Move linear algebra ops 'lu_solve', 'lu_inverse', and 'lu_reconstruct' from TensorFlow Probability to TensorFlow core.

Slightly refactor to avoid a circular dependence with

PiperOrigin-RevId: 264692711
This commit is contained in:
A. Unique TensorFlower 2019-08-21 14:27:58 -07:00 committed by TensorFlower Gardener
parent 4f6a4c080a
commit 02f4686aee
6 changed files with 490 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -407,5 +407,155 @@ class PinvTestStatic64CustomRcond(test.TestCase, _PinvTest):
use_default_rcond = False
def make_tensor_hiding_attributes(value, hide_shape, hide_value=True):
if not hide_value:
return ops.convert_to_tensor(value)
shape = None if hide_shape else getattr(value, "shape", None)
return array_ops.placeholder_with_default(value, shape=shape)
class _LUReconstruct(object):
dtype = np.float32
use_static_shape = True
def test_non_batch(self):
x_ = np.array([[3, 4], [1, 2]], dtype=self.dtype)
x = array_ops.placeholder_with_default(
x_, shape=x_.shape if self.use_static_shape else None)
y = linalg.lu_reconstruct(*, validate_args=True)
y_ = self.evaluate(y)
if self.use_static_shape:
self.assertAllEqual(x_.shape, y.shape)
self.assertAllClose(x_, y_, atol=0., rtol=1e-3)
def test_batch(self):
x_ = np.array([
[[3, 4], [1, 2]],
[[7, 8], [3, 4]],
], dtype=self.dtype)
x = array_ops.placeholder_with_default(
x_, shape=x_.shape if self.use_static_shape else None)
y = linalg.lu_reconstruct(*, validate_args=True)
y_ = self.evaluate(y)
if self.use_static_shape:
self.assertAllEqual(x_.shape, y.shape)
self.assertAllClose(x_, y_, atol=0., rtol=1e-3)
class LUReconstructStatic(test.TestCase, _LUReconstruct):
use_static_shape = True
class LUReconstructDynamic(test.TestCase, _LUReconstruct):
use_static_shape = False
class _LUMatrixInverse(object):
dtype = np.float32
use_static_shape = True
def test_non_batch(self):
x_ = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=self.dtype)
x = array_ops.placeholder_with_default(
x_, shape=x_.shape if self.use_static_shape else None)
y = linalg.lu_matrix_inverse(*, validate_args=True)
y_ = self.evaluate(y)
if self.use_static_shape:
self.assertAllEqual(x_.shape, y.shape)
self.assertAllClose(np.linalg.inv(x_), y_, atol=0., rtol=1e-3)
def test_batch(self):
x_ = np.array([
[[1, 2], [3, 4]],
[[7, 8], [3, 4]],
[[0.25, 0.5], [0.75, -2.]],
x = array_ops.placeholder_with_default(
x_, shape=x_.shape if self.use_static_shape else None)
y = linalg.lu_matrix_inverse(*, validate_args=True)
y_ = self.evaluate(y)
if self.use_static_shape:
self.assertAllEqual(x_.shape, y.shape)
self.assertAllClose(np.linalg.inv(x_), y_, atol=0., rtol=1e-3)
class LUMatrixInverseStatic(test.TestCase, _LUMatrixInverse):
use_static_shape = True
class LUMatrixInverseDynamic(test.TestCase, _LUMatrixInverse):
use_static_shape = False
class _LUSolve(object):
dtype = np.float32
use_static_shape = True
def test_non_batch(self):
x_ = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=self.dtype)
x = array_ops.placeholder_with_default(
x_, shape=x_.shape if self.use_static_shape else None)
rhs_ = np.array([[1, 1]], dtype=self.dtype).T
rhs = array_ops.placeholder_with_default(
rhs_, shape=rhs_.shape if self.use_static_shape else None)
lower_upper, perm =
y = linalg.lu_solve(lower_upper, perm, rhs, validate_args=True)
y_, perm_ = self.evaluate([y, perm])
self.assertAllEqual([1, 0], perm_)
expected_ = np.linalg.solve(x_, rhs_)
if self.use_static_shape:
self.assertAllEqual(expected_.shape, y.shape)
self.assertAllClose(expected_, y_, atol=0., rtol=1e-3)
def test_batch_broadcast(self):
x_ = np.array([
