* Clarify and correct Android Sections Build Tools version updated to latest version shipping with Android Studio. Added some comments to clarify both this and NDK Level details that have been causing confusion. * Update Build Tools Version Android studio uses 25.0.2 now (I think) and complains about incorrect bulid tools version in gradle. This fixes it. Not sure if this is unique to my android studio though because I have latest version? * Requested changes to WORKSPACE for Android Clarification of comments to the android section at the top. Comments added to avoid common confusion. * Update Dockerfile.android to clarify build tools. I don't understand this dockerfile too much but I gather that this will download and use the correct build_tools_version regardless? Nonetheless, updated to 25.0.2 as a minimum and added a comment to assist troubleshooters in the future. * Update build_tools_version and add comment Added comment to clarify build_tools_version updates and changed it to 25.0.2 * Update WORKSPACE * Update WORKSPACE * Update Dockerfile.android * Update WORKSPACE * Updated for "the", lines and line wrapping
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// This file provides basic support for building the TensorFlow demo
// in Android Studio with Gradle.
// Note that Bazel is still used by default to compile the native libs,
// and should be installed at the location noted below. This build file
// automates the process of calling out to it and copying the compiled
// libraries back into the appropriate directory.
// Alternatively, experimental support for Makefile builds is provided by
// setting buildWithMake below to true. This will allow building the demo
// on Windows machines, but note that full equivalence with the Bazel
// build is not yet guaranteed. See comments below for caveats and tips
// for speeding up the build, such as as enabling ccache.
// Set to true to build with make.
// NOTE: Running a make build will cause subsequent Bazel builds to *fail*
// unless the contrib/makefile/downloads/ and gen/ dirs are deleted afterwards.
def buildWithMake = false
// Controls output directory in APK and CPU type for Bazel builds.
// NOTE: Does not affect the Makefile build target API (yet), which currently
// assumes armeabi-v7a. If building with make, changing this will require
// editing the Makefile as well.
def cpuType = 'armeabi-v7a'
// Output directory in the local directory for packaging into the APK.
def nativeOutDir = 'libs/' + cpuType
// Default to building with Bazel and override with make if requested.
def nativeBuildRule = 'buildNativeBazel'
def demoLibPath = '../../../bazel-bin/tensorflow/examples/android/libtensorflow_demo.so'
def inferenceLibPath = '../../../bazel-bin/tensorflow/contrib/android/libtensorflow_inference.so'
if (buildWithMake) {
nativeBuildRule = 'buildNativeMake'
demoLibPath = '../../../tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/lib/libtensorflow_demo.so'
inferenceLibPath = '../../../tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/lib/libtensorflow_inference.so'
// Defines the NDK location for Makefile builds. Does *not* affect Bazel builds.
// Override with your absolute NDK location if this fails to get the location
// automatically.
def makeNdkRoot = System.getenv('NDK_ROOT')
// If building with Bazel, this is the location of the bazel binary.
// NOTE: Bazel does not yet support building for Android on Windows,
// so in this case the Makefile build must be used as described above.
def bazelLocation = '/usr/local/bin/bazel'
project.buildDir = 'gradleBuild'
// import DownloadModels task
project.ext.ASSET_DIR = projectDir.toString() + '/assets'
project.ext.TMP_DIR = project.buildDir.toString() + '/downloads'
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.3.0'
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
android {
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion "25.0.2"
lintOptions {
abortOnError false
sourceSets {
main {
// TensorFlow Java API sources.
java {
srcDir '../../java/src/main/java'
exclude '**/examples/**'
// Android TensorFlow wrappers, etc.
java {
srcDir '../../contrib/android/java'
// Android demo app sources.
java {
srcDir 'src'
manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
resources.srcDirs = ['src']
aidl.srcDirs = ['src']
renderscript.srcDirs = ['src']
res.srcDirs = ['res']
assets.srcDirs = [project.ext.ASSET_DIR]
jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs']
task buildNativeBazel(type: Exec) {
workingDir '../../..'
commandLine bazelLocation, 'build', '-c', 'opt', \
'tensorflow/examples/android:tensorflow_native_libs', \
'--crosstool_top=//external:android/crosstool', \
'--cpu=' + cpuType, \
task buildNativeMake(type: Exec) {
environment "NDK_ROOT", makeNdkRoot
// Tip: install ccache and uncomment the following to speed up
// builds significantly.
// environment "CC_PREFIX", 'ccache'
workingDir '../../..'
commandLine 'tensorflow/contrib/makefile/build_all_android.sh', \
'-s', \
'tensorflow/contrib/makefile/sub_makefiles/android/Makefile.in', \
'-t', \
'libtensorflow_inference.so libtensorflow_demo.so' \
//, '-T' // Uncomment to skip protobuf and speed up subsequent builds.
task copyNativeLibs(type: Copy) {
from demoLibPath
from inferenceLibPath
into nativeOutDir
duplicatesStrategy = 'include'
dependsOn nativeBuildRule
fileMode 0644
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
if (task.name == 'assembleDebug') {
task.dependsOn 'copyNativeLibs'
if (task.name == 'assembleRelease') {
task.dependsOn 'copyNativeLibs'
// Download default models; if you wish to use your own models then
// place them in the "assets" directory and comment out this line.
apply from: "download-models.gradle"