Importer for dataset from Centre de Conférences Pierre Mendès-France

Released by Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances, et de la Relance
This commit is contained in:
Alexandre Lissy 2020-01-22 18:58:33 +01:00
parent d7d7ea7db1
commit f252de4a8d
2 changed files with 514 additions and 1 deletions

bin/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Importer for dataset published from Centre de Conférence Pierre Mendès-France
Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Relance
import csv
import sys
import os
import progressbar
import subprocess
import zipfile
from glob import glob
from multiprocessing import Pool
import hashlib
import decimal
import math
import unicodedata
import re
import sox
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from num2words import num2words
except ImportError as ex:
print("pip install num2words")
import requests
import json
from deepspeech_training.util.downloader import SIMPLE_BAR, maybe_download
from deepspeech_training.util.helpers import secs_to_hours
from deepspeech_training.util.importers import (
from ds_ctcdecoder import Alphabet
FIELDNAMES = ["wav_filename", "wav_filesize", "transcript"]
MIN_SECS = 0.85
("863d39a06a388c6491c6ff2f6450b151f38f1b57", ""),
("2f3a0305aa04c61220bb00b5a4e553e45dbf12e1", ""),
("5e55e9f1f844097349188ac875947e5a3d7fe9f1", ""),
("8bf54842cf07948ca5915e27a8bd5fa5139c06ae", ""),
("c8963504aadc015ac48f9af80058a0bb3440b94f", ""),
("d95e225e908621d83ce4e9795fd108d9d310e244", ""),
("de6ed9c2b0ee80ca879aae8ba7923cc93217d811", ""),
("234283c47dacfcd4450d836c52c25f3e807fc5f2", ""),
("4e6b67a688639bb72f8cd81782eaba604a8d32a6", ""),
("4165a51389777c8af8e6253d87bdacb877e8b3b0", ""),
("34322e7009780d97ef5bd02bf2f2c7a31f00baff", ""),
("48c5be3b2ca9d6108d525da6a03e91d93a95dbac", ""),
("87573172f506a189c2ebc633856fe11a2e9cd213", ""),
("6ab2c9e508e9278d5129f023e018725c4a7c69e8", ""),
("4f84df831ef46dce5d3ab3e21817687a2d8c12d0", ""),
("e69bfb079885c299cb81080ef88b1b8b57158aa6", ""),
("5f764ba788ee273981cf211b242c29b49ca22c5e", ""),
("b6aa81a959525363223494830c1e7307d4c4bae6", ""),
("91ddcf43c7bf113a6f2528b857c7ec22a50a148a", ""),
("fa1b29273dd77b9a7494983a2f9ae52654b931d7", ""),
("1113aef4f5e2be2f7fbf2d54b6c710c1c0e7135f", ""),
("ce6420d5d0b6b5135ba559f83e1a82d4d615c470", ""),
("d0976ed292ac24fcf1590d1ea195077c74b05471", ""),
("ec746cd6af066f62d9bf8d3b2f89174783ff4e3c", ""),
("570d9e1e84178e32fd867171d4b3aaecda1fd4fb", ""),
("c29ccc7467a75b2cae3d7f2e9fbbb2ab276cb8ac", ""),
("08406a51146d88e208704ce058c060a1e44efa50", ""),
("199aedad733a78ea1e7d47def9c71c6fd5795e02", ""),
("db856a068f92fb4f01f410bba42c7271de0f231a", ""),
("e3c0135f16c6c9d25a09dcb4f99a685438a84740", ""),
("e51b8bb9c0ae4339f98b4f21e6d29b825109f0ac", ""),
("be5e80cbc49b59b31ae33c30576ef0e1a162d84e", ""),
("501df58e3ff55fcfd75b93dab57566dc536948b8", ""),
("1a114875811a8cdcb8d85a9f6dbee78be3e05131", ""),
("465d824e7ee46448369182c0c28646d155a2249b", ""),
("37f341b1b266d143eb73138c31cfff3201b9d619", ""),
("9e7d8255987a8a77a90e0d4b55c8fd38b9fb5694", ""),
("54886755630cb080a53098cb1b6c951c6714a143", ""),
("4b7cbb0154697be795034f7a49712e882a97197a", ""),
("c8e1e565a0e7a1f6ff1dbfcefe677aa74a41d2f2", ""),
def _download_and_preprocess_data(csv_url, target_dir):
dataset_sources = os.path.join(target_dir, "transcriptionsXML_audioMP3_MEFR_CCPMF_2012-2020", "data.txt")
if os.path.exists(dataset_sources):
return dataset_sources
# Making path absolute
target_dir = os.path.abspath(target_dir)
csv_ref = requests.get(csv_url).text.split('\r\n')[1:-1]
for part in csv_ref:
