Vijay Vasudevan 4213ac97be TensorFlow: conv improvements, label_image example, and
a few other changes.

- Some improvements to convolution by using 32-bit indices by
  @benoitsteiner. Not all calls converted yet.  Also some
  improvements to pooling as well by @benoitsteiner.

- Improvements to sparse matmul CPU implementation by Ashish

- Some fixes to warnings by @vrv

- Doc fixes to padding by @Yangqing

- Some improvements to Tensor wrappers by Eider

- Speed up of matrix inverse on CPU by Rasmus

- Add an example of doing image inference from a pre-trained model
  by @petewarden.

- fixed formula in mnist example by nodir

- Updates to event accumulator by Cassandra

- Slight changes to tensor c api by @mrry

- Handling of strings in listdiff by Phil

- Fix negative fraction-of-queue-full stats by Frank

- Type-checking improvement to importer by Yaroslav

- logdir recursive search for Tensorboard by @danmane

- checks for empty graph by Manoj

Base CL: 108013706
2015-11-16 23:42:32 -08:00

733 lines
26 KiB

/// <reference path="graph.ts" />
/// <reference path="template.ts" />
* Package for the Graph Hierarchy for TensorFlow graph.
module tf.graph.hierarchy {
const LOG_PREFIX_MSG = "Graph hierarchy: ";
* Class used as output for getPredecessors and getSuccessors methods
export interface Edges {
control: string[];
regular: string[];
export interface Hierarchy {
root: Metanode;
templates: {[templateId: string]: string[]};
/** List of all device names */
devices: string[];
getNodeMap(): {[nodeName: string]: GroupNode|OpNode};
node(name: string): GroupNode|OpNode;
setNode(name: string, node: GroupNode|OpNode): void;
getBridgegraph(nodeName: string): graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>;
getPredecessors(nodeName: string): Edges;
getSuccessors(nodeName: string): Edges;
getTopologicalOrdering(nodeName: string): { [childName: string]: number };
getTemplateIndex(): (string) => number;
* Class for the Graph Hierarchy for TensorFlow graph.
class HierarchyImpl implements Hierarchy {
root: Metanode;
templates: {[templateId: string]: string[]};
private index: {[nodeName: string]: GroupNode|OpNode};
devices: string[];
orderings: { [nodeName: string]: { [childName: string]: number } };
constructor() {
this.root = createMetanode(ROOT_NAME, {compound: true});
this.templates = null;
this.devices = null;
* @type {Object} Dictionary object that maps node name to the node
* (could be op-node, metanode, or series-node)
this.index = {};
this.index[ROOT_NAME] = this.root;
this.orderings = {};
getNodeMap(): {[nodeName: string]: GroupNode|OpNode} {
return this.index;
node(name: string): GroupNode|OpNode {
return this.index[name];
setNode(name: string, node: GroupNode|OpNode): void {
this.index[name] = node;
* Given the name of a node in this hierarchy, get its bridgegraph, creating
* it on the fly if necessary. If the node is not a GroupNode, then this
* method returns null. If the provided name does not map to a node in the
* hierarchy, an error will be thrown.
getBridgegraph(nodeName: string): graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge> {
let node = this.index[nodeName];
if (!node) {
throw Error("Could not find node in hierarchy: " + nodeName);
if (!("metagraph" in node)) {
return null;
let groupNode = <GroupNode> node;
if (groupNode.bridgegraph) {
return groupNode.bridgegraph;
let bridgegraph = groupNode.bridgegraph =
createGraph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>(
if (!node.parentNode || !("metagraph" in node.parentNode)) {
return bridgegraph;
let parentNode = <GroupNode>node.parentNode;
let parentMetagraph = parentNode.metagraph;
let parentBridgegraph = this.getBridgegraph(;
// For each of the parent node's two Metaedge containing graphs, process
// each Metaedge involving this node.
_.each([parentMetagraph, parentBridgegraph], parentGraph => {
.filter(e => e.v === nodeName || e.w === nodeName)
.each(parentEdgeObj => {
