace {
std::string NamePossiblyFind(int fd, const char *name) {
if (name) return name;
return NameFromFD(fd);
} // namespace
FilePiece::FilePiece(int fd, const char *name, std::ostream *show_progress, std::size_t min_buffer) :
file_(fd), total_size_(SizeFile(file_.get())),
progress_(total_size_, total_size_ == kBadSize ? NULL : show_progress, std::string("Reading ") + NamePossiblyFind(fd, name)) {
Initialize(NamePossiblyFind(fd, name).c_str(), show_progress, min_buffer);
FilePiece::FilePiece(std::istream &stream, const char *name, std::size_t min_buffer) :
total_size_(kBadSize) {
InitializeNoRead("istream", min_buffer);
fallback_to_read_ = true;
HugeMalloc(default_map_size_, false, data_);
position_ = data_.begin();
position_end_ = position_;
StringPiece FilePiece::ReadLine(char delim, bool strip_cr) {
std::size_t skip = 0;
while (true) {
const char *i = std::find(position_ + skip, position_end_, delim);
if (UTIL_LIKELY(i != position_end_)) {
// End of line.
// Take 1 byte off the end if it's an unwanted carriage return.
const std::size_t subtract_cr = (
(strip_cr && i > position_ && *(i - 1) == '\r') ?
1 : 0);
StringPiece ret(position_, i - position_ - subtract_cr);
position_ = i + 1;
return ret;
if (at_end_) {
if (position_ == position_end_) {
return Consume(position_end_);
skip = position_end_ - position_;
bool FilePiece::ReadLineOrEOF(StringPiece &to, char delim, bool strip_cr) {
try {
to = ReadLine(delim, strip_cr);
} catch (const util::EndOfFileException &e) { return false; }
return true;
float FilePiece::ReadFloat() {
return ReadNumber<float>();
double FilePiece::ReadDouble() {
return ReadNumber<double>();
long int FilePiece::ReadLong() {
return ReadNumber<long int>();
unsigned long int FilePiece::ReadULong() {
return ReadNumber<unsigned long int>();
// Factored out so that istream can call this.
void FilePiece::InitializeNoRead(const char *name, std::size_t min_buffer) {
file_name_ = name;
default_map_size_ = kPageSize * std::max<std::size_t>((min_buffer / kPageSize + 1), 2);
position_ = NULL;
position_end_ = NULL;
mapped_offset_ = 0;
at_end_ = false;
void FilePiece::Initialize(const char *name, std::ostream *show_progress, std::size_t min_buffer) {
InitializeNoRead(name, min_buffer);
uint64_t current_offset;
bool valid_current_offset;
try {
current_offset = AdvanceOrThrow(file_.get(), 0);
valid_current_offset = true;
} catch (const FDException &) {
current_offset = 0;
valid_current_offset = false;
// So the assertion in TransitionToRead passes
fallback_to_read_ = false;
if (total_size_ == kBadSize || !valid_current_offset) {
if (show_progress)
*show_progress << "File " << name << " isn't normal. Using slower read() instead of mmap(). No progress bar." << std::endl;
} else {
mapped_offset_ = current_offset;
// gzip detect.
if ((position_end_ >= position_ + ReadCompressed::kMagicSize) && ReadCompressed::DetectCompressedMagic(position_)) {
if (!fallback_to_read_) {
at_end_ = false;
namespace {
static const kenlm_double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter kConverter(
kenlm_double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter::ALLOW_TRAILING_JUNK | kenlm_double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter::ALLOW_LEADING_SPACES,
StringPiece FirstToken(StringPiece str) {
const char *i;
for (i =; i != + str.size(); ++i) {
if (kSpaces[(unsigned char)*i]) break;
return StringPiece(, i -;
// std::isnan is technically C++11 not C++98. But in practice this is a problem for visual studio.
template <class T> inline int CrossPlatformIsNaN(T value) {
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
return isnan(value);
return std::isnan(value);
const char *ParseNumber(StringPiece str, float &out) {
int count;
out = kConverter.StringToFloat(, str.size(), &count);
UTIL_THROW_IF_ARG(CrossPlatformIsNaN(out) && str != "NaN" && str != "nan", ParseNumberException, (FirstToken(str)), "float");
return + count;
const char *ParseNumber(StringPiece str, double &out) {
int count;
out = kConverter.StringToDouble(, str.size(), &count);
UTIL_THROW_IF_ARG(CrossPlatformIsNaN(out) && str != "NaN" && str != "nan", ParseNumberException, (FirstToken(str)), "double");
return + count;
const char *ParseNumber(StringPiece str, long int &out) {
char *end;
errno = 0;
out = strtol(, &end, 10);
UTIL_THROW_IF_ARG(errno || (end ==, ParseNumberException, (FirstToken(str)), "long int");
return end;
const char *ParseNumber(StringPiece str, unsigned long int &out) {
char *end;
errno = 0;
out = strtoul(, &end, 10);
UTIL_THROW_IF_ARG(errno || (end ==, ParseNumberException, (FirstToken(str)), "unsigned long int");
return end;
} // namespace
template <class T> T FilePiece::ReadNumber() {
while (last_space_ < position_) {
if (UTIL_UNLIKELY(at_end_)) {
// Hallucinate a null off the end of the file.
