[Grappler] New GraphView for mutating graphs with validation of node connectivity and better error handling.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 249051462
This commit is contained in:
Andy Ly 2019-05-20 08:15:24 -07:00 committed by TensorFlower Gardener
parent 241bc65d6b
commit ba6a8875dc
6 changed files with 6563 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -303,3 +303,71 @@ tf_cc_test(
name = "graph_view_internal",
hdrs = ["graph_view_internal.h"],
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
deps = [
name = "graph_view_internal_test",
srcs = ["graph_view_internal_test.cc"],
deps = [
name = "graph_view",
srcs = ["graph_view.cc"],
hdrs = ["graph_view.h"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
name = "graph_view_test",
srcs = ["graph_view_test.cc"],
deps = [

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/attr_value.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/graph.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/node_def.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/node_def_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/tensor_id.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/grappler/utils/graph_view_internal.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace grappler {
namespace utils {
class NodeView;
class GraphView;
// FaninView is a helper class to represent fanouts of a node. This holds a
// pointer to GraphView, the index of the node being represented from GraphView,
// and the input index (hence is labeled as Fanin).
class FaninView : public internal::NodeIndexAndPortIndex<NodeView, GraphView> {
FaninView() : NodeIndexAndPortIndex() {}
FaninView(GraphView* graph_view, int node_index, int port_index)
: NodeIndexAndPortIndex(graph_view, node_index, port_index) {}
FaninView(NodeView* node_view, int index);
friend class NodeView;
friend class GraphView;
// FanoutView is a helper class to represent fanins of a node. This holds a
// pointer to GraphView, the index of the node being represented from GraphView,
// and the output index (hence is labeled as Fanout).
class FanoutView : public internal::NodeIndexAndPortIndex<NodeView, GraphView> {
FanoutView() : NodeIndexAndPortIndex() {}
FanoutView(GraphView* graph_view, int node_index, int port_index)
: NodeIndexAndPortIndex(graph_view, node_index, port_index) {}
FanoutView(NodeView* node_view, int index);
friend class NodeView;
friend class GraphView;
// Immutable NodeView that keeps the constness of the NodeDef. This allows for
// lookups of fanins and fanouts, and traversals of the graph, but no mutations.
// No dedupping of fanins will be performed on the node to preserve it's
// constness.
class NodeView : public internal::NodeViewInternal<FaninView, FanoutView,
GraphView, true> {
using NodeViewInternal::NodeViewInternal;
~NodeView() override = default;
const NodeDef* node() const override;
// Checks if a fanin exists for the node.
bool HasFanin(const FanoutView& fanin) const override;
// Checks if a fanout exists for the node.
bool HasFanout(const FaninView& fanout) const override;
inline const FanoutView& GetMissingFanin() const override;
inline const std::vector<FaninView>& GetMissingFanout() const override;
absl::flat_hash_set<internal::NodeDefAndPortIndex> fanins_set_;
friend class FaninView;
friend class FanoutView;
friend class GraphView;
// Immutable GraphView that keeps the constness of the GraphDef. This allows
// for lookups and traversals of the graph, but no mutations.
class GraphView : public internal::GraphViewInternal<NodeView, FaninView,
FanoutView, true> {
explicit GraphView(const GraphDef* graph, Status* status);
~GraphView() override = default;
bool AddUniqueNodeInternal(const NodeDef* node);
Status CheckAndAddFaninsInternal(NodeView* node_view);
friend class NodeView;
class MutableNodeView;
class MutableGraphView;
class Mutation;
// MutableFaninView is a helper class to represent fanouts of a node. This holds
// a pointer to MutableGraphView, the index of the node from MutableGraphView
// being mutated, and the input index (hence is labeled as Fanin).
class MutableFaninView
: public internal::NodeIndexAndPortIndex<MutableNodeView,
MutableGraphView> {
MutableFaninView() : NodeIndexAndPortIndex() {}
MutableFaninView(MutableGraphView* graph_view, int node_index, int port_index)
: NodeIndexAndPortIndex(graph_view, node_index, port_index) {}
explicit MutableFaninView(MutableGraphView* graph_view, int node_index,
int port_index, int fanin_index)
: NodeIndexAndPortIndex(graph_view, node_index, port_index),
fanin_index_(fanin_index) {
// TODO(lyandy): Remove once constructor is not public.
DCHECK(port_index < 0 || port_index == fanin_index);
MutableFaninView(MutableNodeView* node_view, int index);
// Index of associated fanin in fanout's underlying MutableNodeView. For
// regular fanouts, this will be the same as port_index (index of the
// associated fanin in MutableNodeView::regular_fanins_). For controlled
// fanouts, this will be the index of the associated fanin in
// MutableNodeView::controlling_fanins_.
int fanin_index_ = internal::kMissingIndex;
friend class MutableNodeView;
friend class MutableGraphView;
friend class Mutation;
// MutableFanoutView is a helper class to represent fanins of a node. This holds
// a pointer to MutableGraphView, the index of the node from MutableGraphView
// being mutated, and the output index (hence is labeled as Fanout).
