Integrating comments from the 2nd code review round
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:private"])
licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0
load(":build_defs.bzl", "JAVACOPTS")
load(":src/gen/gen_ops.bzl", "java_op_gen_srcjar")
load(":src/gen/gen_ops.bzl", "tf_java_op_gen_srcjar")
load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_copts")
@ -44,8 +44,9 @@ filegroup(
name = "java_op_gen_sources",
gen_base_package = "org.tensorflow.op",
gen_tool = "java_op_gen_tool",
ops_libs = [
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ java_op_gen_srcjar(
# Build the gen tool as a library, as it will be linked to a core/ops binary
# file before making it an executable. See java_op_gen_srcjar().
# file before making it an executable. See tf_java_op_gen_srcjar().
name = "java_op_gen_tool",
srcs = glob([
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/init_main.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/util/command_line_flags.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/str_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op.h"
#include "tensorflow/java/src/gen/cc/op_generator.h"
@ -28,33 +29,53 @@ namespace op_gen {
const char kUsageHeader[] =
"\n\nGenerator of operation wrappers in Java.\n\n"
"This executable generates wrappers for all operations registered in the\n"
"ops file it has been linked to (i.e. one of the /core/ops/*.o binaries).\n"
"Generated files are output to the path provided as an argument, under\n"
"their appropriate package and using a maven-style directory layout.\n\n";
"This executable generates wrappers for all registered operations it has "
"been compiled with. A wrapper exposes an intuitive and strongly-typed\n"
"interface for building its underlying operation and linking it into a "
"Operation wrappers are generated under the path specified by the "
"'--output_dir' argument. This path can be absolute or relative to the\n"
"current working directory and will be created if it does not exists.\n\n"
"The '--lib_name' argument is used to classify the set of operations. If "
"the chosen name contains more than one word, it must be provided in \n"
"snake_case. This value is declined into other meaningful names, such as "
"the group and package of the generated operations. For example,\n"
"'--lib_name=my_lib' generates the operations under the "
"'org.tensorflow.op.mylib' package and add them to the 'myLib()' operator\n"
"Note that the operator group assigned to the generated wrappers is just "
"a annotation tag at this stage. Operations will not be available through\n"
"the Ops API as a group until the generated classes are compiled using an "
"appropriate annotation processor.\n\n"
"Finally, the '--base_package' overrides the default parent package "
"under which the generated subpackage and classes are to be located.\n\n";
} // namespace op_gen
} // namespace tensorflow
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
tensorflow::string ops_file;
tensorflow::string lib_name;
tensorflow::string output_dir;
tensorflow::string base_package = "org.tensorflow.op";
std::vector<tensorflow::Flag> flag_list = {
tensorflow::Flag("file", &ops_file,
"name of the ops file linked to this executable"),
tensorflow::Flag("output", &output_dir,
"base directory where to output generated files")
tensorflow::Flag("output_dir", &output_dir,
"Root directory into which output files are generated"),
tensorflow::Flag("lib_name", &lib_name,
"A name, in snake_case, used to classify this set of operations"),
tensorflow::Flag("base_package", &base_package,
"Package parent to the generated subpackage and classes")
tensorflow::string usage = tensorflow::op_gen::kUsageHeader;
usage += tensorflow::Flags::Usage(argv[0], flag_list);
bool parsed_flags_ok = tensorflow::Flags::Parse(&argc, argv, flag_list);
QCHECK(parsed_flags_ok && !ops_file.empty() && !output_dir.empty()) << usage;
tensorflow::port::InitMain(usage.c_str(), &argc, &argv);
QCHECK(parsed_flags_ok && !lib_name.empty() && !output_dir.empty()) << usage;
tensorflow::OpGenerator generator(tensorflow::Env::Default(), output_dir);
tensorflow::OpGenerator generator;
tensorflow::OpList ops;
tensorflow::OpRegistry::Global()->Export(true, &ops);
tensorflow::Status status = generator.Run(ops_file, ops);
tensorflow::Status status =
generator.Run(ops, lib_name, base_package, output_dir);
return 0;
@ -20,25 +20,46 @@ limitations under the License.
