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# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ==============================================================================
"""Import a trackable object from a SavedModel."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import functools
import os
from tensorflow.core.protobuf import graph_debug_info_pb2
from tensorflow.python.distribute import distribute_utils
from tensorflow.python.distribute import distribution_strategy_context as ds_context
from tensorflow.python.eager import context
from tensorflow.python.eager import function
from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import errors
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import custom_gradient
from tensorflow.python.ops import lookup_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import resource_variable_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import variables
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import function_deserialization
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import load_options
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import load_v1_in_v2
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import loader_impl
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import nested_structure_coder
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import revived_types
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import utils_impl as saved_model_utils
from tensorflow.python.training.saving import checkpoint_options
from tensorflow.python.training.saving import saveable_object_util
from tensorflow.python.training.tracking import base
from tensorflow.python.training.tracking import graph_view
from tensorflow.python.training.tracking import tracking
from tensorflow.python.training.tracking import util
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export
def _unused_handle():
"""Returns a placeholder as a handle that is not supposed to be accessed."""
error_message = ("Trying to access a placeholder that is not supposed to be "
"executed. This means you are executing a graph generated "
"from the cross-replica context in an in-replica context.")
assert_op = control_flow_ops.Assert(
array_ops.placeholder_with_default(False, shape=()),
with ops.control_dependencies([assert_op]):
return array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.resource)
class _WrapperFunction(function.ConcreteFunction):
"""A class wraps a concrete function to handle different distributed contexts.
The reason for wrapping a concrete function is because the _captured_inputs
fields used for in-replica context and cross-replica context are different.
When `load()` is called from within a tf.distribute.strategy scope, the
captured inputs are distributed variables. When using these distributed
variables during calling the function, we need different approaches when it is
in-replica and when it is not in-replica. When it is in replica, naturally we
should use the corresponding component of the distributed variable; when it is
not in-replica, calling the function should mean that it is constructing a
graph that is not actually going to be used. A typical use case is when
constructing a functional model. In this case, return a placeholder with a
control dependency to ensure that is never accessed.
def __init__(self, concrete_function):
# Shallow copy the concrete_function
def _call_flat(self, args, captured_inputs, cancellation_manager=None):
def get_in_replica_handle(x):
return x.handle if distribute_utils.is_distributed_variable(x) else x
def get_cross_replica_handle(x):
return _unused_handle() if distribute_utils.is_distributed_variable(x) \
else x
if ds_context.get_replica_context() is not None: # in-replica context
captured_inputs = list(map(get_in_replica_handle, captured_inputs))
else: # cross-replica context
captured_inputs = list(
map(get_cross_replica_handle, captured_inputs))
return super(_WrapperFunction, self)._call_flat(args, captured_inputs,
class Loader(object):
"""Helper class to load an object-based SavedModel."""
def __init__(self, object_graph_proto, saved_model_proto, export_dir,
meta_graph = saved_model_proto.meta_graphs[0]
self._asset_file_def = meta_graph.asset_file_def
self._operation_attributes = {
node.name: node.attr for node in meta_graph.graph_def.node}
self._proto = object_graph_proto
self._export_dir = export_dir
self._concrete_functions = (
self._checkpoint_options = ckpt_options
for name, concrete_function in self._concrete_functions.items():
# Wrap all the concrete function so that they are capable of dealing with
# both in replica and cross replica cases.
self._concrete_functions[name] = _WrapperFunction(concrete_function)
for node in self._nodes:
if isinstance(node, tracking.CapturableResource):
init_op = node._initialize() # pylint: disable=protected-access
if not context.executing_eagerly():
ops.add_to_collection(ops.GraphKeys.TABLE_INITIALIZERS, init_op)
def _load_all(self):
"""Loads all nodes and functions from the SavedModel and their edges."""