class MutableFanoutView
: public internal::NodeIndexAndPortIndex<MutableNodeView,
MutableGraphView> {
MutableFanoutView() : NodeIndexAndPortIndex() {}
MutableFanoutView(MutableGraphView* graph_view, int node_index,
int port_index)
: NodeIndexAndPortIndex(graph_view, node_index, port_index) {}
explicit MutableFanoutView(MutableGraphView* graph_view, int node_index,
int port_index, int fanout_index)
: NodeIndexAndPortIndex(graph_view, node_index, port_index),
fanout_index_(fanout_index) {}
MutableFanoutView(MutableNodeView* node_view, int index);
// Index of associated fanout in fanin's underlying MutableNodeView. For
// regular fanins, this will be the index of the associated fanout in
// MutableNodeView::regular_fanouts_by_port_[port_index]. For controlled
// fanins, this will be the index of the associated fanout in
// MutableNodeView::controlled_fanouts_.
int fanout_index_ = internal::kMissingIndex;
friend class MutableNodeView;
friend class MutableGraphView;
friend class Mutation;
// Mutable NodeView that holds a mutable NodeDef. This allows for lookups of
// fanins and fanouts, and traversals of the graph. Control dependencies will be
// dedupped among other control dependencies on initialization via
// MutableGraphView. Mutations should be handled via MutableGraphView and not
// directly on the mutable NodeDef.
class MutableNodeView
: public internal::NodeViewInternal<MutableFaninView, MutableFanoutView,
MutableGraphView, false> {
using NodeViewInternal::NodeViewInternal;
~MutableNodeView() override = default;
NodeDef* node() const override;
// Checks if a fanin exists for the node.
bool HasFanin(const MutableFanoutView& fanin) const override;
// Checks if a fanout exists for the node.
bool HasFanout(const MutableFaninView& fanout) const override;
inline const MutableFanoutView& GetMissingFanin() const override;
inline const std::vector<MutableFaninView>& GetMissingFanout() const override;
absl::flat_hash_map<internal::NodeDefAndPortIndex, int> fanins_count_;
absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, int> controlling_fanins_index_;
// Index of associated MutableNodeViewDiff in Mutation::updated_nodes_.
// If this is -1, there exists no MutableNodeViewDiff for this node.
int update_index_ = internal::kMissingIndex;
friend class MutableFaninView;
friend class MutableFanoutView;
friend class MutableGraphView;
friend class Mutation;
class MutationNewNode {
explicit MutationNewNode(Mutation* mutation, int mutation_counter, int index)
: mutation_(mutation),
index_(index) {}
const Mutation* mutation_;
const int mutation_counter_;
const int index_;
friend class Mutation;
// Mutation is a helper class that allows rewrites of MutableGraphView. This
// should not be initialized or be used directly.
// Note, if a node is renamed to another node, or a new node is created with the
// same name as an existing node, the node with the same name originally in the
// graph will be overwritten.
class Mutation {
// Create a new node to be added to the graph. If the node's fanins are not
// well formed (self loops, control dependencies between regular fanins), the
// `status` will be set.
MutationNewNode AddNode(NodeDef&& node, Status* status);
// Remove an existing node in the graph.
void RemoveNode(MutableNodeView* node);
// Update the name of an existing node.
void UpdateNodeName(MutableNodeView* node, absl::string_view name);
// Update the name of a new node.
void UpdateNodeName(const MutationNewNode& node, absl::string_view name);
// Update the op of an existing node.
void UpdateNodeOp(MutableNodeView* node, absl::string_view op);
// Update the op of a new node.
void UpdateNodeOp(const MutationNewNode& node, absl::string_view op);
// Update the device of an existing node.
void UpdateNodeDevice(MutableNodeView* node, absl::string_view device);
// Update the device of a new node.
void UpdateNodeDevice(const MutationNewNode& node, absl::string_view device);
// Add or replace regular fanin `fanin` at `index` for an existing node.
void AddOrUpdateRegularFanin(MutableNodeView* node, int index,
const TensorId& fanin);
// Add or replace regular fanin `fanin` at `index` for a new node.
void AddOrUpdateRegularFanin(const MutationNewNode& node, int index,
const TensorId& fanin);
// Remove regular fanin at `index` for an existing node.
void RemoveRegularFanin(MutableNodeView* node, int index);
// Remove regular fanin at `index` for a new node.
void RemoveRegularFanin(const MutationNewNode& node, int index);
// Add controlling fanin `fanin_node_name` for an existing node.
void AddControllingFanin(MutableNodeView* node,
absl::string_view fanin_node_name);
// Add controlling fanin `fanin_node_name` for a new node.
void AddControllingFanin(const MutationNewNode& node,
absl::string_view fanin_node_name);
// Remove controlling fanin `fanin_node_name` for an existing node.
void RemoveControllingFanin(MutableNodeView* node,
absl::string_view fanin_node_name);
// Remove controlling fanin `fanin_node_name` for a new node.
void RemoveControllingFanin(const MutationNewNode& node,
absl::string_view fanin_node_name);
// Add or replace attribute `attr_name` with `attr_value` for an existing
// node.
void AddOrUpdateNodeAttr(MutableNodeView* node, absl::string_view attr_name,
const AttrValue& attr_value);
// Add or replace attribute `attr_name` with `attr_value` for a new node.
void AddOrUpdateNodeAttr(const MutationNewNode& node,
absl::string_view attr_name,
const AttrValue& attr_value);
// Remove attribute `attr_name` for an existing node.
void RemoveNodeAttr(MutableNodeView* node, absl::string_view attr_name);
// Remove attribute `attr_name` for a new node.
void RemoveNodeAttr(const MutationNewNode& node, absl::string_view attr_name);
// Reset and clear mutation.
void Reset();
// Applies the Mutation to the graph. If the mutation is valid, the graph will
// be modified. Otherwise an error status will be returned and the graph will
// not be modified.