#include "tensorflow/java/src/gen/cc/op_generator.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace op_gen {
OpGenerator::OpGenerator(Env* env, const string& output_dir)
: env(env), output_path(output_dir + "/src/main/java/") {
string CamelCase(const string& str, char delimiter, bool upper) {
string result;
bool cap = upper;
for (string::const_iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it) {
const char c = *it;
if (c == delimiter) {
cap = true;
} else if (cap) {
result += toupper(c);
cap = false;
} else {
result += c;
return result;
} // namespace op_gen
: env(Env::Default()) {
OpGenerator::~OpGenerator() {}
Status OpGenerator::Run(const string& ops_file, const OpList& ops) {
const string& lib_name = ops_file.substr(0, ops_file.find_last_of('_'));
const string package_name =
str_util::StringReplace("org.tensorflow.op." + lib_name, "_", "", true);
Status OpGenerator::Run(const OpList& ops, const string& lib_name,
const string& base_package, const string& output_dir) {
const string package =
base_package + '.' + str_util::StringReplace(lib_name, "_", "", true);
const string package_path =
output_path + str_util::StringReplace(package_name, ".", "/", true);
output_dir + '/' + str_util::StringReplace(package, ".", "/", true);
const string group = op_gen::CamelCase(lib_name, '_', false);
if (!env->FileExists(package_path).ok()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Generating Java wrappers for \"" << lib_name << "\" operations";
LOG(INFO) << "Generating Java wrappers for '" << lib_name << "' operations";
// TODO(karllessard) generate wrappers from list of ops
return Status::OK();
@ -27,31 +27,23 @@ namespace tensorflow {
/// \brief A generator of Java operation wrappers.
/// Such generator is normally ran only once per executable, outputting
/// wrappers for the ops library it has been linked with. Nonetheless,
/// it is designed to support multiple runs, giving a different list of
/// operations on each cycle.
/// wrappers for the all registered operations it has been compiled with.
/// Nonetheless, it is designed to support multiple runs, giving a different
/// list of operations on each cycle.
class OpGenerator {
/// \brief Create a new generator, giving an environment and an
/// output directory path.
explicit OpGenerator(Env* env, const string& output_dir);
virtual ~OpGenerator();
/// \brief Generates wrappers for the given list of 'ops'.
/// The list of operations should be issued from the library whose
/// file name starts with 'ops_file' (see /core/ops/*.cc).
/// Generated files are output under this directory:
/// <output_dir>/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/java/op/<group>
/// where
/// 'output_dir' is the directory passed in the constructor and
/// 'group' is extracted from the 'ops_file' name
Status Run(const string& ops_file, const OpList& ops);
/// Output files are generated in <output_dir>/<base_package>/<lib_package>,
/// where 'lib_package' is derived from 'lib_name'.
Status Run(const OpList& ops, const string& lib_name,
const string& base_package, const string& output_dir);
Env* env;
const string output_path;
} // namespace tensorflow
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_copts")
# Then, combine all those source files into a single archive (.srcjar).
# For example:
# java_op_gen_srcjar("gen_sources", "gen_tool", [ "array_ops", "math_ops" ])
# tf_java_op_gen_srcjar("gen_sources", "gen_tool", [ "array_ops", "math_ops" ])
# will create a genrule named "gen_sources" that first generate source files:
# ops/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/op/array/*.java
@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_copts")
# and then archive those source files in:
# ops/gen_sources.srcjar
def java_op_gen_srcjar(name,
def tf_java_op_gen_srcjar(name,
gen_tools = []
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ def java_op_gen_srcjar(name,
# Construct an op generator binary for each ops library.
for ops_lib in ops_libs:
gen_lib = ops_lib[:ops_lib.rfind('_')]
out_gen_tool = out_dir + ops_lib + "_gen_tool"
@ -39,7 +42,10 @@ def java_op_gen_srcjar(name,
deps=[gen_tool, ops_libs_pkg + ":" + ops_lib + "_op_lib"])
gen_tools += [":" + out_gen_tool]
gen_cmds += ["$(location :" + out_gen_tool + ") --output=$(@D) --file=" + ops_lib]
gen_cmds += ["$(location :" + out_gen_tool + ")" +
" --output_dir=$(@D)/" + out_src_dir +
" --lib_name=" + gen_lib +
" --base_package=" + gen_base_package]
# Generate a source archive containing generated code for these ops.
gen_srcjar = out_dir + name + ".srcjar"
Reference in New Issue
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