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# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# pylint: disable=protected-access
"""Contains the `Node` class."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import copy
import json
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util
from tensorflow.python.keras import backend
from tensorflow.python.keras.engine import base_layer_utils
from tensorflow.python.keras.engine import keras_tensor
from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import tf_utils
from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
from tensorflow.python.util import serialization
class Node(object):
"""A `Node` describes the connectivity between two layers.
Each time a layer is connected to some new input,
a node is added to `layer._inbound_nodes`.
Each time the output of a layer is used by another layer,
a node is added to `layer._outbound_nodes`.
layer: The Layer for the Layer.__call__ this node represents.
call_args: The positional arguments the Layer was called with.
call_kwargs: The keyword arguments the Layer was called with.
outputs: The outputs of the Layer.__call__
def __init__(self,
call_args = [] if call_args is None else call_args
call_kwargs = {} if call_kwargs is None else call_kwargs
outputs = [] if outputs is None else outputs
self.layer = layer
self.is_input = not call_args and not call_kwargs
# These arguments are user-provided. Copy the structures here so that
# future user modifications do not affect the node's metadata.
# We copy using map_structure rather than python's shallow or deep copy,
# because the args can be data structures (so shallow copy is
# insufficient), but individual values might not support copy.copy
# or be too expensive to deep copy.
call_args = nest.map_structure(lambda t: t, call_args)
call_kwargs = nest.map_structure(lambda t: t, call_kwargs)
self.outputs = nest.map_structure(lambda t: t, outputs)
self.call_args = call_args
self.call_kwargs = call_kwargs
# Cached for performance.
self._flat_arguments = nest.flatten((self.call_args, self.call_kwargs))
# Used to avoid expensive `nest` operations in the most common case.
self._single_positional_tensor_passed = (not self.call_kwargs and len(
self.call_args) == 1 and tensor_util.is_tensor(self.call_args[0]))
if not keras_tensor.keras_tensors_enabled():
# Create TensorFlowOpLayers if needed.
for obj in self._flat_arguments:
if (isinstance(obj, ops.Tensor) and
obj, ignore_call_context=True)):
self._keras_inputs = []
self._keras_inputs_ids_and_indices = []
for i, ele in enumerate(self._flat_arguments):
if is_keras_tensor(ele):
kt_id = str(id(ele))
kt_index = i
self._keras_inputs_ids_and_indices.append((kt_id, kt_index))
# Wire up Node to Layers.
for kt in self.keras_inputs:
inbound_layer = kt._keras_history.layer
if inbound_layer is not None: # `None` for `Input` tensors.
# Set metadata on outputs.
node_index = len(self.layer._inbound_nodes) - 1
for i, tensor in enumerate(nest.flatten(outputs)):
tensor._keras_history = KerasHistory(
layer=layer, node_index=node_index, tensor_index=i)
# Cached for performance.
self.flat_input_ids = [str(id(t)) for t in self._keras_inputs]
self.flat_output_ids = [str(id(t)) for t in nest.flatten(self.outputs)]
def keras_inputs(self):
"""Tensors input to this node that can be traced back to a `keras.Input`."""
return self._keras_inputs
def parent_nodes(self):
"""Returns all the `Node`s whose output this node immediately depends on."""
node_deps = []
for kt in self.keras_inputs:
layer = kt._keras_history.layer
node_index = kt._keras_history.node_index
if layer is not None: # `None` for `Input` tensors.
return node_deps
def iterate_inbound(self):
"""Yields tuples representing the data inbound from other nodes.
tuples like: (inbound_layer, node_index, tensor_index, tensor).
for kt in self.keras_inputs:
keras_history = kt._keras_history
layer = keras_history.layer
node_index = keras_history.node_index
tensor_index = keras_history.tensor_index
yield layer, node_index, tensor_index, kt
def map_arguments(self, tensor_dict):
"""Maps Keras Tensors to computed Tensors using `tensor_dict`."""
if self._single_positional_tensor_passed:
# Performance optimization for most common case.
kt_id, _ = self._keras_inputs_ids_and_indices[0]
return (tensor_dict[kt_id].pop(),), {}
flat_arguments = copy.copy(self._flat_arguments)
for kt_id, kt_index in self._keras_inputs_ids_and_indices:
flat_arguments[kt_index] = tensor_dict[kt_id].pop()
args, kwargs = nest.pack_sequence_as((self.call_args, self.call_kwargs),
return args, kwargs
def serialize(self, make_node_key, node_conversion_map):
"""Serializes `Node` for Functional API's `get_config`."""