Status Apply();
explicit Mutation(MutableGraphView* graph_view);
void ResetInternal();
using MutableNodeViewDiff = internal::NodeViewDiff<MutableGraphView>;
void AddMutation(MutableNodeView* node,
std::function<void(MutableNodeViewDiff*)> mutate_fn);
MutableGraphView* graph_view_ = nullptr;
int mutation_counter_ = 0;
std::vector<MutableNodeViewDiff> updated_nodes_;
using MutationNewNodeHolder = internal::NewNode<MutableGraphView>;
std::vector<MutationNewNodeHolder> new_nodes_;
friend class MutableGraphView;
// Mutable GraphView that holds a mutable GraphDef. This allows for lookups and
// traversals of the graph. Control dependencies will be dedupped among other
// control dependencies on initialization. Mutations should be handled using
// this API instead of directly on the GraphDef/NodeDef.
// Note, after a mutation, pointers of MutableNodeView's from MutableGraphView
// may be invalidated.
class MutableGraphView
: public internal::GraphViewInternal<MutableNodeView, MutableFaninView,
MutableFanoutView, false> {
explicit MutableGraphView(GraphDef* graph, Status* status);
~MutableGraphView() override = default;
// Returns a Mutation (builder) that can be used to modify MutableGraphView.
Mutation* GetMutationBuilder();
bool AddUniqueNodeInternal(NodeDef* node);
Status CheckFaninsInternal(std::vector<std::vector<TensorId>>* fanins);
void AddFaninsInternal(std::vector<std::vector<TensorId>>* fanins);
// RenamedOrOverwrittenNode holds a index to Mutation::updated_nodes_ for a
// renamed node, alongside a potential overwritten node index in the actual
// graph. If the renamed node is not overwriting any existing nodes,
// `overwritten_node_index_` will be set to `internal::kMissingIndex`.
class RenamedOrOverwrittenNode {
RenamedOrOverwrittenNode(int renamed_update_index,
int overwritten_node_index)
: renamed_update_index_(renamed_update_index),
overwritten_node_index_(overwritten_node_index) {}
int renamed_update_index_;
int overwritten_node_index_;
friend class MutableGraphView;
Status GetNodeNamesAndPartitionUpdatedNodes(
absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, int>* node_names,
std::vector<RenamedOrOverwrittenNode>* renamed_nodes,
std::vector<int>* inplace_nodes,
std::vector<int>* empty_diff_node_indices);
Status RemovedOrMissingNodeFanoutsWellFormed(
const absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, int>& node_names,
const std::vector<RenamedOrOverwrittenNode>& renamed_nodes);
Status CheckNodeNamesAndFanins(
const absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, int>& node_names,
const std::vector<RenamedOrOverwrittenNode>& renamed_nodes,
const std::vector<int>& inplace_nodes);
Status CheckKernelRegisteredForNodes();
// Helper class to move fanouts around.
class NodeViewFanouts {
std::vector<std::vector<MutableFaninView>>&& regular_fanouts_by_port,
int num_regular_fanouts,
std::vector<MutableFaninView> controlled_fanouts)
: regular_fanouts_by_port_(std::move(regular_fanouts_by_port)),
controlled_fanouts_(std::move(controlled_fanouts)) {}
std::vector<std::vector<MutableFaninView>> regular_fanouts_by_port_;
int num_regular_fanouts_ = 0;
std::vector<MutableFaninView> controlled_fanouts_;
friend class MutableGraphView;
template <typename T>
void ReplaceNodeFanouts(MutableNodeView* node, T* fanouts);
void FixRenamedNodes(
std::vector<RenamedOrOverwrittenNode>* renamed_nodes,
absl::flat_hash_map<string, NodeViewFanouts>* renamed_fanouts,
std::vector<bool>* overwritten_name_removed_nodes);
void AddNewNodes(
absl::flat_hash_map<string, NodeViewFanouts>* renamed_fanouts,
std::vector<int>* new_node_indices);
void FixRenamedFanouts(
const absl::flat_hash_map<string, NodeViewFanouts>& renamed_fanouts);
inline void RemoveRegularFaninFanoutInternal(MutableNodeView* node_view,
int i);
inline void AddRegularFaninInternal(MutableNodeView* node_view,
const SafeTensorId& fanin_id);
inline void UpdateRegularFaninInternal(MutableNodeView* node_view,
const int i,
const SafeTensorId& fanin_id);
inline void RemoveControllingFaninFanoutInternal(MutableNodeView* node_view,
int i);
inline void RemoveControllingFaninInternal(
MutableNodeView* node_view, const std::set<int>& indices_to_remove);
inline void AddControllingFaninInternal(MutableNodeView* node_view,
absl::string_view fanin_node_name);
void ApplyNodeUpdates();
void SetNewNodesFanins(const std::vector<int>& new_node_indices);
inline void RemoveAllFaninFanoutInternal(MutableNodeView* node_view);
void RemoveNodesInternal(
const std::vector<RenamedOrOverwrittenNode>& renamed_nodes,
const std::vector<bool>& overwritten_name_removed_nodes);
inline Status ValidateInternal(
absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, int>* node_names,
std::vector<RenamedOrOverwrittenNode>* renamed_nodes,
std::vector<int>* inplace_nodes,
std::vector<int>* empty_diff_node_indices);
Status ApplyMutationInternal();
Mutation mutation_;
friend class MutableNodeView;
friend class Mutation;
} // namespace utils
} // namespace grappler
} // namespace tensorflow

View File

@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/hash/hash.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/attr_value.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/graph.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/node_def.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/node_def_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/tensor_id.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/map_util.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace grappler {
namespace utils {
namespace internal {
constexpr int kMissingSlot = -2;
constexpr int kMissingIndex = -1;
constexpr int kNodeNamePresent = -1;
// NodeIndexAndPortIndex is a helper class that represents fanins and fanouts
// of a node.
