2021-05-18 13:45:52 +02:00

562 lines
15 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <TargetConditionals.h>
#if defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || TARGET_OS_IPHONE
#define NO_SOX
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define NO_DIR
#ifndef NO_SOX
#include <sox.h>
#ifndef NO_DIR
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#endif // NO_DIR
#include <vector>
#include "coqui-stt.h"
#include "args.h"
typedef struct {
const char* string;
double cpu_time_overall;
} ds_result;
struct meta_word {
std::string word;
float start_time;
float duration;
CandidateTranscriptToString(const CandidateTranscript* transcript)
std::string retval = "";
for (int i = 0; i < transcript->num_tokens; i++) {
const TokenMetadata& token = transcript->tokens[i];
retval += token.text;
return strdup(retval.c_str());
CandidateTranscriptToWords(const CandidateTranscript* transcript)
std::vector<meta_word> word_list;
std::string word = "";
float word_start_time = 0;
// Loop through each token
for (int i = 0; i < transcript->num_tokens; i++) {
const TokenMetadata& token = transcript->tokens[i];
// Append token to word if it's not a space
if (strcmp(token.text, u8" ") != 0) {
// Log the start time of the new word
if (word.length() == 0) {
word_start_time = token.start_time;
// Word boundary is either a space or the last token in the array
if (strcmp(token.text, u8" ") == 0 || i == transcript->num_tokens-1) {
float word_duration = token.start_time - word_start_time;
if (word_duration < 0) {
word_duration = 0;
meta_word w;
w.word = word;
w.start_time = word_start_time;
w.duration = word_duration;
// Reset
word = "";
word_start_time = 0;
return word_list;
CandidateTranscriptToJSON(const CandidateTranscript *transcript)
std::ostringstream out_string;
std::vector<meta_word> words = CandidateTranscriptToWords(transcript);
out_string << R"("metadata":{"confidence":)" << transcript->confidence << R"(},"words":[)";
for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
meta_word w = words[i];
out_string << R"({"word":")" << w.word << R"(","time":)" << w.start_time << R"(,"duration":)" << w.duration << "}";
if (i < words.size() - 1) {
out_string << ",";
out_string << "]";
return out_string.str();
MetadataToJSON(Metadata* result)
std::ostringstream out_string;
out_string << "{\n";
for (int j=0; j < result->num_transcripts; ++j) {
const CandidateTranscript *transcript = &result->transcripts[j];
if (j == 0) {
out_string << CandidateTranscriptToJSON(transcript);
if (result->num_transcripts > 1) {
out_string << ",\n" << R"("alternatives")" << ":[\n";
} else {
out_string << "{" << CandidateTranscriptToJSON(transcript) << "}";
if (j < result->num_transcripts - 1) {
out_string << ",\n";
} else {
out_string << "\n]";
out_string << "\n}\n";
return strdup(out_string.str().c_str());
LocalDsSTT(ModelState* aCtx, const short* aBuffer, size_t aBufferSize,
bool extended_output, bool json_output)
ds_result res = {0};
clock_t ds_start_time = clock();
// sphinx-doc: c_ref_inference_start
if (extended_output) {
Metadata *result = STT_SpeechToTextWithMetadata(aCtx, aBuffer, aBufferSize, 1);
res.string = CandidateTranscriptToString(&result->transcripts[0]);
} else if (json_output) {
Metadata *result = STT_SpeechToTextWithMetadata(aCtx, aBuffer, aBufferSize, json_candidate_transcripts);
res.string = MetadataToJSON(result);
} else if (stream_size > 0) {
StreamingState* ctx;
int status = STT_CreateStream(aCtx, &ctx);
if (status != STT_ERR_OK) {
res.string = strdup("");
return res;
size_t off = 0;
const char *last = nullptr;
const char *prev = nullptr;
while (off < aBufferSize) {
size_t cur = aBufferSize - off > stream_size ? stream_size : aBufferSize - off;
STT_FeedAudioContent(ctx, aBuffer + off, cur);
off += cur;
prev = last;
const char* partial = STT_IntermediateDecode(ctx);
if (last == nullptr || strcmp(last, partial)) {
printf("%s\n", partial);
last = partial;
} else {
STT_FreeString((char *) partial);
if (prev != nullptr && prev != last) {
STT_FreeString((char *) prev);
if (last != nullptr) {
STT_FreeString((char *) last);
res.string = STT_FinishStream(ctx);
} else if (extended_stream_size > 0) {
StreamingState* ctx;
int status = STT_CreateStream(aCtx, &ctx);
if (status != STT_ERR_OK) {