[[1, 2], [3, 4]],
[[7, 8], [3, 4]],
[[0.25, 0.5], [0.75, -2.]],
x = array_ops.placeholder_with_default(
x_, shape=x_.shape if self.use_static_shape else None)
rhs_ = np.array([[1, 1]], dtype=self.dtype).T
rhs = array_ops.placeholder_with_default(
rhs_, shape=rhs_.shape if self.use_static_shape else None)
lower_upper, perm =
y = linalg.lu_solve(lower_upper, perm, rhs, validate_args=True)
y_, perm_ = self.evaluate([y, perm])
self.assertAllEqual([[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]], perm_)
expected_ = np.linalg.solve(x_, rhs_[np.newaxis])
if self.use_static_shape:
self.assertAllEqual(expected_.shape, y.shape)
self.assertAllClose(expected_, y_, atol=0., rtol=1e-3)
class LUSolveStatic(test.TestCase, _LUSolve):
use_static_shape = True
class LUSolveDynamic(test.TestCase, _LUSolve):
use_static_shape = False
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ py_library(
srcs = [""],
srcs_version = "PY2AND3",
deps = [
@ -35,3 +36,18 @@ py_library(
name = "linear_operator_util",
srcs = [""],
srcs_version = "PY2AND3",
deps = [

View File

@ -29,8 +29,10 @@ from tensorflow.python.ops import check_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_linalg_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import linalg_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import map_fn
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import special_math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg import linear_operator_util
from tensorflow.python.util import dispatch
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export
@ -821,3 +823,296 @@ def pinv(a, rcond=None, validate_args=False, name=None):
a_pinv.set_shape(a.shape[:-2].concatenate([a.shape[-1], a.shape[-2]]))
return a_pinv
def lu_solve(lower_upper, perm, rhs, validate_args=False, name=None):
"""Solves systems of linear eqns `A X = RHS`, given LU factorizations.
Note: this function does not verify the implied matrix is actually invertible
nor is this condition checked even when `validate_args=True`.
lower_upper: `lu` as returned by ``, i.e., if `matmul(P,
matmul(L, U)) = X` then `lower_upper = L + U - eye`.
perm: `p` as returned by ``, i.e., if `matmul(P, matmul(L, U)) =
X` then `perm = argmax(P)`.
rhs: Matrix-shaped float `Tensor` representing targets for which to solve;
`A X = RHS`. To handle vector cases, use: `lu_solve(..., rhs[...,
tf.newaxis])[..., 0]`.
validate_args: Python `bool` indicating whether arguments should be checked
for correctness. Note: this function does not verify the implied matrix is
actually invertible, even when `validate_args=True`.
Default value: `False` (i.e., don't validate arguments).
name: Python `str` name given to ops managed by this object.
Default value: `None` (i.e., 'lu_solve').
x: The `X` in `A @ X = RHS`.
#### Examples
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
x = [[[1., 2],
[3, 4]],
[[7, 8],
[3, 4]]]
inv_x = tf.linalg.lu_solve(*, rhs=tf.eye(2))
tf.assert_near(tf.matrix_inverse(x), inv_x)
# ==> True
with ops.name_scope(name or 'lu_solve'):
lower_upper = ops.convert_to_tensor(
lower_upper, dtype_hint=dtypes.float32, name='lower_upper')
perm = ops.convert_to_tensor(perm, dtype_hint=dtypes.int32, name='perm')
rhs = ops.convert_to_tensor(rhs, dtype_hint=lower_upper.dtype, name='rhs')
assertions = _lu_solve_assertions(lower_upper, perm, rhs, validate_args)
if assertions:
with ops.control_dependencies(assertions):
lower_upper = array_ops.identity(lower_upper)
perm = array_ops.identity(perm)
rhs = array_ops.identity(rhs)
if (rhs.shape.rank == 2 and perm.shape.rank == 1):