part_filename = requests.head(part).headers.get("Content-Disposition").split(" ")[1].split("=")[1].replace('"', "")
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(target_dir, part_filename)):
part_path = maybe_download(part_filename, target_dir, part)
def _big_sha1(fname):
s = hashlib.sha1()
buffer_size = 65536
with open(fname, "rb") as f:
while True:
data =
if not data:
return s.hexdigest()
for (sha1, filename) in DATASET_RELEASE_SHA:
print("Checking {} SHA1:".format(filename))
csum = _big_sha1(os.path.join(target_dir, filename))
if csum == sha1:
print("\t{}: OK {}".format(filename, sha1))
print("\t{}: ERROR: expected {}, computed {}".format(filename, sha1, csum))
assert csum == sha1
# Conditionally extract data
_maybe_extract(target_dir, "transcriptionsXML_audioMP3_MEFR_CCPMF_2012-2020", "", "")
# Produce source text for extraction / conversion
return _maybe_create_sources(os.path.join(target_dir, "transcriptionsXML_audioMP3_MEFR_CCPMF_2012-2020"))
def _maybe_extract(target_dir, extracted_data, archive, final):
# If target_dir/extracted_data does not exist, extract archive in target_dir
extracted_path = os.path.join(target_dir, extracted_data)
archive_path = os.path.join(target_dir, archive)
final_archive = os.path.join(extracted_path, final)
if not os.path.exists(extracted_path):
if not os.path.exists(archive_path):
print('No archive "%s" - building ...' % archive_path)
all_zip_parts = glob(archive_path + ".*")
cmdline = "cat {} > {}".format(" ".join(all_zip_parts), archive_path)
print('Building with "%s"' % cmdline)
subprocess.check_call(cmdline, shell=True, cwd=target_dir)
assert os.path.exists(archive_path)
print('No directory "%s" - extracting archive %s ...' % (extracted_path, archive_path))
with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path) as zip_f:
with zipfile.ZipFile(final_archive) as zip_f:
print('Found directory "%s" - not extracting it from archive.' % extracted_path)
def _maybe_create_sources(dir):
dataset_sources = os.path.join(dir, "data.txt")
MP3 = glob(os.path.join(dir, "**", "*.mp3"))
XML = glob(os.path.join(dir, "**", "*.xml"))
MP3_XML_Scores = []
MP3_XML_Fin = {}
for f_mp3 in MP3:
for f_xml in XML:
b_mp3 = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f_mp3))[0]
b_xml = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f_xml))[0]
a_mp3 = b_mp3.split('_')
a_xml = b_xml.split('_')
score = 0
date_mp3 = a_mp3[0]
date_xml = a_xml[0]
if date_mp3 != date_xml:
for i in range(min(len(a_mp3), len(a_xml))):
if (a_mp3[i] == a_xml[i]):
score += 1
if score >= 1:
MP3_XML_Scores.append((f_mp3, f_xml, score))
# sort by score
MP3_XML_Scores.sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)
for s_mp3, s_xml, score in MP3_XML_Scores:
#print(s_mp3, s_xml, score)
if score not in MP3_XML_Fin:
MP3_XML_Fin[score] = {}
if s_mp3 not in MP3_XML_Fin[score]:
MP3_XML_Fin[score][s_mp3] = s_xml
except ValueError as ex:
print("here:", MP3_XML_Fin[score][s_mp3], s_xml, file=sys.stderr)
with open(dataset_sources, "w") as ds:
for score in MP3_XML_Fin:
for mp3 in MP3_XML_Fin[score]:
xml = MP3_XML_Fin[score][mp3]
if os.path.getsize(mp3) > 0 and os.path.getsize(xml) > 0:
mp3 = os.path.relpath(mp3, dir)
xml = os.path.relpath(xml, dir)
ds.write('{},{},{:0.2e}\n'.format(xml, mp3, 2.5e-4))
print("Empty file {} or {}".format(mp3, xml), file=sys.stderr)
print("Missing XML pairs:", MP3, file=sys.stderr)
return dataset_sources
def maybe_normalize_for_digits(label):
# first, try to identify numbers like "50 000", "260 000"
if " " in label:
if any(s.isdigit() for s in label):
thousands = re.compile(r"(\d{1,3}(?:\s*\d{3})*(?:,\d+)?)")