# TODO(b/124045874): There are limitations with functions whose captures
# trigger other functions to be executed. For now it is only guaranteed to
# work if the captures of a function only trigger functions without
# captures.
def _create_saveable_object_factories(self):
for node_id, proto in enumerate(self._proto.nodes):
node = self.get(node_id)
node._self_saveable_object_factories = {} # pylint: disable=protected-access
for name, saveable_object_proto in proto.saveable_objects.items():
node._self_saveable_object_factories[name] = ( # pylint: disable=protected-access
def _load_edges(self):
"""Adds edges from objects to other objects and functions."""
for node_id, object_proto in enumerate(self._proto.nodes):
self._add_object_graph_edges(object_proto, node_id)
def _add_object_graph_edges(self, proto, node_id):
"""Adds edges from an object to its children."""
obj = self._nodes[node_id]
setter = self._node_setters[node_id]
for reference in proto.children:
setter(obj, reference.local_name, self._nodes[reference.node_id])
# Note: if an object has an attribute `__call__` add a class method
# that allows `obj()` syntax to work. This is done per-instance to
# allow `callable` to be used to find out if an object is callable.
if reference.local_name == "__call__" and not callable(obj):
setattr(type(obj), "__call__", _call_attribute)
def _setup_functions_structures(self):
"""Setup structure for inputs and outputs of restored functions."""
coder = nested_structure_coder.StructureCoder()
for name, proto in sorted(self._proto.concrete_functions.items()):
concrete_function = self._concrete_functions[name]
# By setting the structured_outputs directly, we can rely on this
# function_lib.ConcreteFunction object to perform the output repacking
# logic. The only limitation of that logic is that it only works
# with output that is convertible to Tensors and the conversion
# always happens. For example tf.TensorShape([2, 3]) will be
# converted to Tensor representing [2, 3].
original_outputs = coder.decode_proto(proto.output_signature)
# The original_outputs here had Tensors converted to TensorSpecs, so
# the restored function's structured_outputs field will not be
# exactly the same. Fortunately the repacking logic cares only about
# the structure; and the unpacking logic cares only about structure
# and types.
concrete_function._func_graph.structured_outputs = original_outputs # pylint: disable=protected-access
concrete_function._func_graph.structured_input_signature = ( # pylint: disable=protected-access
concrete_function._initialize_function_spec() # pylint: disable=protected-access
def _setup_functions_captures(self):
"""Setup captures and variables in restored functions."""
concrete_functions = sorted(self._proto.concrete_functions.items())
for name, proto in concrete_functions:
concrete_function = self._concrete_functions[name]
bound_inputs = [
for node_id in proto.bound_inputs]
bound_variables = [
for node_id in proto.bound_inputs
if self._proto.nodes[node_id].WhichOneof("kind") == "variable"
# TODO(andresp): This is only injecting the captured inputs into the
# concrete function, note that we did not modify the FuncGraph
# itself.
concrete_function._captured_inputs = bound_inputs # pylint: disable=protected-access
concrete_function._func_graph.variables = bound_variables # pylint: disable=protected-access
if bound_inputs:
for bound_input, internal_capture in zip(
bound_inputs, concrete_function.inputs[-len(bound_inputs):]):
if distribute_utils.is_distributed_variable(bound_input):
bound_input, internal_capture)
if internal_capture.dtype == dtypes.resource:
if resource_variable_ops.is_resource_variable(bound_input):
handle = bound_input.handle
except ValueError:
# For mirrored variables we'll copy handle data for components
# as they get captured.
custom_gradient.copy_handle_data(handle, internal_capture)
custom_gradient.copy_handle_data(bound_input, internal_capture)
# Setting "captures" first means "capture" won't create a new
# placeholder for this input.
def _get_tensor_from_node(self, node_id):
"""Resolves a node id into a tensor to be captured for a function."""
with ops.init_scope():
obj = self._nodes[node_id]
if distribute_utils.is_distributed_variable(obj):
return obj
elif resource_variable_ops.is_resource_variable(obj):
return obj.handle
elif isinstance(obj, tracking.Asset):
return obj.asset_path
elif tensor_util.is_tensor(obj):
return obj
elif isinstance(obj, tracking.CapturableResource):
# Note: this executes restored functions in the CapturableResource.
return obj.resource_handle
raise ValueError("Can't convert node %s to tensor" % (type(obj)))
def _load_nodes(self):
"""Load all saved objects."""