# Both rhs and perm have scalar batch_shape.
permuted_rhs = array_ops.gather(rhs, perm, axis=-2)
# Either rhs or perm have non-scalar batch_shape or we can't determine
# this information statically.
rhs_shape = array_ops.shape(rhs)
broadcast_batch_shape = array_ops.broadcast_dynamic_shape(
d, m = rhs_shape[-2], rhs_shape[-1]
rhs_broadcast_shape = array_ops.concat([broadcast_batch_shape, [d, m]],
# Tile out rhs.
broadcast_rhs = array_ops.broadcast_to(rhs, rhs_broadcast_shape)
broadcast_rhs = array_ops.reshape(broadcast_rhs, [-1, d, m])
# Tile out perm and add batch indices.
broadcast_perm = array_ops.broadcast_to(perm, rhs_broadcast_shape[:-1])
broadcast_perm = array_ops.reshape(broadcast_perm, [-1, d])
broadcast_batch_size = math_ops.reduce_prod(broadcast_batch_shape)
broadcast_batch_indices = array_ops.broadcast_to(
math_ops.range(broadcast_batch_size)[:, array_ops.newaxis],
[broadcast_batch_size, d])
broadcast_perm = array_ops.stack(
[broadcast_batch_indices, broadcast_perm], axis=-1)
permuted_rhs = array_ops.gather_nd(broadcast_rhs, broadcast_perm)
permuted_rhs = array_ops.reshape(permuted_rhs, rhs_broadcast_shape)
lower = set_diag(
band_part(lower_upper, num_lower=-1, num_upper=0),
array_ops.shape(lower_upper)[:-1], dtype=lower_upper.dtype))
return linear_operator_util.matrix_triangular_solve_with_broadcast(
lower_upper, # Only upper is accessed.
lower, permuted_rhs),
def lu_matrix_inverse(lower_upper, perm, validate_args=False, name=None):
"""Computes the inverse given the LU decomposition(s) of one or more matrices.
This op is conceptually identical to,
inv_X = tf.lu_matrix_inverse(*
tf.assert_near(tf.matrix_inverse(X), inv_X)
# ==> True
Note: this function does not verify the implied matrix is actually invertible
nor is this condition checked even when `validate_args=True`.
lower_upper: `lu` as returned by ``, i.e., if `matmul(P,
matmul(L, U)) = X` then `lower_upper = L + U - eye`.
perm: `p` as returned by ``, i.e., if `matmul(P, matmul(L, U)) =
X` then `perm = argmax(P)`.
validate_args: Python `bool` indicating whether arguments should be checked
for correctness. Note: this function does not verify the implied matrix is
actually invertible, even when `validate_args=True`.
Default value: `False` (i.e., don't validate arguments).
name: Python `str` name given to ops managed by this object.
Default value: `None` (i.e., 'lu_matrix_inverse').
inv_x: The matrix_inv, i.e.,
`tf.matrix_inverse(tf.linalg.lu_reconstruct(lu, perm))`.
#### Examples
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
x = [[[3., 4], [1, 2]],
[[7., 8], [3, 4]]]
inv_x = tf.linalg.lu_matrix_inverse(*
tf.assert_near(tf.matrix_inverse(x), inv_x)
# ==> True
with ops.name_scope(name or 'lu_matrix_inverse'):
lower_upper = ops.convert_to_tensor(
lower_upper, dtype_hint=dtypes.float32, name='lower_upper')
perm = ops.convert_to_tensor(perm, dtype_hint=dtypes.int32, name='perm')
assertions = lu_reconstruct_assertions(lower_upper, perm, validate_args)
if assertions:
with ops.control_dependencies(assertions):
lower_upper = array_ops.identity(lower_upper)
perm = array_ops.identity(perm)
shape = array_ops.shape(lower_upper)
return lu_solve(
rhs=eye(shape[-1], batch_shape=shape[:-2], dtype=lower_upper.dtype),
def lu_reconstruct(lower_upper, perm, validate_args=False, name=None):
"""The reconstruct one or more matrices from their LU decomposition(s).