maybe_thousands = thousands.findall(label)
if len(maybe_thousands) > 0:
while True:
(label, r) = re.subn(r"(\d)\s(\d{3})", "\\1\\2", label)
if r == 0:
# this might be a time or duration in the form "hh:mm" or "hh:mm:ss"
if ":" in label:
for s in label.split(" "):
if any(i.isdigit() for i in s):
date_or_time = re.compile(r"(\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):?(\d{2})?")
maybe_date_or_time = date_or_time.findall(s)
if len(maybe_date_or_time) > 0:
maybe_hours = maybe_date_or_time[0][0]
maybe_minutes = maybe_date_or_time[0][1]
maybe_seconds = maybe_date_or_time[0][2]
if len(maybe_seconds) > 0:
label = label.replace("{}:{}:{}".format(maybe_hours, maybe_minutes, maybe_seconds), "{} heures {} minutes et {} secondes".format(maybe_hours, maybe_minutes, maybe_seconds))
label = label.replace("{}:{}".format(maybe_hours, maybe_minutes), "{} heures et {} minutes".format(maybe_hours, maybe_minutes))
new_label = []
# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
for s in label.split(" "):
if any(i.isdigit() for i in s):
s = s.replace(",", ".") # num2words requires "." for floats
s = s.replace("\"", "") # clean some data, num2words would choke on 1959"
last_c = s[-1]
if not last_c.isdigit(): # num2words will choke on "0.6.", "24 ?"
s = s[:-1]
if any(i.isalpha() for i in s): # So we have any(isdigit()) **and** any(sialpha), like "3D"
ns = []
for c in s:
nc = c
if c.isdigit(): # convert "3" to "trois-"
nc = num2words(c, lang="fr") + "-"
except decimal.InvalidOperation as ex:
print("decimal.InvalidOperation: '{}'".format(s))
raise ex
s = "".join(s)
s = num2words(s, lang="fr")
except decimal.InvalidOperation as ex:
print("decimal.InvalidOperation: '{}'".format(s))
raise ex
return " ".join(new_label)
def maybe_normalize_for_specials_chars(label):
label = label.replace("%", "pourcents")
label = label.replace("/", ", ") # clean intervals like 2019/2022 to "2019 2022"
label = label.replace("-", ", ") # clean intervals like 70-80 to "70 80"
label = label.replace("+", " plus ") # clean + and make it speakable
label = label.replace("", " euros ") # clean euro symbol and make it speakable
label = label.replace("., ", ", ") # clean some strange "4.0., " (20181017_Innovation.xml)
label = label.replace("°", " degré ") # clean some strange "°5" (20181210_EtatsGeneraux-1000_fre_750_und.xml)
label = label.replace("...", ".") # remove ellipsis
label = label.replace("..", ".") # remove broken ellipsis
label = label.replace("", "mètre-carrés") # 20150616_Defi_Climat_3_wmv_0_fre_minefi.xml
label = label.replace("[end]", "") # broken tag in 20150123_Entretiens_Tresor_PGM_wmv_0_fre_minefi.xml
label = label.replace(u'\xB8c', " ç") # strange cedilla in 20150417_Printemps_Economie_2_wmv_0_fre_minefi.xml
label = label.replace("C0²", "CO 2") # 20121016_Syteme_sante_copie_wmv_0_fre_minefi.xml
return label
def maybe_normalize_for_anglicisms(label):
label = label.replace("B2B", "B to B")
label = label.replace("B2C", "B to C")
label = label.replace("#", "hashtag ")
label = label.replace("@", "at ")
return label
def maybe_normalize(label):
label = maybe_normalize_for_specials_chars(label)
label = maybe_normalize_for_anglicisms(label)
label = maybe_normalize_for_digits(label)
return label
def one_sample(sample):
file_size = -1
frames = 0
audio_source = sample[0]
target_dir = sample[1]
dataset_basename = sample[2]
start_time = sample[3]
duration = sample[4]
label = label_filter_fun(sample[5])
sample_id = sample[6]
_wav_filename = os.path.basename(audio_source.replace(".wav", "_{:06}.wav".format(sample_id)))
wav_fullname = os.path.join(target_dir, dataset_basename, _wav_filename)