res.string = strdup("");
return res;
size_t off = 0;
const char *last = nullptr;
const char *prev = nullptr;
while (off < aBufferSize) {
size_t cur = aBufferSize - off > extended_stream_size ? extended_stream_size : aBufferSize - off;
STT_FeedAudioContent(ctx, aBuffer + off, cur);
off += cur;
prev = last;
const Metadata* result = STT_IntermediateDecodeWithMetadata(ctx, 1);
const char* partial = CandidateTranscriptToString(&result->transcripts[0]);
if (last == nullptr || strcmp(last, partial)) {
printf("%s\n", partial);
last = partial;
} else {
free((char *) partial);
if (prev != nullptr && prev != last) {
free((char *) prev);
STT_FreeMetadata((Metadata *)result);
const Metadata* result = STT_FinishStreamWithMetadata(ctx, 1);
res.string = CandidateTranscriptToString(&result->transcripts[0]);
STT_FreeMetadata((Metadata *)result);
free((char *) last);
} else {
res.string = STT_SpeechToText(aCtx, aBuffer, aBufferSize);
// sphinx-doc: c_ref_inference_stop
clock_t ds_end_infer = clock();
res.cpu_time_overall =
((double) (ds_end_infer - ds_start_time)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
return res;
typedef struct {
char* buffer;
size_t buffer_size;
} ds_audio_buffer;
GetAudioBuffer(const char* path, int desired_sample_rate)
ds_audio_buffer res = {0};
#ifndef NO_SOX
sox_format_t* input = sox_open_read(path, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Resample/reformat the audio so we can pass it through the MFCC functions
sox_signalinfo_t target_signal = {
static_cast<sox_rate_t>(desired_sample_rate), // Rate
1, // Channels
16, // Precision
SOX_UNSPEC, // Length
NULL // Effects headroom multiplier
sox_signalinfo_t interm_signal;
sox_encodinginfo_t target_encoding = {
SOX_ENCODING_SIGN2, // Sample format
16, // Bits per sample
0.0, // Compression factor
sox_option_default, // Should bytes be reversed
sox_option_default, // Should nibbles be reversed
sox_option_default, // Should bits be reversed (pairs of bits?)
sox_false // Reverse endianness
// It would be preferable to use sox_open_memstream_write here, but OS-X
// doesn't support POSIX 2008, which it requires. See Issue #461.
// Instead, we write to a temporary file.
char* output_name = tmpnam(NULL);
sox_format_t* output = sox_open_write(output_name, &target_signal,
&target_encoding, "raw", NULL, NULL);
sox_format_t* output = sox_open_memstream_write(&res.buffer,
"raw", NULL);
if ((int)input->signal.rate < desired_sample_rate) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: original sample rate (%d) is lower than %dkHz. "
"Up-sampling might produce erratic speech recognition.\n",
desired_sample_rate, (int)input->signal.rate);
// Setup the effects chain to decode/resample
char* sox_args[10];
sox_effects_chain_t* chain =
sox_create_effects_chain(&input->encoding, &output->encoding);
interm_signal = input->signal;
sox_effect_t* e = sox_create_effect(sox_find_effect("input"));
sox_args[0] = (char*)input;
assert(sox_effect_options(e, 1, sox_args) == SOX_SUCCESS);
assert(sox_add_effect(chain, e, &interm_signal, &input->signal) ==
e = sox_create_effect(sox_find_effect("rate"));
assert(sox_effect_options(e, 0, NULL) == SOX_SUCCESS);
assert(sox_add_effect(chain, e, &interm_signal, &output->signal) ==
e = sox_create_effect(sox_find_effect("channels"));
assert(sox_effect_options(e, 0, NULL) == SOX_SUCCESS);
assert(sox_add_effect(chain, e, &interm_signal, &output->signal) ==
e = sox_create_effect(sox_find_effect("output"));
sox_args[0] = (char*)output;
assert(sox_effect_options(e, 1, sox_args) == SOX_SUCCESS);
assert(sox_add_effect(chain, e, &interm_signal, &output->signal) ==
// Finally run the effects chain
sox_flow_effects(chain, NULL, NULL);
// Close sox handles
#endif // NO_SOX
#ifdef NO_SOX
// FIXME: Hack and support only mono 16-bits PCM with standard SoX header
FILE* wave = fopen(path, "r");
size_t rv;
unsigned short audio_format;
fseek(wave, 20, SEEK_SET); rv = fread(&audio_format, 2, 1, wave);
unsigned short num_channels;
fseek(wave, 22, SEEK_SET); rv = fread(&num_channels, 2, 1, wave);
unsigned int sample_rate;
fseek(wave, 24, SEEK_SET); rv = fread(&sample_rate, 4, 1, wave);
unsigned short bits_per_sample;
fseek(wave, 34, SEEK_SET); rv = fread(&bits_per_sample, 2, 1, wave);
assert(audio_format == 1); // 1 is PCM