template <typename NodeViewT, typename GraphViewT>
class NodeIndexAndPortIndex {
: graph_view_(nullptr),
port_index_(kMissingSlot) {}
NodeIndexAndPortIndex(GraphViewT* graph_view, int node_index, int port_index)
: graph_view_(graph_view),
port_index_(port_index) {}
bool operator==(const NodeIndexAndPortIndex& other) const {
return port_index_ == other.port_index_ &&
node_index_ == other.node_index_ && graph_view_ == other.graph_view_;
template <typename Hash>
friend Hash AbslHashValue(Hash h, const NodeIndexAndPortIndex& n) {
return Hash::combine(std::move(h), n.node_index_, n.port_index_);
// Returns NodeView from `graph_view_` at `node_index_`.
NodeViewT* node_view() const {
if (graph_view_ == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return graph_view_->GetNode(node_index_);
// Returns node index in graph.
int node_index() const { return node_index_; }
// Returns input/output port index.
int index() const { return port_index_; }
GraphViewT* graph_view_;
int node_index_;
int port_index_;
// NodeDefAndPortIndex is a helper class that represents fanins hashed with
// pointer stability using the fanin's NodeDef.
class NodeDefAndPortIndex {
NodeDefAndPortIndex(const NodeDef* node_def, int port_index)
: node_def_(node_def), port_index_(port_index) {}
bool operator==(const NodeDefAndPortIndex& other) const {
return node_def_ == other.node_def_ && port_index_ == other.port_index_;
template <typename Hash>
friend Hash AbslHashValue(Hash h, const NodeDefAndPortIndex& n) {
return Hash::combine(std::move(h), n.node_def_, n.port_index_);
const NodeDef* node_def_;
int port_index_;
// NodeViewInternal is a helper class to simplify graph traversal. It creates
// a view of a node and associated fanins and fanouts from the NodeDef
// protocol buffer.
// There are two public classes implementing NodeViewInternal:
// - NodeView: constructed from `const NodeDef` and doesn't allow mutating the
// underlying node.
// - MutableNodeView: constructed from `NodeDef` and allows mutating the
// underlying node.
// --------------------------- !!! WARNING !!! ---------------------------------
// Modifying the node outside of implementations of NodeViewInternal
// (i.e. modifying inputs of the NodeDef directly) may leave the NodeView
// in an inconsistent/invalid state.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename FaninViewT, typename FanoutViewT, typename GraphViewT,
bool IsConst>
class NodeViewInternal {
using NodeDefT =
typename std::conditional<IsConst, const NodeDef, NodeDef>::type;
explicit NodeViewInternal(GraphViewT* graph_view, int node_index)
: graph_view_(graph_view),
attrs_(AttrSlice(graph_view->graph()->node(node_index))) {}
virtual ~NodeViewInternal() {}
bool operator==(const NodeViewInternal& other) const {
return node_index_ == other.node_index_ && graph_view_ == other.graph_view_;
template <typename Hash>
friend Hash AbslHashValue(Hash h, const NodeViewInternal& n) {
return Hash::combine(std::move(h), n.node_index_);
// Returns NodeDef of view.
virtual NodeDefT* node() const = 0;
// Returns index of node in GraphDef/GraphView.
int node_index() const { return node_index_; }
// Returns the name of the node.
const string& GetName() const { return node()->name(); }
// Returns the op of the node.
const string& GetOp() const { return node()->op(); }
// Returns the device set for the node.
const string& GetDevice() const { return node()->device(); }
// Returns all regular fanins, based on ordering in the node.
const std::vector<FanoutViewT>& GetRegularFanins() const {
return regular_fanins_;
// Returns a regular fanin based on input index. If no such fanin exist, a
// missing fanin is returned, with no NodeView set and an index of -2.
const FanoutViewT& GetRegularFanin(int i) const {
if (i < 0 || i >= regular_fanins_.size()) {
return GetMissingFanin();
return regular_fanins_[i];
// Returns all controlling fanins, based on ordering in the node.
const std::vector<FanoutViewT>& GetControllingFanins() const {
return controlling_fanins_;
// Returns all regular fanouts.
const std::vector<std::vector<FaninViewT>>& GetRegularFanouts() const {
return regular_fanouts_by_port_;
// Returns a regular fanout(s) based on output index. If no such output index
// exists, no fanouts will be returned.
const std::vector<FaninViewT>& GetRegularFanout(int i) const {
if (i < 0 || i >= regular_fanouts_by_port_.size()) {
return GetMissingFanout();
return regular_fanouts_by_port_[i];
// Returns all controlled fanouts.