lower_upper: `lu` as returned by ``, i.e., if `matmul(P,
matmul(L, U)) = X` then `lower_upper = L + U - eye`.
perm: `p` as returned by ``, i.e., if `matmul(P, matmul(L, U)) =
X` then `perm = argmax(P)`.
validate_args: Python `bool` indicating whether arguments should be checked
for correctness.
Default value: `False` (i.e., don't validate arguments).
name: Python `str` name given to ops managed by this object.
Default value: `None` (i.e., 'lu_reconstruct').
x: The original input to ``, i.e., `x` as in,
#### Examples
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
x = [[[3., 4], [1, 2]],
[[7., 8], [3, 4]]]
x_reconstructed = tf.linalg.lu_reconstruct(*
tf.assert_near(x, x_reconstructed)
# ==> True
with ops.name_scope(name or 'lu_reconstruct'):
lower_upper = ops.convert_to_tensor(
lower_upper, dtype_hint=dtypes.float32, name='lower_upper')
perm = ops.convert_to_tensor(perm, dtype_hint=dtypes.int32, name='perm')
assertions = lu_reconstruct_assertions(lower_upper, perm, validate_args)
if assertions:
with ops.control_dependencies(assertions):
lower_upper = array_ops.identity(lower_upper)
perm = array_ops.identity(perm)
shape = array_ops.shape(lower_upper)
lower = set_diag(
band_part(lower_upper, num_lower=-1, num_upper=0),
array_ops.ones(shape[:-1], dtype=lower_upper.dtype))
upper = band_part(lower_upper, num_lower=0, num_upper=-1)
x = math_ops.matmul(lower, upper)
if (lower_upper.shape is None or lower_upper.shape.rank is None or
lower_upper.shape.rank != 2):
# We either don't know the batch rank or there are >0 batch dims.
batch_size = math_ops.reduce_prod(shape[:-2])
d = shape[-1]
x = array_ops.reshape(x, [batch_size, d, d])
perm = array_ops.reshape(perm, [batch_size, d])
perm = map_fn.map_fn(array_ops.invert_permutation, perm)
batch_indices = array_ops.broadcast_to(
math_ops.range(batch_size)[:, array_ops.newaxis], [batch_size, d])
x = array_ops.gather_nd(x, array_ops.stack([batch_indices, perm],
x = array_ops.reshape(x, shape)
x = array_ops.gather(x, array_ops.invert_permutation(perm))
return x
def lu_reconstruct_assertions(lower_upper, perm, validate_args):
"""Returns list of assertions related to `lu_reconstruct` assumptions."""
assertions = []
message = 'Input `lower_upper` must have at least 2 dimensions.'
if lower_upper.shape.rank is not None and lower_upper.shape.rank < 2:
raise ValueError(message)
elif validate_args:
check_ops.assert_rank_at_least_v2(lower_upper, rank=2, message=message))
message = '`rank(lower_upper)` must equal `rank(perm) + 1`'
if lower_upper.shape.rank is not None and perm.shape.rank is not None:
if lower_upper.shape.rank != perm.shape.rank + 1:
raise ValueError(message)
elif validate_args:
lower_upper, rank=array_ops.rank(perm) + 1, message=message))
message = '`lower_upper` must be square.'
if lower_upper.shape[:-2].is_fully_defined():
if lower_upper.shape[-2] != lower_upper.shape[-1]:
raise ValueError(message)
elif validate_args:
m, n = array_ops.split(
array_ops.shape(lower_upper)[-2:], num_or_size_splits=2)
assertions.append(check_ops.assert_equal(m, n, message=message))
return assertions
def _lu_solve_assertions(lower_upper, perm, rhs, validate_args):
"""Returns list of assertions related to `lu_solve` assumptions."""
