Support for Docker Hub automated builds

This commit is contained in:
Alexandre Lissy 2020-06-30 11:56:40 +02:00
parent 556ea0c16f
commit 436561b0e4

hooks/pre_build Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# This script is intended for Docker Hub Automated Builds since we can't
# build on TaskCluster because of too old Docker version (see issue #3057)
# Docker Hub expects an existing ready-to-use Dockerfile, and this hook allows
# to generate one basing on the existing |make| template, but we need to change
# in-place, hence why the |cp| statement
# Docker Hub Automated Builds needs to be configured as:
# Source Type | Source | Docker Tag | Dockerfile Location | Build Context
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tag | /^v([0-9.\-a-zA-Z]+)/ | v{\1} | Dockerfile.train.tmpl | /
# Tag | /^v([0-9.\-a-zA-Z]+)/ | v{\1} | | /
# Docker Hub Automated builds will populate some env variables:
# - DOCKERFILE_PATH: the filename defined as "Dockerfile Location"
# - SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL: the url of the repo triggering the tag event
# - SOURCE_COMMIT: the sha1 of the commit triggering the tag event
# More details:
set -e # Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
set -u # Treat unset variables as an error.
DOCKERFILE_TARGET=$(echo ${DOCKERFILE_PATH} | sed -e 's/\.tmpl//g')
#### If you need to inspect the generated Dockerfile
## echo "----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----"
## echo "----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----"