const std::vector<FaninViewT>& GetControlledFanouts() const {
return controlled_fanouts_;
// Returns the number of regular fanins.
int NumRegularFanins() const { return regular_fanins_.size(); }
// Returns the number of controlling fanins.
int NumControllingFanins() const { return controlling_fanins_.size(); }
// Returns the number of regular fanouts.
int NumRegularFanouts() const { return num_regular_fanouts_; }
// Returns the number of controlled fanouts.
int NumControlledFanouts() const { return controlled_fanouts_.size(); }
// Checks if a fanin exists for the node.
virtual bool HasFanin(const FanoutViewT& fanin) const = 0;
// Checks if a fanout exists for the node.
virtual bool HasFanout(const FaninViewT& fanout) const = 0;
// Returns an attribute of the node by key. If no attribute for such key
// exists, a `nullptr` is returned.
const AttrValue* GetAttr(absl::string_view attr_name) const {
return attrs_.Find(attr_name);
// Returns all attributes of the node.
const AttrSlice& GetAttrs() const { return attrs_; }
// Returns the number of attributes in the node.
int NumAttrs() const { return attrs_.size(); }
// Checks if an attribute exist in the node.
bool HasAttr(absl::string_view attr_name) const {
return attrs_.Find(attr_name) != nullptr;
virtual inline const FanoutViewT& GetMissingFanin() const = 0;
virtual inline const std::vector<FaninViewT>& GetMissingFanout() const = 0;
std::vector<FanoutViewT> regular_fanins_;
std::vector<FanoutViewT> controlling_fanins_;
std::vector<std::vector<FaninViewT>> regular_fanouts_by_port_;
int num_regular_fanouts_ = 0;
std::vector<FaninViewT> controlled_fanouts_;
GraphViewT* graph_view_;
int node_index_;
AttrSlice attrs_;
// GraphViewInternal is a helper class to simplify graph traversal. It creates
// a view of the nodes and associated fanins and fanouts from the GraphDef
// protocol buffer.
// There are two public classes implementing GraphViewInternal:
// - GraphView: constructed from `const GraphDef` and doesn't allow mutating
// the underlying graph and its nodes.
// - MutableGraphView: constructed from `GraphDef` and allows mutating the
// underlying graph and its nodes.
// --------------------------- !!! WARNING !!! ---------------------------------
// Modifying the graph outside of implementations of GraphViewInternal
// (i.e. removing nodes from the GraphDef directly) may lead to
// segfaults! Guaranteed by absl::string_view!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename NodeViewT, typename FaninViewT, typename FanoutViewT,
bool IsConst>
class GraphViewInternal {
using GraphDefT =
typename std::conditional<IsConst, const GraphDef, GraphDef>::type;
explicit GraphViewInternal(GraphDefT* graph) : graph_(graph) {}
virtual ~GraphViewInternal() {}
bool operator==(const GraphViewInternal& other) const {
return graph_ == other.graph_;
GraphDefT* graph() const { return graph_; }
// Finds node by index in the graph. If no such node exists in the graph, a
// `nullptr` is returned.
const NodeViewT* GetNode(int node_index) const {
if (node_index < 0 || node_index >= nodes_.size()) {
return nullptr;
return &nodes_[node_index];
NodeViewT* GetNode(int node_index) {
if (node_index < 0 || node_index >= nodes_.size()) {
return nullptr;
return &nodes_[node_index];
// Finds node by name. If no such node exists in the graph, a `nullptr` is
// returned.
const NodeViewT* GetNode(absl::string_view node_name) const {
auto it = node_index_by_name_.find(node_name);
if (it == node_index_by_name_.end()) {
return nullptr;
return &nodes_[it->second];
NodeViewT* GetNode(absl::string_view node_name) {
auto it = node_index_by_name_.find(node_name);
if (it == node_index_by_name_.end()) {
return nullptr;
return &nodes_[it->second];
// Returns all nodes (as NodeView) in the graph.
const std::vector<NodeViewT>& GetNodes() const { return nodes_; }
// Checks if a node by name exists in the graph.
bool HasNode(absl::string_view node_name) const {
return node_index_by_name_.contains(node_name);
// Returns the number of nodes in the graph.
int NumNodes() const { return nodes_.size(); }
// Reset allocated node vector and node map in case of failure.
void Reset() {
absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, int>().swap(node_index_by_name_);
// nodes_[i] is a view of graph_.{mutable_}node(i).
std::vector<NodeViewT> nodes_;
absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, int> node_index_by_name_;
GraphDefT* graph_;
const FanoutViewT missing_fanin_;
const std::vector<FaninViewT> missing_fanout_;
inline SafeTensorId EmptyTensorId() {
return SafeTensorId("", internal::kMissingSlot);
inline bool IsEmptyTensorId(const TensorId tensor_id) {
return tensor_id.node().empty() &&
tensor_id.index() == internal::kMissingSlot;
// NodeViewDiff is a helper struct holding changes to be made to an existing
// node in GraphViewT. This should not be initialized or be used directly.
template <typename GraphViewT>
struct NodeViewDiff {
explicit NodeViewDiff(GraphViewT* graph_view, int node_index)
: graph_view(graph_view), node_index(node_index) {}
GraphViewT* graph_view;
int node_index;
bool removed = false;
string name;
bool update_name = false;
string op;
bool update_op = false;
string device;
bool update_device = false;
// Fanins to append after existing regular fanins.