if not os.path.exists(wav_fullname):
subprocess.check_output(["ffmpeg", "-i", audio_source, "-ss", str(start_time), "-t", str(duration), "-c", "copy", wav_fullname], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
file_size = os.path.getsize(wav_fullname)
frames = int(subprocess.check_output(["soxi", "-s", wav_fullname], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT))
_counter = get_counter()
_rows = []
if file_size == -1:
# Excluding samples that failed upon conversion
_counter["failed"] += 1
elif label is None:
# Excluding samples that failed on label validation
_counter["invalid_label"] += 1
elif int(frames/SAMPLE_RATE*1000/10/2) < len(str(label)):
# Excluding samples that are too short to fit the transcript
_counter["too_short"] += 1
elif frames/SAMPLE_RATE < MIN_SECS:
# Excluding samples that are too short
_counter["too_short"] += 1
elif frames/SAMPLE_RATE > MAX_SECS:
# Excluding very long samples to keep a reasonable batch-size
_counter["too_long"] += 1
# This one is good - keep it for the target CSV
_rows.append((os.path.join(dataset_basename, _wav_filename), file_size, label))
_counter["imported_time"] += frames
_counter["all"] += 1
_counter["total_time"] += frames
return (_counter, _rows)
def _maybe_import_data(xml_file, audio_source, target_dir, rel_tol=1e-1):
dataset_basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(xml_file)[1])[0]
wav_root = os.path.join(target_dir, dataset_basename)
if not os.path.exists(wav_root):
source_frames = int(subprocess.check_output(["soxi", "-s", audio_source], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT))
print("Source audio length: %s" % secs_to_hours(source_frames / SAMPLE_RATE))
# Get audiofile path and transcript for each sentence in tsv
samples = []
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
seq_id = 0
this_time = 0.0
this_duration = 0.0
prev_time = 0.0
prev_duration = 0.0
this_text = ""
for child in root:
if child.tag == "row":
cur_time = float(child.attrib["timestamp"])
cur_duration = float(child.attrib["timedur"])
cur_text = child.text
if this_time == 0.0:
this_time = cur_time
delta = cur_time - (prev_time + prev_duration)
# rel_tol value is made from trial/error to try and compromise between:
# - cutting enough to skip missing words
# - not too short, not too long sentences
is_close = math.isclose(cur_time, this_time + this_duration, rel_tol=rel_tol)
is_short = ((this_duration + cur_duration + delta) < MAX_SECS)
# when the previous element is close enough **and** this does not
# go over MAX_SECS, we append content
if (is_close and is_short):
this_duration += cur_duration + delta
this_text += cur_text
samples.append((audio_source, target_dir, dataset_basename, this_time, this_duration, this_text, seq_id))
this_time = cur_time
this_duration = cur_duration
this_text = cur_text
seq_id += 1
prev_time = cur_time
prev_duration = cur_duration
# Keep track of how many samples are good vs. problematic
_counter = get_counter()
num_samples = len(samples)
_rows = []
print("Processing XML data: {}".format(xml_file))
pool = Pool()
bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=num_samples, widgets=SIMPLE_BAR)
for i, processed in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(one_sample, samples), start=1):
_counter += processed[0]
_rows += processed[1]
imported_samples = get_imported_samples(_counter)
assert _counter["all"] == num_samples
assert len(_rows) == imported_samples
print_import_report(_counter, SAMPLE_RATE, MAX_SECS)
print("Import efficiency: %.1f%%" % ((_counter["total_time"] / source_frames)*100))
return _counter, _rows
def _maybe_convert_wav(mp3_filename, _wav_filename):