assertions = lu_reconstruct_assertions(lower_upper, perm, validate_args)
message = 'Input `rhs` must have at least 2 dimensions.'
if rhs.shape.ndims is not None:
if rhs.shape.ndims < 2:
raise ValueError(message)
elif validate_args:
check_ops.assert_rank_at_least(rhs, rank=2, message=message))
message = '`lower_upper.shape[-1]` must equal `rhs.shape[-1]`.'
if (lower_upper.shape[-1] is not None and rhs.shape[-2] is not None):
if lower_upper.shape[-1] != rhs.shape[-2]:
raise ValueError(message)
elif validate_args:
return assertions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import linalg_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import variables as variables_module
from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg import linalg_impl as linalg
@ -489,13 +488,13 @@ def _reshape_for_efficiency(a,
# Any transposes/adjoints will happen here explicitly, rather than in calling
# code. Why? To avoid having to write separate complex code for each case.
if adjoint_a:
a = linalg.adjoint(a)
a = array_ops.matrix_transpose(a, conjugate=True)
elif transpose_a:
a = linalg.transpose(a)
a = array_ops.matrix_transpose(a, conjugate=False)
if adjoint_b:
b = linalg.adjoint(b)
elif transpose_b:
b = linalg.transpose(b)
b = array_ops.matrix_transpose(b, conjugate=True)
elif transpose_a:
b = array_ops.matrix_transpose(b, conjugate=False)
still_need_to_transpose = False
# Recompute shapes, since the transpose/adjoint may have changed them.

View File

@ -152,6 +152,18 @@ tf_module {
name: "lu"
argspec: "args=[\'input\', \'output_idx_type\', \'name\'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=[\"<dtype: \'int32\'>\", \'None\'], "
member_method {
name: "lu_matrix_inverse"
argspec: "args=[\'lower_upper\', \'perm\', \'validate_args\', \'name\'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=[\'False\', \'None\'], "
member_method {
name: "lu_reconstruct"
argspec: "args=[\'lower_upper\', \'perm\', \'validate_args\', \'name\'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=[\'False\', \'None\'], "
member_method {
name: "lu_solve"
argspec: "args=[\'lower_upper\', \'perm\', \'rhs\', \'validate_args\', \'name\'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=[\'False\', \'None\'], "
member_method {
name: "matmul"
argspec: "args=[\'a\', \'b\', \'transpose_a\', \'transpose_b\', \'adjoint_a\', \'adjoint_b\', \'a_is_sparse\', \'b_is_sparse\', \'name\'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=[\'False\', \'False\', \'False\', \'False\', \'False\', \'False\', \'None\'], "

View File

@ -152,6 +152,18 @@ tf_module {
name: "lu"
argspec: "args=[\'input\', \'output_idx_type\', \'name\'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=[\"<dtype: \'int32\'>\", \'None\'], "
member_method {
name: "lu_matrix_inverse"
argspec: "args=[\'lower_upper\', \'perm\', \'validate_args\', \'name\'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=[\'False\', \'None\'], "
member_method {
name: "lu_reconstruct"
argspec: "args=[\'lower_upper\', \'perm\', \'validate_args\', \'name\'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=[\'False\', \'None\'], "
member_method {
name: "lu_solve"
argspec: "args=[\'lower_upper\', \'perm\', \'rhs\', \'validate_args\', \'name\'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=[\'False\', \'None\'], "
member_method {
name: "matmul"
argspec: "args=[\'a\', \'b\', \'transpose_a\', \'transpose_b\', \'adjoint_a\', \'adjoint_b\', \'a_is_sparse\', \'b_is_sparse\', \'name\'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=[\'False\', \'False\', \'False\', \'False\', \'False\', \'False\', \'None\'], "