2017-09-13 11:41:15 -03:00

281 lines
9.8 KiB

#include "lm/interpolate/merge_probabilities.hh"
#include "lm/common/ngram_stream.hh"
#include "lm/interpolate/bounded_sequence_encoding.hh"
#include "lm/interpolate/interpolate_info.hh"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
namespace lm {
namespace interpolate {
* Helper to generate the BoundedSequenceEncoding used for writing the
* from values.
BoundedSequenceEncoding MakeEncoder(const InterpolateInfo &info, uint8_t order) {
util::FixedArray<uint8_t> max_orders(info.orders.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < info.orders.size(); ++i) {
max_orders.push_back(std::min(order, info.orders[i]));
return BoundedSequenceEncoding(max_orders.begin(), max_orders.end());
namespace {
* A simple wrapper class that holds information needed to read and write
* the ngrams of a particular order. This class has the memory needed to
* buffer the data needed for the recursive process of computing the
* probabilities and "from" values for each component model.
* "From" values indicate, for each model, what order (as an index, so -1)
* was backed off to in order to arrive at a probability. For example, if a
* 5-gram model (order index 4) backed off twice, we would write a 2.
class NGramHandler {
NGramHandler(uint8_t order, const InterpolateInfo &ifo,
util::FixedArray<util::stream::ChainPositions> &models_by_order)
: info(ifo),
encoder(MakeEncoder(info, order)),
out_record(order, encoder.EncodedLength()) {
std::size_t count_has_order = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < models_by_order.size(); ++i) {
count_has_order += (models_by_order[i].size() >= order);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < models_by_order.size(); ++i) {
if (models_by_order[i].size() < order)
inputs_.push_back(models_by_order[i][order - 1]);
if (inputs_.back()) {
active_.resize(active_.size() + 1);
active_.back().model = i;
active_.back().stream = &inputs_.back();
// have to init outside since NGramStreams doesn't forward to
// GenericStreams ctor given a ChainPositions
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < info.Models(); ++i) {
struct StreamIndex {
NGramStream<ProbBackoff> *stream;
NGramStream<ProbBackoff> &Stream() { return *stream; }
std::size_t model;
std::size_t ActiveSize() const {
return active_.size();
* @return the input stream for a particular model that corresponds to
* this ngram order
StreamIndex &operator[](std::size_t idx) {
return active_[idx];
void erase(std::size_t idx) {
active_.erase(active_.begin() + idx);
const InterpolateInfo &info;
BoundedSequenceEncoding encoder;
PartialProbGamma out_record;
util::FixedArray<float> probs;
util::FixedArray<uint8_t> from;
std::vector<StreamIndex> active_;
NGramStreams<ProbBackoff> inputs_;
* A collection of NGramHandlers.
class NGramHandlers : public util::FixedArray<NGramHandler> {
explicit NGramHandlers(std::size_t num)
: util::FixedArray<NGramHandler>(num) {
void push_back(
std::size_t order, const InterpolateInfo &info,
util::FixedArray<util::stream::ChainPositions> &models_by_order) {
new (end()) NGramHandler(order, info, models_by_order);
* The recursive helper function that computes probability and "from"
* values for all ngrams matching a particular suffix.
* The current order can be computed as the suffix length + 1. Note that
* the suffix could be empty (suffix_begin == suffix_end == NULL), in which
* case we are handling unigrams with the UNK token as the fallback
* probability.
* @param handlers The full collection of handlers
* @param suffix_begin A start iterator for the suffix
* @param suffix_end An end iterator for the suffix
* @param fallback_probs The probabilities of this ngram if we need to
* back off (that is, the probability of the suffix)
* @param fallback_from The order that the corresponding fallback
* probability in the fallback_probs is from
* @param combined_fallback interpolated fallback_probs
* @param outputs The output streams, one for each order
void HandleSuffix(NGramHandlers &handlers, WordIndex *suffix_begin,
WordIndex *suffix_end,
const util::FixedArray<float> &fallback_probs,
const util::FixedArray<uint8_t> &fallback_from,
float combined_fallback,
util::stream::Streams &outputs) {
uint8_t order = std::distance(suffix_begin, suffix_end) + 1;
if (order > outputs.size()) return;
util::stream::Stream &output = outputs[order - 1];
NGramHandler &handler = handlers[order - 1];
while (true) {
// find the next smallest ngram which matches our suffix
// TODO: priority queue driven.