std::vector<SafeTensorId> regular_inputs_to_add;
// Number of fanins to be appended. This is used for a quick comparison with
// `regular_inputs_to_add` for if there will be any missing inputs in the
// updated node.
int num_regular_inputs_to_add = 0;
// Fanins to update inplace.
std::map<int, SafeTensorId> regular_inputs_to_update;
// Fanins from end of regular fanins to remove. This keeps track of existing
// regular fanins in the original node to remove.
std::vector<bool> regular_inputs_to_remove;
// Number of fanins marked for removal. This is used for a quick comparison
// with `regular_inputs_to_remove` for if there will be any missing inputs
// in the updated node.
int num_regular_inputs_to_remove = 0;
absl::flat_hash_set<string> controlling_inputs_to_add;
std::set<int> controlling_inputs_to_remove;
absl::flat_hash_map<string, AttrValue> attrs_to_add;
absl::flat_hash_set<string> attrs_to_remove;
AttrValueMap processed_attrs;
// Sets node for removal via diff.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void SetRemoved(NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff, bool removed) {
diff->removed = removed;
// Updates node name. If `name` is the same as the name in the original node,
// the field will be cleared in the diff.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void UpdateName(NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff, absl::string_view name) {
if (diff->graph_view->GetNode(diff->node_index)->GetName() == name) {
diff->update_name = false;
} else {
diff->name = string(name);
diff->update_name = true;
// Updates node op. If `op` is the same as the op in the original node, the
// field will be cleared in the diff.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void UpdateOp(NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff, absl::string_view op) {
if (diff->graph_view->GetNode(diff->node_index)->GetOp() == op) {
diff->update_op = false;
} else {
diff->op = string(op);
diff->update_op = true;
// Updates node device. If `device` is the same as the device in the original
// node, the field will be cleared in the diff.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void UpdateDevice(NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff,
absl::string_view device) {
if (diff->graph_view->GetNode(diff->node_index)->GetDevice() == device) {
diff->update_device = false;
} else {
diff->device = string(device);
diff->update_device = true;
// Adds or updates value in vector `v` at index `i`. This will also resize the
// vector if index `i` is out of bounds, padding the vector with
// `default_value`. Returns true if a new value was appended or if an update
// occurred where an existing value was changed from `default_value`.
template <typename T, typename U>
inline bool AddOrUpdateAtIndex(std::vector<T>* v, int i, const U& value,
const T& default_value) {
if (i > v->size()) {
// Resize to include `value`, filling the newly introduced gap with
// `default_value` for later checks of validity (gaps in vector).
v->reserve(i + 1);
v->resize(i, default_value);
} else if (i == v->size()) {
// Vector is large enough, simply append `value` to the end.
} else {
// Update existing value.
bool updated = (*v)[i] == default_value;
(*v)[i] = {value};
return updated;
return true;
// Checks if a node with name `node_name` will exist in the final mutated graph.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline bool CheckNodeNameExists(
absl::string_view node_name,
const absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, int>& updated_node_names,
const GraphViewT* graph_view) {
auto it = updated_node_names.find(node_name);
if (it != updated_node_names.end()) {
return it->second == kNodeNamePresent;
return graph_view->HasNode(node_name);
// Adds or updates regular fanin at `index` of regular fanins. If `index` is
// less than the number of regular fanins in the original node, the fanin at
// `index` in the original node will be updated with `fanin` if the fanin
// differs. If `index` is greater than or equal to the number of regular fanins,
// `fanin` will be added beyond the end of regular fanins at `index`.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void AddOrUpdateRegularFanin(NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff, int index,
const TensorId& fanin) {
if (index < 0) {
// Not a valid index for regular fanins.
auto* node_view = diff->graph_view->GetNode(diff->node_index);
const int num_regular_fanins = node_view->NumRegularFanins();
if (index < num_regular_fanins) { // Updating existing fanins.
// Calculate (relative) index from end of regular fanins, from absolute
// index from beginning of regular fanins.
const int relative_removal_index = num_regular_fanins - index - 1;
// Check if at relative index fanin was already marked for removal.
if (relative_removal_index < diff->regular_inputs_to_remove.size() &&
diff->regular_inputs_to_remove[relative_removal_index]) {
// Unmark fanin for removal.
diff->regular_inputs_to_remove[relative_removal_index] = false;
const auto& existing_fanin = node_view->GetRegularFanin(index);
if (existing_fanin.index() != fanin.index() ||
existing_fanin.node_view()->GetName() != fanin.node()) {
// Update fanin if it is different from original fanin in node.
gtl::InsertOrUpdate(&diff->regular_inputs_to_update, index,
} else {
// Add fanin beyond current fanin range.
const int relative_add_index = index - num_regular_fanins;
if (AddOrUpdateAtIndex(&diff->regular_inputs_to_add, relative_add_index,
fanin, EmptyTensorId())) {
// New fanin was added.
// Remove regular fanin at `index` of regular fanins. This can remove existing
// fanins and updated/added fanins via AddOrUpdateRegularFanins.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void RemoveRegularFanin(NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff, int index) {
if (index < 0) {
// Not a valid index for regular fanins.
auto* node_view = diff->graph_view->GetNode(diff->node_index);
const int num_regular_fanins = node_view->NumRegularFanins();
if (index < num_regular_fanins) { // Removing existing fanins.