assert(num_channels == 1); // MONO
assert(sample_rate == desired_sample_rate); // at desired sample rate
assert(bits_per_sample == 16); // 16 bits per sample
fprintf(stderr, "audio_format=%d\n", audio_format);
fprintf(stderr, "num_channels=%d\n", num_channels);
fprintf(stderr, "sample_rate=%d (desired=%d)\n", sample_rate, desired_sample_rate);
fprintf(stderr, "bits_per_sample=%d\n", bits_per_sample);
fseek(wave, 40, SEEK_SET); rv = fread(&res.buffer_size, 4, 1, wave);
fprintf(stderr, "res.buffer_size=%ld\n", res.buffer_size);
fseek(wave, 44, SEEK_SET);
res.buffer = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * res.buffer_size);
rv = fread(res.buffer, sizeof(char), res.buffer_size, wave);
#endif // NO_SOX
res.buffer_size = (size_t)(output->olength * 2);
res.buffer = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * res.buffer_size);
FILE* output_file = fopen(output_name, "rb");
assert(fread(res.buffer, sizeof(char), res.buffer_size, output_file) == res.buffer_size);
return res;
ProcessFile(ModelState* context, const char* path, bool show_times)
ds_audio_buffer audio = GetAudioBuffer(path, STT_GetModelSampleRate(context));
// Pass audio to STT
// We take half of buffer_size because buffer is a char* while
// LocalDsSTT() expected a short*
ds_result result = LocalDsSTT(context,
(const short*)audio.buffer,
audio.buffer_size / 2,
if (result.string) {
printf("%s\n", result.string);
if (show_times) {
SplitStringOnDelim(std::string in_string, std::string delim)
std::vector<std::string> out_vector;
char * tmp_str = new char[in_string.size() + 1];
std::copy(in_string.begin(), in_string.end(), tmp_str);
tmp_str[in_string.size()] = '\0';
const char* token = strtok(tmp_str, delim.c_str());
while( token != NULL ) {
token = strtok(NULL, delim.c_str());
delete[] tmp_str;
return out_vector;
main(int argc, char **argv)
if (!ProcessArgs(argc, argv)) {
return 1;
// Initialise STT
ModelState* ctx;
// sphinx-doc: c_ref_model_start
int status = STT_CreateModel(model, &ctx);
if (status != 0) {
char* error = STT_ErrorCodeToErrorMessage(status);
fprintf(stderr, "Could not create model: %s\n", error);
return 1;
if (set_beamwidth) {
status = STT_SetModelBeamWidth(ctx, beam_width);
if (status != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not set model beam width.\n");
return 1;
if (scorer) {
status = STT_EnableExternalScorer(ctx, scorer);
if (status != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not enable external scorer.\n");
return 1;
if (set_alphabeta) {
status = STT_SetScorerAlphaBeta(ctx, lm_alpha, lm_beta);
if (status != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error setting scorer alpha and beta.\n");
return 1;
// sphinx-doc: c_ref_model_stop
if (hot_words) {
std::vector<std::string> hot_words_ = SplitStringOnDelim(hot_words, ",");
for ( std::string hot_word_ : hot_words_ ) {
std::vector<std::string> pair_ = SplitStringOnDelim(hot_word_, ":");
const char* word = (pair_[0]).c_str();
// the strtof function will return 0 in case of non numeric characters
// so, check the boost string before we turn it into a float
bool boost_is_valid = (pair_[1].find_first_not_of("-.0123456789") == std::string::npos);
float boost = strtof((pair_[1]).c_str(),0);
status = STT_AddHotWord(ctx, word, boost);
if (status != 0 || !boost_is_valid) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not enable hot-word.\n");
return 1;
#ifndef NO_SOX
// Initialise SOX
assert(sox_init() == SOX_SUCCESS);
struct stat wav_info;
if (0 != stat(audio, &wav_info)) {
printf("Error on stat: %d\n", errno);
switch (wav_info.st_mode & S_IFMT) {
#ifndef _MSC_VER
case S_IFLNK:
case S_IFREG:
ProcessFile(ctx, audio, show_times);
#ifndef NO_DIR
case S_IFDIR:
printf("Running on directory %s\n", audio);
DIR* wav_dir = opendir(audio);
struct dirent* entry;
while ((entry = readdir(wav_dir)) != NULL) {
std::string fname = std::string(entry->d_name);
if (fname.find(".wav") == std::string::npos) {
std::ostringstream fullpath;
fullpath << audio << "/" << fname;
std::string path = fullpath.str();
printf("> %s\n", path.c_str());
ProcessFile(ctx, path.c_str(), show_times);
printf("Unexpected type for %s: %d\n", audio, (wav_info.st_mode & S_IFMT));
#ifndef NO_SOX
// Deinitialise and quit
#endif // NO_SOX
return 0;