if not os.path.exists(_wav_filename):
print("Converting {} to WAV file: {}".format(mp3_filename, _wav_filename))
transformer = sox.Transformer()
transformer.convert(samplerate=SAMPLE_RATE, n_channels=CHANNELS, bitdepth=BIT_DEPTH)
try:, _wav_filename)
except sox.core.SoxError:
def write_general_csv(target_dir, _rows, _counter):
target_csv_template = os.path.join(target_dir, "ccpmf_{}.csv")
with open(target_csv_template.format("train"), "w") as train_csv_file: # 80%
with open(target_csv_template.format("dev"), "w") as dev_csv_file: # 10%
with open(target_csv_template.format("test"), "w") as test_csv_file: # 10%
train_writer = csv.DictWriter(train_csv_file, fieldnames=FIELDNAMES)
dev_writer = csv.DictWriter(dev_csv_file, fieldnames=FIELDNAMES)
test_writer = csv.DictWriter(test_csv_file, fieldnames=FIELDNAMES)
bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(_rows), widgets=SIMPLE_BAR)
for i, item in enumerate(bar(_rows)):
i_mod = i % 10
if i_mod == 0:
writer = test_writer
elif i_mod == 1:
writer = dev_writer
writer = train_writer
writer.writerow({"wav_filename": item[0], "wav_filesize": item[1], "transcript": item[2]})
print("~~~~ FINAL STATISTICS ~~~~")
print_import_report(_counter, SAMPLE_RATE, MAX_SECS)
print("~~~~ (FINAL STATISTICS) ~~~~")
if __name__ == "__main__":
PARSER = get_importers_parser(description="Import XML from Conference Centre for Economics, France")
PARSER.add_argument("target_dir", help="Destination directory")
PARSER.add_argument("--filter_alphabet", help="Exclude samples with characters not in provided alphabet")
PARSER.add_argument("--normalize", action="store_true", help="Converts diacritic characters to their base ones")
PARAMS = PARSER.parse_args()
validate_label = get_validate_label(PARAMS)
ALPHABET = Alphabet(PARAMS.filter_alphabet) if PARAMS.filter_alphabet else None
def label_filter_fun(label):
if PARAMS.normalize:
label = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", label.strip()) \
.encode("ascii", "ignore") \
.decode("ascii", "ignore")
label = maybe_normalize(label)
label = validate_label(label)
if ALPHABET and label:
except KeyError:
label = None
return label
dataset_sources = _download_and_preprocess_data(csv_url=DATASET_RELEASE_CSV, target_dir=PARAMS.target_dir)
sources_root_dir = os.path.dirname(dataset_sources)
all_counter = get_counter()
all_rows = []
with open(dataset_sources, "r") as sources:
for line in sources.readlines():
d = line.split(",")
this_xml = os.path.join(sources_root_dir, d[0])
this_mp3 = os.path.join(sources_root_dir, d[1])
this_rel = float(d[2])
wav_filename = os.path.join(sources_root_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(this_mp3))[0] + ".wav")
_maybe_convert_wav(this_mp3, wav_filename)
counter, rows = _maybe_import_data(this_xml, wav_filename, sources_root_dir, this_rel)
all_counter += counter
all_rows += rows
write_general_csv(sources_root_dir, _counter=all_counter, _rows=all_rows)

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def maybe_download(archive_name, target_dir, archive_url):
total_size = int(req.headers.get('content-length', 0)) total_size = int(req.headers.get('content-length', 0))
done = 0 done = 0
with open(archive_path, 'wb') as f: with open(archive_path, 'wb') as f:
bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=total_size, widgets=SIMPLE_BAR) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=total_size if total_size > 0 else progressbar.UnknownLength, widgets=SIMPLE_BAR)
for data in req.iter_content(1024*1024): for data in req.iter_content(1024*1024):
done += len(data) done += len(data)
f.write(data) f.write(data)