# Serialization still special-cases first argument.
args, kwargs = self.call_args, self.call_kwargs
inputs, args, kwargs = self.layer._split_out_first_arg(args, kwargs)
# Treat everything other than first argument as a kwarg.
arguments = dict(zip(self.layer._call_fn_args[1:], args))
kwargs = arguments
kwargs = nest.map_structure(_serialize_keras_tensor, kwargs)
json.dumps(kwargs, default=serialization.get_json_type)
except TypeError:
kwarg_types = nest.map_structure(type, kwargs)
logging.warning('Layer ' + +
' was passed non-JSON-serializable arguments. ' +
'Arguments had types: ' +
str(kwarg_types) + '. They will not be included '
'in the serialized model (and thus will be missing '
'at deserialization time).')
kwargs = {}
# `kwargs` is added to each Tensor in the first arg. This should be
# changed in a future version of the serialization format.
def serialize_first_arg_tensor(t):
if is_keras_tensor(t):
kh = t._keras_history
node_index = kh.node_index
node_key = make_node_key(, node_index)
new_node_index = node_conversion_map.get(node_key, 0)
data = [, new_node_index, kh.tensor_index, kwargs]
# If an element in the first call argument did not originate as a
# keras tensor and is a constant value, we save it using the format
# ['_CONSTANT_VALUE', -1, serializaed_tensor_or_python_constant]
# (potentially including serialized kwargs in an optional 4th argument
data = [_CONSTANT_VALUE, -1, _serialize_keras_tensor(t), kwargs]
return tf_utils.ListWrapper(data)
data = nest.map_structure(serialize_first_arg_tensor, inputs)
if not nest.is_sequence(data):
data = [data]
data = tf_utils.convert_inner_node_data(data)
return data
# Properties for Backwards compatibility.
# These only check the first input argument
# As nodes are internal, they may be removed in the future.
def input_tensors(self):
if self.is_input:
return [self.outputs] # Used in `Layer.input`.
return self.call_args[0]
def output_tensors(self):
if self.is_input:
return [self.outputs] # Used in `Layer.input`.
return self.outputs
def input_shapes(self):
input_shapes = nest.map_structure(backend.int_shape, self.input_tensors)
if len(input_shapes) == 1 and not self.is_input:
return input_shapes[0]
return input_shapes
def output_shapes(self):
return nest.map_structure(backend.int_shape, self.output_tensors)
def outbound_layer(self):
return self.layer
def inbound_layers(self):
if self.is_input:
return []
inbound_layers = nest.map_structure(lambda t: t._keras_history.layer,
return inbound_layers
class KerasHistory(
['layer', 'node_index', 'tensor_index'])):
"""Tracks the Layer call that created a Tensor, for Keras Graph Networks.
During construction of Keras Graph Networks, this metadata is added to
each Tensor produced as the output of a Layer, starting with an
`InputLayer`. This allows Keras to track how each Tensor was produced, and
this information is later retraced by the `keras.engine.Network` class to
reconstruct the Keras Graph Network.
layer: The Layer that produced the Tensor.
node_index: The specific call to the Layer that produced this Tensor. Layers
can be called multiple times in order to share weights. A new node is
created every time a Layer is called.
tensor_index: The output index for this Tensor. Always zero if the Layer
that produced this Tensor only has one output. Nested structures of
Tensors are deterministically assigned an index via `nest.flatten`.
# Added to maintain memory and performance characteristics of `namedtuple`
# while subclassing.
__slots__ = ()
def is_keras_tensor(obj):
return hasattr(obj, '_keras_history')
def _serialize_keras_tensor(t):
"""Serializes a single Tensor passed to `call`."""
if hasattr(t, '_keras_history'):
kh = t._keras_history
return [, kh.node_index, kh.tensor_index]
if isinstance(t, np.ndarray):
return t.tolist()
if isinstance(t, ops.Tensor):
return backend.get_value(t).tolist()
return t