WordIndex *minimum = NULL;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < handler.ActiveSize(); ++i) {
if (!std::equal(suffix_begin, suffix_end, handler[i].Stream()->begin() + 1))
// if we either haven't set a minimum yet or this one is smaller than
// the minimum we found before, replace it
WordIndex *last = handler[i].Stream()->begin();
if (!minimum || *last < *minimum) { minimum = handler[i].Stream()->begin(); }
// no more ngrams of this order match our suffix, so we're done
if (!minimum) return;
std::copy(minimum, minimum + order, handler.out_record.begin());
// Default case is having backed off.
std::copy(fallback_probs.begin(), fallback_probs.end(), handler.probs.begin());
std::copy(fallback_from.begin(), fallback_from.end(), handler.from.begin());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < handler.ActiveSize();) {
if (std::equal(handler.out_record.begin(), handler.out_record.end(),
handler[i].Stream()->begin())) {
handler.probs[handler[i].model] =[handler[i].model] * handler[i].Stream()->Value().prob;
handler.from[handler[i].model] = order - 1;
if (++handler[i].Stream()) {
} else {
} else {
handler.out_record.Prob() = std::accumulate(handler.probs.begin(), handler.probs.end(), 0.0);
handler.out_record.LowerProb() = combined_fallback;
// we've handled this particular ngram, so now recurse to the higher
// order using the current ngram as the suffix
HandleSuffix(handlers, handler.out_record.begin(), handler.out_record.end(),
handler.probs, handler.from, handler.out_record.Prob(), outputs);
// consume the output
* Kicks off the recursion for computing the probabilities and "from"
* values for each ngram order. We begin by handling the UNK token that
* should be at the front of each of the unigram input streams. This is
* then output to the stream and it is used as the fallback for handling
* our unigram case, the unigram used as the fallback for the bigram case,
* etc.
void HandleNGrams(NGramHandlers &handlers, util::stream::Streams &outputs) {
PartialProbGamma unk_record(1, 0);
// First: populate the unk probabilities by reading the first unigram
// from each stream
util::FixedArray<float> unk_probs(handlers[0].info.Models());
// start by populating the ngram id from the first stream
lm::NGram<ProbBackoff> ngram = *handlers[0][0].Stream();
std::copy(ngram.begin(), ngram.end(), unk_record.begin());
unk_record.Prob() = 0;
// then populate the probabilities into unk_probs while "multiply" the
// model probabilities together into the unk record
// note that from doesn't need to be set for unigrams
assert(handlers[0].ActiveSize() == handlers[0].info.Models());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < handlers[0].info.Models();) {
ngram = *handlers[0][i].Stream();
unk_probs.push_back(handlers[0].info.lambdas[i] * ngram.Value().prob);
unk_record.Prob() += unk_probs[i];
assert(*ngram.begin() == kUNK);
if (++handlers[0][i].Stream()) {
} else {
float unk_combined = unk_record.Prob();
unk_record.LowerProb() = unk_combined;
// flush the unk output record
// Then, begin outputting everything in lexicographic order: first we'll
// get the unigram then the first bigram with that context, then the
// first trigram with that bigram context, etc., until we exhaust all of
// the ngrams, then all of the (n-1)grams, etc.
// This function is the "root" of this recursive process.
util::FixedArray<uint8_t> unk_from(handlers[0].info.Models());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < handlers[0].info.Models(); ++i) {
// the two nulls are to encode that our "fallback" word is the "0-gram"
// case, e.g. we "backed off" to UNK
// TODO: stop generating vocab ids and LowerProb for unigrams.
HandleSuffix(handlers, NULL, NULL, unk_probs, unk_from, unk_combined, outputs);
// Verify we reached the end. And poison!
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < handlers.size(); ++i) {
"MergeProbabilities did not exhaust all ngram streams");
} // namespace
void MergeProbabilities::Run(const util::stream::ChainPositions &output_pos) {
NGramHandlers handlers(output_pos.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < output_pos.size(); ++i) {
handlers.push_back(i + 1, info_, models_by_order_);
util::stream::Streams outputs(output_pos);
HandleNGrams(handlers, outputs);
}} // namespaces