std::string buffer(position_, position_end_);
T ret;
// Has to be null-terminated.
const char *begin = buffer.c_str();
const char *end = ParseNumber(StringPiece(begin, buffer.size()), ret);
position_ += end - begin;
return ret;
T ret;
position_ = ParseNumber(StringPiece(position_, last_space_ - position_), ret);
return ret;
const char *FilePiece::FindDelimiterOrEOF(const bool *delim) {
std::size_t skip = 0;
while (true) {
for (const char *i = position_ + skip; i < position_end_; ++i) {
if (delim[static_cast<unsigned char>(*i)]) return i;
if (at_end_) {
if (position_ == position_end_) Shift();
return position_end_;
skip = position_end_ - position_;
void FilePiece::Shift() {
if (at_end_) {
throw EndOfFileException();
uint64_t desired_begin = position_ - data_.begin() + mapped_offset_;
if (!fallback_to_read_) MMapShift(desired_begin);
// Notice an mmap failure might set the fallback.
if (fallback_to_read_) ReadShift();
for (last_space_ = position_end_ - 1; last_space_ >= position_; --last_space_) {
if (kSpaces[static_cast<unsigned char>(*last_space_)]) break;
void FilePiece::UpdateProgress() {
if (!fallback_to_read_)
progress_.Set(position_ - data_.begin() + mapped_offset_);
void FilePiece::MMapShift(uint64_t desired_begin) {
// Use mmap.
uint64_t ignore = desired_begin % kPageSize;
// Duplicate request for Shift means give more data.
if (position_ == data_.begin() + ignore && position_) {
default_map_size_ *= 2;
// Local version so that in case of failure it doesn't overwrite the class variable.
uint64_t mapped_offset = desired_begin - ignore;
uint64_t mapped_size;
if (default_map_size_ >= static_cast<std::size_t>(total_size_ - mapped_offset)) {
at_end_ = true;
mapped_size = total_size_ - mapped_offset;
} else {
mapped_size = default_map_size_;
// Forcibly clear the existing mmap first.
try {
MapRead(POPULATE_OR_LAZY, *file_, mapped_offset, mapped_size, data_);
} catch (const util::ErrnoException &e) {
if (desired_begin) {
SeekOrThrow(*file_, desired_begin);
// The mmap was scheduled to end the file, but now we're going to read it.
at_end_ = false;
mapped_offset_ = mapped_offset;
position_ = data_.begin() + ignore;
position_end_ = data_.begin() + mapped_size;
void FilePiece::TransitionToRead() {
fallback_to_read_ = true;
HugeMalloc(default_map_size_, false, data_);
position_ = data_.begin();
position_end_ = position_;
try {
} catch (util::Exception &e) {
e << " in file " << file_name_;
void FilePiece::ReadShift() {
// Bytes [data_.begin(), position_) have been consumed.
// Bytes [position_, position_end_) have been read into the buffer.
// Start at the beginning of the buffer if there's nothing useful in it.
if (position_ == position_end_) {
mapped_offset_ += (position_end_ - data_.begin());
position_ = data_.begin();
position_end_ = position_;
std::size_t already_read = position_end_ - data_.begin();
if (already_read == default_map_size_) {
if (position_ == data_.begin()) {
// Buffer too small.
std::size_t valid_length = position_end_ - position_;
default_map_size_ *= 2;
HugeRealloc(default_map_size_, false, data_);
position_ = data_.begin();
position_end_ = position_ + valid_length;
} else {
std::size_t moving = position_end_ - position_;
memmove(data_.get(), position_, moving);
position_ = data_.begin();
position_end_ = position_ + moving;
already_read = moving;
std::size_t read_return = fell_back_.Read(static_cast<uint8_t*>(data_.get()) + already_read, default_map_size_ - already_read);
if (read_return == 0) {
at_end_ = true;
position_end_ += read_return;
} // namespace util