# Maps from node ids to recreated objects
nodes = {}
# Maps from node ids to setter functions (same signature as setattr) for
# setting dependencies.
node_setters = {}
# Figure out which objects are slot variables. These objects are created
# with Optimizer.add_slot rather than _recreate_variable.
slot_variable_node_ids = set()
for proto in self._proto.nodes:
for slot_variable_proto in proto.slot_variables:
# Re-create everything except slot variables.
for node_id, proto in enumerate(self._proto.nodes):
if node_id in slot_variable_node_ids:
# Defer recreating slot variables so we can use the public Optimizer
# interface.
node, setter = self._recreate(proto, node_id)
nodes[node_id] = node
node_setters[node_id] = setter
# Now that we have created the variables being optimized, we have enough
# information to re-create slot variables for them.
for node_id, proto in enumerate(self._proto.nodes):
optimizer_object = nodes[node_id]
for slot_variable_proto in proto.slot_variables:
optimized_variable = nodes[
slot_variable = optimizer_object.add_slot(
nodes[slot_variable_proto.slot_variable_node_id] = slot_variable
node_setters[slot_variable_proto.slot_variable_node_id] = setattr
self._nodes = [nodes[node_id] for node_id in range(len(self._proto.nodes))]
self._node_setters = node_setters
def _expect_partial_checkpoint(self):
"""Whether to expect that some objects aren't loaded.
This should be set to True in subclasses of the Loader class which generate
a trackable object with an object graph that is different from the graph
in the SavedModel. Setting this property to True suppresses the warnings
that are printed out when there are unused parts of the checkpoint or
return False
def _restore_checkpoint(self):
"""Load state from checkpoint into the deserialized objects."""
variables_path = saved_model_utils.get_variables_path(self._export_dir)
# TODO(andresp): Clean use of private methods of TrackableSaver.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
saver = util.TrackableSaver(graph_view.ObjectGraphView(self.get(0)))
with ops.device("CPU"):
saver._file_prefix_placeholder = constant_op.constant(variables_path)
if self._expect_partial_checkpoint:
load_status = saver.restore(variables_path,
load_status = saver.restore(variables_path, self._checkpoint_options)
checkpoint = load_status._checkpoint
# When running in eager mode, the `restore` call above has already run and
# restored the state of trackables, call `position.restore_ops()` will
# return an empty list as there is nothing left to do. In graph mode, that
# will return the list of ops that must run to restore the object on that
# position. We have to wire them in the initializers of the objects so that
# they get initialized properly when using common practices (e.g. the ones
# used by ManagedSession) without further user action.
for object_id, obj in dict(checkpoint.object_by_proto_id).items():
position = base.CheckpointPosition(checkpoint=checkpoint,
restore_ops = position.restore_ops()
if restore_ops:
if resource_variable_ops.is_resource_variable(obj):
if len(restore_ops) == 1:
obj._initializer_op = restore_ops[0]
obj._initializer_op = control_flow_ops.group(*restore_ops)
elif isinstance(obj, lookup_ops.LookupInterface):
# We don't need to check for eager execution here, since this code
# path should only be taken if we are restoring in graph mode.
ops.add_to_collection(ops.GraphKeys.TABLE_INITIALIZERS, restore_ops)
raise NotImplementedError(
("Missing functionality to restore state of object "
"%r from the checkpoint." % obj))
def adjust_debug_info_func_names(self, debug_info):
"""Rewrite func names in the debug info by using the concrete func names."""
output_debug_info = graph_debug_info_pb2.GraphDebugInfo()
output_debug_info.files[:] = debug_info.files
for key in debug_info.traces:
node, func = key.split("@")
new_func = ""
if func in self._concrete_functions:
new_func = self._concrete_functions[func].function_def.signature.name
output_debug_info.traces[node + "@" + new_func].CopyFrom(
return output_debug_info
def get(self, node_id):
return self._nodes[node_id]
def _recreate(self, proto, node_id):
"""Creates a Python object from a SavedObject protocol buffer."""
