Change xtensa optimized softmax to use precomputed lookup table for quantized exponent calculation. Use new memory API for softmax.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 311476576 Change-Id: I1026f6eca0e098c42f7b784ab599ed362dc533c9
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,16 +29,88 @@ namespace micro {
namespace activations {
namespace {
// TODO(b/141176180): This code is currently a strict subset of the portable
// implementation ( one directory up). When TFLM implements
// registrations for selective types (e.g. compile without float support), this
// can be removed. Otherwise, any HiFi specific optimizations should land here.
struct OpData {
uint16_t* exp_lut;
// Number of unique int8 and int16 values. Used in exponent lookup table
// conputation.
constexpr int kInt8Range =
std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max() - std::numeric_limits<int8>::min() + 1;
constexpr int kInt16Range =
std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() - std::numeric_limits<int16>::min() + 1;
// Each 16-bit precalculated exponent is expressed as a Q0.16 fixedpoint
// value. We special-case e^0 since 1.0 requires 1 integer bit to
// express.
constexpr int kExpFractionalBits = 16;
// e^0 expressed as Q1.15 exceeds the int16_t range, so it must be handled
// specially.
constexpr int kMaxExponentValue = (1 << kExpFractionalBits);
// Quantized softmax with int8 input and int16 output.
// TODO(b/155656675): Investigate removing const ref params.
inline TfLiteStatus Softmax(const OpData& op_data,
const RuntimeShape& input_shape,
const int8_t* input_data,
const RuntimeShape& output_shape,
int16_t* output_data) {
// The last dimension is depth. Outer size is the the total input size
// divided by depth.
const int trailing_dim = input_shape.DimensionsCount() - 1;
const int outer_size =
MatchingFlatSizeSkipDim(input_shape, trailing_dim, output_shape);
const int depth =
MatchingDim(input_shape, trailing_dim, output_shape, trailing_dim);
for (int i = 0; i < outer_size; ++i) {
int8_t max_in_row = std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::min();
for (int c = 0; c < depth; ++c) {
max_in_row = std::max(max_in_row, input_data[i * depth + c]);
uint32_t sum_of_exps = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < depth; ++c) {
TFLITE_DCHECK(max_in_row >= input_data[i * depth + c]);
uint8_t input_diff = max_in_row - input_data[i * depth + c];
sum_of_exps +=
input_diff == 0 ? kMaxExponentValue : op_data.exp_lut[input_diff];
// Ensure we cannnot overflow the full_range_output value. We need to
// guarantee that kInt16Range * max(input_data) / sum_of_exps < kInt16Range.
TFLITE_DCHECK(sum_of_exps >= kMaxExponentValue);
for (int c = 0; c < depth; ++c) {
uint8_t input_diff = max_in_row - input_data[i * depth + c];
// Special case for diff == 0
uint32_t unscaled_output =
input_diff == 0 ? kMaxExponentValue : op_data.exp_lut[input_diff];
int64_t scaled_output = static_cast<int64_t>(unscaled_output) *
int32_t full_range_output =
scaled_output / sum_of_exps + std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min();
// Round up if remainder exceeds half of the divider value.
uint32_t remainder = scaled_output % sum_of_exps;
if (remainder * 2 >= sum_of_exps) {
output_data[i * depth + c] = static_cast<int16_t>(std::max(
return kTfLiteOk;
} // namespace
TfLiteStatus CalculateSoftmaxOpData(TfLiteContext* context,
const TfLiteTensor* input,
TfLiteTensor* output,
const TfLiteSoftmaxParams* params,
SoftmaxParams* op_data) {
OpData* op_data) {
if (input->type == kTfLiteUInt8 || input->type == kTfLiteInt8) {
if (input->type == kTfLiteUInt8) {
TF_LITE_ENSURE_EQ(context, output->params.zero_point, 0);
@ -55,28 +127,30 @@ TfLiteStatus CalculateSoftmaxOpData(TfLiteContext* context,
static const int kScaledDiffIntegerBits = 5;
// Precompute e^(-x * input_scale * beta) for every possible int8 input.
// This computation is used for every iteration of Softmax. We must compute
// using pre-scaled inputs to avoid introducing additional error, while
// restricting our input range to the int8 range. This is valid since beta
// and input scale are constant for a given op in the graph. Skip index 0
// since that is a special case which requires 1 integer bit instead of 0.
for (int i = 1; i <= kInt8Range; i++) {
float scaled_input = i * input->params.scale;
float exp_value =
std::exp((-scaled_input) * static_cast<float>(params->beta));
int input_left_shift;
static_cast<double>(input->params.scale), kScaledDiffIntegerBits,
&op_data->input_multiplier, &input_left_shift);
op_data->input_left_shift = input_left_shift;
op_data->diff_min =
-1.0 * tflite::CalculateInputRadius(kScaledDiffIntegerBits,
float exponent_scaled =
std::round(exp_value * static_cast<float>(1 << kExpFractionalBits));
op_data->exp_lut[i] = static_cast<uint16_t>(exponent_scaled);
return kTfLiteOk;
} // namespace
void* SoftmaxInit(TfLiteContext* context, const char* buffer, size_t length) {
TFLITE_DCHECK(context->AllocatePersistentBuffer != nullptr);
void* data = nullptr;
if (context->AllocatePersistentBuffer(context, sizeof(SoftmaxParams),
&data) == kTfLiteError) {
if (context->AllocatePersistentBuffer(context, sizeof(OpData), &data) ==
kTfLiteError) {
return nullptr;
return data;
@ -92,26 +166,34 @@ TfLiteStatus SoftmaxPrepare(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node) {
TF_LITE_ENSURE(context, NumDimensions(input) >= 1);
TFLITE_DCHECK(node->user_data != nullptr);
SoftmaxParams* op_params = static_cast<SoftmaxParams*>(node->user_data);
OpData* op_data = static_cast<OpData*>(node->user_data);
// Allocate an array to precompute exponents over all int8 inputs, applying
// the scale and beta before calculating exp. It is mandatory to apply beta
// and scale here, since each softmax op may have different beta and scale
// values. Beta and scale will remain constant for a given softmax op.
void* allocated_ptr;
context, kInt8Range * sizeof(int16_t), &allocated_ptr));
op_data->exp_lut = static_cast<uint16_t*>(allocated_ptr);
CalculateSoftmaxOpData(context, input, output, params, op_params));
CalculateSoftmaxOpData(context, input, output, params, op_data));
return kTfLiteOk;
TfLiteStatus SoftmaxEval(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node) {
auto* op_params = static_cast<SoftmaxParams*>(node->user_data);
auto* op_data = static_cast<OpData*>(node->user_data);
const TfLiteTensor* input = GetInput(context, node, 0);
TfLiteTensor* output = GetOutput(context, node, 0);
if (input->type == kTfLiteInt8 && output->type == kTfLiteInt16) {
// TODO(b/155656675): Const ref params can be slow on xtensa.
*op_params, GetTensorShape(input), GetTensorData<int8_t>(input),
GetTensorShape(output), GetTensorData<int16_t>(output));
return kTfLiteOk;
return Softmax(*op_data, GetTensorShape(input),
GetTensorData<int8_t>(input), GetTensorShape(output),
} else {
TF_LITE_KERNEL_LOG(context, "Type %s (%d) not supported.",
TfLiteTypeGetName(input->type), input->type);
Reference in New Issue