// Remove updated fanin if it exists.
// Calculate (relative) index from end of regular fanins, from absolute
// index from beginning of regular fanins.
const int relative_removal_index = num_regular_fanins - index - 1;
if (AddOrUpdateAtIndex(&diff->regular_inputs_to_remove,
/*value=*/true, /*default_value=*/false)) {
} else {
// Relative index from end of regular fanins.
const int relative_add_index = index - num_regular_fanins;
if (relative_add_index >= diff->regular_inputs_to_add.size() ||
IsEmptyTensorId(diff->regular_inputs_to_add[relative_add_index])) {
// At relative index, appended regular fanin was already marked for
// removal.
// Remove added fanin.
diff->regular_inputs_to_add[relative_add_index] = EmptyTensorId();
// Adds controlling fanin. If the controlling fanin already exists in the
// original node, it will be dedupped. If the controlling fanin is marked for
// removal, this will reverse it.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void AddControllingFanin(NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff,
int control_index,
absl::string_view fanin_node_name) {
if (control_index == kMissingIndex) {
} else {
// Remove controlling fanin. If the controlling fanin does not exist in the
// original node and diff, nothing will happen. If the controlling fanin exists
// in the diff, it will be removed. Otherwise the controlling fanin will be
// marked for removal from the original node.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void RemoveControllingFanin(NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff,
int control_index,
absl::string_view fanin_node_name) {
if (control_index == kMissingIndex) {
} else {
// Adds or updates an attribute by name. If an attribute exist in the original
// node or diff (including those marked for removal), this will overwrite it.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void AddOrUpdateAttribute(NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff,
absl::string_view attr_name,
const AttrValue& attr_value) {
gtl::InsertOrUpdate(&diff->attrs_to_add, string(attr_name), attr_value);
// Removes an attribute by name. If an attribute exist in the original node or
// diff, this will remove it.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void RemoveAttribute(NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff,
absl::string_view attr_name) {
auto* node_view = diff->graph_view->GetNode(diff->node_index);
if (node_view->HasAttr(attr_name)) {
// Removes trailing values in vector `v` for values equal to `value`.
template <typename T>
inline void ResizeByTrimmingEndForValue(std::vector<T>* v, const T& value) {
int curr_index = v->size();
const int last_index = v->size() - 1;
for (int i = last_index; i >= 0; --i) {
if ((*v)[i] == value) {
curr_index = i;
} else {
if (curr_index <= last_index) {
// Checks if any changes are set in the diff.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline bool IsEmpty(NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff) {
ResizeByTrimmingEndForValue(&diff->regular_inputs_to_remove, false);
ResizeByTrimmingEndForValue(&diff->regular_inputs_to_add, EmptyTensorId());
return !diff->removed && !diff->update_name && !diff->update_op &&
!diff->update_device && diff->regular_inputs_to_add.empty() &&
diff->regular_inputs_to_update.empty() &&
diff->regular_inputs_to_remove.empty() &&
diff->controlling_inputs_to_add.empty() &&
diff->controlling_inputs_to_remove.empty() &&
diff->attrs_to_add.empty() && diff->attrs_to_remove.empty();
// Resets and clears existing diff.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void Reset(NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff) {
diff->removed = false;
diff->update_name = false;
diff->update_op = false;
diff->update_device = false;
diff->num_regular_inputs_to_add = false;
std::map<int, SafeTensorId>().swap(diff->regular_inputs_to_update);
diff->num_regular_inputs_to_remove = 0;
absl::flat_hash_map<string, AttrValue>().swap(diff->attrs_to_add);
// Checks if changes to node will result in a valid node.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline bool IsWellFormed(
NodeViewDiff<GraphViewT>* diff,
const absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, int>& updated_node_names) {
ResizeByTrimmingEndForValue(&diff->regular_inputs_to_remove, false);
ResizeByTrimmingEndForValue(&diff->regular_inputs_to_add, EmptyTensorId());
if (diff->regular_inputs_to_add.size() != diff->num_regular_inputs_to_add) {
// Missing regular fanins in between appended fanins.
return false;
} else if (diff->num_regular_inputs_to_add > 0 &&
!diff->regular_inputs_to_remove.empty()) {
// Appending new fanins while removing existing fanins, resulting in missing
// regular fanins in between.
return false;
} else if (diff->regular_inputs_to_remove.size() !=
diff->num_regular_inputs_to_remove) {
// Regular fanins exist in between removed fanins.
return false;
auto* node_view = diff->graph_view->GetNode(diff->node_index);
const string& node_name =
diff->update_name ? diff->name : node_view->GetName();
auto invalid_node_name = [diff, updated_node_names,
node_name](absl::string_view fanin_node_name) {
return fanin_node_name == node_name ||
!CheckNodeNameExists(fanin_node_name, updated_node_names,
// Check if nodes of all updated and new fanins exist (from name) and if such
// fanins do not introduce self loops. Note, this will not check for if
// unmodified fanins exist.
if (diff->update_name) {
// If name of node was changed in node, check all fanins. Updated fanins are
// checked for existence and self loops. Unmodified fanins are checked for
// self loops.