let inbound = parentEdgeObj.w === nodeName;
let parentMetaedge = parentGraph.edge(parentEdgeObj);
// The parent's Metaedge represents some number of underlying
// BaseEdges from the original full graph. For each of those, we need
// to determine which immediate child is involved and make sure
// there's a Metaedge in the bridgegraph that covers it.
_.each(parentMetaedge.baseEdgeList, baseEdge => {
// Based on the direction, figure out which is the descendant node
// and which is the "other" node (sibling of parent or ancestor).
let [descendantName, otherName] =
inbound ?
[baseEdge.w, parentEdgeObj.v] :
[baseEdge.v, parentEdgeObj.w];
// Determine the immediate child containing this descendant node.
let childName = this.getChildName(nodeName, descendantName);
// Look for an existing Metaedge in the bridgegraph (or create a
// new one) that covers the relationship between child and other.
let bridgeEdgeObj = <graphlib.EdgeObject> {
v: inbound ? otherName : childName,
w: inbound ? childName : otherName,
let bridgeMetaedge = bridgegraph.edge(bridgeEdgeObj);
if (!bridgeMetaedge) {
bridgeMetaedge = createMetaedge(bridgeEdgeObj.v, bridgeEdgeObj.w);
bridgeMetaedge.inbound = inbound;
bridgegraph.setEdge(bridgeEdgeObj.v, bridgeEdgeObj.w,
// Copy the BaseEdge from the parent's Metaedge into this
// bridgegraph Metaedge.
.value(); // force lodash chain execution.
return bridgegraph;
* Utility function for determining the name of the immediate child under a
* node for a given descendant path. If the descendant corresponds to no
* immediate child, an error is thrown.
getChildName(nodeName: string, descendantName: string): string {
// Walk up the hierarchy from the descendant to find the child.
let currentNode: Node = this.index[descendantName];
while (currentNode) {
if (currentNode.parentNode && === nodeName) {
currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
throw Error("Could not find immediate child for descendant: " +
* Given the name of a node, return the names of its predecssors.
* For an OpNode, this will contain the targets from the underlying BaseEdges.
* For a GroupNode, this will contain the targets truncated to siblings of
* the shared ancestor.
* For example, consider an original non-control BaseEdge A/B/C->Z/Y/X. Their
* shared ancestor is the ROOT node. A and Z are the highest siblings. Here
* are the results of calling getPredecessors():
* - getPredecessors("Z/Y/X") === {regular: ["A/B/C"], control: []};
* - getPredecessors("Z/Y") === {regular: ["A"], control: []};
* - getPredecessors("Z") === {regular: ["A"], control: []};
* The reason getPredecessors("Z/Y") returns ["A"] (and not ["A/B"] as you
* might intuitively expect) is because it's not clear how far down the
* other end of the hierarchy to traverse in the general case.
* Continuing this example, say there was another BaseEdge A/K->Z/Y/W. When
* we look at Z/Y's predecessors, the best we can say is ["A"] without getting
* into the details of which of of Z/Y's descendant nodes have predecessors to
* which of A's descendants.
* On the other hand, for an OpNode it's clear what the final predecssors
* ought to be. There is no ambiguity.
getPredecessors(nodeName: string): Edges {
let node = this.index[nodeName];
if (!node) {
throw Error("Could not find node with name: " + nodeName);
let predecessors = this.getOneWayEdges(node, true);
// Add embedded predecessors, such as constants.
if (!node.isGroupNode) {
_.each((<OpNode>node).inEmbeddings, embeddedNode => {
return predecessors;
* Given the name of a node, return an array of the names of its successors.
* For an OpNode, this will contain the targets from the underlying BaseEdges.
* For a GroupNode, this will contain the targets truncated to sibling of
* the shared ancestor.
* This is the inverse of getPredecessors(). See that method's documentation
* for an in-depth example.
getSuccessors(nodeName: string): Edges {
let node = this.index[nodeName];
if (!node) {
throw Error("Could not find node with name: " + nodeName);
let successors = this.getOneWayEdges(node, false);
// Add embedded successors, such as summaries.
if (!node.isGroupNode) {
_.each((<OpNode>node).outEmbeddings, embeddedNode => {
return successors;
/** Helper method for getPredeccessors and getSuccessors */
getOneWayEdges(node: GroupNode|OpNode, inEdges: boolean) {
let edges = { control: [], regular: [] };
// A node with no parent cannot have any edges.
if (!node.parentNode) {
return edges;
if (node.parentNode.isGroupNode) {
let parentNode = <GroupNode>node.parentNode;
let metagraph = parentNode.metagraph;
let bridgegraph = this.getBridgegraph(;
findEdgeTargetsInGraph(metagraph, node, inEdges, edges);
findEdgeTargetsInGraph(bridgegraph, node, inEdges, edges);
return edges;
* For a given GroupNode, get or calculate an object which describes a
* topological ordering of child nodes within that GroupNode's metagraph.
* This ordering is used when rendering bridge control edges which are
* sometimes backwards relative to the dataflow.
* For example, say we have a graph with two edges A->B and A->C, and we're
* interested in the ordering under ROOT. In this case, any of the following
* would be legitimate return values:
* - { "A": 0, "B": 1, "C": 2 } -- most likely
* - { "A": 0, "B": 2, "C": 1 } -- less likely
* - { "A": 12, "B": 100, "C": 99 } -- unlikely, but still OK
* The algorithm does not guarantee that all numbers from 0-N (where N is
* the number of nodes) appear exactly once. Rather it guarantees that if
* there is a path between two nodes, the earlier one will have a lower
* number in the ordering hash.
* When generating the ordering, we ignore control Metaedges (those which
* represent only BaseEdges that have isControlDependency set to true).
* If there is no node with the specified name, an error is thrown. If the
* node with the specified name is not a group node, null is returned.
getTopologicalOrdering(nodeName: string): { [childName: string]: number } {
let node = this.index[nodeName];
if (!node) {
throw Error("Could not find node with name: " + nodeName);
if (!node.isGroupNode) {
return null;
if (nodeName in this.orderings) {
return this.orderings[nodeName];
// Mapping of a child node names to lists of their successors.
let successors: { [childName: string]: string[] } = {};
// Set of node names which have appeared as a destination.
let destinations: { [childName: string]: boolean } = {};
let metagraph = (<GroupNode> node).metagraph;
_.each(metagraph.edges(), (e: graphlib.EdgeObject) => {
if (!metagraph.edge(e).numRegularEdges) {
return; // Skip control edges.
// Keep track of successors and destinations.
if (!(e.v in successors)) {
successors[e.v] = [];
destinations[e.w] = true;
// Seed the queue with true sources (those that are not destinations).
let queue: string[] =
_.difference(_.keys(successors), _.keys(destinations));
// Produce an ordering by traversing the graph breadth first.
let ordering = this.orderings[nodeName] = {};
let index = 0;
while (queue.length) {
let childName = queue.shift();
ordering[childName] = index++;
_.each(successors[childName], succName => queue.push(succName));
delete successors[childName]; // Prevent cycles from infinite looping.
return ordering;
* Returns a d3 Ordinal function that can be used to look up the index of
* a node based on its template id.
getTemplateIndex(): (string) => number {
let templateNames = d3.keys(this.templates);
let templateIndex = d3.scale.ordinal()
.range(d3.range(0, templateNames.length));
return (templateId: string) => <number>templateIndex(templateId);
* Internal utility function - given a graph (should be either a metagraph or a
* bridgegraph) and a node which is known to be in that graph, determine
* the other ends of edges that involve that node in the direction specified
* by whether it's inbound.
* For example if you wanted to find the predecessors of a node, you'd call
* this method for the parent's metagraph and bridgegraph, specifying inbound
* as true (look at the source of inbound edges to the specified node).
* Discovered target names are appended to the targets array.
function findEdgeTargetsInGraph(
graph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>,
node: Node, inbound: boolean, targets: Edges): void {
_.each(<Metaedge[]> graph.edges(), e => {
let [selfName, otherName] = inbound ? [e.w, e.v] : [e.v, e.w];
if (selfName === {
if (node.isGroupNode) {
let targetList = graph.edge(e).numRegularEdges
? targets.regular : targets.control;
} else {
_.each(graph.edge(e).baseEdgeList, baseEdge => {
let targetList = baseEdge.isControlDependency
? targets.control : targets.regular;
targetList.push(inbound ? baseEdge.v : baseEdge.w);
export interface HierarchyParams {
verifyTemplate: boolean;
seriesNodeMinSize: number;
* @param graph The raw graph.
* @param params Parameters used when building a hierarchy.
export function build(graph: tf.graph.SlimGraph, params: HierarchyParams,
tracker: ProgressTracker): Promise<Hierarchy|void> {
let h = new HierarchyImpl();
let seriesNames: { [name: string]: string } = {};
return runAsyncTask("Adding nodes", 20, () => {
// Get all the possible device names.
let deviceNames = {};
_.each(graph.nodes, (node, nodeName) => {
if (node.device != null) {
deviceNames[node.device] = true;
h.devices = _.keys(deviceNames);
addNodes(h, graph);
}, tracker)
.then(() => {
return runAsyncTask("Detect series", 20, () => {
if (params.seriesNodeMinSize > 0) {
groupSeries(h.root, h, seriesNames, params.seriesNodeMinSize);
}, tracker);
.then(() => {
return runAsyncTask("Adding edges", 30, () => {
addEdges(h, graph, seriesNames);
}, tracker);
.then(() => {
return runAsyncTask("Finding similar subgraphs", 30, () => {
h.templates = template.detect(h, params.verifyTemplate);
}, tracker);
.then(() => {
return h;
}).catch(function(reason) {
throw new Error("Failure creating graph hierarchy");
* Creates the metanodes in the hierarchical graph and assigns parent-child
* relationship between them.
function addNodes(h: Hierarchy, graph: SlimGraph) {
_.each(graph.nodes, (node, nodeName) => {
let path = getHierarchicalPath(;
let parent: Metanode = h.root;
parent.depth = Math.max(path.length, parent.depth);
// Create parent metanodes for each depth. For example if the node name
// is 'a/b/c', then create metanodes 'a' and 'a/b', where 'a/b' is a child
// of a.
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
parent.depth = Math.max(parent.depth, path.length - i);
parent.cardinality += node.cardinality;
parent.opHistogram[node.op] = (parent.opHistogram[node.op] || 0) + 1;
if (node.stats) {
if (node.device != null) {
parent.deviceHistogram[node.device] =
(parent.deviceHistogram[node.device] || 0) + 1;
if (i === path.length - 1) { break; }
let name = path[i];
let child = <Metanode>h.node(name);
if (!child) {
child = createMetanode(name);
child.parentNode = parent;
h.setNode(name, child);
parent.metagraph.setNode(name, child);
parent = child;
// Assuming node name is 'a/b/c', assign the OpNode as a child of the metanode 'a/b'.
h.setNode(, node);
node.parentNode = parent;
parent.metagraph.setNode(, node);
// Add each of the in-embeddings and out-embeddings in the hierarchy.
_.each(node.inEmbeddings, function(embedding) {
h.setNode(, embedding);
embedding.parentNode = node;
_.each(node.outEmbeddings, function(embedding) {
h.setNode(, embedding);
embedding.parentNode = node;
* For each metanode in the hierarchical graph, this method adds:
* the edges in the metagraph. These are edges between nodes
* that share the same parent.
function addEdges(h: Hierarchy, graph: SlimGraph,
seriesNames: { [name: string]: string }) {
let nodeIndex = h.getNodeMap();
// Ancestor paths for the source and destination nodes of an edge. These are
// reused for each edge rather than allocating new ones. It's about 10% faster
// than allocating new ones on each pass through the loop.
let sourcePath: string[] = [];
let destPath: string[] = [];
// Insert the ancestor path for a node into the provided array, including the
// node itself. Return the index of the last node inserted (always ROOT).
let getPath = (node: Node, path: string[]): number => {
let i = 0;
while (node) {
path[i++] =;
node = node.parentNode;
return i - 1;
_.each(graph.edges, baseEdge => {
// Get the hierarchical paths for the source and destination of the edge.
let sourceAncestorIndex = getPath(graph.nodes[baseEdge.v], sourcePath);
let destAncestorIndex = getPath(graph.nodes[baseEdge.w], destPath);
// Find the lowest shared ancestor between source and dest by looking for
// the highest nodes that differ between their ancestor paths.
while (sourcePath[sourceAncestorIndex] === destPath[destAncestorIndex]) {
if (sourceAncestorIndex < 0 || destAncestorIndex < 0) {
// This would only occur if the two nodes were the same (a cycle in the
// graph), or if one endpoint was a strict ancestor of the other. The
// latter shouldn't happen because we rename nodes which are both
// metanodes and op nodes. E.g. "A/B" becomes "A/B/(B)".
throw Error("No difference found between ancestor paths.");
let sharedAncestorNode =
<GroupNode>nodeIndex[sourcePath[sourceAncestorIndex + 1]];
let sourceAncestorName = sourcePath[sourceAncestorIndex];
let destAncestorName = destPath[destAncestorIndex];
// Find or create the Metaedge which should contain this BaseEdge inside
// the shared ancestor.
let metaedge =
sharedAncestorNode.metagraph.edge(sourceAncestorName, destAncestorName);
if (!metaedge) {
metaedge = createMetaedge(sourceAncestorName, destAncestorName);
.setEdge(sourceAncestorName, destAncestorName, metaedge);
if (!sharedAncestorNode.hasNonControlEdges &&
!baseEdge.isControlDependency) {
sharedAncestorNode.hasNonControlEdges = true;
* Using the hierarchy template information, detect series in the provided
* metanode. For each detected series, create a new SeriesNode
* and remove series members from the metanode's metagraph and move them to
* the new series node's metagraph.
* @param metanode
* @param hierarchy
* @param threshold If the series has this many nodes or more, then group them
* into a series.
* @return A dictionary from node name to series node name that contains the node
function groupSeries(metanode: Metanode, hierarchy: Hierarchy,
seriesNames: { [name: string]: string }, threshold: number) {
let metagraph = metanode.metagraph;
_.each(metagraph.nodes(), n => {
let child = metagraph.node(n);
if (child.type === tf.graph.NodeType.META) {
groupSeries(<Metanode>child, hierarchy, seriesNames, threshold);
let clusters = clusterNodes(metagraph);
let seriesDict = detectSeries(clusters, metagraph);
// Add each series node to the graph and add its grouped children to its own
// metagraph.
_.each(seriesDict, function(seriesNode: SeriesNode, seriesName: string) {
let nodeMemberNames = seriesNode.metagraph.nodes();
if (nodeMemberNames.length < threshold) {
let firstMember = seriesNode.metagraph.node(nodeMemberNames[0]);
let seriesType = firstMember.type;
hierarchy.setNode(seriesName, seriesNode); // add to the index
metagraph.setNode(seriesName, seriesNode);
_.each(nodeMemberNames, n => {
let child = <OpNode> metagraph.node(n);
seriesNode.metagraph.setNode(n, child);
seriesNode.parentNode = child.parentNode;
if (child.device != null) {
seriesNode.deviceHistogram[child.device] =
(seriesNode.deviceHistogram[child.device] || 0) + 1;
child.parentNode = seriesNode;
seriesNames[n] = seriesName;
if (child.stats) {
// Remove now-grouped node from its original parent's metagraph.
/** cluster op-nodes with similar op */
function clusterNodes(metagraph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>):
{[clusterId: string]: string[]} {
let result: {[clusterId: string]: string[]} = {};
return _.reduce(metagraph.nodes(), function(clusters: {[clusterId: string]: string[]}, n: string) {
let child = metagraph.node(n);
if (child.type === NodeType.META) {
// skip metanodes
return clusters;
let template = (<OpNode>child).op;
if (template) {
clusters[template] = clusters[template] || [];
return clusters;
}, result);
* For each cluster of op-nodes based op type, try to detect groupings.
* Infer series name using by trying to find pattern "<number>" in the node
* name.
* @param clusters Dictionary output from clusterNodes().
* @param metagraph
* @return A dictionary from series name => seriesNode
function detectSeries(clusters: {[clusterId: string]: string[]},
metagraph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>):
{[seriesName: string]: SeriesNode} {
let seriesDict: {[seriesName: string]: SeriesNode} = {};
_.each(clusters, function(members, clusterId: string) {
if (members.length <= 1) { return; } // isolated clusters can't make series
/** @type {Object} A dictionary mapping seriesName to seriesInfoArray,
* which is an array that contains objects with name, id, prefix, suffix,
* and parent properties.
let candidatesDict: {[seriesName: string]: SeriesNode[]} = {};
// Group all nodes that have the same name, with the exception of a
// number at the end of the name after an underscore, which is allowed to
// vary.
_.each(members, function(name: string) {
let isGroup = name.charAt(name.length - 1) === "*";
let namepath = name.split("/");
let leaf = namepath[namepath.length - 1];
let parent = namepath.slice(0, namepath.length - 1).join("/");
let matches = leaf.match(/^(\D*)_(\d+)$/);
let prefix;
let id;
let suffix = "";
if (matches) { // if found "<number>" in the name, assign id.
prefix = matches[1]; // the front non-numeric characters
id = matches[2]; // the digits
} else { // for node without "_<number>", make them zero-th items.
prefix = isGroup ? leaf.substr(0, leaf.length - 1) : leaf;
if (prefix.charAt(prefix.length - 1) !== "_") {
prefix += "_";
id = 0;
suffix = isGroup ? "*" : "";
let seriesName = getSeriesNodeName(prefix, suffix, parent);
candidatesDict[seriesName] = candidatesDict[seriesName] || [];
let seriesNode = createSeriesNode(prefix, suffix, parent, +id, name);
// In each group of nodes, group nodes in bunches that have monotonically
// increasing numbers in their names. Each of these bunches is a series.
_.each(candidatesDict, function(seriesInfoArray: SeriesNode[], seriesName) {
if (seriesInfoArray.length < 2) {
seriesInfoArray.sort(function(a, b) {
return (+a.clusterId) - (+b.clusterId);
// Loop through the nodes sorted by its detected series number, grouping
// all nodes with monotonically-increasing series numbers.
let seriesNodes = [seriesInfoArray[0]];
for (let index = 1; index < seriesInfoArray.length; index++) {
let nextNode = seriesInfoArray[index];
if (nextNode.clusterId === seriesNodes[seriesNodes.length - 1].clusterId + 1) {
addSeriesToDict(seriesNodes, seriesDict, +clusterId, metagraph);
seriesNodes = [nextNode];
addSeriesToDict(seriesNodes, seriesDict, +clusterId, metagraph);
return seriesDict;
* Add a series to the provided dictionary mapping series names to series.
* @param seriesNodes the nodes in the series. Contains
* name, id, prefix, suffix and parent properties of the node.
* @param seriesDict the dictionary of series
* @param clusterId ID of the template of the nodes of the series
* @param metagraph
function addSeriesToDict(seriesNodes: SeriesNode[],
seriesDict: {[seriesName: string] : SeriesNode},
clusterId: number,
metagraph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>) {
if (seriesNodes.length > 1) {
let curSeriesName = getSeriesNodeName(
seriesNodes[0].prefix, seriesNodes[0].suffix,
seriesNodes[0].parent, seriesNodes[0].clusterId,
seriesNodes[seriesNodes.length - 1].clusterId);
let curSeriesNode = createSeriesNode(seriesNodes[0].prefix,
seriesNodes[0].suffix, seriesNodes[0].parent, clusterId,
_.each(seriesNodes, function(node) {
curSeriesNode.metagraph.setNode(, metagraph.node(;
seriesDict[curSeriesName] = curSeriesNode;
} // close module tf.graph.hierarchy