factory = {
"user_object": (
lambda: self._recreate_user_object(proto.user_object, node_id)),
"asset": lambda: self._recreate_asset(proto.asset),
"function": lambda: self._recreate_function(proto.function),
"bare_concrete_function": functools.partial(
"variable": lambda: self._recreate_variable(proto.variable),
"constant": lambda: self._recreate_constant(proto.constant),
"resource": lambda: self._recreate_resource(proto.resource),
kind = proto.WhichOneof("kind")
if kind not in factory:
raise ValueError("Unknown SavedObject type: %r" % kind)
return factory[kind]()
def _recreate_user_object(self, proto, node_id):
"""Instantiates a SavedUserObject."""
looked_up = revived_types.deserialize(proto)
if looked_up is None:
return self._recreate_base_user_object(proto, node_id)
return looked_up
def _recreate_base_user_object(self, proto, node_id):
del proto, node_id
# Note: each user object has its own class. This allows making each one
# individually callable by adding a `__call__` method to the classes of
# the objects instances that have a `__call__` property.
class _UserObject(tracking.AutoTrackable):
return _UserObject(), setattr
def _recreate_asset(self, proto):
filename = os.path.join(
return tracking.Asset(filename), setattr
def _recreate_function(self, proto):
return function_deserialization.recreate_function(
proto, self._concrete_functions), setattr
def _recreate_bare_concrete_function(self, proto):
return function_deserialization.setup_bare_concrete_function(
proto, self._concrete_functions), setattr
def _recreate_variable(self, proto):
name = proto.name if proto.name else None
if name is not None:
dbg_name = name
dbg_name = "<variable loaded from saved model>"
synchronization, aggregation, trainable = (
proto.synchronization, proto.aggregation, proto.trainable,
def uninitialized_variable_creator(next_creator, **kwargs):
"""A variable creator that creates uninitialized variables."""
del next_creator
return resource_variable_ops.UninitializedVariable(**kwargs)
# Create a variable_creator_scope that creates uninitialized variables with
# a lower priority such that a potential distributed variable_creator_scope
# can take precedence.
with ops.get_default_graph()._variable_creator_scope( # pylint: disable=protected-access
return variables.Variable(
aggregation=aggregation), setattr
def _recreate_constant(self, proto):
tensor_proto = self._operation_attributes[proto.operation]["value"].tensor
ndarray = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(tensor_proto)
if dtypes.as_dtype(tensor_proto.dtype) == dtypes.string:
with ops.device("CPU"):
imported_constant = constant_op.constant(ndarray)
imported_constant = constant_op.constant(ndarray)
return imported_constant, setattr
def _recreate_resource(self, proto):
return _RestoredResource(device=proto.device), setattr
# TODO(b/124205571,b/124092991): Solve destruction of resources.
class _RestoredResource(tracking.TrackableResource):
"""Restored SavedResource."""
def __init__(self, device=""):
super(_RestoredResource, self).__init__(device=device)
self._destroy_resource_fn = None
def _create_resource(self):
raise RuntimeError()
def _initialize(self):
raise RuntimeError()
def _destroy_resource(self):
return self._destroy_resource_fn
def _destroy_resource(self, destroy_resource_fn):
self._resource_deleter = tracking.CapturableResourceDeleter(
self._destroy_resource_fn = destroy_resource_fn
def _list_functions_for_serialization(self, unused_serialization_cache):
# Overwrite this method to avoid the implementation of
# base class to re-wrap the polymorphic functions into
# another layer of `tf.function`.
functions = {
"_create_resource": self._create_resource,
"_initialize": self._initialize,
if self._destroy_resource:
return functions
def _call_attribute(instance, *args, **kwargs):
return instance.__call__(*args, **kwargs)
@tf_export("saved_model.load", v1=["saved_model.load_v2"])
def load(export_dir, tags=None, options=None):
"""Load a SavedModel from `export_dir`.
Signatures associated with the SavedModel are available as functions:
imported = tf.saved_model.load(path)
f = imported.signatures["serving_default"]
Objects exported with `tf.saved_model.save` additionally have trackable
objects and functions assigned to attributes:
exported = tf.train.Checkpoint(v=tf.Variable(3.))
exported.f = tf.function(
lambda x: exported.v * x,
input_signature=[tf.TensorSpec(shape=None, dtype=tf.float32)])
tf.saved_model.save(exported, path)
imported = tf.saved_model.load(path)
assert 3. == imported.v.numpy()
assert 6. == imported.f(x=tf.constant(2.)).numpy()
_Loading Keras models_
Keras models are trackable, so they can be saved to SavedModel. The object
returned by `tf.saved_model.load` is not a Keras object (i.e. doesn't have
`.fit`, `.predict`, etc. methods). A few attributes and functions are still
available: `.variables`, `.trainable_variables` and `.__call__`.
model = tf.keras.Model(...)
tf.saved_model.save(model, path)
imported = tf.saved_model.load(path)
outputs = imported(inputs)
Use `tf.keras.models.load_model` to restore the Keras model.