// `regular_inputs_to_update`, `controlling_inputs_to_remove` are sorted,
// so iterators from these maps/sets can be incremented alongside iteration
// and be used for comparisons.
const int last_index =
node_view->NumRegularFanins() - diff->num_regular_inputs_to_remove - 1;
auto regular_to_update_it = diff->regular_inputs_to_update.begin();
for (int i = 0; i <= last_index; ++i) {
if (regular_to_update_it != diff->regular_inputs_to_update.end() &&
regular_to_update_it->first < i) {
if (regular_to_update_it != diff->regular_inputs_to_update.end() &&
regular_to_update_it->first == i) {
if (invalid_node_name(regular_to_update_it->second.node())) {
return false;
} else {
const string& regular_name =
if (regular_name == node_name) {
return false;
auto& controls = node_view->GetControllingFanins();
const int num_controls = controls.size();
auto control_to_remove_it = diff->controlling_inputs_to_remove.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < num_controls; ++i) {
if (control_to_remove_it != diff->controlling_inputs_to_remove.end() &&
*control_to_remove_it < i) {
if (control_to_remove_it != diff->controlling_inputs_to_remove.end() &&
*control_to_remove_it == i) {
// Control dependency marked for removal, can be ignored.
} else if (controls[i].node_view()->GetName() == node_name) {
return false;
} else {
// Name of node was not changed, check only updated fanins under the
// assumption prior fanins were valid.
for (const auto& updated : diff->regular_inputs_to_update) {
const string& fanin_name = updated.second.node();
if (invalid_node_name(fanin_name)) {
return false;
// Check appended regular fanins.
for (const auto& regular : diff->regular_inputs_to_add) {
if (invalid_node_name(regular.node())) {
return false;
// Check new controlling fanins.
for (const auto& control : diff->controlling_inputs_to_add) {
if (invalid_node_name(control)) {
return false;
return true;
// NewNode is a helper struct holding a new node to be added to a GraphViewT.
// This should not be initialized or be used directly.
template <typename GraphViewT>
struct NewNode {
explicit NewNode(GraphViewT* graph_view, NodeDef&& node)
: graph_view(graph_view), node(std::move(node)) {}
GraphViewT* graph_view;
NodeDef node;
std::vector<SafeTensorId> regular_fanins;
int num_regular_fanins = 0;
absl::flat_hash_set<string> controlling_fanins;
// Updates new node name.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void UpdateName(NewNode<GraphViewT>* new_node, absl::string_view name) {
if (name.empty()) {
} else {
// Updates new node op.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void UpdateOp(NewNode<GraphViewT>* new_node, absl::string_view op) {
if (op.empty()) {
} else {
// Updates new node device.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void UpdateDevice(NewNode<GraphViewT>* new_node,
absl::string_view device) {
if (device.empty()) {
} else {
// Adds or updates regular fanin at `index` of regular fanins in the new node.
// If another fanin already exists at `index`, it will be replaced with `fanin`.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void AddOrUpdateRegularFanin(NewNode<GraphViewT>* new_node, int index,
const TensorId& fanin) {
if (index < 0) {
// Not a valid index for regular fanins.
} else if (AddOrUpdateAtIndex(&new_node->regular_fanins, index, fanin,
EmptyTensorId())) {
// Remove regular fanin at `index` of regular fanins in the new node. This can
// remove existing fanins and updated/added fanins via AddOrUpdateRegularFanins.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void RemoveRegularFanin(NewNode<GraphViewT>* new_node, int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= new_node->regular_fanins.size() ||
IsEmptyTensorId(new_node->regular_fanins[index])) {
new_node->regular_fanins[index] = EmptyTensorId();
// Adds controlling fanin to new node.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void AddControllingFanin(NewNode<GraphViewT>* new_node,
absl::string_view fanin_node_name) {
// Removes controlling fanin to new node.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void RemoveControllingFanin(NewNode<GraphViewT>* new_node,
absl::string_view fanin_node_name) {
// Adds or updates an attribute by name to a new node.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void AddOrUpdateAttribute(NewNode<GraphViewT>* new_node,
absl::string_view attr_name,
const AttrValue& attr_value) {
gtl::InsertOrUpdate(new_node->node.mutable_attr(), string(attr_name),
// Removes an attribute by name to a new node.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline void RemoveAttribute(NewNode<GraphViewT>* new_node,
absl::string_view attr_name) {
// Checks if current state of new node is a valid node.
template <typename GraphViewT>
inline bool IsWellFormed(
NewNode<GraphViewT>* new_node,
const absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, int>& updated_node_names) {
ResizeByTrimmingEndForValue(&new_node->regular_fanins, EmptyTensorId());
if (new_node->regular_fanins.size() != new_node->num_regular_fanins) {
return false;
const string& node_name = new_node->node.name();
auto invalid_node_name = [new_node, updated_node_names,
node_name](absl::string_view fanin_node_name) {
return fanin_node_name == node_name ||
!CheckNodeNameExists(fanin_node_name, updated_node_names,
// Check if nodes of all fanins exist (from name) and if fanins do not
// introduce self loops.
for (const auto& regular : new_node->regular_fanins) {
if (invalid_node_name(regular.node())) {
return false;
for (const auto& control : new_node->controlling_fanins) {
if (invalid_node_name(control)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace utils
} // namespace grappler
} // namespace tensorflow

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff