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/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// Utilities for working with XLA shapes.
#include <vector>
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/statusor.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_data.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.pb.h"
namespace tensorflow {
// Convert an XLA Shape into the equivalent TensorFlow shape. May fail since
// not all XLA shapes can be represented as TensorShapes.
Status XLAShapeToTensorShape(const xla::Shape& shape,
TensorShape* tensor_shape);
// Convert a TensorShape into the equivalent XLA Shape proto. Unlike Tensorflow,
// XLA shapes include the type. Not all `dtype` values can be represented by
// XLA, so this conversion may fail.
Status TensorShapeToXLAShape(DataType dtype, const TensorShape& tensor_shape,
xla::Shape* shape);
// Converts a TensorShape into the equivalent XLA Shape proto, taking an
// xla::PrimitiveType to specify the element type. This never fails.
xla::Shape TensorShapeToXLAShape(xla::PrimitiveType type,
const TensorShape& tensor_shape);
// Convert a PartialTensorShape into the equivalent XLA Shape proto. An shape
// with unknown rank is represented by an r1 with empty dimension.
Status TensorShapeToXLAShape(DataType dtype,
const PartialTensorShape& tensor_shape,
xla::Shape* shape);
// Convert a PartialTensorShape into the equivalent XLA Shape proto. An shape
// with unknown rank is represented by an r1 with empty dimension.
xla::Shape TensorShapeToXLAShape(xla::PrimitiveType type,
const PartialTensorShape& tensor_shape);
// Given an XLA shape with layouts, builds a layout vector in the form able to
// be fed to ops like InfeedEnqueue/InfeedEnqueueTuple/XRTAllocateV2/....
// THe returned vector is a linearized sequence of the minor-to-major values of
// the layouts held within the input shape.
// In case the input shape is a tuple, the minor-to-major values will be in the
// order of the tuple elements within the tuple shape.
// If a shape (or a subshape of a tuple shape) has missing layout, a rank long
// sequence of -1 values will be emitted.
xla::StatusOr<std::vector<int>> GetShapeLayoutVector(const xla::Shape& shape);
// Given the input shape and a linearized sequence of the minor-to-major values
// of the layouts, create the output shape by rewriting the input shape layouts.
// If a layout is missing (has -1 values) for a matching tuple subshape, the
// layout_func will be called, if not nullptr.
Status GetShapeWithLayout(
const xla::Shape& input_shape, absl::Span<const int64> minor_to_major,
const std::function<xla::Layout(const xla::Shape&)>& layout_func,
xla::Shape* output_shape);
} // namespace tensorflow