_Importing SavedModels from TensorFlow 1.x_
SavedModels from `tf.estimator.Estimator` or 1.x SavedModel APIs have a flat
graph instead of `tf.function` objects. These SavedModels will be loaded with
the following attributes:
* `.signatures`: A dictionary mapping signature names to functions.
* `.prune(feeds, fetches) `: A method which allows you to extract
functions for new subgraphs. This is equivalent to importing the SavedModel
and naming feeds and fetches in a Session from TensorFlow 1.x.
imported = tf.saved_model.load(path_to_v1_saved_model)
pruned = imported.prune("x:0", "out:0")
See `tf.compat.v1.wrap_function` for details.
* `.variables`: A list of imported variables.
* `.graph`: The whole imported graph.
* `.restore(save_path)`: A function that restores variables from a checkpoint
saved from `tf.compat.v1.Saver`.
_Consuming SavedModels asynchronously_
When consuming SavedModels asynchronously (the producer is a separate
process), the SavedModel directory will appear before all files have been
written, and `tf.saved_model.load` will fail if pointed at an incomplete
SavedModel. Rather than checking for the directory, check for
"saved_model_dir/saved_model.pb". This file is written atomically as the last
`tf.saved_model.save` file operation.
export_dir: The SavedModel directory to load from.
tags: A tag or sequence of tags identifying the MetaGraph to load. Optional
if the SavedModel contains a single MetaGraph, as for those exported from
options: Optional, `tf.saved_model.LoadOptions` object that specifies
options for loading.
A trackable object with a `signatures` attribute mapping from signature
keys to functions. If the SavedModel was exported by `tf.saved_model.load`,
it also points to trackable objects, functions, debug info which it has been
ValueError: If `tags` don't match a MetaGraph in the SavedModel.
return load_internal(export_dir, tags, options)
def load_internal(export_dir, tags=None, options=None, loader_cls=Loader):
"""Loader implementation."""
options = options or load_options.LoadOptions()
if tags is not None and not isinstance(tags, set):
# Supports e.g. tags=SERVING and tags=[SERVING]. Sets aren't considered
# sequences for nest.flatten, so we put those through as-is.
tags = nest.flatten(tags)
saved_model_proto, debug_info = (
if (len(saved_model_proto.meta_graphs) == 1 and
meta_graph_def = saved_model_proto.meta_graphs[0]
if (tags is not None
and set(tags) != set(meta_graph_def.meta_info_def.tags)):
raise ValueError(
("The SavedModel at {} has one MetaGraph with tags {}, but got an "
"incompatible argument tags={} to tf.saved_model.load. You may omit "
"it, pass 'None', or pass matching tags.")
.format(export_dir, meta_graph_def.meta_info_def.tags, tags))
object_graph_proto = meta_graph_def.object_graph_def
ckpt_options = checkpoint_options.CheckpointOptions(
with ops.init_scope():
loader = loader_cls(object_graph_proto, saved_model_proto, export_dir,
except errors.NotFoundError as err:
raise FileNotFoundError(
str(err) + "\n If trying to load on a different device from the "
"computational device, consider using setting the "
"`experimental_io_device` option on tf.saved_model.LoadOptions "
"to the io_device such as '/job:localhost'."
root = loader.get(0)
if isinstance(loader, Loader):
root.graph_debug_info = loader.adjust_debug_info_func_names(debug_info)
root.tensorflow_version = meta_graph_def.meta_info_def.tensorflow_version
root.tensorflow_git_version = (
with ops.init_scope():
root = load_v1_in_v2.load(export_dir, tags)
root.graph_debug_info = debug_info
return root